L2 Vocabulary Learning Benefits from Skill-Based Learner Models
Josh Ring, Frank Leon
e and Ton Dijkstra
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
CALL, L2 Vocabulary Learning, Learner Modeling.
Psycholinguistic research has established that words interact within the mental lexicon during both processing
and learning. In spite of this, many Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) systems treat second
language (L2) vocabulary learning as the memorization of “vocabulary facts”, and employ spaced-repetition
algorithms designed to optimize the formation and maintenance of individual memory traces. The Knowledge-
Learning-Instruction (KLI) framework provides guidelines as to what kind of knowledge components involve
which learning processes, and how they are best taught. We reconsider the position of L2 vocabulary learning
in the KLI framework, in light of extensive evidence of interaction and transfer effects in L2 vocabulary
learning. We argue that L2 vocabulary learning involves the acquisition of generalisable skills. We further
validate this claim with evidence from research into novel approaches to L2 vocabulary teaching. These novel
approaches align with the instructional recommendations made by the KLI framework for teaching complex
rules, not facts, yet they yield significant improvements in L2 vocabulary acquisition. Finally, on the basis
of these findings, we advocate for the use of skill-based learner models in order to optimize L2 vocabulary
learning in CALL applications.
Learning a new word is a complex affair involving
diverse cognitive processes; we focus here specifi-
cally on L2 vocabulary learning. We assume that the
semantic form of the word is already established in
the learner’s mind, and we refer to L2 vocabulary
learning as the process by which an association is
made from the established semantic and phonologi-
cal/orthographic forms of a native (L1) word, to the
novel phonological/orthographic form of the corre-
sponding L2 word.
The primary goals of the present work are 1) to
demonstrate that L2 vocabulary learning involves the
acquisition of generalisable skills; and 2) to advo-
cate for the use of skill-based models of L2 vocab-
ulary learning in computer-assisted language learning
(CALL) applications.
The past decade has seen a marked rise in both the
supply of and the demand for CALL applications both
inside and outside the classroom. A key advantage of
CALL applications is their ability to track learners’
progress and present the appropriate material at the
appropriate time. This adaptive behaviour is driven by
a learner model, which infers a learner’s knowledge
state on the basis of their interactions with the CALL
application. In the following, we distinguish between
memory-based and skill-based learner models.
1.1 Memory vs. Skill-Based Models of
L2 Vocabulary Learning
Memory-based learner models are underpinned by
decades of research, from the forgetting curves first
reported by (Ebbinghaus, 1913), to the oft-replicated
spacing and testing effects (Cepeda et al., 2006;
Karpicke, 2017). In perhaps the most widely ac-
cepted mathematical model of these effects, (Pavlik
and Anderson, 2005) used the exponential decay of
memories in the ACT-R cognitive modelling frame-
work to simulate the (un)successful acquisition of L2
Japanese vocabulary by L1 English speakers. (Pavlik
and Anderson, 2008) subsequently used this learner
model to derive an algorithm which adapts the pre-
sentation schedule of L1L2 word pairs so as to
optimize the formation and maintenance of individ-
ual memory traces, accelerating learning and improv-
ing retention. Such spaced repetition algorithms have
since been successfully integrated into CALL sys-
tems, where they are used to adapt the order of vocab-
ulary items based on learners’ performance, yielding
meaningful improvements in L2 vocabulary learning
Ring, J., Leoné, F. and Dijkstra, T.
L2 Vocabulary Learning Benefits from Skill-Based Learner Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0011981800003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 322-329
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(Belardi et al., 2021).
