Environmental Scan of Existing Digital Health Solutions for Older
Adults Living with Neurocognitive Disorders (Mild and Major) and
Their Informal Caregivers: Summary Report
Ambily Jose
, Maxime Sasseville
1,2 b
, Ellen Gorus
3,4 c
, Anik Giguère
1,5 d
Anne Bourbonnais
, Samira Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi
7,8 f
, Ronald Buyl
and Marie-Pierre Gagnon
1,2 h
VITAM Research Center in Sustainable Health, Quebec City, Canada
Faculty of Nursing Sciences, Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada
Frailty in Ageing Research Group, Department of Gerontology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Geriatrics Department, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Department of Family and Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada
Faculty of Nursing, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada
Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Mila-Quebec AI Institute, Montreal, Canada
Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
anne.bourbonnais@umontreal.ca, samira.rahimi@mcgill.ca, ronald.buyl@vub.be, marie-pierre.gagnon@fsi.ulaval.ca
Keywords: Digital Health, Aging, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, Environmental Scan.
Abstract: Digital health has added numerous promising solutions to enhance the health and wellness of people living
with dementia and other cognitive problems and their informal caregivers. This work aims to summarize
currently available digital health solutions and their related characteristics to develop a decision support tool
for older adults living with mild or major neurocognitive disorders and their informal caregivers. We
conducted an environmental scan to identify digital health solutions from a systematic review and targeted
searches for grey literature covering the regions of Canada and Europe. Technological tools were scanned
based on a preformatted extraction grid. We assessed their relevance based on selected attributes. We
identified 100 available digital health solutions. The majority (56%) were not specific to dementia. Only 28%
provided scientific evidence of their effectiveness. Remote patient care, movement tracking and cognitive
exercises were the most common purposes of digital health solutions. Most solutions were presented as
mobility aid tools, pill dispensers, apps, web, or a combination of these platforms. This knowledge will inform
the development of a decision support tool to assist older adults and their informal caregivers in their search
for adequate eHealth solutions according to their needs and preferences, based on trustable information.
The prevalence of mild or major neurocognitive
disorders (NCDs) is expected to increase to 70 million
by 2030 and 139 million by 2050 (World Health
Organisation, 2021). In this paper, we use the
terminology “major neurocognitive disorders” instead
of dementia and “mild neurocognitive disorders” for
Jose, A., Sasseville, M., Gorus, E., Giguère, A., Bourbonnais, A., Rahimi, S., Buyl, R. and Gagnon, M.
Environmental Scan of Existing Digital Health Solutions for Older Adults Living with Neurocognitive Disorders (Mild and Major) and Their Informal Caregivers: Summary Report.
DOI: 10.5220/0011975600003476
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2023), pages 216-220
ISBN: 978-989-758-645-3; ISSN: 2184-4984
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
mild cognitive impairment, based on the DSM-5-TR
(American Psychiatric Association, 2022).
Over the past years, several digital health solutions
have been developed in Europe and Canada to enhance
the quality of life of older adults living with mild or
major NCDs (Ghani et al., 2022; Sixsmith, 2021).
Digital health solutions use information and
communication technologies to improve human health,
healthcare services, and wellness for individuals and
populations (Kostcova, 2015). They are mostly
behavioral-based health interventions delivered
through the Internet, mobile devices, electronic/digital
processes in communication, and related technologies
(Christie et al., 2018). These solutions mostly focus on
improving the independence and autonomy of people
living with NCDs, and providing knowledge and
assistance to primary caregivers. Thus, digital health is
considered a promising solution for older adults living
with mild or major NCDs (Hopwood et al., 2018). It is
important to get a comprehensive view of currently
available technologies and document their outcomes
and conditions of success to inform recommendations
regarding digital health solutions for this population.
Hence, this environmental scan is designed to identify
existing digital health solutions relevant for people
with mild or major NCDs and their informal caregivers
in Canada and Europe.
This environmental scan aims to identify digital
health solutions for older adults living with mild or
major NCDs and their informal caregivers and to
document their characteristics to inform the
implementation of such solutions in Europe and
Canada. The specific objectives are to:
Inventory digital health solutions for the targeted
populations available in Europe or Canada.
