Analyzing BERT’s Performance Compared to Traditional Text
Classification Models
Bihi Sabiri
1 a
, Amal Khtira
1 b
, Bouchra El Asri
1 c
and Maryem Rhanoui
2 d
IMS Team, ADMIR Laboratory, Rabat IT Center, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco
Meridian Team, LYRICA Laboratory, School of Information Sciences, Rabat, Morocco
Natural Language Processing, Text Classification, BERT, Deep Learning, Composite Features, Traditional
Text Classification Models.
Text classification is a task in natural language processing (NLP) in which text data is classified into one or
more predefined categories or labels. Various techniques, including machine learning algorithms like SVMs,
decision trees, and neural networks, can be used to perform this task. Other approaches involve a new model
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) which caused controversy in the machine
learning community by presenting state-of-the-art results on various NLP tasks. We conducted an experiment
to compare the performance of different natural language processing (NLP) pipelines and analysis models
(traditional and new) of classification on two datasets. This study could shed significant light on improving
the accuracy during text classification. We found that using lemmatization and knowledge-based n-gram
features with LinearSVC classifier and BERT resulted in the high accuracies of 98% and 97% respectively
surpassing other classification models used in the same corpus. This means that BERT, TF-IDF vectorization
and LinearSVC classification model used Text categorization scores to get the best performance, with an
advantage in favor of BERT, allowing the improvement of accuracy by increasing the number of epochs.
Natural language processing (NLP) is concerned with
how computers can process and understand human
language, which is complex and often ambiguous Ab-
basiantaeb and Momtazi (2022). This includes not
only understanding individual words and phrases, but
also semantics and syntax, as well as broader meaning
and structure in texts. There are many applications
of NLP, ranging from machine translation to speech
recognition to text-to-speech synthesis to sentiment
analysis in texts. Text classification is a common task
in NLP and can be useful in many different applica-
tions, such as sentiment analysis, topic detection, and
language detection. It involves analyzing a piece of
text and assigning it to a predefined category or la-
bel based on its context. There are several approaches
to text classification, including rule-based, machine-
based, and hybrid systems. Rule-based systems use a
set of predefined rules to classify text, while machine-
based systems use machine learning algorithms to
learn from pre-labeled data and make classifications.
Hybrid systems combine both approaches Li et al.
(2019). The optimal model will depend on the spe-
cific characteristics of our data and the requirements
of our application. Some commonly-used models for
NLP classification include :
Naive Bayes Classifiers: This is a probabilistic
model that makes predictions based on the probabil-
ity of certain events occurring. It is often used for text
classification tasks and is particularly effective when
the features (e.g., words in a document) are indepen-
dent of one another.
Support Vector Machines (SVMs): This is a lin-
ear model that can be used for classification tasks.
It works by finding the hyperplane in a high-
dimensional space that maximally separates the dif-
ferent classes.
Logistic Regression : This is a linear model that is
commonly used for classification tasks. It works well
on a variety of NLP tasks and is relatively easy to im-
Decision Trees and Random Forests: These are
models that make decisions based on a series of rules.
Sabiri, B., Khtira, A., El Asri, B. and Rhanoui, M.
Analyzing BERT’s Performance Compared to Traditional Text Classification Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0011983100003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 572-582
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
They are easy to interpret and can handle both nu-
merical and categorical data. Decision trees are often
used for classification tasks in NLP.
Neural Network-Based Models: such as Convolu-
tional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) networks. These are machine learn-
ing models that are inspired by the structure and func-
tion of the human brain. They are particularly effec-
tive at handling large and complex datasets and are
often used for a wide range of NLP tasks, including
classification. It’s generally a good idea to try out a
few different models and see which one performs the
best on your data. You may also want to try ensemble
methods, which combine the predictions of multiple
models to improve the overall performance.
BERT or Bidirectional Encoder Representations
from Transformers: It is a pre-trained neural net-
work model for natural language processing tasks like
text classification, question answering, and language
interpretation that was created by Google. BERT
is able to be fine-tuned on particular tasks using
smaller datasets after being trained on a huge corpus
of text data. BERT is widely utilized in industry and
has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on a
variety of natural language comprehension tasks.