Skill-based models, in contrast, assume that learn-
ers acquire a compendium of latent skills. Different
tasks involve different (sets of) skills, and a learner’s
performance depends on the degree of overlap be-
tween the skills they possess and the skills involved
in the task. The theoretical basis for these models
is provided by the Knowledge-Learning-Instruction
(KLI) framework, which we return to later. Some au-
thors argue that skill-based learner models are unsuit-
able for modeling L2 vocabulary learning (Pel
2017; Choffin et al., 2019). The rationale is that L2
vocabulary learning involves the memorization of in-
dependent “vocabulary facts”, rather than the acquisi-
tion and application of generalisable skills. This is in
spite of considerable evidence that learners generalize
familiar sound and spelling patterns to novel vocabu-
In the following, we briefly summarize the KLI
framework, and how it relates to L2 vocabulary learn-
ing. In Section 2, we present substantial evidence
from psycholinguistics research that learner’s transfer
knowledge from known to novel vocabulary. In Sec-
tion 3, we argue that learning involves the acquisition
of generalisable skills, and relies on more complex
learning processes than simple fact memorization. We
present evidence from the literature that the instruc-
tional methods recommended by the KLI framework
for stimulating these complex learning processes are
effective for L2 vocabulary instruction, and we ex-
plore the implications of these instructional methods
for CALL-based vocabulary instruction.
1.2 The Knowledge-Learning-
Instruction Framework
We present a brief overview of the main elements
of the KLI framework in the following, focussing
on those elements that are relevant to our argument.
Then, we critically examine where L2 vocabulary
learning is positioned in the framework. For an in-
depth treatment of the KLI framework, the interested
reader is referred to (Koedinger et al., 2012).
1.2.1 Knowledge Components
The KLI framework defines a knowledge component
(KC) as “an acquired unit of cognitive function or
structure”, a broad generalization across such diverse
terms as “production rule, schema, misconception, or
facet, as well as everyday terms such as concept, fact,
or skill” (Koedinger et al., 2012). In order to distin-
guish these diverse terms, KCs are categorized into a
taxonomy according to several criteria. The primary
distinction involves application and response condi-
tions, which can both be either constant or variable.
A constant-constant KC, otherwise known as a
fact or association, has both constant application and
constant response conditions. For example, when
asked to recite the equation for calculating the area
of a circle (constant application), the correct answer
is always A = πr
(constant response).
A variable-variable KC, otherwise known as a
rule or skill, has both variable application and vari-
able response conditions, and is applied to a variety
of situations in a context-sensitive manner. For ex-
ample, the rule for generating the past-tense of regu-
lar English verbs by appending the suffix -ed applies
to multiple verbs (variable application), and produces
a different response depending on the verb being in-
flected (variable response).
The KLI framework goes on to argue that these
different kinds of KCs involve different learning pro-
cesses, and are thus best instructed in different ways,
as follows.
1.2.2 Learning Processes
Having established various categories of KCs, the
KLI framework then defines a hierarchy of learning
processes, ordered by increasing complexity. The
simplest set of learning processes are denoted mem-
ory and fluency building processes. As the name sug-
gests, they involve the formation and reinforcement of
memories, retrieval of which becomes faster and more
fluent as the frequency of exposure increases. These
processes are most relevant for constant-constant
KCs, which need to be practiced until they are mem-
Slightly more complex are induction and re-
finement processes, which encompass generalization,
discrimination, categorization, and rule induction
(Koedinger et al., 2012). These processes are in-
volved in specifying and refining the application con-
ditions of variable-variable KCs, by adding missing
conditions or removing irrelevant conditions. For ex-
ample, a student of English might initially induce that
the -ed suffix produces the past tense of all English
verbs, and only arrive at the correct KC with addi-
tional refinement.
Notably, each class of learning processes is not
typically restricted to a single kind of KC, however,
not all processes are relevant for all KCs. Mem-
ory and fluency building processes are relevant at all
stages of learning for all kinds of KCs, because both
arbitrary paired-associates (constant-constant KCs)
and scientific principles (variable-variable KCs) can
equally be forgotten if not practiced. Induction and
refinement processes, however, may not be relevant
L2 Vocabulary Learning Benefits from Skill-Based Learner Models
for paired-associates, for which there exists no under-
lying rule or pattern which must be induced.
