Growing Grade-by-Grade
Pia Niemel
, Jenni Hukkanen
, Mikko Nurminen
and Jukka Huhtam
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University,
P.O. Box 1001 FI-33014, Tampere, Finland
Learning Management System, Next-Generation Learning Environment, Assessment and Feedback,
Automatic Grading, Manual Grading, Peer-Reviews, Leaderboards, Learning Analytics, Flipped Learning,
Growth Mindset, The Theory of Formative Assessment.
The enrollment of computer science students continues to increase, with record enrollment numbers in the
course ”Data Structures and Algorithms” in fall 2022. As a result, teaching methods and systems must evolve
to support student progress in the face of scarce teaching resources. This paper examines the shift from manual
to peer-reviewed and auto-graded grading processes and investigates students’ perceptions of different grading
styles. The developed automatic graders utilize data from both the Plussa LMS and GitLab, which serves as
the channel for student submissions and provides feedback for formative assessments. The results indicate
that peer-reviews are accepted as an exercise for the reviewer, but not as a means to grade the reviewee. Auto-
graders are well-received due to their instant feedback, ability to allow for multiple submissions and iterate
towards more efficient solutions, which helps foster a growth mindset.
The adage You get what you grade emphasizes the
significance of dependable, impartial, and efficient
grading methods. To accomplish this, grading must
be designed to provide immediate and ongoing feed-
back to students, allowing them to make adjustments
in real-time and improve their performance in a timely
manner. However, this approach must also be able
to accommodate ever-increasing student populations,
which may seem like a daunting task.
In online learning, students often need to be more
autonomous, as scaffolding from the course personnel
may be only available in online forums. The learn-
ing material is often provided as videos. The videos
can be cut in short clips of 15 .. 30 minutes, because
cutting the material in shorter portions has proven
to increase student engagement in the earlier studies
(Saunders et al., 2020; Bergmann and Sams, 2012;
Slemmons et al., 2018). The internalization of video
content can be effectively assessed through the use of
multiple choice questions. The flipped learning ap-
proach also suggests the use of ”primetime” sessions,
where small groups of students can ask questions to
the instructor (Koskinen et al., 2018). Following this,
students can apply the learned topics in weekly ex-
ercises that involve both theoretical analysis and pro-
gramming. The programming exercises should aim to
minimize the need for additional support from course
personnel. To achieve this, clear and well-structured
exercise instructions should be provided. Addition-
ally, exercise graders should furnish students with ad-
equate feedback in order to support their learning and
In the studied Data structures and Algorithms
course (DSA-2022, N=605), the goal legitimized
the effort to make all the exercises automatically
graded. In previous course implementation, some of
the weekly exercises were already automated. In this
implementation, the effort was made to automate the
rest of the exercises, as well as the bigger final course-
work assignments and exam.
In this article, we will delve into the advan-
tages and disadvantages of various grading meth-
ods, specifically focusing on the comparison between
manual and automatic grading. The approach adopted
is research-based and evidence-based, and the effects
of the change are evaluated through monitoring learn-
ing outcomes and surveying students about their per-
ceptions of the shift from manual to automatic grad-
Niemelä, P., Hukkanen, J., Nurminen, M. and Huhtamäki, J.
Growing Grade-by-Grade.
DOI: 10.5220/0011982100003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 92-102
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ing. These findings will be used to inform and adjust
future course implementations. To gain insight into
how students received the integration of auto-graders,
the following research questions will be posed:
1. Which grading styles students prefer the most and
2. Which auto-graders were appreciated the most?
3. Which were the students’ desired submission
counts and what were their consequences?
After the COVID-19 pandemic, many students con-
tinue to request remote teaching in the form of videos
and remote exercise sessions, even as in-person teach-
ing resumes. The increased demand for remote teach-
ing and limited resources have led to a shift towards
remote teaching as a norm. In this environment,
the role of educators and course personnel becomes
more implicit, yet they design the course practices and
deliver material, exercises, and assignments to best
serve their target audience. Learning occurs primar-
ily through the use of learning management systems,
which can be enhanced with intelligent tutors. In
guiding students, grading is one of the primary means.
The purpose of the grading is to promote student’s
learning and guide the learning process in an appro-
priate direction, in computer science, improving their
coding skills.
To maintain the quality of teaching in an online
or hybrid environment, the findings of pedagogical
frameworks such as the growth mindset (Dweck and
Yeager, 2019), the theory of formative assessment
(Black and Wiliam, 2009; Clark, 2012), and flipped
learning (Bergmann and Sams, 2014) can inform the
use of grading tools while developing the DSA-2022.
These frameworks can provide insight into what ben-
efits students in terms of feedback, engagement, and
self-directed learning, which can be incorporated into
the design and implementation of grading tools. Ad-
ditionally, the use of formative assessments and active
learning strategies, as promoted by flipped learning,
can improve the effectiveness of learning.
2.1 Pedagogical Frameworks
Pivotal in detecting the growth mindset is a student’s
attitude toward a challenge. If the challenge feels
thrilling and not intimidating, it speaks for a growth
mindset. A growth-mindset student is thrilled by an
opportunity of learning something new and difficult.
The opposite of the growth mindset is fixed mindset
(Haimovitz and Dweck, 2017). Fixed-mindset stu-
dents are constrained by shame and fear of failure.
Ultimately, the fear is induced by the risk of others
discovering them being dumb. In a fixed mindset, this
would be tragic indeed, because the judgement is fi-
nal: intelligence and skills are thought to be given and
that is why nothing can be done about it. Not so in the
growth mindset. It expects students to grow by tak-
ing on the challenges, which trains students’ flexibil-
ity and resilience, and helps them become eventually
more skilled. Growth-minded students are also con-
fident about their progress and think there are good
chances in achieving the set academic goals, which
connects to self-efficacy (Bandura, 1982) Educators
should rely on this growth and equip students to reg-
ulate their own learning, and learn to learn.
The theory of formative assessment is based on
the idea that assessment should be used as a tool
for improving both learning and instruction, rather
than just evaluating them. Formative assessment takes
place throughout the learning process, it also provides
feedback not only for students but also for course
personnel on what is being learned and what needs
to be improved in the course design. E.g., the in-
structions and exercise feedback are often refactored
in anticipation of a smoother completion of exer-
cises. According to Clark (Clark, 2012), there are
three aspects of feedback which have the potential to
impact meta-cognition and self-efficacy, namely for-
mative, synchronous and external/internal feedback.
Clark defines formative as an assessment style that
supports self-regulation, synchronous as instant feed-
back, whereas internal feedback refers to ways per-
sons speak to themselves. Internal feedback gen-
eration is typical for self-regulated learners, often
triggered by getting external feedback first. (Clark,
Flipped learning (FL) has grown into a popular
approach that involves students watching video lec-
tures before engaging in active learning activities such
as problem-solving and discussion. Assessment in
FL typically includes formative assessments that take
place throughout the course.
In MOOCs, active learning implied by FL may in-
corporate interactive and gamified exercises and cod-
ing. The feedback for these exercises can be catego-
rized as formative, if it is instant and detailed enough,
so that students can improve their submissions based
on it. The FL approach is believed to better prepare
students for the 21st century by giving them more
control over their learning, allowing them to learn at
their own pace, still not neglecting the opportunities
for active engagement and collaboration (Avery et al.,
Growing Grade-by-Grade
2.2 Respective Learning Tools
Dweck together with her research group have de-
veloped a reward system, ”brain points, to encour-
age the development of growth mindset behaviors
by directly incentivizing effort, use of strategy, and
incremental progress. (Dweck and Yeager, 2019;
O’Rourke et al., 2014; O’Rourke et al., 2016) Re-
sults show that brain points are capable of encour-
aging the growth mindset by increasing persistence,
time spent playing, strategy use, and perseverance,
especially in low-performing students. By providing
incentives for effort and progress, players are more
likely to engage with the game and continue to chal-
lenge themselves, thus fostering the growth mindset
among players. Students will be encouraged to see
challenges as opportunities for growth and develop-
ment, rather than as a source of frustration.
The studied DSA course provides a comprehensive
introduction to data structures and algorithms, from
insertion- to merge sort, from data structures se-
quences and sets and algorithm analysis including the
performance implication of data structure selection.
Due to COVID-19, DSA course replaced earlier live
lectures with video recordings, and on-premises tu-
toring with online tutoring sessions. Special Q&A
sessions were provided for tutoring purposes. In the
sessions, teachers answered questions stated by stu-
dents and went more in detail than in video lectures.
Q&A is similar concept to primetime sessions that are
utilized in flipped learning (Koskinen et al., 2018), ex-
cept in DSA-2022 participation was voluntary and not
rewarded by points. The removal of points resulted in
a remarkable decline in participation compared with
previous implementations.
The exercises and assignments demonstrate how
well the content was internalized. Students struggling
with the exercises could get help in Teams where TAs
give hints and scaffold students in solving the prob-
lems. However, while doing the exercises students
should get a sufficient amount of feedback from the
developed auto-graders to be able to fulfill the re-
quirements. The assignments are designed to be com-
pleted independently by the students, and success-
fully completing the assignments is evidence of ad-
equate learning.
Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 are divided into
two phases: compulsory and optional. Students have
the option to accept the results from the compulsory
phase or choose to progress to higher grades. Addi-
tionally, students may choose to forgo Assignment 2
entirely, resulting in a maximum grade of 2. These
various grade options can be viewed as an implemen-
tation of flipped assessment, which grants students
more control over their assessments, allowing them
to be more autonomous and focus on areas that align
with their strengths and interests (Toivola, 2019).
3.1 Tools Used: Plussa, openDSA and
Plussa is the learning management system that was
used in the course. Originally Plussa has been devel-
oped in University of Helsinki (Karavirta et al., 2013).
Original LMS is a service-oriented architecture that
was designed to be easily extendable. This allows for
the addition of new services, such as auto-graders, to
enhance its functionality (Karavirta et al., 2013; Kan-
arvi, 2018). OpenDSA exercises are such enhance-
ments, but basically anything is possible: the docker
container with an image of developer’s choice will be
launched, and the git repository is cloned inside the
image and tests will be executed inside this sandbox.
Open Data Structures and Algorithms (openDA)
exercises are especially designed to support growth
via formative assessment. OpenDSA is a open-source
community creative-commons project; a broad com-
munity of developers was involved in the effort with
the incentive of re-using the materials in their own
courses. The University of Virginia has been one of
the main promoters; in Finland, Aalto University has
been active.
The project has achieved a wide variety of self-
study resources for learning data structures and algo-
rithms, such as interactive visualizations, quizzes, and
coding exercises to help students learn and practice
computer science concepts (Shaffer et al., 2011; Fouh
et al., 2012). The visualizations cover different algo-
rithms (Karavirta and Shaffer, 2015; Tilanter
a et al.,
2020) and runtime behaviors (Sirki
a, 2018), that is,
the illustration of call stack and heap behavior while
executing an algorithm, such as recursion (e.g., An-
notation editor exercise about recursion). Recursion
as well as time complexity are identified as one of the
threshold concepts in computer science (Zander et al.,
2008), and visualizations are an apt tool for lowering
the threshold (Shaffer and Rosson, 2013).
openDSA comprehension aids are good for
novices, but to advance students’ craftsmanship in
software engineering the courses need no toys but
real tools for improving the efficiency and quality
of code. Submission through GitLab repos and hav-
ing real unit and integration tests would better future-
proof their development as becoming coders (Haara-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(a) Assignment1 (b) Assignment2
Figure 1: Perftests: resource-consuming and resource-savvy versions.
nen and Lehtinen, 2015).
In addition to Plussa and openDSA, Gitlab is a
central tool starting from the middle of the course.
Besides functioning as a normal version control sys-
tem, Gitlab is the means to get instructions pulled
from the course upstream and, on the other hand, sub-
mit code for grading. The course upstream is a Gitlab
repository for pulling only. Course personnel main-
tain the upstream, new instructions and possible file
skeletons are released at the beginning of each exer-
cise round. To complete the course, students had to
pass weekly exercises, a coursework assignment, and
an exam. The manual assessment of assignments is
the most resource-consuming task, thus its automa-
tion was the first priority.
3.2 Auto-Graders for Assignment
In 2022, the automation of the course was leveled up
by introducing multiple auto-graders to check various
aspects of students’ code.
Figure 2: Plussa and Gitlab co-operate during grading.
Fig.2 illustrates auto-graders in action. First,
students pull instructions from the course-upstream
repository. They then commit their code to their
own repository, and finally, submit the Gitlab URL
in Plussa system, which is responsible for submis-
sion and grading. Plussa system is divided into two
parts: the Plussa front-end and the MOOC grader.
The system launches temporary Docker containers
that are only started for performing the grading. The
grader clones the student’s git repository and executes
the grading as instructed in a shell script. Examples
of graders include perftest, unit, integration and Val-
grind graders. Most of the tests are also given to stu-
dents, and the respective Plussa graders run the same
tests. By running the tests locally, students receive
the same feedback as given by the Plussa graders,
which decreases the number of needed submissions.
This also gives students an idea of how their work
will be graded in the LMS. After grading, the points
are returned to the Plussa front-end, which stores the
The primary goal of Data Structures and Algo-
rithms (DSA) is to learn how to write efficient code.
This goal is emphasized by setting more emphasis
on performance testing, with the measurement of the
time that program takes to run, i.e., its performance.
However, measuring performance using a stopwatch
can be affected by other processes running on the
computer at the same time, thus competing for the
same resources. To overcome this issue, an instruc-
tion counter is used instead, which measures the num-
ber of instructions that are executed by the program.
It is not susceptible to interference from other pro-
cesses. However, the instruction counter requires cer-
tain conditions to be met, such as having perf events
open on the server. To meet these requirements, a
dedicated ESXi server with an instruction counter was
setup for this course implementation.
In DSA-2022, performance tests were conducted
Growing Grade-by-Grade
by gradually increasing the amount of data (e.g.,
N =10, N =100, N =1000, ..). The instruction counts
were recorded, and then a curve was fitted using
Python to estimate the average complexity of the al-
gorithm. The results were illustrated as a graph,
showing the average time complexity as a function of
the number of data points, see Fig. 1. To ensure accu-
rate results, the input data used for curve fitting should
have minimal noise and the tests should be repeated
multiple times to average out the effects of random-
ized data or other sources of noise.
3.3 Method and Data Collection
The DSA course is developed on a yearly basis. The
method used is a design-based research (DBR) ap-
proach, which involves cyclical development with re-
flective redesign phases (Cobb et al., 2003; Reimann,
2011; Ericson et al., 2016). In DSA-2022, this ap-
proach is guided by the theory of formative assess-
ment (Black and Wiliam, 2009; Clark, 2012) and in-
volves combining educational solutions with empiri-
cal interventions and proof. The DBR approach in-
cludes four stages: design, development, enactment,
and analysis (Anderson and Shattuck, 2012; Wang
and Hannafin, 2005; Ørngreen, 2015). The cycle rep-
resents a course term and the retrospective analysis is
used to inform the design of the next implementation.
Students’ feedback was collected in two phases,
before Assignment 1, and after Assignment 2. In
addition, we utilize the grader feedback and logs in
scanning the learning process. The redesign of the
course is done based on the results, and adjustments
are made, where feasible.
We collected students’ views with two grading re-
lated questionnaires during DSA-2022. The first,
pre-questionnaire, was carried on in the middle of
the course, in module 8 (N=360) before Assign-
ment1. The second questionnaire was executed as a
post questionnaire in module 14, after Assignment 2
(N=274). 240 students answered both questionnaires.
The questionnaires contained both Likert-scale
and open-ended questions. First, we scan through
the Likert-scale questions about the preferred grading
styles. Likert scales are divided in seven levels from
’Strongly disagree’ (0) to ’Strongly agree’ (7), and in-
terpret the results by selecting enlightening quotations
from students’ responses.
4.1 Preferred Grading Styles
When transferring from resource-intensive manual
grading to auto-grading, the main dilemma is how to
keep up the good quality of feedback. During this
course, alternative ways of giving feedback were ex-
perimented, such as auto-graders, peer-reviews, and
comparisons with others. Learning analytics and self-
reflection were also mentioned, and students were
asked to rate these grading methods, yet they were
omitted during this implementation.
In Fig. 3, the automatic grading gets upvoted the
most in both phases, followed by learning analytics
and manual grading, but as we can see, in the lat-
ter Fig. Assignment 2, the difference between auto-
matic and manual grading is significantly less (in pre-
test, 1.98, in the post 1.2, see Table 1). The reasons
for automatic grading dropping in are the problems
with perftest in Assignment 1, yet the simplified (thus
faster) perftests in Assignment 2 managed to compen-
sate for the felt discomfort.
4.1.1 Auto Grading
Auto-grading was by far the most appreciated grad-
ing method. In their comments, students praised the
speed of the graders and the immediacy of the feed-
back. In addition, students greeted with joy the pos-
sibility to return their solution ”unpolished” multiple
times, such as the following respondent, -Also auto
graders don’t (hopefully) think you are a complete id-
iot if you try to submit something that is not yet well
polished. The uniformity and fairness of the evalu-
ation was emphasized especially in comparison with
peer-reviews that were not trusted that much. To a
minor extent, manual grading was attached with trust
issues as well, such as: - Personal written feedback
would’ve been very nice, but emphasis on the word
personal. and - There could also be some unknown
bias causing certain students to receive better/worse
grades than they deserve.
Auto-graders have advantages in terms of trans-
parency and continuous evaluation (characterized by
formative assessment) allowing for intermediate in-
spections and communication with the grader. How-
ever, there were issues with Assignment 1, specifi-
cally with perftests, which compromised fairness and
caused timeouts due to the slowness of visualizing
and estimating asymptotic efficiency. These problems
were addressed in Assignment 2 by simplifying the
perftests, resulting in a smoother deadline. Refactor-
ing of Assignment1 perftests is the top priority.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(a) pre-test, before Assignment 1 (b) post-test, after Assignment 1 and Assignment 2
Figure 3: Preferred grading style.
Table 1: Summary of statistics for the preferred grading style for the 240 students who answered to both questionnaires.
average pre average post
diff of post and
std of the diff
% of changed
manual 4.14 4.8 0.66 1.66 76.25
auto 6.12 5.96 -0.16 1.31 54.17
peer-review 2.54 3.45 0.91 1.73 73.33
self-reflection 3.52 3.89 0.37 1.91 72.50
comparison 3.45 3.86 0.41 1.83 70.83
la 4.17 4.29 0.12 1.96 75.00
4.1.2 Manual Grading
Many students prefer manual grading because of its
depth and being personalized. A student pointed out
the need for constructive feedback, e.g. hints for bet-
ter readability and efficiency, and coding conventions.
(Yet checking of coding conventions can be achieved
with linting tools.) However, sometimes the feed-
back can degrade as dealing with irrelevances, such as
highlighted in the following response, -Manual grad-
ing has on previous courses put enormous weight on
nitpicking, which was non-existent now. Students
were also concerned about putting their effort to the
exercises in vain, If a student cannot do code that
passes tests but still has SOME code and has used
many hours for the work, the grade cannot be 0. There
needs to be some manual grading for that pass/fail sit-
uation. Like, you could try just to pass (grade 1) OR
get a better grade with autograders. For example,
Valgrind grader represents such a pass/failure grader:
it did not allow any memory leaks for pass, causing
’passing panic’ among students. While universities
must maintain the quality of graduates, the amount of
work should not automatically compensate for lack
of skill. It seems that students rely on humans being
more empathetic than machines in this sense.
Multiple responses highlighted the size of the
course as a constraint, where manual grading was
identified as the method that consumed the most
teaching resources, thus it was seen as unrealistic.
Additionally, the slowness and an option of returning
work only once were seen as downsides of it. How-
ever, in regard to fairness, manual grading received
fewer negative comments than automatic grading.
4.1.3 Peer-Reviews
In the pre-questionnaire, students were very sus-
picious about the functionality of peer-reviews.
Ignoring the initial dismay, peer-reviews were
introduced in the last module of the course, and
allegedly the strongest objection has softened af-
ter the peer-review period. The primary reason
for softening was the fact that peer-reviews did
not directly contribute to the grade of reviewee.
Also seeing others’ solutions was enlightening.
However, each review is not equally worthy,
I think peer-reviewing is a good idea, how-
ever I would have wanted to see a solution that
was more performant than mine, or alternatively
get feedback from an author of such a solution.
Peer reviews depend on the reviewer. Cur-
rently it’s a pure lottery. If a peer really
reads the submission and knows how to give
meaningful feedback, peer-reviews are good.
I dislike peer reviews as the reviewing is not done
by a person that has a clear understanding of the
grading in the course and I feel like I am not being
graded as fairly as I could have.
Students desire feedback from someone whose
domain knowledge is equal or better than their own.
To address this, the simplest solution is to increase the
number of reviews, as this increases the chances of
receiving feedback from a knowledgeable reviewer.
However, in some courses increasing the number of
feedback items a student has to give has led to a per-
ceived decrease in the quality of the feedback. Peer-
reviews are inherently less equal in quality when com-
pared to automatic grading, as they are subjective.
Growing Grade-by-Grade
Students should be given incentives to provide high
quality feedback to their peers. Additionally the grad-
ing of the outcome of the peer-review process should
be considered in order to ensure the quality of the re-
view. The quality checking of the reviews calls for
innovative ideas. Extending the peer-review process
to include students assessing the feedback they have
received could be a relatively straight-forward way to
improve the process.
Students find it difficult to comment on work if
they are still beginners or there is a gap in skill levels,
but with proper instructions, the task becomes eas-
ier. Thus, the conclusion is to consider increasing the
number of peer-reviews and put effort into providing
clear and useful instructions to aid the process.
4.1.4 Comparisons
In DSA-2022, the comparison meant perftest top-10
leaderboard. The leaderboard listed students’ initials
hinting the name but not revealing it fully. Students
listed in the leaderboard may take it as an honor. Of
course, being omitted from the board may be discour-
aging, or felt unequal: -Comparison with other stu-
dents is good but if there is only the 10 best, hundreds
of people get left out and don’t see how they com-
pare. so i think that everyone should be displayed
on the leaderboards. Leaderboard has its problems
either way, whether with only selected people or all
included, yet the ethical problems would peak in pub-
lishing ”bottom boards” .
In students’ responses, the leaderboard induced a
lot of negative feedback. The following collection
itemizes the reasons for strong objection:
Making this a competition lets only the top stu-
dents flex their coding muscles when those who need
actual help might feel very stupid.
Seeing other peoples progress puts too much com-
petitive pressure on students. The reality is that some-
times we must prioritize our courses and work in or-
der to stay sane and still learn as much as possible.
Seeing other people’s progress to that function only
wrecks havoc.
Comparing yourself to others can be really harm-
ful to your self-esteem and many students already
struggle with mental health and imposter syndrome.
In the comments above, competition is considered
having a negative effect on one’s motivation, yet op-
posite opinions exist: I’m very competitive so getting
leaderboards is fun and increases my motivation sub-
stantially. After reading the internal review I almost
wanted to go back to working on prg1 just so I could
see if I could get my perfs down to the best ones :D.
Taking others’ progress as a positive challenge exem-
plifies the growth mindset.
The information of the leaderboard can be also
found as an additional means of guidance: If we
were shown some leaderboards during the develop-
ment, it would have given us some indication that we
were on the right path with the project. Leaderboards
and comparative statistical analysis can be provided
for students as extra means to follow their progress.
Preferably, a student should be able to control whether
the information is shown or not.
4.1.5 Learning Analytics
In larger courses, such as DSA-2022, all additional
and summarizing tutoring would be welcome. The at-
tempt is to use statistical information at the benefit of
students, yet the exact means are to be found. It is also
good to be aware of the delicacy of the issue and fo-
cus on discrete handling of the data. Most of all, stu-
dents wish encouragement and scaffolding with hard
exercises, and desire learning analytics for personal-
ized exercises: I would be open to learning analytics,
if they are user-friendly and give you gentle sugges-
tions and encouragement when you do well. How-
ever, at the same time they marvel how personalizing
will affect the grading, for example: I don’t know how
this would be implemented in practice; would every-
one be able to get as many points if different exercises
are suggested, would everyone be able to complete the
same exercises even if they aren’t suggested? Making
grade predictions could be useful.
4.1.6 Fairness Aspects
Most students confirmed the claim “I have been
graded fairly”, yet there was also a group of students
strongly disagreeing with it. Responses to the ques-
tions “I deserve a better grade that I am getting” and
“I am getting a better grade than I deserve” primarily
are left-biased, that is, heavily disagreed, yet the latter
even more heavily. In accordance with human nature,
students would easily accept a better grade, not vice
The claim ”Satisfied with the feedback” indicates
that the feedback provided to the students is well-
received, even though there may be room for improve-
ment. The claim ”I would have preferred personal
written feedback from the course staff” is also agreed,
but not as much as the previous question, this means
that while students are generally satisfied with the
feedback they got, they would have preferred to have
personal written feedback from the course staff.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: Fairness of grading.
4.2 Most Useful Graders
As seen in Fig. 5, unit and integration tests were con-
sidered to be the most useful form of testing, with vi-
sualizations provided by performance tests also being
highly valued. However, the use of Valgrind as a grad-
ing tool was met with mixed reactions due to its strict
nature as a gatekeeper that must be passed in order to
receive a grade. The main issue with Valgrind is that
it does not allow for any memory leaks or errors and
thus some participants found it to be too decisive.
However, it is questionable to remove graders that
check the correctness, where the removal would even-
tually lower the quality of code. To address the diffi-
culties with Valgrind, providing better resources and
guides for effectively using the tool is crucial. This
could include incorporating Valgrind checks when
learning about invalidating pointers and provide a
guide for tackling the most common memory leaks
and Valgrind errors. This way, developers can learn
how to use the tool in a more effective and efficient
manner and avoid common pitfalls.
Figure 5: Usefulness of the auto-graders.
4.3 Submission Count
The submission count, which refers to the number
of possible submissions to auto-graders, was initially
high at 150 but was later, in Assignment2, decreased
to 20 with the ultimate goal being 3.
The desired submission count was asked in the
second survey, and the results are shown in Fig. 6.
Responses that suggest submission count of 50 or less
total three quarters. The weighted average is still far
from the intended goal of ten. Fig.. 7 shows the his-
togram of the submission counts that students used
for one particular grader in Assignment 1. The grader
is perftest and it was the most heavily used of all
the graders. It is still to be noted that 94% of stu-
dents submitted at most 20 times, even if there are
a few students that needed more than 50. In As-
signment1, the unit, integration and performance test
codes were released in the middle of the submission
period; whereas in Assignment 2, the test codes were
readily available right from the start. The test codes
allowed students to test their code locally, and for As-
signment 2 the submission counts were much smaller
than in Assignment 1.
This suggests that the majority of students are able
to test their codes, if test codes are released. However,
students desired to have higher submission counts in
auto-graders than they actually needed. This may
stem from the need to ensure the possibility to test
with the grader, if the test codes are not made avail-
able or they behave differently in local testing versus
in the learning management system. In any case, stu-
dents must be encouraged to test their codes by them-
selves rather than testing against ready-made tests.
Figure 6: Desired submission counts.
Figure 7: The histogram of the submission counts to the
perftest grader in Assignment 1.
Had the students been graded manually, this high
number of submissions and this much feedback were
far beyond reach. In Tampere University, a few previ-
ous courses have been transferred from manual to au-
Growing Grade-by-Grade
tomatic grading (Niemel
a and Nurminen, 2020; Nur-
minen et al., 2021). The previous experiences confirm
the results of this study: if students are provided with
an option of gradual improvements of their code, stu-
dents fully utilize the option, and learn gradually by
iterating their code. Another, self-evident but not any
less important consequence is saving the resources of
course personnel. In the course of this size (N=605),
auto-grading is simply a necessity. High submis-
sion counts, versatile formative feedback of various
graders combined with discussion forums with Q&A,
where saved course resources can be spent and hu-
mans give constructive feedback, make the virtue out
of necessity. However, more effort should be put to
foster social cohesion and collaboration among stu-
dents during the courses. Post-COVID students of
our university have increasingly moved into remote
studying mode. To bring them back to campus and to
get them to work in teams is a brand new challenge.
1. Which grading styles students prefer the most and
less and why?
Auto-grading was by far the most appreciated
grading method, yet manual grading had also
strong support but felt unrealistic in the course of
this size. It is appreciated because of its depth
and being individual. Students also pointed out
the need for constructive feedback, and leniency.
Peer-review collected the most negative feedback,
but views about peer-reviewing got more neutral
after students had more experience with DSA-
2022 implementation of the peer-reviews: stu-
dents found it beneficial to see alternative solu-
tions, but others had difficulty providing useful
feedback and felt frustrated when the reviewed so-
lution was better than theirs. The feedback from
ill-motivated peer-reviewers was considered use-
2. Which auto-graders were appreciated the most?
Unit-tests, integration tests and perftest, whereas
Valgrind grader raised mixed opinions. Perftests,
in particular with visualizations, help in reaching
the learning goals of the course, efficient code
being the very essence of it. The current im-
plementation must though be revised, the perftest
grader being much too slow, thus causing conges-
tion. The revised version must function reliably,
despite other processes consuming CPU. Prefer-
ably, a browser should draw the curves of asymp-
totic efficiencies and do curve fitting, instead of
a server, which would save its resources and im-
prove the user experience.
3. Which were the students’ desired submission
counts and what were their consequences?
Students wish for quite high submission counts;
the mode was 50 and a remarkable section voted
for 150 as well. In reality, they should not need
that much, and fortunately the majority did not
use that many submissions. Instead of submitting
to Plussa LMS, students were instructed to test lo-
cally, which is faster and, moreover, aligned with
the traversal learning goals of the CS faculty (test-
your-code). 150 as the initial submission count
of Assignment1 was clearly a wrong signal: in-
stead of leaning on Plussa LMS, students should
put more effort on testing their code locally, and
preferably they would complete the given test set
by writing their own tests, if something is missing.
The data collected by Plussa and GitLab is exten-
sive and could be used for learning analytics. The
analysis should be made accessible to both teachers
and students, with the potential for students to com-
pare their performance to others, although this might
create unnecessary competition, yet a safer approach
would be for students to compare their performance
to their own earlier performance. Plussa graders cur-
rently check code quality and conventions, but an ad-
ditional ”self-reflection grader” would be useful in
helping students to improve their understanding of
their strengths and weaknesses, preferably by provid-
ing suggestions for exercises to fill in any gaps, and
showing the path to growth.
An interesting area of research would be investi-
gating the most effective way to combine automatic
grading and the support provided by course person-
nel. While automatic grading has been shown to be
effective and efficient, many students have expressed
a need for support from course personnel. The time
saved with automatic grading could be used to pro-
vide this support and improve teacher-student com-
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the uti-
lization of Teams for student-peer and student-teacher
interactions has surged. However, the current ap-
proach to employing these tools is often unstruc-
tured and ad-hoc, lacking clear guidelines on their
appropriate usage and the allocation of communica-
tion responsibilities. This results in an unpredictable
and disorganized communication environment, which
may fail to fully engage students and promote social
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
cohesion. To address these concerns, a more struc-
tured approach is required, which emphasizes the se-
lection of appropriate communication tools and the
allocation of specific communication responsibilities
to designated individuals. This will facilitate more
predictable and organized communication during the
course implementation, enhancing the overall learn-
ing experience for students. Furthermore, incorpo-
rating team-based activities and assignments can pro-
vide students with valuable opportunities to hone their
collaboration and communication skills, which are
highly sought after in the modern workforce.
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education