A very broad range of applications are covered by
the rather general word ”NLP. Here are the most pop-
ular applications:
Sentiment Analysis (SA): It is a type of natural lan-
guage processing (NLP) task that involves classify-
ing texts or speech into positive, negative, or neu-
tral categories Maree et al. (2023). Machine learning
methods are commonly used for SA, and these typi-
cally involve training a model on a labeled dataset of
texts that have been pre-classified as positive, nega-
tive, or neutral. This is known as supervised learn-
ing. One challenge of using machine learning for
SA is that it can be time-consuming to create and la-
bel a large dataset, and the model may not general-
ize well to texts outside of the domain of the training
data. In this paper, the authors propose a method for
SA that incorporates knowledge from generic knowl-
edge repositories and explores the impact of differ-
ent types of linguistic features on the performance
of the model. They evaluate their approach on three
publicly-available datasets and compare it to state-of-
the-art techniques.
Automatic Translation Algorithms: Also known as
machine translation, have significantly improved the
speed and efficiency of translating texts. These al-
gorithms use advanced techniques, such as statistical
machine translation and neural machine translation,
to analyze and model the structure and meaning of
texts in order to produce accurate translations. While
machine translation is not perfect and may not always
produce translations that are as fluent and accurate as
those produced by human translators, it has greatly
enhanced the ability to translate texts quickly and ac-
curately in a variety of languages.
Chatbots: NLP techniques are widely used to de-
velop chatbots, which are computer programs de-
signed to engage in conversations with human users
Fischbach et al. (2023). They can be used for a variety
of purposes, including customer service, information
retrieval, and entertainment.
In this article, we aim to gain a deeper under-
standing of text classification models and their loss
function whose purpose is to adjust the parameters of
the model during training, in order to improve their
performance on the given task. We will also inves-
tigate alternative approaches from the literature and
place our findings in context. The article is structured
as follows. In section 2, we briefly review related
work. Section 3 describes our Study Methods. In Sec-
tion 4, we discuss our methodology and the proposed
pipeline. Section 5 presents the experimental results
of the proposed models. Finally, section 6 concludes
the paper and suggests potential future research direc-
tions for further development of the model.
NLP and deep learning methods have been applied
in various ways to classify the sentiment of social
media posts related to COVID-19 Fernandes et al.
(2023). Sentiment analysis is a technique used to de-
termine the emotional tone of a piece of text, and it
can be useful in understanding how people are react-
ing to and discussing a particular event or topic, such
as the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many ways
to approach sentiment classification, but some com-
mon approaches involve using machine learning al-
gorithms to analyze text data and classify it as posi-
tive, negative, or neutral in sentiment. Deep learning
methods, which are a type of machine learning that
involves training artificial neural networks on large
amounts of data, have also been used in sentiment
classification tasks, as they can often achieve high lev-
els of accuracy.
Bi-LSTM for Sentiment Classification: For exam-
ple, Arbane et al. (2023) used Social media-based
COVID-19 sentiment classification model using Bi-
Textual Analytics: Samuel et al. (2020) used an
approach to analyze fear and sentiment related to
COVID-19 using textual analytics. Its objective was
Analyzing BERT’s Performance Compared to Traditional Text Classification Models
to collect a large dataset of social media posts, news
articles, or other texts that mention COVID-19 and
use natural language processing techniques to identify
patterns and trends in the language used to describe
the pandemic.
Medical Notes Using NLP: A group of researchers
Fernandes et al. (2023) was interested in using natural
language processing (NLP) to analyze clinical notes
in order to identify and classify neurologic outcomes.
By developing an NLP algorithm that can accurately
process free text clinical notes, they hoped to facili-
tate the conduct of larger scale studies on neurologic
outcomes. NLP is a field of computer science and ar-
tificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction be-
tween computers and humans through the use of nat-
ural language. It involves using computer algorithms
to analyze, understand, and generate human language
in order to facilitate communication between people
and machines. In the context of this research project,
the NLP algorithm would be used to analyze clinical
notes and identify specific neurologic outcomes men-
tioned in the notes.
Sentence Level Sentiment Analyzer: Maree et al.
(2023) experimentally evaluate four sentiment classi-
fiers, namely support vector machines (SVMs), Naive
Bayes (NB), logistic regression (LR) and random for-
est (RF). Their Findings show that the quality of
sentiment analyzers is impacted by the use of var-
ious NLP pipelines and semantic linkages. Out-
comes specifically show that linking lemmatization
and knowledge-based n-gram features produced re-
sults with improved accuracy.
Text analysis can be defined as the practice of using
text processing and NLP techniques to identify the
direction of meaning in a text Doaa Mohey (2018).
Researchers use various NLP techniques, combining
text analysis with the use of outside resources to help
identify the semantic orientation of sentences. These
methods include machine learning approaches and
lexicon-based techniques Pak and Paroubek (2010);
Du et al. (2019); Me
e and Frasincar (2020); Chen
et al. (2019); ?. For example, in Doaa Mohey (2016),
the polarity of texts at the document level was clas-
sified by the authors using artificial neural networks
(ANN) and support vector machines (SVM). In par-
ticular when using unbalanced data settings, the au-
thors claim that SVM was found to be less effective
than ANNs. However, the experiments showed some
limitations, especially in terms of the high compu-
tational cost required for processing and analyzing
large documents. Therefore, as mentioned in refer-
ence Haddi et al. (2015), working at the document
level is expensive and inaccurate in some scenarios.
This is mainly because the entire document is treated
as a single unit and the entire content of the document
is classified as BUSINESS, SPORTS, CRIME or SCI-
ENCE with respect to a specific issue. Due to the
possibility that two sentences inside a paragraph may
have distinct ranking polarities, this problem also oc-
curs while working at the paragraph level. As a result,
some researchers Du et al. (2019) have concentrated
on text analysis at the sentence level. Researchers
that have examined text polarity at the word level can
also be found working in the same field Chen et al.
(2019). For instance, the authors extracted word po-
larities by combining the reinforcement learning ap-
proach with a long-term memory model (LSTM). In
most situations, this method was successful in cor-
rectly identifying word polarity, but it occasionally
fell short. When examining related works, it be-
comes clear that feature selection is the primary factor
that has a significant impact on the quality of senti-
ment analysis results, as demonstrated in Sabbah and
Hanani (2023), where the authors compared three dif-
ferent feature selection methods: feature frequency,
term frequency - inverse of document frequency (TF-
IDF), and feature presence. The SVM classifier was
used to evaluate system performance. The outcomes
showed that, depending on the input attributes, the
SVM classifier’s performance varied greatly. In a
related piece of work, Alam and Yao (2019) estab-
lished an approach for comparing the effectiveness of
several machine learning classifiers, including SVM,
Naive Bayes (NB), and maximal entropy (MaxE).
In this section, we went into great length about our
research’s methodology. All of the standard machine
learning, neural network, and natural language pro-
cessing techniques that we applied in our dataset have
been described. There are various steps involved in
determining the classification orientation of a particu-
lar text. Data preparation, cleaning, and gathering are
the first steps in the first phase. This preprocessing
improves the quality of the data by removing noise
and inconsistencies, which improves the model’s ef-
The second stage aims at extracting features from
processed texts. The NLP classifier’s training and
quality assessment are the main goals of the third
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
phase. We introduce the specifics of each of these
phases in the following sections.
4.1 Dataset and Data Acquisition
An open-source text news dataset from Kaggle Huff-
Post (2022) was utilized in this study. The public
dataset was produced using web scraping techniques
from several search engines. As we are constantly ex-
posed to increasing amounts of news, automated data
science methods have been used to organize and ana-
lyze all of this data. However, using this data to cre-
ate an effective text news detection architecture has
posed a challenge within the data science commu-
nity. For experimental evaluation purposes, we have
retained only the text and category columns. The first
task after data acquisition is to clean the raw data as it
normally contains special characters including hash-
tags, consecutive white spaces, URLs and unneces-
sary symbols.
4.2 Stop Word Deletion
After this step, we go to the second phase of data pro-
cessing, that is to say the deletion of the most frequent
words called stop words Prachi et al. (2022). A stop
word is a word that is so common that it is unneces-
sary to index it or use it in a search. A stop word is an
insignificant word appearing in a text. We oppose it
with a full word. The meaning of a word is assessed
from its distribution (in the statistical sense) in a col-
lection of texts. A word is said to be “empty” if its
distribution is uniform over the texts in the collection.
In other words, a word that appears with a similar fre-
quency in each of the texts in the collection is not dis-
criminating because it does not make it possible to
distinguish the texts from each other. These words
should not use any unnecessary processing time or
database space. We may easily get rid of them for
this reason by keeping a list of words that we regard
as stop words. Since our model data is in English,
we preprocess it using the English stopwords library.
The stopwords preprocessing method must be used to
eliminate noise, speed up and improve the model, and
conserve memory.