1.2.3 Instructional Methods
The KLI framework further posits that the kinds of
learning processes involved in the acquisition of a KC
determines how that KC is best taught. For constant-
constant KCs involving memory and fluency build-
ing processes, the KLI framework recommends using
spaced repetition, a class of methods that space repe-
titions of a KC in order to optimize the formation and
maintenance of individual memory traces, often used
in conjunction with (digital) flashcards.
For variable-variable KCs involving induction and
refinement processes, the KLI framework recom-
mends feature focussing, or drawing the learner’s at-
tention to key features of the material to be learned.
We examine this instruction method more closely
later in the text. Additional instructional recommen-
dations are presented and discussed in (Koedinger
et al., 2012).
By defining a dependency chain from KC type,
to learning process, to instructional method, the KLI
framework explicitly acknowledges that how a par-
ticular subject matter is conceptualized plays a ma-
jor role in how this subject matter is taught. It fol-
lows that an inaccurate conceptualization would lead
to the application of inefficient instructional methods
(where efficiency refers to achieving as much learning
as possible in as little time as possible), or to the pre-
mature dismissal of suitable but unproven methods.
As such, it is of crucial importance to regularly assess
a particular subject matter’s KC conceptualization in
light of new evidence. In the following, we critically
examine the position of L2 vocabulary learning in the
taxonomy presented by the KLI framework.
1.3 Vocabulary Learning in the KLI
Several examples of various kinds of KCs found in
different fields are provided in Table 2 of (Koedinger
et al., 2012). The first example, which presents an L2
vocabulary item as an example of a constant-constant
KC, illustrates what we believe is a common mis-
conception in both the psychology literature, where
L1L2 word pairs serve as stand-ins for arbitrary
paired-associates e.g. (Pavlik and Anderson, 2005),
and in CALL applications which aim to optimize L2
vocabulary learning by optimizing independent mem-
ory traces for each word, namely: that vocabulary
learning involves purely constant-constant KCs and is
thus akin to paired-associate or fact learning, whereby
independent “vocabulary facts” need simply be mem-
This conceptualization has implications for how
L2 vocabulary is approached in CALL applications.
By conceptualizing vocabulary items as constant-
constant KCs, CALL applications restrict themselves
to instructional methods that optimize fluency and
memory building processes i.e. spaced repetition, as
per the KLI framework.
The authors of the KLI framework acknowledge
that not all vocabulary KCs are constant-constant.
They point out that words with explicit morphological
markers, such as the -ed suffix in jumped, are more ac-
curately described by a variable-variable KC, i.e. the
past-tense derivation rule for regular English verbs.
They also point out that many Mandarin characters
are composed of recurring components, so-called rad-
icals, and argue that such knowledge is also best de-
scribed as variable-variable KCs, i.e. the rules defin-
ing how radicals affect meaning in the contexts of dif-
ferent compound characters.
While these examples are presented as exceptions
to the otherwise constant-constant nature of vocabu-
lary learning, we argue that these are not exceptions
at all, but the rule. In contradiction to the constant-
constant, paired-associate conceptualization of L2 vo-
cabulary learning adopted in the KLI framework and
many CALL applications, there is significant evi-
dence that knowledge transfers from known to novel
words during learning. We review the empirical evi-
dence of these interactions in the following.
