task. We examined an “authoring tool” approach to
making AR less technical and more accessible to non-
expert teachers. We presented our process for de-
signing MIXAP in an iterative, participatory design
approach with pilot teachers. We evaluated our ap-
proach with 39 teachers. The results are very encour-
aging to further explore this approach, especially the
analysis of usage, appropriation, and activities created
by teachers in their classrooms. We hope that our
work provides researchers and designers with ideas
for the design and use of AR-authoring tools to de-
mocratize AR for education.
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Damien DUMOUSSET, Delphine DESHAYES, Elis-
abeth PLANTE, Frederic LLANTE, Laurent HUET,
Nicolas JOUDIN, Tony NEVEU, Vanessa FROC,
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education