4.3 Tokenization
Then comes the phase of tokenization which consists
of converting the text corpus into a vector represen-
tation, either by turning each text into a sequence of
integer indexes, with each index corresponding to a
token in a dictionary, or by converting each text into
a vector where the presence or absence of each to-
ken is represented with a binary value based on word
count. A variety of feature extraction methods are
used by text categorization models. As described in
Maree and Eleyat (2020), for words including nega-
tives like ”not important” or ”not very important,” the
size of n-gram tokens as decided by the n-gram tok-
enization process, for instance, can have a consider-
able impact on how accurate a sentiment analyzer is.
The word ”important” and the negation word ”not”
will be separated if unigram characteristics are used
to analyse a sentence that contains the phrase ”not im-
portant.” The negation word ”not” and the word ”im-
portant” will also be divided into two distinct tokens.
Likewise, using the bigram properties, the negation
word ”not” and the word ”important” will be split into
two distinct tokens,”not very” and ”very important”.
As a result, employing n-grams with n bigger than
3 can take a lot of time. Additional research Maree
(2021) have demonstrated that bigrams and trigrams
together, depending on extrinsic semantic resources,
can yield superior results to unigrams alone. Accord-
ing to the research Maree and Eleyat (2020), incorpo-
rating higher-order n-grams such as trigrams that are
based on external knowledge resources can more ac-
curately capture contextual information in a sentence
than unigram or bigram-based tokenizers. Therefore,
it is crucial to evaluate the usage of n-gram tokeniza-
tion in the process of large-scale text analysis through
experimentation. We’ll go into more depth about each
stage of the suggested pipeline for natural language
processing in the sections that follow.
4.4 Stemming and Lemmatization
The removal of derivational affixes is the primary goal
of stemming, one of the common morphological anal-
ysis processes, which aims to provide a common base
form for a given word. Reducing inflectional forms
and achieving a single base form for words in text
sentences are the objectives of this procedure. Both
lemmatization and stemming aim to reduce a word’s
inflectional forms and occasionally derivationally re-
lated forms to a single base form. In this situation,
there will be fewer dimensions to represent the var-
ious words in the text. As a result, it is possible
to represent a word as one word in addition to all
of its inflectional variants. For example, the word
”change” will be used instead of ”changes, ”chang-
ing, ”changed” and ”changer”. This shortening of
words aids in accurately estimating word weights and
significance within the text. It is a rule-based word
reduction stemmer that uses five phases of word re-
ductions in succession Qorib et al. (2023).
Analyzing BERT’s Performance Compared to Traditional Text Classification Models
4.5 Strategies for Selecting Features
During the construction of a machine learning model
for a real-world dataset, we encounter a number of
properties, not all of which are really important.
When we train a model with extra unnecessary fea-
tures, we increase the complexity of the model, reduc-
ing its ability to generalize. Thus, feature selection is
a critical step in the development of a machine learn-
ing model. Its goal is to find the perfect mix of fea-
tures to create a machine learning model Mahmoud
et al. (2023).
This article is particularly interested in the fun-
damental methods of feature extraction used in NLP
to analyze textual similarity. The field of computer
science and machine learning known as ”natural lan-
guage processing” (NLP) focuses on teaching com-
puters how to process a large volume of human lan-
guage input (natural). Briefly, NLP refers to the abil-
ity of a computer to understand human language. The
requirement for feature extraction methods A prede-
fined set of features from the training data is used by
machine learning algorithms to provide results for the
test data. The fundamental problem with language
processing, however, is that machine learning algo-
rithms cannot work directly on plain text. Therefore,
in order to transform a text into a matrix (or a vec-
tor) of features, some feature extraction techniques
are needed. The most well-liked feature extraction
techniques include:
1. Bag-of-Words
4.5.1 Bag-of-Words Model
The simplest way to represent a document is to take
into account all the words used for each item without
differentiation or dependence. Therefore, the analogy
is to consider each text as a ”bag” of all the words
that it contains without regard to context (order, utili-
sation, etc).
In actuality, this could be, for instance, a measure
of how frequently various words are used.
Therefore, a traditional bag-of-words representa-
tion would be one in which each article is represented
by a vector of the vocabulary size
V , and our algo-
rithm 1 would be entered into a matrix made up of all
of these N articles that make up the corpus.
4.5.2 TF-IDF Model
At this time, it is not necessary to just think of a
word’s frequency of appearance in a document as its
weight, but also to think about that frequency in terms
Algorithm 1: Building the Bag-of-Words Model.
