Enhancing Interoperability of Digital Twins Based on Digital Twins
Definition Language
Salvatore Cavalieri
and Salvatore Gambadoro
Department of Electrical Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Catania, Catania-95125, Italy
Keywords: Interoperability, Digital Twin, DTDL, OPC UA, Industry 4.0.
Abstract: The Industry 4.0 is featured by a continuously-evolving digital transformation, aiming to automate all the
traditional industrial practices. Digital Twin is one of the most important solutions to reach this aim. Among
the standards currently available to realize Digital Twins there is the Digital Twins Definition Language.
Digital Twin requires exchange of data with the real system it models and with other applications which use
the digital replica of the system. In the context of Industry 4.0, a reference standard for an interoperable
exchange of information between applications, is Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture. The
idea behind the paper is to exploit this standard to allow a Digital Twin based on Digital Twins Definition
Language to exchange data with any applications compliant to the Open Platform Communications Unified
Architecture. A proposal about the mapping from Digital Twins Definition Language to Open Platform
Communications Unified Architecture will be presented and discussed in this paper.
Industry 4.0 is featured by a continuously-evolving
digital transformation, aiming to automate all the
traditional industrial practices. Among the several
solutions to reach this aim, there is the Digital Twin
(DT), bringing as much of the equipment from the
physical space into the virtual domain. Digital Twins
emerged as an experimental technology set to enable
replication of elements, functions, operations and
dynamics of physical systems into digital world, with
better control at testing, analysis, prediction and
hazard prevention for sensitive processes (Mihai,
2022; Rocha, 2022).
Digital Twins are used in different industrial
settings, including health surveillance, agriculture,
smart cities, smart grids, manufacturing,
meteorology, education and automobiles. Digital
Twins support the development of production
processes making them reliable and flexible, enabling
to visualise, monitor and optimize processes (Mihai,
2022; Rocha, 2022; Rasheed, 2020).
Different organisations are currently working
aiming to standardize Digital Twin definition,
interoperability and how to interact with these Digital
Twins. Two notable projects in this area are the Asset
Administration Shell (AAS) (Plattform Industrie 4.0,
2020; Pribiš, 2021; Jacoby, 2020) and the Digital
Twin Definition Language (DTDL) (DTDL, 2023).
The DTDL was born as an open source initiative by
Microsoft and it is already used in many commercial
services offered by Microsoft like IoT Hub, IoT
Central, and Azure Digital Twins (Jacoby, 2020;
DTDL, 2023).
One of the main features of a Digital Twin is the
communication with the physical world, from which
a Digital Twin must receive the current state (e.g.,
collection of data measured by sensors). At the same
time, a Digital Twin may have the need to exchange
data with different applications in order to realize
particular processes according to the aims to be
reached (e.g., monitoring, testing, analysis,
prediction, maintenance). Finally, the output data
produced as a result of the processes done by the
Digital Twin must be sent to the physical system for
which it realizes a replica. For this reason, data
exchange must be considered an important part of a
Digital Twin; without data exchange, most of
functions of a Digital Twin could not be realized (Qi,
2018). Interoperability of the data exchange seems a
Cavalieri, S. and Gambadoro, S.
Enhancing Interoperability of Digital Twins Based on Digital Twins Definition Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0011981000003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 741-748
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
very important requirement, allowing a Digital Twin
to communicate with a multitude of physical systems
and applications.
Interoperability between applications is
considered one of the main goals of Industry 4.0
(Liao, Ramos, et ali. 2017; Liao, Deschamps, et ali.
2017; Lelli, 2019). Open Platform Communications
Unified Architecture (OPC UA), is considered one of
the main reference standards for an interoperable
exchange of information between applications inside
Industry 4.0 (Ladegourdie, 2022; Ferrari, 2018;
González, 2019). The OPC UA is based on two
communication models: client/server and
publish/subscribe; a comprehensive information
model allows to represent data and the relevant
The idea behind the paper is to enhance the
interoperability of a Digital Twin through integration
into the OPC UA domain. Figure 1 shows a Digital
Twin exchanging data with the real system it models,
and with applications using the DT. Data exchange
with applications based on OPC UA communication
system may be enabled through a solution able to map
the entire set of information maintained by a Digital
Twin into the OPC UA domain. Mapping should
include every semantic aspect of the Digital Twin, in
order to really enable an interoperable data exchange
between the two domains. The proposal presented in
this paper is based on the definition of a custom OPC
UA information model able to realize this mapping.
Figure 1 shows only an example of interoperability;
in this example, the information model of the OPC
UA Server shown by Figure 1, is able to represent
each element of the Digital Twin in the OPC UA
domain, making available the Digital Twin and its
relevant content to whatever application based on
OPC UA client role. The mapping solution here
presented enables a Digital Twin to have a
counterpart in the OPC UA domain; each information
(including semantic) maintained in a Digital Twin can
be accessed by a plethora of OPC UA-compliant
Figure 1: Graphical representation of the proposal.
Among the available Digital Twins, the Digital
Twin Definition Language model will be considered
in this proposal. The definition of a custom data
structures in the OPC UA information model, able to
represent each element of the original DTDL-based
Digital Twin, will be introduced in this work. The
proposed mapping has been implemented in order to
be validated; the relevant implementation and
validation will be introduced in the paper.
Current literature provides a lot of publications about
the use of OPC UA information model to structure
and expose data coming from different domains of
interest in order to achieve fully interoperability.
Considering mapping between Digital Twin and
OPC UA, several proposals are also present in the
current literature. Mapping of AAS to OPC UA is
proposed by (Cavalieri, 2020). Another example of
integration of AAS with OPC UA is given by (Arm,
2021). Integration of AAS and OPC UA is also
subject of the official specifications (Plattform
Industrie 4.0, 2020; OPC 30270, 2023), which define
an OPC UA model to expose AAS information to
OPC UA applications.
To the best of authors’ knowledge, considering
the integration of DTDL with OPC UA, only the
software solution, called OPCUA2DTDL
(OPCUA2DTDL, 2023), is currently available. This
solution aims to convert an OPC UA information
model into DTDL constructs; a DTDL digital model
can be built starting from its definition based on OPC
UA specification. The main limit of this solution is
that mapping in the opposite direction is not allowed.
In other terms, given an already defined DTDL-based
Digital Twin is not possible to achieve its counterpart
in the OPC UA domain. Introduction pointed out that
the paper has this aim, proposing an integration able
to map a Digital Twin realised by DTDL into OPC
UA information model. This is a very important
consideration which allows to point out the originality
of the proposed solution made in this paper.
The OPC UA provides a semantically enriched
information model in order to represent data. The
OPC UA Information Model allows a server to
expose information to clients; publish/subscribe
Data from
real system
using DT
Digital Twin
OPC UA domain
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
communication model is based on the same
information model used for the client/server
communication model.
The OPC UA Information Model is organized by
OPC UA Nodes grouped together to compose the so-
called OPC UA AddressSpace (Mahnke, 2009; OPC
Unified Architecture Part 3, 2023; OPC Unified
Architecture Part 5, 2023).
Each OPC UA Node belongs to a class named
NodeClass. In (OPC Unified Architecture Part 3,
2023; OPC Unified Architecture Part 5, 2023) it is
possible to have detailed information about the OPC
UA NodeClasses.
OPC UA defines standard graphical
representation for OPC UA NodeClasses. The reader
should refer to Annex C of (OPC Unified
Architecture Part 3) to have a complete description of
this representation, which will be used in this paper.
The Digital Twins Definition Language (DTDL)
(DTDL, 2023) is a formalism capable of describing
Digital Twin devices and assets. DTDL uses JSON-
LD (JSON-LD, 2023).
According to DTDL, the structure and behaviour
of a Digital Twin is fully described by six classes of
metamodels: Interface, Telemetry, Property, Control,
Relationship and Component.
Every resource is modelled by an interface which
can contain a set of telemetry, properties, commands,
relationship and components. Telemetry describes
data emitted by a resource, whether it is a regular
stream of sensor readings or a calculated data stream;
Telemetry does not store any data.
Properties define values within a Digital Twin;
these values can be read-only or have read and write
states. Properties have a backing storage.
Commands correspond to functions that can be
invoked with optional input and output parameters.
Relationship describes a link to another digital twin
and makes it possible to create graphs of digital twins.
Component models the entities that exist in the DT,
including sensors, gateways, and digital systems.
As it was pointed out in Section 2, literature provides a
lot of publications featuring the use of OPC UA
Information Model to structure and expose information
coming from different domains of interest. The reader
may refer to (Cavalieri, Salafia, 2020) to have an
overview of the common practices adopted when OPC
UA Information Model is used to model a generic
system. In this proposal, these common practices have
been taken into account to map the DTDL metamodel
classes into OPC UA Information Model; in particular,
custom OPC UA types have been defined through an
extension of the current OPC UA Information Model,
able to represents the DTDL metamodel classes and the
relevant properties.
The following subsections will present the
mapping of the six DTDL metamodels classes,
introducing the custom OPC UA types defined to
realize the proposal.
5.1 Interface
It has been assumed to map the Interface class with a
custom OPC UA ObjectType, called
DTDLInterfaceType. Some of the attributes of this
type were used to represent a subset of the properties
of the Interface class. Other properties of Interface
class were mapped using OPC UA Nodes connected
to the OPC UA DTDLInterfaceType ObjectType, as
shown by Figure 2.
Figure 2: OPC UA DTDLInterfaceType.
Among the DTDL properties of the Interface class
there is the property “contents”, which allows to
define a set of objects representing the contents of an
Interface; these objects belong to the other DTDL
classes (i.e., telemetry, properties, commands,
relationship and components). In order to map this set
Enhancing Interoperability of Digital Twins Based on Digital Twins Definition Language
of objects, a particular folder (named Contents in
Figure 2) is used. It contains several other folders (i.e.
Telemetries, Properties, Commands, Relationships
and Components), each of which organizes the OPC
UA Nodes used to represent the other DTDL classes;
the relevant mappings will be described in the
following subsections.
Another DTDL property is called “schemas”; it
represents the set of reusable data types which are
used in a digital twin interface. In OPC UA the
DataType NodeClass may be used to define the
representation of the DTDL data types. The OPC UA
FolderType Object called Schemas, shown in Figure
2, has been used to organize the OPC UA Property
Nodes, each containing the description of the OPC
UA DataType mapping the DTDL schemas featured
by the current interface.
Another folder present in Figure 2 is the Extends
FolderType Object. It maps the “extends” property of
the Interface Class. In DTDL, Interfaces can inherit
from multiple interfaces; for this reason, the DTDL
“extends” property is used to maintain details of the
set of interfaces each interface inherits from. As
shown by Figure 2, the use of a particular reference,
called HasAddIn, allows the Extends folder to point
to the DTDLInterfaceType Objects modelling the
DTDL Interfaces the current interface inherits from.
5.2 Telemetry
The metamodel class Telemetry describes the data
emitted by any digital twin. Telemetry does not store
any data.
Due to the lack of data stored by a DTDL
Telemetry element, it has been assumed to map it
with a custom OPC UA ObjectType, called
DTDLTelemetryType. Some of its basic attributes
were used to represent a subset of the properties of the
DTDL Telemetry class. Other properties were
mapped by OPC UA Nodes as shown by Figure 3.
As it can be seen, the DTDLTelemetryType
ObjectType has two optional properties, Comment
and Unit, mapping the Telemetry Class properties
“comment” (which allows to define a comment for
model authors) and “unit” (which defines a semantic
type of the Telemetry), respectively.
The DTDL “schema” property represents the data
type of the Telemetry; OPC UA DataType seems
suitable to represent this property, as said before. In
other to have a mapping from DTDL to OPC UA
domain, the OPC UA Property Node, called Schema
in Figure 3, is considered; it contains the description
of the OPC UA DataType mapping the DTDL
schemas featured by the current property.
Figure 3: OPC UA DTDLTelemetryType.
5.3 Property
The metamodel class Property allows to store values
within a digital twin. These values can be read-only
or have read and write states. For example, a device
serial number may be a read-only value that can be
read at any time; the desired temperature on a
thermostat may be a read-write value that can be
As DTDL Property class is used to store values, it
seems that it may be represented very well by the
OPC UA DataVariable Node. For this reason, it has
been assumed to map the DTDL Property class with
a custom OPC UA DataVariableType, called
DTDLPropertyType. Some of the basic attribute of
the DTDLPropertyType were used to represent
properties of the Property class. Other properties have
been mapped as shown by Figure 4. The
DTDLPropertyType VariableType features two
optional properties, Comment and Unit, mapping the
DTDL Property class properties “comment” and
“unit”, respectively.
Figure 4: OPC UA DTDLPropertyType.
It is important to point out that the proposed
modelling of DTDL Property class with the custom
DTDLPropertyType DataVariableType, allows to
make available the OPC UA attribute Value, which
may be used to contain the real value of the digital twin.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
5.4 Command
The metamodel class DTDL Command allows to
describe a function or operation that can be performed
on digital twins.
It was assumed to represent the Command class
through a custom OPC UA ObjectType, called
DTDLCommandType, featuring the structure shown
by Figure 5.
Figure 5: OPC UA DTDLCommandType.
As shown, the DTDLCommandType ObjectType
features a property and a method. The property called
Comment models the DTDL “comment” property of
the DTDL Command class. The OPC UA method
called Command represents the function/operation
modelled by the DTDL Command class; it features
optional input and output parameters (called Request
and Response, respectively).
5.5 Relationship
The metamodel class DTDL Relationship describes a
link to another (separate) digital twin and enables
graphs of digital twins to be created.
As done for other DTDL metamodel classes, this
class has been mapped using an OPC UA
ObjectType. A custom ObjectType has been defined
and called DTDLRelationshipType, shown by Figure
6. In particular, it features the three properties
Comment, MinMultiplicity and MaxMultiplicity.
They model the DTDL properties “comment”,
“minMultiplicity” and “maxMultiplicity”,
The DTDL property named “properties”
represents the set of elements of Property class that
define relationship-specific state. In order to represent
this set, a folder has been considered in OPC UA; in
the Figure 6 it is called Properties. This folder will
contain OPC UA Nodes each modelling an element
of Property class, using OPC UA Property Nodes
belonging to DTDLPropertyType.
Figure 6: OPC UA DTDLRelationshipType.
The last DTDL property to be mapped is the
“target”, representing the link to a metamodel class
Interface. In OPC UA links between Nodes are
realized using References; for this reason, the DTDL
“target” was mapped into OPC UA through a
Reference pointing to the OPC UA Node modelling
the Interface to which the Relationship refers. A
custom Reference, called DTDLHasTarget has been
5.6 Component
The metamodel class Component enables interfaces
to be composed of other interfaces.
A custom OPC UA ObjectType called
DTDLComponentType has been defined, as shown
by Figure 7.
Figure 7: OPC UA DTDLComponentType.
It has an optional property called Comment,
modelling the DTDL property “comment”. The other
Enhancing Interoperability of Digital Twins Based on Digital Twins Definition Language
DTDL property to be mapped is the “schema”, which
defines the DTDL Interface of the component. As the
DTDL Interface has been modelled in OPC UA by an
Object of DTDLInterfaceType type, Figure 7 shows
the presence of a mandatory Object of this type. In
order to allow the DTDLComponentType Object to
point to the DTDLInterfaceType Object, a custom
Reference has been defined called DTDLHasSchema,
as shown by the Figure 7.
The custom OPC UA Information Model presented in
the previous section has been implemented by the
authors and the software implementation is freely
available at the GitHub repository (DTDL-OPCUA-
Information-Models-Mapping, 2023).
Using the software implementation, the proposal has
been validated considering several case studies. In the
following subsections details about the different steps
followed in the validation procedure will be given.
Details will refer to a very simple scenario,
considered in order to be easily read and understood.
It has been assumed to take into consideration a
Digital Twin of a building. In particular, a basic
model of a room has been defined and its extension to
a meeting room has been considered. Figure 8 shows
the description of the DT model called “Room”,
modelling a room; the model is made up by the DTDL
Interface “Room” featuring only one Property (i.e.
Figure 8: DTDL model of a room.
Another DTDL model has been considered, called
“MeetingRoom”; it models a meeting room and
includes all the properties of the “Room” model,
adding other ones. As shown by Figure 9, the DTDL
Interface called “MeetingRoom” features a contents
property made up by two Property elements (i.e.,
“occupied” and “tempValue”). This interface extends
the simpler interface called “Room”.
Figure 9: DTDL model of a meeting room.
7.1 Digital Twin in Azure Platform
The DTDL model “MeetingRoom” shown by Figure
9 was implemented inside Microsoft Azure Digital
Twin platform available at (Microsoft Azure, 2023).
A particular tool named “Azure Digital Twin
Explorer” is available in this platform to import
DTDL models and to create instance of Digital Twins
based on DTDL. The “Room” and “MeetingRoom”
DTDL models were uploaded in this tool, and a single
instance of the “MeetingRoom” Interface has been
created; the instance was named “MeetingRoomA”.
7.2 OPC UA Server
The next step of the proposed mapping is the
definition of an OPC UA Server able to map each
Digital Twin instance into the OPC UA Information
Model. In our simple case study, the Digital Twin
instance is the “MeetingRoomA”.
OPC UA Server was implemented in NodeJS
using the NodeOPCUA (NodeOPCUA, 2023), which
is an OPC UA SDK making available the OPC UA
communication stack written in TypeScript for
According to the mapping solution presented in
Section 5, the OPC UA AdressSpace mapping the
“MeetingRoomA” instance may be achieved, as
shown by Figure 10. The OPC UA Object
"@id": "dtmi:example:Room;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2",
"displayName": "Room",
"contents": [
"@type": "Property",
"name": "setlight",
"schema": "boolean",
"writable": true
"@id": "dtmi:example:MeetingRoom;1",
"@type": "Interface",
"@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2",
"extends": [ "dtmi:example:Room;1" ],
"displayName": "MeetingRoom",
"contents": [
"@type": "Property",
"name": "occupied",
"schema": "boolean",
"writable": true
"@type": "Property",
"name": "tempValue",
"schema": "double",
"writable": true
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
“MeetingRoomA” is an instance of the
DTDLInterfaceType ObjectType. It features the
folder Contents, containing the folder Properties,
which organizes two OPC UA DataVariable Nodes
instances of the DTDLPropertyType type. They
model the two DTDL properties “occupied and
“tempValue”, shown by Figure 9. Figure 10 points
out the main attributes of these Objects. The OPC UA
Object “MeetingRoomA” features another
component made up by the mandatory folder
Extends; the HasAddIn reference allows this folder to
point to the DTDLInterfaceType Object modelling the
DTDL Interfaces the current interface inherits from, i.e.
the Interface named “Room”. This interface is
modelled by the OPC UA DTDLInterfaceType
Object “Room”, featuring one OPC UA DataVariable
Node organized by the Properties folder. This Node
represents the DTDL property named “setlight”
shown in Figure 8.
Figure 10: Mapping the instance of the meeting room model
using the OPC UA DTDL InterfaceType.
The OPC UA AddressSpace shown by Figure 10
was implemented using the UaModeler (UaModeler,
2023) tool. Figure 11 shows the graphical
representations of the OPC UA Nodes that have been
created using the UaModeler tool.
Figure 11: OPC UA Nodes created for this case study.
Data values maintained by a Digital Twin instance
changes over the time due to updates of the real
system for which the Digital Twin realizes a digital
replica. It is clear that information maintained by the
Digital Twin instance and by the OPC UA Server
must be consistent. This means that each change in a
property of the Digital Twin instance must be updated
into the OPC UA Server, and vice versa. For this
reason, a custom program was implemented inside
the server in order that each time an information
changes inside the Digital Twin instance, the same
change must be reflected in the OPC UA Server, and
vice versa. This code has been developed in NodeJS,
as said; the Azure SDK for NodeJS (azure-sdk-for-js,
2023) has been also used; this software realizes the
communication stack needed by a NodeJS program to
the access to the Digital Twin instances.
7.3 Validation
The last step followed in the validation procedure
adopted by the author was the execution of several
tests aimed to verify the consistency between
information maintained by Digital Twin instance and
OPC UA AddressSpace. Considering the simple case
study here presented, several changes in the
properties of the DT instance “MeetingRoomA” were
performed, verifying that the consistent changes
occurred in the OPC UA Server, accessing the
information by OPC UA client applications.
Enhancing Interoperability of Digital Twins Based on Digital Twins Definition Language
The paper has introduced a solution of mapping from
DTDL to OPC UA Information Model. The proposal
allows to enable interoperability from DTDL-based
Digital Twins and OPC UA. The article is original as
the issue has not been dealt with so far. The
implementation of the mapping here proposed, has
been done by the authors in order to demonstrate the
feasibility of the proposed solution.
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems