Function-as-a-Service for the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: A Systematic
Mapping Study
arbara da Silva Oliveira
1 a
, Nicolas Ferry
1 b
, Hui Song
2 c
, Rustem Dautov
2 d
Ankica Bari
1 e
and Atslands Rego da Rocha
3 f
e C
ote d’Azur, I3S/INRIA Kairos, Sophia Antipolis, France
SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway
Departamento de Engenharia de Teleinform
atica, Universidade Federal do Cear
a, Brazil
Internet of Things, Cloud, Cloud-to-Thing Continuum, Function-as-a-Service, Systematic Mapping Study.
Until recently, Internet of Things applications were mainly seen as a means to gather sensor data for further
processing in the Cloud. Nowadays, with the advent of Edge and Fog Computing, digital services are dragged
closer to the physical world, with data processing and storage tasks distributed across the whole Cloud-to-
Thing continuum. Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is gaining momentum as one of the promising programming
models for such digital services. This work investigates the current research landscape of applying FaaS over
the Cloud-to-Thing continuum. In particular, we investigate the support offered by existing FaaS platforms for
the deployment, placement, orchestration, and execution of functions across the whole continuum using the
Systematic Mapping Study methodology. We selected 33 primary studies and analyzed their data, bringing a
broad view on the current research landscape in the area.
Nowadays, with the advent of Edge and Fog Comput-
ing, digital services are dragged closer to the physical
world, with data processing tasks distributed across
the whole Cloud-to-Thing continuum. Function-as-
a-Service (FaaS) is gaining momentum as one of the
promising programming models for such digital ser-
vices. It allows developers to focus on the software
development while the Cloud provider manages the
underlying infrastructure. Serverless functions are
simple operations expressing parts of the application
logic, which are triggered on the occurrence of spe-
cific events. This event-driven nature is a natural fit
for IoT event and data processing (Cheng et al., 2019).
However, challenges hinder the broader adoption
of FaaS solutions for the whole Cloud-to-Thing con-
tinuum, hereafter called FaaS4C2T for short. For ex-
ample, in contrast to classical Cloud infrastructures,
Edge and Thing infrastructures are typically largely
heterogeneous, including devices such as gateways,
base stations, and tiny microcontrollers, with a wide
geographical distribution. Serverless functions typi-
cally need to be deployed close to the data source and
tailored to their host’s cyber-physical context, which
typically cannot be done homogeneously using stan-
dard deployment solutions (e.g., not all devices can
support the same virtualization technology).
Several platforms such as PAPS (Baresi and Quat-
trocchi, 2021) and AuctionWhisk (Bermbach et al.,
2022) have emerged to enable FaaS on Edge infras-
tructures. However, there needs to be more under-
standing of their coverage and support of the IoT
end (i.e., the Thing layer). Consequently, there is
an urgent need to investigate the diverse features and
properties of current FaaS4C2T platforms. In this
context, we conducted a Systematic Mapping Study
to provide a holistic, yet concise overview of the
FaaS4C2T landscape and the existing support for the
whole Cloud-to-Thing continuum, including research
gaps and limitations. The main contributions of this
work are the answers to the following Research Ques-
tions (RQs):
Oliveira, B., Ferry, N., Song, H., Dautov, R., Bariši
c, A. and Rocha, A.
Function-as-a-Service for the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: A Systematic Mapping Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0011982600003482
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2023), pages 82-93
ISBN: 978-989-758-643-9; ISSN: 2184-4976
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
RQ1. What are the research publication trends
in the domain of FaaS platforms for the Cloud-to-
Thing Continuum?
RQ2. What are the specificities and limitations of
FaaS platforms for the Cloud-to-Thing continuum?
RQ3. What are the open research issues to be fur-
ther investigated in this field?
We have systematically processed an extensive
number of relevant papers from four online publica-
tion databases to finally obtain a set of 33 primary
studies from which we extracted and synthesized data
to answer our RQs. The results show gaps in re-
search (e.g., lack of customizable function alloca-
tion strategies, managing functions’ concurrent ac-
cesses to shared resources) that need to be addressed
to enable proper application of the FaaS programming
model to the Cloud-to-Thing continuum.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 introduces some background defi-
nitions. Section 3 details the methodology adopted.
Section 4 presents the results and the analysis of the
data extraction. Section 5 presents related work and
Section 6 concludes our work, presenting and dis-
cussing the main findings.
In this section, we describe the main concepts and
definitions adopted in this paper.
2.1 Cloud-to-Thing Continuum
The Cloud-to-Thing continuum refers to the exten-
sion of the Cloud capabilities towards low-end de-
vices, i.e., Things. This work considers the Cloud-
to-Thing continuum composed of four main layers:
Cloud, Intermediary, Edge and Things layers. The
Intermediary and Edge layers can also be grouped
and referred to as Fog, according to the definition of
the OpenFog consortium (Byers and Swanson, 2017).
There is still no consensus about the definition of
Edge and Fog computing; in some cases, Edge and
Fog can be used interchangeably.
According to the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), Cloud computing is a com-
puting model enabling ubiquitous network access to a
shared and virtualized pool of computing capabilities
(e.g., network, storage, processing, and memory) that
can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management
effort (Mell and Grance, 2001). IoT systems typically
exploit the Cloud layer for centralized and resource-
demanding data processing and storage.
The Open Glossary from the Linux Foundation
defines Edge computing as “the delivery of comput-
ing capabilities to the logical extremes of a network in
order to improve the performance, operating cost and
reliability of applications and services. By shortening
the distance between devices and the cloud resources
that serve them and reducing network hops, edge
computing mitigates the latency and bandwidth con-
straints of today’s Internet, ushering in new classes of
applications” (LF Edge, 2019). Conceptually, Edge
computing is closer to the bottom IoT layer, rather
than to Cloud-based services (Mahmud et al., 2018).
The Edge layer thereby consists of Edge devices such
as routers, gateways, base stations, etc. This missing
link between Edge and Cloud is often implemented
as an extra layer, which we denote as Intermediary
Layer, following the Fog computing architecture def-
inition by the OpenFog consortium (Byers and Swan-
son, 2017). It is typically composed of Fog servers
or lightweight cloud servers such as Cloudlets (Pang
et al., 2015). The Intermediary and Edge layers are
often grouped as a single Fog layer.
The Thing layer includes low-level leaf nodes
within IoT systems and is defined as “physical objects
that are capable of sensing or acting on their envi-
ronment and able to communicate with each other”
Things cannot always provide virtualization support
and might not be directly connected to the Internet
(i.e., Internet connection is granted via other devices).
2.2 Serverless and
As explained in (Baldini et al., 2017), “Serverless de-
scribes a programming model and architecture where
small code snippets are executed in the Cloud with-
out any control over the resources on which the code
runs”. The Serverless programming model stands
closer to the Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) model,
where developers have access to a prepared runtime
software stack maintained by the Cloud provider and
focus on writing application code, rather than to the
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) model where the
developer has full control and is accountable for man-
aging the application and its runtime software stack.
However, in contrast to PaaS, serverless applications
are meant to be scalable by design, and developers
expect the operation of these applications to be fault-
tolerant and quickly auto-scalable (Xie et al., 2021).
Serverless applications are often wrapped in software
containers as a lightweight virtualization solution that
As defined by the EU: https://
557012/EPRS BRI(2015)557012 EN.pdf
Function-as-a-Service for the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: A Systematic Mapping Study
can be easily and rapidly provisioned. (Baldini et al.,
2017) defines a Serverless platform as “an event pro-
cessing system. The service must manage a set of
user-defined functions, take an event sent over HTTP
or received from an event source, determine which
function(s) to dispatch the event, find an existing in-
stance of the function or create a new instance, send
the event to the function instance, wait for a response,
gather execution logs, make the response available to
the user, and stop the function when it is no longer
needed”. This implies that Serverless platforms in-
clude at least an event broker as well as a solution to
dispatch the events and manage the service life-cycle.
FaaS is a form of Serverless computing in which
the Cloud provider manages the resources, life-cycle,
and event-driven execution of user-provided functions
(Van Eyk et al., 2018), denoted as serverless functions
in the rest of the paper.
2.3 Deployment and Orchestration
To deploy an application on a selected target envi-
ronment, its components need to be placed to host-
ing resources. More precisely, the implementation of
those components needs to be placed and deployed.
The notion of a deployable artifact supports exactly
the reference between logical components and con-
nectors to their implementations (Bergmayr et al.,
2018). Placement selects the resources on which
the deployable artifacts will be hosted, and a place-
ment strategy defines how to drive this selection.
Deployment refers to the action of provisioning (or
de-provisioning) the resources (when possible), in-
stalling, configuring, and starting (or stopping) de-
ployable artefacts. How to enact a deployment is
specified in a deployment model.
The NIST defines orchestration as “the sequence
and conditions in which one Web service invokes
other Web services to realize some useful function”.
In the FaaS context, orchestration involves manage-
ment and coordination of serverless functions. An
orchestration model provides a programmatic way
to combine simple, well-defined serverless functions
into more complex applications (Bocci et al., 2021).
This section describes the adopted review methodol-
ogy, which is based on the established guidelines from
(Kitchenham et al., 2011; Kitchenham and Charters,
2007; Petersen et al., 2015).
3.1 Research Questions
This study investigates how FaaS platforms and as-
sociated mechanisms support the Cloud-to-Thing
continuum. To this end, we classify the main char-
acteristics and capabilities of existing platforms, in-
cluding the toolset they offer, and we identify the gaps
and future research directions. The overall objective
is underpinned by the three RQs listed in Section 1.
As part of RQ1, we intend to understand the cur-
rent status of the research, which includes general
statistics, such as RQ1.1 - the number of studies pub-
lished by year and the venue type; RQ1.2 - the level of
maturity of the research; RQ1.3 - the focus of the re-
search (e.g., Deployment, Placement); RQ1.4 - what
FaaS platforms are frequently used for the Cloud,
Fog, and Thing layers? With RQ2, we want to under-
stand the mechanisms and properties of FaaS for the
Cloud-to-Thing continuum and how they differenti-
ate from FaaS platforms for the Cloud. This includes
the specific subquestions: RQ2.1 - what are the plat-
forms’ architectural patterns; RQ2.2 - on which lay-
ers of the Cloud-to-Thing continuum serverless func-
tions can be deployed; RQ2.3 - what are the mech-
anisms used to deploy, package and run serverless
functions in isolation; RQ2.4 - what mechanisms are
responsible for the serverless function placement and
scalability? RQ3 also includes two sub-questions.
RQ3.1 - What are the open issues in FaaS4C2T re-
search? RQ3.2 - What research directions can be rec-
ommended for tackling the open issues? These sub-
questions suggest potential future work directions.
3.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The Inclusion (ICs) and Exclusion Criteria (ECs) ap-
plied in this systematic mapping are listed in Table 1.
3.3 Selection Strategy
39 30
Merge 170 59 33
After reviewing
title and abstract
After scanning
After cross-check
After merging of
Figure 1: Study selection process.
Using search engines of online publication databases
is the established practice to search for essential
IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 1: Inclusion (ICx) and Exclusion (ECx) Criteria.
IC1 The study presents a FaaS platform or ex-
tends an existing FaaS platform.
IC2 FaaS is applied to the Cloud-to-Thing con-
tinuum, i.e., covering not only the Cloud,
but also the domains Edge, Fog, robotics,
IoT, as well as their possible applications.
IC3 The study provides details about server-
less function deployment, placement, or
EC1 The study is bounded to a specific Fog
and/or IoT environment, which cannot be
applied in more use cases.
EC2 The paper is published before the year
2008. This year, the concepts of serverless
programming and FaaS started to appear.
EC3 When a solution is reported in several
papers (e.g., overall approach, empirical
study, evaluation), we include all these pa-
pers but treat them as a single approach.
EC4 We excluded papers not written in English,
not peer-reviewed, as well as short papers
(i.e., only accessible as extended abstracts,
posters, or presentations).
EC5 The study has a length of fewer than
four pages in double-column format or six
pages in single-column format.
primary studies, as well as follow-up supplemental
studies (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007). We used
the following four popular publication databases:
IEEE Xplore
, ACM Digital Library
, ScienceDi-
, and Scopus
. Scopus and ACM DL already
index SpringerLink
(Tran et al., 2017). Following
the guidelines from (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007),
we have defined our search terms based on the RQs
and the keywords used in related articles. The search
query was adjusted to fit the search engines of the four
publication databases.
Listing 1: Query string used to perform the database search.
TITLE-ABS (" Se rve rl es s " OR " FaaS " OR
" F un ct io n as a S er vi ce " OR
" Fun c t i o n - as - a - S e rvice ")
TITLE-ABS (" IoT " OR " I n t e r n et of T h i ng s " OR
" Th i n g s " OR " Ed g e " OR " Fo g " OR " C PS " OR
" Cyber * P h y sic a l Syste m *" OR " R o b o t *") )
PUBYEAR > 200 8
The study selection process is illustrated in Fig-
ure 1. First, we searched the databases using the de-
fined query string. Next, for every candidate paper,
we reviewed the title and abstract, and long-listed pa-
pers according to the ICs and ECs. Since an article
may appear in more than one database, we merged
the results, thus removing duplicates. After that, we
short-listed the studies based on full texts, again us-
ing the the ICs and ECs. To do this, the papers were
distributed among the contributing authors, who had
to specify which ICs and ECs they considered for
short-listing the papers. For quality assurance pur-
poses, we also performed another round of peer re-
view to reach the consensus on the short-listing deci-
sions. When there were conflicts in judgments be-
tween the reviewers, we discussed the decisions to
reach the final agreement.
3.4 Comparison Framework
The review framework contemplates the essential as-
pects of the FaaS4C2T presented in the literature.
In particular, we emphasized characteristics regard-
ing the deployment and placement of serverless func-
tions, taking into account the differences between
only involving the Cloud and other layers within the
Cloud-to-Thing continuum. The primary purpose of
the framework is to extract and compare data from the
primary studies so that they can help to answer the
RQs. To develop a comprehensive review framework,
we extensively explored and discussed the core con-
cepts in the field of FaaS when applied to the Cloud-
to-Thing continuum. The resulting framework is doc-
umented in two categories: Architecture and Runtime
3.4.1 Architecture
This category focuses on the architecture of the FaaS
platforms. We survey the components that form the
core of the FaaS platforms and the typical architec-
tural patterns they adopt when applied to the Cloud-
to-Thing continuum.
Platform distribution: All the software components
that form a FaaS platform may be centralized or
some of them may be distributed. We specifically
investigate if these components can, or need to, be
deployed on Fog and Things layers.
Multi-Tenancy: When multiple independent tenants
operate in the same platform, the same instance or
resources are used for distinct users.
Multi-Application: When two or more different ap-
plications from the same tenant operate in the same
Function-as-a-Service for the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: A Systematic Mapping Study
Multi-Cloud: When the platform services, func-
tions, and software components can be deployed
across multiple computing and storage services
from different Cloud providers.
Entities for Functions Life Cycle Management: We
investigate services and components participating
in the life-cycle management of serverless func-
tions (Aslanpour et al., 2021). This includes as-
pects such as the monitoring, configuration, deploy-
ment, termination, etc. of serverless functions. We
also aim to understand whether the management of
functions on the Fog and Thing layers requires spe-
cific support.
3.4.2 Runtime Capabilities
We want here to explore the runtime capabilities
offered by the FaaS platform for the management,
deployment, placement of serverless functions, and
mechanisms for function isolation.
Deployment Capabilities.
Deployable Artefact Type: What is the type of de-
ployable artefacts accepted by the platform (e.g.,
the project code, the binaries, scripts).
Bootstrap: Bootstrap refers to all the necessary
software modules on the devices required to the
function deployment. (Arcangeli et al., 2015).
Target Infrastructure: We survey the layers where
serverless functions can be deployed.
Long-lived tasks: Serverless functions are naturally
suitable for short-lived tasks. For those tasks, there
is a small amount of data to be processed, and they
are rapidly finished. We investigate the support for
long-lived tasks, which involve substantial amounts
of data, and require a longer period to be processed
(Baldini et al., 2017; Aslanpour et al., 2021).
Placement Strategy: The Placement Strategy may
be to choose a specific node for the placement, for
example, the closest node to the IoT device. It can
also be defined as an optimization problem, consid-
ering various constraints, such as energy consump-
tion or bandwidth.
Dynamism: We investigate if the placement algo-
rithm is executed dynamically. One possibility is
that the placement can be carried out by the arrival
of new inputs in the system. The placement can
also be triggered by changes in the infrastructure,
e.g., when new virtual machines are created (Mah-
mud et al., 2020).
Replication Strategy: We investigate the strategy
adopted for function replication, which plays a part
in the serverless functions scalability mechanism.
Infrastructure Management.
Resource Monitoring: The deployment of the
serverless functions and the quantity of workload
that can be employed depends on the available re-
sources. Thus, the FaaS platform must bring mech-
anisms to provide the status of the device’s capa-
bilities (Costa et al., 2022), determining whether it
is possible or not to execute the incoming functions
and services in these devices.
Device Information: The kind of device informa-
tion is being considered, e.g., memory, CPU, or
bandwidth available in the system devices.
Runtime Information: The kind of runtime informa-
tion is being considered for the monitoring mecha-
nisms. For example, it can be the status of the run-
ning processes in computing Fog nodes.
Scalability. The standard types of scaling in Cloud
modeling include Horizontal and Vertical Scalabil-
ity (Xie et al., 2021). Horizontal scaling is done by
deploying new instances of the serverless function
on existing or newly added machines in the resource
pool. In Vertical scaling, more resources, such as
CPUs and memory, are added to an existing server,
or the function is moved to a more powerful machine.
Isolation. Isolation is a fundamental mechanism
for the secure and effective execution of functions
and services. It aims to separate different tenants
and functions of the same application, which allows
Multi-tenancy and Multi-Application use (Li et al.,
2022). Traditionally, for Cloud applications, possible
solutions are Virtual Machines and Containers, which
can be heavy for devices in constrained scenarios in
the Fog or Thing layers.
Table 2 details the list of primary FaaS4C2T stud-
ies. Based on the comparison framework, we have
extracted and synthesized the data from the primary
studies to answer our RQs.
IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 2: Overview of the primary FaaS4C2T studies.
# Title* Year v
1 Kappa: Serverless IoT Deployment 2017 C
2 Calvin Constrained A Framework for IoT Applications in
Heterogeneous Environments
2017 W
3 NFaaS: Named function as a service 2017 C
4 Lite-Service: A Framework to Build and Schedule Telecom
Applications in Device, Edge and Cloud
2018 C
5 Dynamic Allocation of Serverless Functions in IoT Environ-
2018 C
6 Towards a Serverless Platform for Edge Computing 2019 C
7 Towards a serverless platform for edge AI 2019 C
8 Fog Function: Serverless Fog Computing for Data Intensive
IoT Services
2019 C
9 An Execution Model for Serverless Functions at the Edge 2019 C
10 A unified model for the mobile-edge-cloud continuum 2019 J
11 tinyFaaS: A Lightweight FaaS Platform for Edge Environ-
2020 C
12 Device-driven On-demand Deployment of Serverless Com-
puting Functions
2020 W
13 Allocation priority policies for serverless function-execution
scheduling optimisation
2020 C
14 A NodeRED-based dashboard to deploy pipelines on top of
IoT infrastructure
2020 C
15 NanoLambda: Implementing Functions as a Service at All Re-
source Scales for the Internet of Things
2020 C
16 Sledge: A Serverless-First, Light-Weight Wasm Runtime for
the Edge
2020 C
17 µ actor: Stateful Serverless at the Edge 2021 C
18 Self-balancing architectures based on liquid functions across
computing continuums
2021 C
19 Optimized container scheduling for data-intensive serverless
edge computing
2021 J
20 Operating Latency Sensitive Applications on Public Server-
less Edge Cloud Platforms
2021 J
21 Mu actor: Stateful Serverless at the Edge 2021 C
22 PAPS: A Serverless Platform for Edge Computing Infrastruc-
2021 J
23 Colony: Parallel Functions as a Service on the Cloud-Edge
2021 C
24 Latency-Sensitive Edge/Cloud Serverless Dynamic Deploy-
ment over Telemetry-Based Packet-Optical Network
2021 J
25 In the Fog: Application Deployment for the Cloud Continuum 2021 C
26 Function delivery network: Extending serverless computing
for heterogeneous platforms
2021 J
27 LaSS: Running Latency Sensitive Serverless Computations at
the Edge
2021 C
28 Dyninka: A FaaS Framework for Distributed Dataflow Appli-
2021 W
29 A Decentralized Framework for Serverless Edge Computing
in the Internet of Things
2021 J
30 Real-Time FaaS: Towards a Latency Bounded Serverless
2022 J
31 Light weight serverless computing at fog nodes for internet of
things systems
2022 J
32 AuctionWhisk: Using an auction-inspired approach for func-
tion placement in serverless fog platforms
2022 J
33 Towards Efficient Processing of Latency-Sensitive Serverless
DAGs at the Edge
2022 W
Venue type: J = Journal (19), C = Conference (37), W = Workshop (13).
* The titles are clickable to link to the corresponding publications
4.1 Answering RQ1: Publication
To answer RQ1, we extracted information about the
publication years, venue type, author’s affiliation, etc.
Publication Years and Venue Type. Figure 2 de-
picts the publication years according to the venue
type. We can observe a growth in the interest in
the FaaS4C2T research area. The earliest relevant
study was published in 2017. The years 2020 and
2021 show a rise in the number of publications. This
demonstrates the need for research on FaaS4C2T and
the research area is gaining more attention. In the last
year, we collected fewer publications since we did the
database search of papers on April 2022.
Figure 2: Distribution of publication types per year.
From Figure 2, we also observe that conference
paper is the most popular publication type. The jour-
nal articles have a lower percentage and started ap-
pearing in 2019. It is worth noting that the high num-
ber of journal articles in 2021 might be partly due to
the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, this reflects the
paper’s maturity level in the field, which is still in its
early stages.
Author’s Affiliation. Figure 3 depicts the author’s
affiliation. Most authors are from academia, followed
by a collaboration of academia and industry. There
are few studies conducted by the industry, probably
due to the novelty of this research area.
Figure 3: Author’s affiliation.
Case Study for Evaluation. Regarding the type
of case study used for evaluating the FaaS4C2T ap-
proaches, to the best of our understanding, all case
studies were defined by academics and not by indus-
trial such as motivational examples, prototypes, or
simulations developed by researchers for discussing
or evaluating. Finally, it is nice to see that only two
primary studies do not provide any evaluation details.
In the future, we expect to see more industry-driven
case studies as the maturity of the research increase.
Technology Readiness Levels. The Technology
Readiness Levels (TRL) is a concept used to deter-
mine a given technology’s maturity level. We used
the TRL scale defined by the EC
to determine the
h2020/wp/2014 2015/annexes/h2020-wp1415-annex-g-
trl en.pdf
Function-as-a-Service for the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: A Systematic Mapping Study
maturity of the FaaS4C2T platforms. Figure 4a de-
picts the TRL of our primary studies. We did not
find any work at TRL 1 and only a few at TRL 2,
as such work is more difficult to be accepted by con-
ferences and journals. Most of the FaaS4C2T plat-
forms are in the early stages of TRL 3, and 4 whilst
only a few reach TRL 5. The works at TRL 2 present
technology concepts without connecting components
or performing many experiments. At TRL 3, we typ-
ically find experimental studies with at most proto-
types and some evaluation metrics. At TRL 4, results
are validated in labs typically with small use case en-
vironments. The works at stage 5 are more advanced,
implementing the FaaS platforms in large-scale envi-
ronments and applications in more advanced projects.
This represents that we are still distant from the ac-
tual implementation of the platform in an operational
environment. Figure 4b represents the distribution of
the works according to year and scale. We note that
more works in stages 3-5 started to appear in the last
three years, which corroborates our presumption that
this application area is essential and with growing in-
terest and development.
(a) Percentage of pa-
pers per TRL (b) TRL per year
Figure 4: Analysis of the TRLs.
Main Focus of the Primary Studies: Figure 5 de-
picts the main focus of the selected studies. Given that
all studies are about FaaS platforms for the Cloud-
to-Thing continuum (see ICs and ECs), we evaluated
whether their contribution was primarily on server-
less functions deployment, placement, or orchestra-
tion. Indeed, serverless functions placement and de-
ployment are critical for the proper execution of an
orchestration. Placement is the main topic for most
primary studies as classical serverless function place-
ment strategies in Cloud infrastructures are, in most
cases, impractical in the Cloud-to-Thing continuum.
Indeed, in the later cases, the placement strategies
must consider (i) the high heterogeneity of the infras-
tructure - i.e., resources have largely different capa-
bilities and functions must be placed accordingly, as
well as (ii) the geographical location and distribution
of the devices at the Edge and Thing layers - i.e., func-
tions must be placed and replicated in the vicinity of
all sensors of a certain type.
Figure 5: Main focus of the primary studies.
Original or Extension of Existing FaaS Platforms:
As depicted in Figure 6, there is a good balance be-
tween the studies that developed their original FaaS
platform and studies extending existing ones. In the
later cases, the studies proposed modifications, rules,
and mechanisms for improving widely used plat-
forms. OpenWhisk is the most preferred among the
open-source platforms, since OpenWhisk was one of
the first comprehensive open-source FaaS platforms.
For example, Bermbach et al. developed Auction-
Whisk, (Bermbach et al., 2022), and propose a place-
ment mechanism on top of OpenWhisk. For AWS
Lambda, (Pelle et al., 2021) propose including a ser-
vice that provides real-time evaluations of the sys-
tem and dynamic modification of placement decisions
based on current performance. There are studies ex-
tending OpenFaaS and one based on OpenStack. It
is also worth mentioning that not all platforms offer
the same features. In particular, some studies lever-
age Kubernetes and KNative, which are not pure FaaS
platforms but rather advanced container management
systems on top of which solutions such as OpenWhisk
and OpenFaaS can be built.
Figure 6: FaaS platforms used.
4.2 Answering RQ2: Support for the
Cloud-to-Thing Continuum
To investigate the peculiarities and limits of existing
FaaS platforms when applied to the Cloud-to-Thing
continuum we analyzed the primary studies using the
comparison framework defined in Section 3.4.
IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
How Are the FaaS Platforms and the Application
Using the Platforms Architectured? Figure 7 in-
dicates on which layers of the Cloud-to-Thing con-
tinuum the FaaS4C2T platforms components are typ-
ically distributed. In most primary studies, the plat-
form’s components are located at the Fog and Cloud
layers. (Pelle et al., 2021) implemented a system with
FaaS platform components responsible for Deploy-
ment and Data Storage running both on the Edge and
Cloud Layers. In (Elkholy and Marzok, 2022), some
Manager and Working nodes at the Fog layer are re-
sponsible for the serverless function life-cycle man-
agement and execution, whilst at the Cloud layer, a
Working node offers support for executing offloaded
tasks from the Fog. In general, Cloud resources are
privileged for resource demanding tasks and Fog re-
sources when low latency is required. We found stud-
ies (24%) that only considered the Fog layer. In (Mit-
tal et al., 2021), an extension of the KNative Platform,
all the components (i.e., Load Balancer, Auto-scaler,
Placement Engine, and other standards modules from
KNative) are located in the Fog Layer. Lastly, we
identified studies that also included the Things layer
(15%), adding to this layer component related to the
execution of functions. Overall, it is natural that
the FaaS platform, besides supporting the deployment
of applications across the Cloud-to-Thing continuum,
also exploits the benefit of the Fog layer. Among oth-
ers, the main benefits exhibited in the primary studies
are reliability, reduced latency, and the ability to pro-
cess data close to the source.
Figure 7: FaaS platform distribution.
Serverless Function Deployment Location. As
depicted in Figure 8, most primary studies (66%) sup-
port deployment of serverless functions over Cloud
and Fog infrastructures whilst 19% support deploy-
ment on Fog infrastructures only. A total of 15% of
the FaaS4C2T approaches offer support for deploy-
ment on the Thing layer, in combination with Cloud
and Fog layers or not. The deployment of function on
Things is only motivated by a few use cases, typically
to prepare and preprocess the data in the Thing before
sending it to the other layers. An example is when a
sensor must detect changes in an environment (e.g.,
humidity in a greenhouse) for management decisions
(e.g., irrigating the plantation). It is inefficient that
the sensor sends all the data it detects (e.g., insignif-
icant changes in the humidity indicator) for the Fog
or Cloud Layer to be processed. A solution would
be to execute a function on the IoT device or close to
it, which classifies if the data is relevant. This strat-
egy could reduce bandwidth in the network and en-
ergy consumption. Furthermore, in some cases, when
the Internet connection is unstable, deploying func-
tions on IoT devices would prevent the interruption
of tasks. (Persson and Angelsmark, 2017) add that
the use of sensors is a continuous process, implying
the necessity of a continuous execution of functions,
the so called long-lived functions.
Figure 8: Function deployment location.
What Are the Mechanisms Offered for Func-
tions Virtualization, Deployment and Isolation?
As depicted in Figure 9, most of the FaaS4C2T
approaches leverage virtualization techniques such
as Docker containers, WebAssembly, and other
lightweight virtualization techniques to wrap and de-
ploy serverless functions. The isolation offered by
these techniques is essential in multi-tenancy and
multi-application scenarios. Only (4/33) studies rely
on original solutions. (Persson and Angelsmark,
2017) developed the Kappa platform, in which they
leverage the concept of actors, deployment units of
a single operation or data processing. For support-
ing the deployment in IoT devices, (George et al.,
2020) propose isolating different serverless functions
by running them in separate instances of Python Vir-
tual Machines, a solution similar to traditional Linux
containers. In (Hall and Ramachandran, 2019), the
authors use WebAssembly, which has an inherent
strong, yet lightweight, sandboxed environment for
function execution.
Sometimes functions are designed to interact with
other software and hardware resources (in some cases
directly as part of the function code e.g., a function
retrieving data from a sensor; or indirectly e.g., mes-
sages being sent to a broker before reaching a soft-
ware service). At the Fog and Thing layers, this in-
cludes hardware such as sensors and actuators, which
cannot be embedded as part of the virtualized envi-
ronment. The management of such shared resources
Function-as-a-Service for the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: A Systematic Mapping Study
is of tremendous importance, ranging from business
to safety critical in the case of actuators. (Hall and
Ramachandran, 2019), partly consider this issue by
defining different access to function patterns, includ-
ing a case of multiple clients accessing one serverless
function. As an example, they consider the case of
multiple smart cameras (sensors), each belonging to
a different client requesting image processing to the
same serverless function. We did not find any primary
study tackling the opposite case where several func-
tions need to concurrently access a shared resource
such as an actuator.
Figure 9: Isolation techniques.
How Serverless Functions Are Placed and Scaled?
We observed that placement strategy is a key research
topic in the field as the extension of the FaaS to the
Cloud-to-Thing continuum calls for novel strategies
better exploiting the specificities of the Fog and Thing
infrastructures i.e., heterogeneity, limited comput-
ing resources, and geographical distribution of de-
vices. In particular, we identified that most of the
proposed placement strategies consider the availabil-
ity of resources and device capacity (e.g., CPU, mem-
ory, bandwidth) as key parameters to decide whether
a serverless function can be deployed on a device.
(Pelle et al., 2021) propose considering the data
from the system monitoring for modifying placement
decisions. A monitoring module computes network
statistics, infrastructure status, and function deploy-
ment information (e.g., execution time and invocation
rates). According to this data, there is a reconfigura-
tion of the function placement after each deployment.
Another study that considers function information is
(Elkholy and Marzok, 2022). The functions related to
real-time processing are placed first and executed in
nodes of greater capacity than others.
Only a few primary studies allow developers to
customize the placement strategy parameters. In
(Bermbach et al., 2022), the authors propose us-
ing bids, attached with the functions to be executed.
Those bids are composed of two parameters, the price
for the function’s execution and a customized pa-
rameter, in which the developers determine the price
they are willing to pay for storing the function’s ex-
ecutable. In (Pelle et al., 2020), there is support for
developers to send as input data constraints for the
placement, such as latency and critical (graph) paths,
among other conditions. (Mittal et al., 2021) focus
on placing functions to avoid container fragmentation
and provide fairness among multiple tenants, whereas
(Cicconetti et al., 2020) implement flexible place-
ment, which can incorporate different algorithms to
fit specific use cases based on the developer’s choice.
Regarding scalability, we found that (21/33) of the
FaaS4C2T platforms mention support for scalability.
More specific to the Cloud-to-Thing continuum, we
noted large support for offloading techniques (16/21)
among the (21/33) FaaS4C2T platforms that mention
scaling mechanisms. Offloading either refers to for-
warding the function from a local layer to other de-
vices in the same layer (e.g., between Fog devices),
commonly referred to as horizontal offloading, or to
devices in different layers (e.g., from the Fog Layer
to the Cloud), designated as vertical offloading. Fig-
ure 10 depicts the types of offloading techniques con-
sidered by the primary studies. (Baresi et al., 2019)
claims that this is an efficient way of improving users’
Quality of Experience when facing a computation-
intensive and latency-sensitive application. Comput-
ing devices at the Fog and Thing layers may expe-
rience some degradation. Hence, offloading tasks to
another Fog device or server in the Cloud can pre-
vent service interruptions. This conclusion is also
supported by (Lordan et al., 2021), which adds that
it is also beneficial for workload balancing, result-
ing in less power consumption and time response of
applications. (George et al., 2020) is an example
of FaaS4C2T platform supporting vertical offloading,
which proposes an algorithm for estimating when bet-
ter latency can be achieved by leveraging execution
from the Things Layer to the Edge or Cloud Layer.
(Hetzel et al., 2021) is an example of FaaS4C2T
platform supporting horizontal offloading, distribut-
ing the workload on the Edge devices to overcome
resource limitations.
Figure 10: Offloading technique.
4.3 Answering RQ3: Open Issues
In the following, we discuss open issues we believe
should be further investigated. We try to illustrate
some of these issues and suggest research directions.
IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Regarding the support offered by existing FaaS
platforms for the deployment of serverless functions
over the whole Cloud-to-Thing continuum, we iden-
tified that only a few primary studies provide means
to deploy serverless functions on devices at the Thing
layer. These approaches are still far from offering the
same features are Cloud FaaS platforms (e.g., in terms
of isolation and replication). We also observe the lack
of proper use cases, and in particular industrial use
cases, that motivate and clearly describe the benefits
this would bring compared to more deployment on
solely Cloud and Fog layers, where the Fog layer is
typically used as a means to integrate Things.
Serverless functions often need to be deployed to-
gether with other services and software components
such as message brokers and data stores. Software
systems, including Edge and IoT systems, are rarely
built entirely from serverless components, but rather
follow a hybrid approach where functions are com-
bined with other types of software components (Ferry
et al., 2022). When dealing with systems deployed
over the whole Cloud-to-Thing continuum, these sup-
porting services typically need to be deployed in the
vicinity of the function, close to the data source (e.g.,
on the same edge device). To the best of our knowl-
edge, there is little support and freedom offered to de-
velopers for deploying and customizing such services
as they deploy serverless functions (i.e., existing plat-
forms come with a fixed and limited set of services
and do not support the deployment of supporting ser-
vices together with the functions).
We found that there can be limits to isolation
and virtualization as sometimes resources cannot be
virtualized and must be shared between tenants and
functions. This is particularly the case at the Fog
and Things layers where the function might want
to concurrently access hardware such as actuators
(e.g., GPIO on a Raspberry Pi) or accelerators (e.g., USB accelerator), which eventually cannot
be virtualized. Since actuators can impact the physi-
cal environment, managing access to these shared re-
sources is essential to guarantee the trustworthiness
of the system, including safety, security, and perfor-
mance aspects. To the best of our knowledge, there
are currently no proper solutions to this issue. A few
studies proposed mechanisms tackling this aspect for
shared access to software components. (Jang et al.,
2021) developed an architecture with a sharing de-
ployment module in the same edge device, in which
two or more functions are deployed in the same con-
tainer. For this scenario, the authors considered in the
platform design a control plane, with customized op-
tions for the platform users, and a data plane, guaran-
teeing the deployment of functions in the module by
controlled queue requests.
Regarding the placement of serverless functions,
while our study shows that this topic is gaining in-
terest in the research community, we believe there are
still several areas for improvement. In particular, most
of the work focuses on allocation strategies based on
resource (e.g., CPU, Memory, network) usage opti-
mization. While a few studies also consider aspects
such as the geographical location of Fog and Things,
there is still room for greater consideration of devices’
context. We also found that most strategies are static
and cannot be easily customized or even specified by
end-users. We believe such a feature would be highly
beneficial and work in this direction is required (in-
cluding the definition of a tool supported domain spe-
cific languages for end-user to specify their allocation
In recent years, several surveys were conducted to in-
vestigate different aspects of FaaS platforms for the
Cloud. For instance, (Taibi et al., 2020) focuses on
patterns for serverless functions. There have also
been some recent surveys focusing on some aspects
of serverless and infrastructures within the Cloud-to-
Thing continuum. Some provide an overview whilst
others focus on specific topics; however, to the best of
our knowledge, no single comprehensive review an-
swers our RQs.
Closest to our work, (Cassel et al., 2022) presents
a systematic literature review about Serverless com-
puting for the Internet of Things. In particular, this
study investigates on which layer (Cloud, Fog, Edge)
serverless functions are usually placed and provides
an overview of the landscape of runtime used to ex-
ecute these functions. We distinguish from this work
by extending this investigation to the whole Cloud-
to-Thing continuum, thereby considering the place-
ment of serverless functions on Things. In addition,
we also investigate how the placement, and the ac-
tual deployment of the serverless functions are per-
formed. (Bocci et al., 2021) explores the secure or-
chestration of serverless functions in Fog computing
environments. This work complements our investiga-
tion to understand how developers can specify how to
deploy serverless functions. However, by contrast, we
consider the whole Cloud-to-Thing continuum and
cover other aspects such as allocation mechanisms,
and scalability.
In (Yussupov et al., 2019), the authors conduct
a systematic mapping study to identify and discuss
challenges related to engineering FaaS platforms. In
Function-as-a-Service for the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: A Systematic Mapping Study
contrast to our work, FaaS platforms are considered
independent of their application domain. The re-
view does not focus on identifying specific aspects
of their application to the Cloud-to-Thing continuum.
By contrast, (Kjorveziroski et al., 2021) focuses on
applying FaaS to the IoT domain. This work inves-
tigates aspects complementary to our study such as
support for security, and performance. In contrast to
our study, there is no focus on the deployment and
allocation aspects, and the ‘Edge’, ‘Fog’, and ‘CPS’
keywords are not part of the study query string, reduc-
ing their scope.
(Leitner et al., 2019) presents a multivocal system-
atic literature review intending to characterize the use
of FaaS. The study does not focus on the design of
FaaS platforms for the Cloud-to-Thing. However, it
provides valuable insight into the typical architectures
and patterns for building FaaS-based applications.
As noted, the previous works only partially cover
our RQs, typically with a different perspective i.e.,
not focusing on the allocation and deployment of
serverless functions over the Cloud-to-Things contin-
In this work, we have examined the research land-
scape of Function-as-a-Service platforms for the
Cloud-to-Thing continuum. After systematically
identifying and reviewing 33 primary studies out of
hundreds of relevant papers in this field, we have
found out that there has been a growth in interest
and maturity level of the FaaS4C2T platforms over
the years, yet maturity still remains low. There are
still gaps in the research and several challenges re-
main to be tackled with still a very limited coverage
of the Cloud-to-Thing continuum for the deployment
and placement of serverless functions. In particular,
we identified that there is little coverage of the Things
layer, and there is no clear study exhibiting all the
possible benefits of applying serverless functions to
the Things layer. We believe this is due to its diverse
technical challenges, in particular regarding the sup-
port for virtualization and dynamic deployment.
This work was partially funded by the European
Union under the Horizon Europe grant 101070455
arbara da Silva Oliveira is supported
by the BRAFITEC program at Universit
e C
d’Azur, financed by CAPES within the Ministry of
Education of Brazil, and by the scholarship PIBIC,
financed by Universidade Federal do Cear
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