1 for Each data in dataset do
2 Tokenize each sentence to words
3 for Each word in words do
4 Lookup the word in our dictionary to
see whether it is there.
5 if (Word exists in our dictionary) then
6 word2count[word] = 1
7 end
8 else
9 word2count[word]+ = 1
10 end
11 end
12 end
of how common or uncommon the word is across the
hole corpus. TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Doc-
ument Frequency) is a method used to determine the
importance of a word in a document or a collection of
documents. We attempt to give a phrase some lexi-
cal relevance within a document. In terms of TF-IDF,
a relationship is applied between a document and a
group of documents that have common key word pat-
terns. It concerns a quantity to quality lexical rela-
tionship across a collection of documents. If a docu-
ment has a specific instance of a given phrase and that
term is uncommon in the document’s contents, it has
a higher likelihood of being relevant as a response to
the query for that term.
The value of TF-IFD (see Equation 3) grows pro-
portionally when a word appears in a document more
often and declines as a word appears in fewer docu-
ments overall. It consists of two sub-parts, which are:
1. Term Frequency (tf) (see Equation 1)
2. Inverse Document Frequency (idf) (see Equation
The term ”term frequency” (tf) is a measure of
how frequently a word appears in the current docu-
ment (relative frequency of term t within document
D,) . The length of each document varies, therefore
it’s feasible that a term will appear significantly more
frequently in lengthy documents than in shorter ones.
To normalize, the term frequency is frequently di-
vided by the length of the document.
tf(t, D) =
where :
is Number of times term t appears in document D
is total Number of terms in document D
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The inverse document frequency (IDF) is a metric
used to determine if a term is common or uncommon
across all texts in the corpus. It draws attention to
terms that are used in a small number of papers over-
all, or, to put it simply, words with a high idf score that
are uncommon. Idf is a log normalized value that is
calculated by taking the logarithm of the overall term
and dividing the total number of documents D in the
corpus by the number of documents containing the
term t.
idf(t, D) = log
1 + {d D : t d}
where D The number of documents in the
corpus and
{d D : t d} is the number of documents in the
corpus that include the term t. By adding 1 to the
denominator, it guarantees that the denominator will
not be zero, and thus we will get the idf score. Thus,
t f id f score = tf(t, D) idf(t, D) (3)
In our studies, we will use Bag of words, CNN and
TF-IDF to create a vocabulary for a machine learning
model by using a dozen different classification algo-
rithms. Further information is introduced in the sec-
tion on experiments.
5.1 The Benchmark
In this study, the proposed technique is assessed using
a corpus with 12675 of News Headlines.
The News dataset has been downloaded for the
first experiment from HuffPost. It can be used as a
benchmark for many computational language prob-
lems. To perform text analysis, a popular supervised
learning text classification job, it contains 12695 news
headlines (see Fig.1). Each record in the dataset con-
sists of the following attributes. News: News article
headlines. Category: Category in which the article
was published. The dataset includes 4 different news
categories in total.
With respect to many well-known machine learn-
ing models, such as Multinomial NB, Linear, Logis-
tic Regression,..., we have compared the behavior of a
pre-trained default Bag of words and TF-IDF models.
They employ words taken from a bag of words and
TF-IDF model to produce the following : Without do-
ing any pre-processing in dataset, the Fig. illustrates
Figure 1: Categorization of News.
the top twenty words used in our dataset, these words,
such as ”the”, ”to”, ”a” ”an” and ”is” do not add much
meaning to the text and can be removed to improve
the performance of the model.
Fig.2 shows the Top twenty words after removing
these words.
Figure 2: Top 20 words with Preprocessinf.
5.2 Features Extraction with Bag of
In the first scenario for our Dataset we produce a bag
of uni-gram gram and bi-gram as a process to extracte
features that can be used as input to a machine learn-
ing model, such as a neural network, to improve its
A multinomial Naive Bayes classifier called
MultinomialNB will be the first classifier we train.
The second pipeline, which we will build, will make
use of the previous pipeline. Then, using LogisticRe-
gression(), we will cross-validate various combina-
tions of hyper-parameters.
Comparing the Uni-gram, Bi-gram classification
report bellow (see Table 1) with the raw text classifi-
cation report, we can see that the model using the pre-
processed clean text has some improvement (see Ta-
ble 2). Therefore, preprocessing (stopword removal,
lemmatization) improves the model’s performance on
this particular task (see Table 2).
Analyzing BERT’s Performance Compared to Traditional Text Classification Models
Table 1: Perfomances without Preprocessing.
Category precision recall f1-score
BUSINESS 0.69 0.90 0.78
SPORTS 0.95 0.74 0.83
CRIME 0.82 0.88 0.85
SCIENCE 0.92 0.78 0.84
Accuracy 0.82
Table 2: Perfomances with Preprocessing.
Category precision recall f1-score
BUSINESS 0.80 0.88 0.84
SPORTS 0.92 0.83 0.87
CRIME 0.83 0.92 0.87
SCIENCE 0.91 0.81 0.86
Accuracy 0.86
The Accuracy, Precision and F1-score for the four
labels are better with clean content (for example, the
precision of the category BUSINESS is pushed from
69% to 80% and the accuracy passage is from 82% to
The performance results for the other models are
indicated in the below table. The performance of the
other models is evaluated by comparing their accu-
racies, and the results are shown in the table 3. The
model LogisticRegression has the highest accuracy.
Table 3: Accuracies with classification models.
Model Accuracy
LogisticRegression 0.84
SVC 0.78
KNeighborsClassifier 0.27
DecisionTreeClassifier 0.71
GradientBoostingClassifier 0.76
5.3 Feature Extraction with Sequential
In this second stage, we will build a sequential model
with multiple layers where each layer of model con-
tains an input and output attribute. We will use feature
extraction, which is extremely typical when applying
transfer learning in machine learning. Overall, feature
extraction is an important step in building a sequential
model. It helps to identify important patterns and fea-
tures in the data, which can improve the performance
of the model.
During training, we provide a consensual classi-
fication strategy that we evaluate the performance of
these two categories of methods in convolutional neu-
ral networks. When necessary, early stopping en-
ables the storage of a model’s hyper-parameters. The
dropout makes it harder to learn the model as well. In
this article, we will construct a sequential model with
several layers, each of which has an input and an out-
put attribute. Then, we will use the get layer method
to extract the output from the layers. To prevent over-
fitting of the model, we use two techniques : Early
Stopping and Dropout and that are detailed in Sabiri
et al. (2022b).
After training the model, we obtain this results
(see Fig. 3)
Figure 3: Model accuracy curve (training & validation).
Due to the Early Stopping, the model’s perfor-
mance is optimal at a time when accuracy is no longer
improving and is beginning to decline. Early stop-
ping requires validation loss to determine if it has de-
creased. If so, it will create an optimal control point
for the current model. In our case, it happens at epoch
35 Sabiri et al. (2022a).
The word ”accuracy” is a phrase that lets the train-
ing file choose the appropriate metric (binary accu-
racy Sabiri et al. (2022a), categorical accuracy or
sparse categorical accuracy). This choice is based
on a number of factors, including the loss functions
and the output shape (the shape of the tensor gener-
ated by the layer and used as the input by the follow-
ing layer). For categorization issues, involving more
than two classes, categorical accuracy metric com-
putes the mean accuracy rate across all predictions.
This accuracy allows us to know the percentage
of good predictions compared to all predictions. The
corresponding Operation is: number of correct an-
swers / total number of guesses (see Table 4).
Table 4: Model Accuracies.
Train Validation
99% 80%
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
5.4 Making a TF-IDF Text News
TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Fre-
quency) (see Section 4.5.2) is a method for extract-
ing features from text data. It is commonly used for
natural language processing tasks such as document
classification and information retrieval.
The basic idea behind TF-IDF is to weight the im-
portance of each word in a document based on how
frequently it appears in the document compared to
how frequently it appears in all other documents in
the corpus. The weighting is done by computing the
product of two terms:
Term Frequency (TF): the number of times a
word appears in a document, normalized by the total
number of words in the document.
Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): the loga-
rithm of the total number of documents in the corpus
divided by the number of documents containing the
In this way, the words that are common across all
documents are given lower weight, while the words
that are unique to a specific document are given higher
weight. This makes it possible to identify the most
important words in each document, and use them as
features for machine learning tasks. By using features
extracted by TF-IDF, we train the Dataset with some
regression models and the results are chown in Table
If accuracy is high, it means that the model is mak-
ing correct predictions a large percentage of the time.
It is a measure of how well the model is able to cor-
rectly identify or classify the inputs it is given. In
simple terms, accuracy is the number of correct pre-
dictions made by a model divided by the total number
of predictions made. It is usually expressed as a per-
centage. Table 5 shows the models accuracies, which
were trained on our dataset.
