SAPHIR: A Pluricultural Authoring Tool to Produce Resources
in Support of Education for Sustainable Development
Stéphanie Jean-Daubias
Univ. Lyon, UCBL, CNRS, INSA Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France
Keywords: Authoring Tool, Mobile and Informal Learning, Design Process, Sustainable Development.
Abstract: In this paper, we present SAPHIR, a multilingual authoring tool producing a Progressive Web App, usable
on computers, tablets, and smartphones, online or offline. We presented our design process, the architecture
of the system, the model on which it is based, and its main parts: SAPHIR it-self is the main software
proposing activities to children to learn and play; MINE is the authoring tool used by pedagogical designers
and resources translators to create and translate resources without requiring any programming skills; TAILLE
is dedicated to teachers to whom he provides educational explanations to use SAPHIR with their learners.
The different parts were used with both pedagogical designers and students.
The sixth IPCC report (Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change) draws alarming conclusions on the
impacts of global warming, including dependence on
fossil fuels and renewables, limitation of vital
resources such as water. In particular, the IPCC urges
developed regions to support developing countries,
both socially and economically in facing environ-
mental challenges. This collective awareness includes
education. Indeed, building a more informed society
will help tackling these challenges. However, there is
still a long way to go to raise awareness among young
people on these questions (IPCC, 2022).
Albatross Foundation (Albatross, 2023) addresses
this issue. This non-profit organization was created in
2011 in Singapore, in 2012 in China, and in 2017 in
France where it is recognized of public utility. Its aim
is to educate for free young people to sustainable
development in a scientific and fun way, thanks to
innovative tools. Albatross has developed training
programs and book donations on the environment:
more than 15 000 children have been trained in China,
France and Brazil using the “Train-the-Trainer”
method, whether in small weakly connected villages
or large hyper connected cities. An experiment on
water purification is proposed for children aged 8 to
12 using the foundation’s educational kit. Activities
of the foundation are organized according to the
classical elements (earth, water, air, fire) which were
proposed to explain the nature (Laszlo, 2009).
The project presented in this paper takes place
within the framework of a collaboration between the
LIRIS computer science research lab and the
Albatross Foundation. Its aim is to design, develop
and test a multilingual and multicontext app for
education to sustainable development.
In this paper, we present SAPHIR (education to
Sustainable development with Albatross through
Pedagogical activities: Humans Involved in the
Respect of their environment), an environment
consisting of different parts (Saphir, 2023): SAPHIR
itself is the main software proposing activities to
children to learn and play; MINE is the authoring tool
used by pedagogical designers and translators to
create and translate resources without requiring any
programming skills; TAILLE is dedicated to teachers
to whom he provides educational explanations to use
SAPHIR with their learners. In the following, we will
introduce the issues of our work and the associated
state of the art. After a presentation of the roles of the
various actors involved, we will show the architecture
of our system and the model that we propose. We will
then come back to the design process that we have
adopted, and expose some of the tests conducted with
the app. The article will end with a conclusion and a
Jean-Daubias, S.
SAPHIR: A Plur icultural Authoring Tool to Produce Resources in Support of Education for Sustainable Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0011981600003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 313-321
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Depending on the context, the association needs a
light application working even offline on computers,
tablets, and smartphones, for classrooms and informal
learning, available in different languages. But it also
requires offering the possibility to add news contents,
to translate these contents quickly and flexibly,
according to the deployments planned by the
2.1 Issue and Research Questions
The general issue of this project is thus to conceive an
evolutive and flexible application suited to different
contexts and cultures. We identified three main
research questions while treating this issue: how to
allow non-computer scientists to create contents for
this app (Q1); how to consider the multilingual and
multicultural context of the project (Q2); and, how to
consider the different contexts of use of the app (Q3).
2.2 State of the Art and Choices
For our first research question (Q1: how to allow non-
computer scientists to create contents), the use of
authoring tools seems to be an interesting direction.
Therefore, research in TEL (Technology
Enhanced Learning) identifies classically three ways
to create pedagogical resources (Jean-Daubias et al.,
2009): fully automatic resources generators, semi-
automatic generators, and manual generators (also
called authoring tools).
Fully automatic generators, see for example
(Burton, 1982), are complex programs specific to a
dedicated domain. They allow to produce resources
in this domain without any intervention of the
pedagogical designer. This approach is very efficient
as it can produce rapidly many resources without any
effort, but do not allow a personalisation of the
produced resources. Another disadvantage of this
approach is that it is complicated and long to conceive
and implement. It does not suit our needs, as we want
to define our resources precisely to ensure that they
will be adapted to our different contexts.
Semi-automatic generators, see for example
(Jean-Daubias and Guin, 2009), are close to
automatic generators, except that they let more place
to pedagogical designers to suit their needs: users can
intervene in the resources creation process by
specifying a set of constraints on them in order to
obtain results more suited to their needs, still in the
scope of the generator.
Manual generators (commonly called authoring
tools), see for example (David et al. 1996) and (Van
Joolingen and De Jong, 2003), guide the pedagogical
designers step by step in the resources design and
gives them a great liberty. Limits of this approach is
that it is time consuming for the user, as he must
precisely define each exercise and their solutions. In
the context of our project, the advantages of this
approach make its disadvantages acceptable.
We have therefore chosen an approach based on
an authoring tool to enable non-computer scientists’
educational designers to create educational
resources on sustainable development.
For our second research question (Q2: how to take
into account the multicultural context of the project),
a resource designed in one language cannot always be
translated directly into another: it may require
adaptation to the target culture (for example, the
operating rules for recycling waste vary according to
countries or regions). We decided to establish
different versions of the resources: each version is not
only a translation of the original resource but can also
include adaptations to the cultural context of the
concerned country or region.
So, we created a multilingual authoring tool,
adding to the classical user roles of such tools
(administrator and educational designers) a
translator role, for people in charge of adapting to
different cultures the various resources produced by
educational designers.
For our third research question (Q3: how to take
into account the different technical contexts of use of
the app), we need to propose a flexible application
easy to update and to use in different technical
contexts. In particular, the application must be usable
offline, in places where learners won’t have an easy
access to the internet. The app also needs to be able
to connect to the internet to allow updates in
particular to add new contents. The app also needs to
be available on various devices (computers, tablets,
and smartphones), depending on the devices available
in the different use contexts. A good solution to deal
with this triple need is a PWA (progressive web app):
a type of application software delivered through the
web, working on various operating systems with a
standard-compliant browser, including desktop and
mobile devices (Mozilla, 2023). We like to present
this type of website to the general public as "a website
disguised as a mobile app".
Thus, we created a multilingual (Q2) authoring
tool (Q1) producing a Progressive Web App (Q3),
usable on computers, tablets, and smartphones,
online or offline.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
We considered that using an LMS (Learning
Management System) is too rigid to fully meet our
needs, especially to create an app clearly identifiable
linked with Albatross Foundation.
Figure 1 shows the general architecture of SAPHIR.
The system consists of four main parts: SAPHIR
itself is the main software proposing to children
activities to learn and play; MINE is the authoring
tool used by pedagogical designers and resources
translators to create and translate resources; TAILLE
is dedicated to teachers to whom it provides
educational explanations; finally, the database stores
the resources associated with the different modules.
In the following, after a presentation of the roles of
the various actors involved, we will present this
architecture and its different parts.
Figure 1: Architecture of SAPHIR environment.
3.1 Actors
SAPHIR environment involves users of various roles.
The developers are computer scientists, they
created and still enrich the environment (MINE,
TAILLE and SAPHIR itself).
The administrator manages the environment.
The educational designers are experts in
sustainable development, teachers or didacticians,
they use MINE to create new resources.
The translators are experts in sustainable
development in the target language, they also need to
have a good knowledge of the context in which
SAPHIR will be used in the targeted country. They
use MINE to translate resources to make them
available in new contexts.
The teachers are usually prescribers of SAPHIR
to their pupils and also users of TAILLE in the aim of
studying the way to use SAPHIR’s resources in their
classroom and more generally with their pupils.
The children are SAPHIR final users, they use it
to learn concepts linked to sustainable development.
3.2 Architecture
SAPHIR is developed as a Progressive Web App
(PWA) associated with a mySQL database. It allows
SAPHIR and TAILLE to work even offline on
computer, tablets, and smartphones after the
application had been installed locally. However,
MINE, the authoring tool, cannot be available offline
as it requires an internet access to supply the database.
The access to SAPHIR is open, the access to TAILLE
too, but it requires to activate the teacher mode, while
the access to the authoring tool requires a connection
with a login and a password.
The names of SAPHIR, TAILLE and MINE are
based on a gem metaphor in French: saphir is the
French translation for sapphire; a mine is the place
where we find gems; taille is the French word for cut
of gems, which is the operation aiming at
transforming rough gems into more usable ones. So,
the metaphor is that the educational designers find
rough gems in the MINE, teachers adapt them to their
use in TAILLE, and pupils finally use the refined
gems in SAPHIR.
3.2.1 MINE: An Authoring Tool for
MINE (Means to Integrate New Elements in
SAPHIR) is SAPHIR authoring tool, usable without
any programming skills. This is the interface where
pedagogical designers can create interactively new
modules and news activities (lessons, quiz, small
games). It is also the place where translators can add
new translations of existing modules and their
resources. MINE also allows the administrator to add
new languages. Thus, MINE allows non-computer
scientists to create new contents for SAPHIR.
The MINE of SAPHIR includes a content creation
interface allowing the creation of new contents
(figure 3 shows the creation of a lesson page with a
labelled picture, associated with one question of the
quiz previously created in MINE) and their
translations (figure 2 shows as an example the
translation of a lesson page from English to Chinese
and Spanish in MINE).
SAPHIR: A Pluricultural Authoring Tool to Produce Resources in Support of Education for Sustainable Development
Figure 2: Screenshot of MINE during the translation of a
lesson from English (right) to Spanish and Chinese (left).
Figure 3: Screenshot of the creation of a lesson with MINE.
3.2.2 SAPHIR Resources Model
Creating a new module with MINE consists of
completing the different parts of the module model.
This model is shown in figure 4 and described below.
A Module consists of a lesson, a quiz, 1 to 3
memo-games, an association-game, a cycle-game, an
experiment, a short video, and the associated
pedagogical-support (available only if logged-in as
teacher in TAILLE). This general model ensures
homogeneity between modules of SAPHIR.
Figure 4: SAPHIR educational resources model.
A Quiz is defined as a set of questions. Each
question includes a title, various propositions
(between 2 and 10) and a general explanation in case
of error of the learner). The propositions (correct or
not, which are modelled by the validity) are
represented by a title and an optional personalized
explanation, which allows to give better feedback to
the learner.
A Lesson consists of different pages. Each lesson
page comprises a title, the text of the lesson page,
possibly a picture, its caption, and optional tags to
explain the illustration. A page is linked with the
suited questions of the module quiz. Indeed, in order
to propose more interactive lessons, each lesson page
propose a quiz to allow the learner to test himself after
reading the content (cf. figure 3).
The lesson can be illustrated to be more suited to
young children and more generally to propose easy-
to-access and enjoyable resources. Each picture can
be captioned and added with numbered tags: the
numbers are located on the picture (location defined
by the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the tag)
and the associated text is displayed to the learner
when he clicks on the tag on the picture. This
functioning (cf. figure 5) has a triple advantage: it
makes the user more active in his learning in a
constructivist approach (Piaget, 1971); it facilitates
the translation of the tags (which are text, out of the
picture); and it enhance the numerical accessibility of
SAPHIR and his compatibility with accessibility
tools, for example the narrator used by blind people
(WCAG, 2008).
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Interactive picture in SAPHIR.
Figure 6: Screenshots of MINE during the creation of a
memory game and of 3 types of memory games in SAPHIR.
A Memo Game model is a set of 6 triplets
associating a picture to a title and a definition. This
model allows the creation of three different memory
games: the “classical memory” requires the child to
found two identical pictures; the “easy memory”
requires associating an image to the corresponding
word, in order to work on the lesson’s vocabulary;
and the “difficult memory” asks to associate the name
of the concept to its definition (cf. figure 6). The
number of triplets is limited to 6 to ensure a
comfortable use and a correct display even on mobile
phone, in respect with usability considerations
(Nielsen, 1994) (Tricot, 2007).
The Association Game (cf. figure 7) asks
learners to associate different concepts to two
opposite categories. An association game is modelled
as a set of 2 categories associated with various
propositions. The learner will have to associate each
proposition to the right category, linked with the
lesson. A category is defined by a title and a picture
representing it. Each proposition contains a title, the
matching category and a personalized explanation
used to explain his mistake to the learner in case of
Figure 7: Association game in SAPHIR.
MINE also allows the pedagogical designers to
add a link to a pedagogical video.
Other resources of SAPHIR (experiment, cf.
figure 8 and cycle game, cf. figure 9) are not available
in MINE for now. The addition of such resources
requires developments by computer scientists.
Figure 8: Water filtration experiment in Chinese.
SAPHIR: A Pluricultural Authoring Tool to Produce Resources in Support of Education for Sustainable Development
Figure 9: Cycle games in SAPHIR (natural water cycle in
Spanish, urban water cycle in Portuguese, and greenhouse
effect in French).
3.2.3 TAILLE: The Teacher Interface for
TAILLE (TrAiners Interface to Learn in different
Languages how to teach Environmental issues with
SAPHIR) is SAPHIR teachers’ interface. It consists
of SAPHIR enhanced with a pedagogical description
of each module (cf. figure 10). The aim is to provide
teachers with explanations on how they can use these
resources in their teaching or more generally with
their pupils.
Figure 10: Screenshot of TAILLE, the teacher interface.
3.2.4 SAPHIR: A Multilingual App for
Education to Sustainable Development
SAPHIR itself is the learners’ interface of SAPHIR
environment. It currently includes six modules (water
filtration, urban water cycle, natural water cycle, the
greenhouse effect, the natural greenhouse effect,
biodiversity), each module is assigned to one of the
four categories: water, air, earth, and energy, based on
the traditional Chinese representation of the natural
elements used by Albatross Foundation (Laszlo,
2009). Each module contains up to nine resources
(among lesson, quiz, 3 types of memory games,
association game, cycle game, experiment, video, as
defined in the model presented in section 3.2.2). The
resources are currently available in up to five
languages (English, French, Chinese, Spanish, and
Brazilian-Portuguese) chosen according to the
requirements of the Albatross Foundation activities.
43 different resources are available for the moment.
We made the choice not to rely on internet
connexions, in order to propose a simple system,
without technical constraints for the learners that do
not require personal data management. As it is a tool
for informal learning, the resulting lack of learner
profile is not considered as a problem.
We decided to give access to the different
modules and resources freely, that is to say without
any constraint of order, to allow the learner, or the
teacher, to choose the activities he wants to follow.
The idea is to facilitates access to knowledge on
sustainable development, in an informal and flexible
way. Thus, there is no pedagogical scenario to link
the different activities, except between lessons and
quizzes: each lesson page is proposed with a suited
question taken from the corresponding quiz module
to help the learner to check if he has understood the
lesson. When the learner launches a quiz, as a set of
five questions is generated semi-randomly from the
available questions, covering the scope of the
different lesson pages and taking into account the
questions already answered during the lesson.
The resources are linked with the activities of
Albatross Foundation. For example, the water
filtration module is linked to the real water filtration
experiment proposed by the foundation to sensitize
hundreds of children in the importance of water and
the fragility of its quality; the biodiversity module is
linked to the Servan’s garden initiative of the
foundation, a permaculture pedagogical garden to
develop sustainable agriculture, respecting the
environment, promoting biodiversity to sensitize and
educate young people togrow and eat well
(Albatross, 2023).
4.1 Design Methodology
For the design and the development of SAPHIR
environment, we adopt a user-centred method
(Norman and Draper, 1986) with an iterative
approach. We designed personae for each role of
users (admin, educational designer, translator,
teacher, learner), in order to identify easily the
different target publics.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 11 shows the three main stages of SAPHIR
design process.
Figure 11: Diagram of SAPHIR design process.
The first stage of the process (left part of
figure 11) corresponds to the iterative design and
development of the global environment by
computer scientists. Our iterative approach
(symbolized by the left spiral in the figure) enabled
us to propose a preliminary version of the app to
communicate with the association members and to
conduct early tests with children, but also teachers.
Then, the authoring tool was progressively
developed, enabling to create more easily new
contents. At this stage, SAPHIR contained only three
modules on water and was available only in English,
French and Chinese; as for MINE, it was an empty
Once the environment and the authoring tool had
been sufficiently developed, the second stage (central
part of figure 11), consists of filling by experts and
teachers, including translators with scientific
knowledge, this empty shell with the educational
contents expected by the association. This
enrichment of SAPHIR by the addition of
pedagogical contents is symbolized in the figure by
the blue bar which widens progressively. SAPHIR
has thus grown from 3 to 6 modules, now gathering
43 resources available in several languages.
The third stage (right part of figure 11) is the use
of the various resources of SAPHIR by children from
different cultures, in different languages, with or
without the support of their teachers.
We consider that contents creation is part of the
design of the system: pedagogical designers complete
the design by their uses of the authoring tool.
4.2 Content Creation and Translation
The creation of the contents, associated with one of
the classical elements (earth, water, air, fire), is a
collaborative and iterative work involving at different
stages scientists, experts, teachers, and translators.
Each person involved in the process can modify the
contents according to his skills.
4.3 Use of SAPHIR in Different
MINE has been successfully tested with pedagogical
designers: the interface allows non-computer
scientists to create and translate new resources.
SAPHIR including the resources produced by
pedagogical designers with MINE was tested several
times with learners in different contexts. In the
following, we present 3 of these tests chosen for their
diversity. The first test was conducted in France in
June 2020, in French language, it involved 6 pupils
between 6 and 11 years old, in a Covid-scholar
context in a small country school (cf. bottom right
picture of figure 12). The app was used collectively
on the classroom interactive whiteboard. The teacher
and the pupils appreciated the app. The test validated
the usefulness of the app and allowed to identify some
usability problems (Tricot, 2007) which were
subsequently corrected. Alongside other assessments
in France, another test was conducted in May 2021 in
China, with young pupils, on computers, tablets, and
smartphones (cf. 3 top pictures of figure 12) in
Chinese. This test validates the usability on different
devices and in Chinese language. The most recent test
took place near San Paolo in Brazil in November
2022 with 30 pupils, in Portuguese (cf. bottom
left pictures of figure 12: students using the water
filtration kit). The test showed the interest of using
SAPHIR with older pupils and validated the
Portuguese version of the app.
Figure 12: Use of SAPHIR in classrooms.
SAPHIR: A Pluricultural Authoring Tool to Produce Resources in Support of Education for Sustainable Development
Apart from these tests, SAPHIR is also used
independently of classes. We identified more than
20 000 hits from computers all over the world.
5.1 Discussion
The fact that non-computer scientists can create and
translate new contents with the MINE of SAPHIR is
a first validation step for our authoring tool. But we
need to continue evaluations to carefully validate
As for the contents created, after being validated
by teachers and experts, they were used with several
children of various languages and cultures, in
different contexts. Both teachers and students found
their use of SAPHIR useful and enjoyable.
5.2 Conclusion
In this project, we addressed the issue of how to
conceive an evolutive and flexible application suited
to different contexts and cultures. It conducted us to
answer three questions: how to allow non-computer
scientists to create contents for this app; how to
consider the multicultural context of the project and
the different contexts of use of the app.
As an answer to these questions, we created a
multilingual authoring tool producing a Progressive
Web App, usable on computers, tablets, and
smartphones, online or offline.
In this paper, we presented our design process, the
architecture of the produced system, the model on
which it is based, and the main parts of the system,
including MINE, the authoring tool, TAILLE, the
teachers’ interface, and SAPHIR itself (cf. figure 13),
the children app. The different parts were tested
Several perspectives are open to us now. First of
all, we will continue adding new contents and new
translations to enlarge the scope of the app to cover
more broadly the themes of sustainable development
addressed by the Albatross Foundation in order to
sensitize more children to sustainable development.
Moreover, new languages could be added in case of
deployment of the app in new countries. In addition,
we are planning uses of the app in a new context:
scientific mediation events with the general public.
We are also considering working with children on
the next resources with the idea of proposing "an app
for children made by children”. For this, we have
undertaken projects with several classrooms in
different contexts. The idea is to make pupils working
together in classroom to establish new modules to add
to SAPHIR for future young users. Additionally, we
are going to propose to future teachers and
didacticians to use MINE to make them work on
content creation in a didacticians approach.
Figure 13: Screenshot of SAPHIR's main screen.
SAPHIR app was awarded the Franco-Chinese
Teams Innovation Award of MEDEF organisation in
2019, and the Belgian King Baudouin Foundation
Award in 2020 and 2022.
The app was developed by students from the
computer science master's degree of Lyon 1
University: especially Lucas, Mikael, Vichith,
Jonathan, Dorian, and Dorian, thanks to them. The
author also thanks Philippe Daubias from ENS de
Lyon for administrating the SAPHIR’s web server
and all the people who participated in the creation or
translation of the contents, especially Albatross team
and her founder Ghislaine Bouillet-Cordonnier.
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SAPHIR: A Pluricultural Authoring Tool to Produce Resources in Support of Education for Sustainable Development