Summarize the characteristics of these digital
health solutions, including their features and
outcomes, implementation factors, and
conditions of success.
To achieve these objectives, we performed an
environmental scan. Although environmental scans
are gaining popularity in health research as a
methodological approach to examining a specific
health issue, there is no gold standard for this method
(Charlton et al., 2021). Environmental scan is
considered as an effective assessment and data
collection tool to analyze multifaceted issues, explore
a policy, appraise current evidence, and for planning
and decision making. For instance, an environmental
scan can identify the knowledge-to-action gap
meaningfully (Robinson et al., 2021). Several studies
have described the usefulness of environmental scans
for assessing community needs for program and
policy development (Kebede et al., 2021).
3.1 Search Strategy
We performed comprehensive bibliographic searches
to identify recent digital health solutions for older
people with mild or major NCD or dementia and their
informal caregivers. Initial data searches were done
through a systematic review by Dequanter et al.
(2021), and were updated (until September 2022) by
two research assistants (one in Quebec and one in
Flanders) by gathering all available digital health
solutions in their respective jurisdictions (Canada and
Europe) through databases and web searches. We
identified solutions that were then reviewed by
experienced investigators (MPG, MS, RB).
3.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Included digital health solutions have the purpose to
support and/or improve health and well-being in the
daily life of the targeted populations such as apps
providing information about health or services, mental
exercises and games, virtual assessments, etc.; are
produced within the last five years (so as of January
2018 up to the date of the search in 2022) and are
available in Europe or Canada. We included relevant
solutions provided by any public or private entity, free
of charge or those requiring some payment.
Digital health solutions that are not currently
available or for which we cannot confirm availability
were excluded. Solutions that are only available in
languages other than English, French or Dutch were
also excluded.
3.3 Data Extraction
We used an extraction grid to document the
characteristics of digital health solutions, based on the
main attributes identified through the qualitative
component of the larger research project (Dequanter
et al., 2021). Collected information included:
solution’s name, purpose, software used, target
population, domain, features, geographic availability,
summary of the invention, scientific evidence of
impacts and evidence details, primary author or
Environmental Scan of Existing Digital Health Solutions for Older Adults Living with Neurocognitive Disorders (Mild and Major) and
Their Informal Caregivers: Summary Report
company contact information (email and phone
number). We piloted the extraction grid on a sample
of five solutions. Then, one author (AJ) did the
extraction for all identified technologies, and another
author (MS or MPG) checked for accuracy.
3.4 Data Analysis
We gathered detailed information based on selected
attributes and listed all available digital health
solutions for the targeted populations in Europe and
Canada. This provided data for the first objective.
Then, we analyzed each technology based on the
selected attributes, synthesized quantitative and quali-
tative data, and triangulated the results to understand
implementation factors and conditions of success.
We used a narrative approach with charts and figures
to summarize the results according to the key
characteristics of the technological solutions.
Classifying digital health solutions based on their
main function reveals their importance for patients
and informal caregivers and their documented
advantages, implications, and potential drawbacks.
4.1 Geographical Availability
We identified 100 distinct digital solutions available
in Canada, Belgium, the UK, Germany, the
Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden (Figure 1). A
larger proportion of solutions in our sample are from
Belgium and Canada.
Figure 1: Distribution of the countries where digital health
solutions are available.
4.2 Target Population
Most digital health solutions target older adults in
general (56%), while 17% of the solutions are
specifically for older people with NCDs and their
informal caregivers. However, 23% of solutions are
applicable to all age groups.
4.3 Available Evidence
We considered scientific evidence supporting digital
health interventions and found that most solutions do
not have any evidence of their effectiveness. Only 28
of the 100 solutions identified present scientific
evidence of their effectiveness, most often based on
clinical trials. Other types of evidence, such as media
releases, awards and recognitions, user reviews, and
feedback are available for 34 solutions. However, no
supporting scientific or non-scientific evidence is
reported for the remaining 38 solutions.
4.4 Purpose
As seen in Figure 2, classification based on their main
purpose shows most digital health solutions are for
remote patient care (23), cognitive exercise (20) or
tracking movements (17). Twelve solutions aim at
fall prevention, and 10 offer alert and security
functions. The other types of solutions offer decision
support (2) and robotic interactions (2).
Figure 2: Purpose of digital health solutions.
4.5 Technological Support
This parameter defines the technology platforms the
solutions are based on. There are 6 main categories of
platforms (Table 1) that are shortly described below.
Table 1: Types of platforms and number of solutions.
Type of platform used Number of solutions
Mobility aid tool 25
Mobility aid tool + App 10
App 21
Pill dispenser + App 14
Web 9
Web + App 17
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Mobility Aid Tool: Healthcare mobility support is
used for neuromuscular rehabilitation of patients with
mobility challenges. It uses wearable technology
solutions and walker sensors for neuromuscular
rehabilitation for patients with brain injury,
neurological disorders, or mobility challenges. They
function autonomously using their sensory capability,
thus not requiring external input. These solutions are
user-friendly, affordable, and relevant for people with
Mobility Aid Tool and App: This category is an
extension of the former and includes Aid tool and
App. These are useful for older adults who require
personalized rehabilitation plans. They help in early
complication identification as app is useful for daily
remote medical care. Exercise videos with a system
to provide feedback are also included in this category.
App: This category includes mobile systems that help
to ensure client safety, for instance by keeping track
of the person’s movements. An example is an
electronic door opener that is activated by a key app
to allow easy access to the person’s home for
caregivers and family members. These solutions are
generally easy to use, safe and acceptable as the client
determines who gets access to their information.
Pill Dispenser and App: Electronic pill dispenser
technology helps people with cognitive problems
who require regular medicine by providing helpful
reminders through chimes and lights, and phone or
text alerts to remind the person of any delay in taking
their medication. This is facilitated by the
coordination with pharmacy and care teams by pre-
set pill bottles to alert and message medication
schedules. It also allows integration with healthcare
professionals and pharmacies for real-time tracking
and updates. No technical skills are required for easy
usage. However, this solution is specific to pills and
will not work with injections, drops, inhalers, etc.,
and is available only through partner pharmacies.
Web: Remote patient monitoring can be performed
by using secure web tools. For these types of
solutions, a case manager often coordinates the care
plan and ensures the proper functioning of the
network. Supporting functions for patients and their
relatives are coordinated through a web portal for
primary care coordination and support service for
palliative care.
Web and App: The addition of mobile apps to the
previous category allows for extended coverage and
functionalities. Tracking is facilitated and
coordination of care is improved. These solutions are
notably useful to support mobility of people with
cognitive problems.
Studies often mention that eHealth technology
utilization has changed the way people live in and out
of their homes. For older people with mild or major
NCDs, supporting cognitive functions, activities of
daily living, and safety can promote their autonomy
and independence (Malinowski et al., 2010; Irazoki et
al., 2020). Based on the available technology
reviewed, pill dispensers and apps remind people
with dementia to take their medications on time, offer
cognitive exercises that can limit memory problems,
and mobile applications that may assist in activities
like cooking or self-management skills. Other digital
health solutions offer safety or social support by
connecting the person with family members and
caregivers. Interactive devices such as socially
assistive robots, may offer time orientation, stimulate
alertness, communication and entertainment, and
alleviate feelings of loneliness.
Although digital health technologies offer many
benefits, they can also sometimes challenge and
trouble some older adults with NCDs (Guisado-
Fernández et al., 2019). Some technologies do not
exactly meet these people's needs although they claim
effectiveness. In fact, no study clearly analyzed how
the technology is used by people with NCDs in their
daily activities. Therefore, more studies are required
to monitor usage, usability, effectiveness and barriers
related to the uptake of these solutions by people with
dementia or other NCDs and their informal
This environmental scan allowed identifying current
digital health solutions for older adults with mild or
major neurocognitive disorders and their informal
caregivers. Based on the features of these solutions, it
seems possible to design an effective decision-
making tool that could support them when deciding
to use such technology. Findings from the
environmental scan highlight the need for additional
approaches to strengthen digital health interventions
for the well-being of dementia patients and their
informal and formal healthcare providers.
Environmental Scan of Existing Digital Health Solutions for Older Adults Living with Neurocognitive Disorders (Mild and Major) and
Their Informal Caregivers: Summary Report
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ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health