Psycholinguists have spent decades examining how
words interact during processing, production, and
learning. These interactions mean that not all words
are equally difficult to learn. Rather, the difficulty
of learning an L2 word is a function of both the L1
and L2 words already known, as well as the other L2
words currently being learned. This is summarized
succinctly by Nation’s concept of learning burden,
described as follows:
The general principle of learning burden (Na-
tion, 1990) is that the more a word represents
patterns and knowledge that the learners are
already familiar with, the lighter its learning
burden. These patterns and knowledge can
come from the first language, from knowledge
of other languages, and from previous knowl-
edge of the second language. (Nation, 2001)
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
A word’s learning burden is determined by how
similar it is to other words; this similarity is gener-
ally expressed in terms of wordlikeness. Wordlikeness
measures how closely a particular word adheres to the
phonological and orthographic regularities of a par-
ticular language, and is operationalized by phonotac-
tic or orthotactic probability, and neighborhood den-
sity. Phonotactic and orthotactic probability measure
the probability of observing the sequence of sounds or
letters, respectively, that make up a particular word in
a particular language. For example, dobrze, the Pol-
ish word for good, has an extremely low orthotactic
probability in English, due to the orthographically il-
legal <brz> letter-trigram. When computed against
the rest of the Polish language, however, the orthotac-
tic probability of dobrze is much higher. Neighbor-
hood density, meanwhile, refers to how many words
differ from a particular word in only a few sounds
or letters. For example, bake has many close ortho-
graphic neighbors (make, bike, bare etc.), and thus
resides in a dense orthographic neighborhood.
Wordlikeness can be seen as a measure of how
similar a particular word is to an entire language.
When evaluating this similarity, the choice of which
language to compare against is key. The wordlikeness
of new L2 vocabulary is typically evaluated relative to
the learner’s L1 (or rather, a corpus representative of
the L1), and a novel L2 word’s L1 wordlikeness has
been shown to affect its learning burden. This indi-
cates that novel L2 words interact with the learner’s
established L1 lexicon.
However, the wordlikeness of new L2 vocabulary
can also be evaluated relative to the L2 vocabulary al-
ready acquired, as in the dobrze example. A novel L2
word’s L2 wordlikeness has also been found to affect
learning burden, indicating that novel L2 words also
interact with the learner’s developing L2 lexicon. We
review the extensive body of research on L1 and L2
wordlikeness in the following.
2.1 Interactions Between L2
Vocabulary and the L1 Lexicon
The earliest investigation into interactions between
L2 vocabulary and the L1 lexicon was performed by
(Ellis and Beaton, 1993), who examined the effects
of several word form characteristics on vocabulary
learning under various conditions. Most interesting
for our present purposes are the effects of phonotactic
regularity and minimum bigram frequency (the fre-
quency of the least common bigram in the word), op-
erationalizations of phonotactic and orthotactic prob-
ability, respectively. Both phonotactic regularity and
minimum bigram frequency were positively corre-
lated with L1L2 translation accuracy across all
learning conditions (Ellis and Beaton, 1993).
A similar effect was observed by (Storkel et al.,
2006), who investigated the distinct effects of phono-
tactic probability and neighborhood density on adult
pseudo-word learning. While not the first to in-
vestigate these variables, (Storkel et al., 2006) were
the first to manipulate each while controlling the
other. Prior studies had either intentionally manipu-
lated both, or manipulated one while not controlling
for the other, as in (Ellis and Beaton, 1993). This in-
troduces a confound, as the variables are correlated: a
word with many neighbors will by definition contain
common letter or sound pairs, due to overlap with its
many neighbors. (Storkel et al., 2006) exposed adults
to 16 pseudo-words referring to novel objects in a
story context. Pseudo-words varied in both phono-
tactic probability and neighborhood density, falling
into one of four categories: high-probability/high-
density, high/low, low/high, and low/low. Learn-
ing performance was evaluated during training us-
ing a picture naming task, in which participants were
shown an item and asked to speak the correspond-
ing pseudo-word. (Storkel et al., 2006) combined
and analysed partially correct (2/3 phonemes correct)
and fully correct responses, finding that participants
made fewer mistakes when producing low-probability
pseudo-words (low probability advantage), and when
producing high-density pseudo-words (high density
These findings were replicated in preschool chil-
dren by (Storkel and Lee, 2011), who observed low-
probability and high-density advantages for preschool
children learning pseudo-words paired with novel ob-
jects across two experiments. Stimuli in the first ex-
periment varied in phonotactic probability, but were
held constant in neighborhood density; and vice-versa
in the second experiment. Learning in both exper-
iments was assessed using a referent-identification
task, in which participants heard a pseudo-word and
had to identify the corresponding object.
Building on prior work examining the effect of
phonological wordlikeness on L2 or pseudo-word
learning, (Bartolotti and Marian, 2017b) investigated
the effect of orthographic wordlikeness. Participants
were tasked with learning 48 pseudo-words paired
with images of common objects, such as a pear or
a tent. Pseudo-word stimuli were split into two cat-
egories of high and low wordlikeness, with high-
wordlikeness stimuli exhibiting both high orthotac-
tic probability and high neighborhood density relative
to participants’ L1. Learning was assessed in recog-
nition and production tasks, both revealing a high-
wordlikeness facilitation effect. Similar results were
L2 Vocabulary Learning Benefits from Skill-Based Learner Models
obtained by (Bartolotti and Marian, 2017a), who used
the same stimuli and procedure to examine the ef-
fect of wordlikeness on pseudo-word learning in En-
glish/German bilinguals. Stimuli were divided into
four categories: high English wordlikeness, high Ger-
man wordlikeness, high combined wordlikeness, and
low combined wordlikeness. Learning was again as-
sessed in recognition and production tasks identical
to those in (Bartolotti and Marian, 2017b), revealing
a high-wordlikeness facilitation effect for both tasks
across all three wordlike categories.
These results establish that L2 vocabulary inter-
act with the learner’s established L1 lexicon. They
demonstrate that an L2 word’s learning burden is de-
termined in part by how closely it adheres to the
phonological and orthographic regularities that an L1
speaker has grown accustomed to over a lifetime
of L1 exposure. There is, however, another source
of spelling and sound regularities that influence an
L2 word’s learning burden, namely the sound and
spelling regularities of the L2, which we will exam-
ine next.
2.2 Interactions Amongst L2
Building on prior work investigating L1 wordlike-
ness, researchers began examining the role of word-
likeness of novel L2 vocabulary relative to the L2 be-
ing learned. This idea was (to our knowledge) first
explored explicitly by (Stamer and Vitevitch, 2012),
who examined the effect of L2 phonological neigh-
borhood density on the acquisition of novel L2 words.
Participants were intermediate learners of L2 Spanish,
and were exposed to novel Spanish words paired with
black & white line drawings. Neighborhood density
was computed against a corpus of 3900 words ob-
tained from a beginner Spanish textbook, with half
of the stimuli residing in sparse neighborhoods, and
half in dense neighborhoods. Learning was assessed
in production and recognition tasks, revealing a high-
density facilitation effect for both tasks.
Similar effects were observed by (Bartolotti and
Marian, 2017a; Bartolotti and Marian, 2017b), who
in addition to extending prior results on L1 phono-
logical wordlikeness to orthography, also discovered
evidence of pseudo-L2 interactions. When analyz-
ing participants’ incorrect responses, they found that
the positional letter frequency of the pseudo-language
(i.e. the set of pseudo-words used as stimuli in the ex-
periment) was a better predictor of spelling errors than
the positional letter frequencies of English, and, in
the case of (Bartolotti and Marian, 2017a), also Ger-
man. This indicates that participants’ production at-
tempts were informed by the statistics of their nascent
pseudo-L2 lexicon.
Taken together, these results demonstrate that
novel L2 words interact not only with learners’ es-
tablished L1 lexicons, but also with their develop-
ing L2 lexicons, during learning. These interactions
are present at the earliest stages of language learning,
and persist for intermediate L2 learners. All these
various interactions combine into a clear argument
against the constant-constant, paired-associates con-
ceptualization of L2 vocabulary learning underlying
the spaced-repetition algorithms commonly found in
CALL applications. We propose an alternative con-
ceptualization in the following.
The empirical findings of the roles of L1 and L2 word-
likeness, and the effects of learning sets of similar
L2 words, demonstrate that L2 vocabulary learning is
not a matter of acquiring constant-constant KCs in the
form of independent vocabulary facts. In contrast, we
argue that (L2) vocabulary learning involves the ac-
quisition of variable-variable KCs without rationale,
namely spelling and sound rules. Learners generalize
these rules (for better or for worse) to other words and
other languages.
It must be noted that these variable-variable KCs
are not as explicit or discrete as the examples dis-
cussed in the context of the KLI framework. For ex-
ample, the rule for generating the past-tense of regular
English verbs can be explicitly defined as appending
the suffix -ed. This rule is binary: it applies equally to
all regular English verbs, and does not apply to irreg-
ular verbs.
Wordlikeness, in contrast, is not a binary distinc-
tion, and the rules that determine wordlikeness are
difficult to state explicitly. As such, the KCs involv-
ing the spelling and sound rules that underlie word-
likeness are implicit and fuzzy. Pseudo-words can be
more or less wordlike, with speakers ascribing vary-
ing degrees of wordlikeness to pseudo-words on a
continuous scale, depending on their proximity to the
L1 (Greenberg and Jenkins, 1964).
Rather than constant-constant KCs that are
learned via memory and fluency building processes,
L2 vocabulary learning involves variable-variable
KCs learned via induction and refinement processes.
Reconceptualizing L2 vocabulary learning in this
manner paves the way towards novel and poten-
tially more efficient methods of vocabulary instruc-
tion, which we examine in the following.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: In contrast to independent “vocabulary facts”, L2 vocabulary share spelling and sound regularities which influence
learning, and which we argue CALL systems should take into account. Here, a visualization of the similarities between
common Polish words (measured in Levenshtein distance), analogous to the skill dependency graphs in Figure 4 of (Piech
et al., 2015).
3.1 Case Study: Feature Focussing
The KLI framework recommends different instruc-
tional methods for different types of KCs and their
associated learning processes. For variable-variable
KCs and induction and refinement processes, the
KLI framework recommends feature focussing, an in-
structional method whereby the learner’s attention is
drawn to relevant differences between items being
An example is provided in (Koedinger et al., 2012)
of applying this method to Chinese vocabulary learn-
Chinese characters are predominantly phono-
semantic compound characters, whereby one com-
ponent denotes the semantic association, while the
other(s) denotes the phonetic pronunciation. Re-
search has shown that instructing a learner to attend
to the semantic component of a compound character
facilitates acquisition of L2 Chinese vocabulary (Taft
and Chung, 1999).
Feature focussing has also been found to be ef-
fective when the learner’s attention is only implicitly
directed towards relevant features of the items being
learned (van de Ven et al., 2019; Baxter et al., 2021;
Baxter et al., 2022). Rather than providing their par-
ticipants with explicit instructions, these studies en-
In spite of presenting L2 Chinese vocabulary learning
as an example of the success of feature focussing, an in-
structional method designed to enhance induction and re-
finement processes involved in the acquisition of variable-
variable KCs, (Koedinger et al., 2012) otherwise repeatedly
insist on the constant-constant nature of L2 vocabulary ac-
couraged implicit feature focussing by purposefully
presenting novel vocabulary alongside close phono-
logical, orthographic, or semantic neighbors.
(van de Ven et al., 2019) arranged L2image
pairs into triplets of phonologically similar L2 words
(e.g. mace, maze, and maid). A referent-identification
task required participants to listen to an L2 word
and select the corresponding image. In the fea-
ture focussing condition, distractor images were taken
from within a similarity triplet; in the control condi-
tion, distractor images were selected from dissimilar
triplets. Participants in the feature focussing condi-
tion outperformed the control condition in an imme-
diate post-test (van de Ven et al., 2019).
(Baxter et al., 2022) arranged L1pseudo-word
pairs into clusters of highly similar pseudo-words
(e.g. mion, nion, niol, tiol, and nioc). Participants
were presented an L1 word and tasked with select-
ing the corresponding pseudo-word. In the feature fo-
cussing condition, distractor pseudo-words were se-
lected from within the similarity cluster; in the con-
trol condition, distractors were selected from dissim-
ilar clusters. (Baxter et al., 2021) used a similar ex-
perimental design to examine feature focussing in L1
Dutch children learning L2 English words. In both
studies, participants in the feature focussing condition
committed more errors during training, but performed
better on immediate and late post-tests (Baxter et al.,
2021; Baxter et al., 2022).
The successful application of feature focussing
a method designed to stimulate the induction and re-
finement learning processes to L2 vocabulary in-
L2 Vocabulary Learning Benefits from Skill-Based Learner Models
struction is further evidence of the variable-variable
nature of L2 vocabulary KCs. A practical concern
regarding the use feature focussing in CALL applica-
tions is that the distractors must be carefully selected
so as to be sufficiently similar to the target. This re-
quirement is reasonable when working with pseudo-
words, but is much harder to satisfy when working
with natural L2 vocabulary.
Rather than employ feature focussing in CALL
applications directly, we advocate for the use of auto-
mated methods that capitalize on the variable-variable
nature of L2 vocabulary KCs. We explore such meth-
ods in the following.
3.2 Implications for CALL
Rejecting the constant-constant KC conceptualiza-
tion of L2 vocabulary learning does not amount to
rejecting the use of spaced repetition algorithms in
CALL applications. As argued by (Koedinger et al.,
2012), the memory and fluency processes addressed
by spaced repetition are equally vital to the acquisi-
tion of variable-variable KCs, which could otherwise
be forgotten. Rather, we argue that spaced repetition
should be used in combination with learner models
that are sensitive to the fuzzy, implicit skills involved
in L2 vocabulary learning, i.e. the recognition and
production of particular sound and spelling patterns.
A contemporary approach would be to apply deep
learning skill-based learner models to L2 vocabulary
learning. Such models have generally been designed
with discrete skills in mind, with each exercise falling
under one or more skill categories (Piech et al., 2015;
Pu et al., 2020). These models can, however, be mod-
ified to work with vector representations of L2 vocab-
ulary items that are sensitive to L1 and L2 wordlike-
ness, such as the bilingual orthographic embeddings
proposed by (Severini et al., 2020).
Such a model could detect and adapt to the unique
learning burden experienced by learners with differ-
ent backgrounds; for example, an English-speaking
learner of Polish might struggle with particular con-
sonant clusters that are illegal under English spelling,
whereas a Czech-speaking learner of Polish might
be familiar with those letter combinations, but strug-
gle with an entirely different set of spelling patterns.
CALL applications equipped with a learner model
that has access to the spelling and sound patterns of
the words being learned could adapt to this unique
behaviour, and recommend personalized vocabulary
lists tuned to the sound and spelling patterns that each
learner is familiar with, thus lightening the learning
The dependency chain from KC type, to learning
process, to instructional method defined by the KLI
framework makes explicit the fact that how we con-
ceptualize the KCs involved in a particular subject
matter has consequences for the instructional methods
we choose to employ. The “vocabulary fact” concep-
tualization of L2 vocabulary learning functions both
to justify the use of spaced repetition algorithms, as
well as to argue against the use of more complex,
skill-based student models in CALL applications.
On the basis of extensive evidence of interaction
and transfer effects in L2 vocabulary learning, and
evidence of the efficacy of L2 vocabulary instruction
methods tailored to variable-variable KC acquisition,
we argue that L2 vocabulary learners develop gener-
alisable skills, and advocate for the use of skill-based
learner models in CALL applications. While steps in
this direction have already been taken, e.g. (Zylich
and Lan, 2021), such approaches are still in the mi-
nority, and we hope that the theoretical justification
presented here will encourage others to contribute to
this effort.
Bartolotti, J. and Marian, V. (2017a). Bilinguals’ existing
languages benefit vocabulary learning in a third lan-
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L2 Vocabulary Learning Benefits from Skill-Based Learner Models