These results show that the feature extraction with
TF-IDf gives better performance than the Bag of
words model.
5.5 Text Classification Using
and TF-IDF
The purpose of this second experimental section is
to compare the top text classification model from the
first section with other text classification models, and
explain the underlying principles. The dataset used in
this section comes from BBC News (see noa (2019)).
It is a public dataset consisting of 2225 articles.
Table 5: Accuracies with classification models: tf-idf.
Model Accuracy Time
LogisticRegression 0.85 3.51s
LinearSVC 0.87 0.31s
LinearSVC L1-based 0.83 0.43s
Multinomial NB 0.86 0.26s
Bernoulli NB 0.84 0.25s
RidgeClassifier 0.86 0.33s
AdaBoost 0.60 1.21s
Perceptron 0.84 0.28s
Passive-Aggresive 0.86 0.32s
NearestCentroid 0.83 0.27s
GradientBoostingClassifier 0.76 19.48s
KNeighborsClassifier 0.68 0.33s
RandomForestClassifier 0.78 6.53s
XGBClassifier 0.73 22.03s
LGBMClassifier 0.74 3.50s
GaussianNB 0.78 8.04s
LSTM 0.90 35.10s
Each falls into one of his five categories (Economy,
entertainment, politics, sports, technology).
Two metrics accuracy and training time will be
used to assess the algorithms. There will be many
different ways covered, each of which is more com-
plex than the last and follows the development of the
subject over time. Starting with a linearSVC model
methodology (model that is most competitive from
the previous scenario), we will use a ”conventional”
machine learning technique. By employing a Recur-
rent Neural Network (RNN) technique and encoding
words using the Word2Vec algorithm, we will then
dig into deep learning. The BERT model, or a con-
densed variant of it called distil-BERT, will then be
used and customized for our particular classification
Multiclass Classification: SVM does not by de-
fault support multiclass classification. It makes bi-
nary classification and dividing data points into two
classes easier. The same approach is then used to di-
vide the multiclass classification problem into mul-
tiple binary classification problems. A single SVM
can distinguish between two classes and perform bi-
nary classification. In order to categorize data points
from the p classes data set using the two breakdown
The One-to-Rest approach involves utilizing p
SVMs, each of which predicts membership in one
Analyzing BERT’s Performance Compared to Traditional Text Classification Models
of the p classes (This approach is used in Lin-
earSVC model).
In contrast, the One-to-One approach utilizes
SV Ms.
After the model has been trained, we evaluate its
accuracy by comparing its predictions to the labels for
both the training data and the test data. We compare
it for both, and find that they are almost identical with
very high values, the model is not overfitted as a re-
sult. (see Table 6).
In summary, linear algorithms converge quickly to
reach the ”exact” solution, but once the model is op-
timized, there is not enough chance of improvement.
Table 6: Accuracies for LinearSVC models.
Model Accuracy
LinearSVC 0.99 0.98 2.80s
RNN Deep Learning: Recurrent Neural Networks
(RNNs) process words in a specific order in texts
while taking into account the word order. It has been
found that RNNs have a limit on ”how far they can
remember” the effect of word correlations without
any ”internal memory. In machine learning, Long
Short Term Memory (LSTM) cells have taken over
the role of traditional RNNs to reduce this risk Mar-
inho et al. (2023). LSTM cells provide a kind of
memory through internal variables. In most cases,
this is appropriate, even if the computational costs are
slightly higher. This model utilizes word embeddings
through the use of Word2Vec, a technique that was in-
troduced in 2013 and has had a significant impact on
natural language processing Belinkov et al. (2020). It
involves representing a word as a vector of a specific
size, usually 100 or 300, based on its context in text,
including the words around it. Word embeddings are
usually trained on large text corpora, such as millions
of Google News articles for Word2Vec and Wikipedia
for a similar method called GloVe. Words with simi-
lar meanings are typically located close to each other
in this space. The use of RNN in a sequential manner
allows for consideration of the order of words, but it
also slows down the training process because it can-
not be processed in parallel computing. The model is
built using the following steps:
1. The input layer is used to specify the format of the
input data, so the model knows what to expect.
2. The input, which is a sequence of word indices, is
transformed into a sequence of embedded words
using the Word2Vec matrix.
3. An LSTM layer that processes the input in both
forward and backward directions is used to max-
imize the amount of information available. The
output from this layer is the last word from the
forward LSTM and the backward LSTM, which
is a vector of size 30.
4. A dropout layer is used for regularization.
5. A dense layer with 64 neurons and a relu activa-
tion function is used to solve the specific problem
of classification.
6. A dense layer with a softmax activation function
is used to produce a probability distribution for
each label.
By comparing the model’s predictions to the la-
bels for both the training data and the test data after it
has been trained, we can assess the model’s accuracy
(see Table 7). We compare it for the two and discover
that they are nearly equal with high values. As a re-
sult, the model is not overfitted.
Table 7: Accuracies LSTM for model.
Model Accuracy
LSTM 0.94 0.93 15.60s
Bert: A pre-trained transformer-based neural net-
work model called BERT (Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers) Devlin et al.
(2019) is used for language inference, question an-
swering, and other natural language processing appli-
cations. BERT is pre-trained on a huge corpus of text
data, allowing it to be fine-tuned for certain applica-
tions with less labeled data. Instead of only focus-
ing on the words themselves, BERT is made to un-
derstand the context of words in a phrase by taking
into account the words before and following them.
This bidirectional method aids BERT in achieving
cutting-edge performance on a variety of NLP tasks.
BERT is based on Google researchers’ 2017 publica-
tion ”Attention Is All You Need, which introduced
the transformer design. Instead of processing phrases
or paragraphs one word at a time like typical RNN-
based models, BERT processes complete sentences
or paragraphs at once. This enables BERT to com-
prehend the context and connections between words
in a phrase better.
The two pre-training tasks for BERT are next
sentence prediction and masked language modeling.
BERT is trained to anticipate the missing words in
a phrase given the surrounding context in masked
language modeling. BERT is trained to determine
whether a specific sentence is the following sentence
in a specific pair of sentences.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
By learning the connections between words and
phrases through these pre-training activities, BERT
can excel at downstream tasks like sentiment analy-
sis and question answering.
BERT models are available in a range of sizes, in-
cluding BERT-base and BERT-large. BERT-large has
340 million parameters, compared to 110 million for
BERT-base. Although the larger model offers more
fine-tuning options, it also consumes more processing
power to run.
BERT is widely used in both business and aca-
demics. Hugging Face, Microsoft, and Google are
just a few businesses that have made pre-trained
BERT models available that may be customized for
particular purposes. Other pre-trained models like
GPT and XLNet were created as a result of the trans-
former design and pre-training strategy of BERT.
We see that this complex model performs less ac-
curately than the LinearSVC model for this (simple)
problem with limited training data and requires more
than 90 times as long to train! (see Table 8)
Table 8: Accuracies for BERT model.
Model Accuracy
BERT 0.96 0.97 241.70s
This may be depressing. My conclusion is that
a simple problem does not always require a complex
solution, much like with the RNN model.
Our experiment found that the LinearSVC model
using TF-IDF vectorization had the highest accuracy,
surpassing all other models used in previous research
on News headlines analysis.
For the last example with IMBD dataset, which
includes 100,000 movie reviews classified as positive
or negative, for sentiment analysis. The BERT model
yielded the subsequent outcomes 9 :
Table 9: Accuracies for BERT model with another dataset.
Model Accuracy
BERT 0.94 0.93 2H
With the GPU, the training of the model is ex-
pected to take about two hours. By running just one
epoch, we can already attain a validation accuracy of
over 93%. If desired, the accuracy can be further im-
proved by adjusting other parameters and increasing
the number of epochs.
The results of our experiment, which compared a vari-
ety of classification models, revealed that LinearSVC,
which combined TF-IDF vectorization, had the great-
est model accuracy. In this classification problem, us-
ing a simple model like LinearSVC provides good ac-
curacy and is more efficient in terms of time compared
to more complex models like RNN and BERT. These
complex models require significantly more time to
run to improve accuracy. However, it can be difficult
to improve the performance of a traditional model. On
the other hand, complex models like RNN and BERT
can be easily improved by experimenting with differ-
ent architectures or increasing the number of training
epochs. It is also noteworthy that the BERT model’s
accuracy improves with each training epoch, giving
the impression that the model is better understand-
ing the text. To improve the evaluation of the BERT
model, and validate the accuracies obtained in this
study, we plan to improve the text classification by in-
corporating more data from different disciplines such
as : Named entity recognition, Text generation, Lan-
guage Translation and Sentiment Analysis.
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems