An Ontology-based Knowledge Management Model on Information
Cataldo Mega
Department of Information, University of Stuttgart, Universitaetsstrasse 38 56075, Germany
Keywords: Enterprise Information Management, Information Governance, Ontology, Knowledge Graph, Cloud-Services.
Abstract: Information is a strategic asset to enterprises and subject to Information Governance (IG) as mandated by
corporate and regulatory compliance. Overall governance goals are the management and control of business
relevant data such to minimize legal risks and reduce operational cost. Recent surveys show that around 40%
of companies have insufficient IG practices in place and are exposed to higher compliance risks. Where there
exists an IG Strategy, its implementation is typically homegrown, difficult to integrate and error prone. Our
investigation shows that a major impediment to implementation and interoperability is the lack of a common
language. One that defines what information governance consists of in technical and operational terms. In
addition, the many existing frameworks in this domain make the exploitation of the available knowledge and
definition of standardized IG specific services very difficult, often leading to costly one-off implementations.
A solution to this problem is the availability of a common and unambiguous domain vocabulary as a pre-
requisite to a commonly accepted ontology on information governance. This paper suggests an ontology-
based framework (IGONTO) that supports the creation of a knowledge store that facilitates access of domain
knowledge through semantic search.
Our work is premised on the basis that domain
knowledge, expertise and technology on information
governance solutions exist in abundance but scattered
around and difficult to get hold on. In order to aid
companies to find the blueprint of an IG solution that
suites their needs the existing knowledge must be
collected, synthesized, and offered as a service,
accessible to humans and machines in an easy and
cost-effective way. We believe this is best done
through the use of an ontology-based model on
information governance.
Our suggestion is to create an information
governance graph based on an ontology constructed
with a rich semantic model. We envision a graph store
containing generalized information of governance
concepts, components modelled from functional,
non-functional and operational requirements together
with a list of design artefacts that expose key IG
capabilities and functions. Figure 1 outlines this
approach showing the processing pipeline. Starting
from left to right you see: Step 1 knowledge
acquisition phase, where, vocabularies terms,
guidelines, standards, and best practices are acquired
from the IG domain. Step 2 processing phase, the
information is processed in to a taxonomy of related
concepts, associated rule sets and their descriptions.
Step 3 access phase, this is where we create the
semantic schema and load instance data (individuals)
in to the knowledge graph. Step 4 delivery phase, at
this point users are able to retrieve design models and
service templates as constituent parts of an IG
solution blueprint and build plans. The result is
IGONTO a framework consisting of a harmonized
information governance vocabulary, a semantic
schema (IGO) and a knowledge graph (IGG).
Complementing the framework, we also created a
repository of design artefacts in aid of the
development of IG solutions. The aim is to provides
a way for interested parties to use the framework as a
knowledge system for generating state-of-the-art
design models and building blocks such for being
able to compose an envisioned IG solution.
The remainder of this paper details our approach
and is structured as follows: Section 1.1 introduces
Mega, C.
An Ontology-based Knowledge Management Model on Information Governance.
DOI: 10.5220/0011985000003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 168-178
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: Process pipeline from knowledge acquisition to service implementation.artefacts.
briefly some of the key aspects of the governance
domain but focusing on information governance.
Section 1.2 describes the business problem. Section
1.3 motivates a solution with a concrete use case
scenario. Section 2 discusses the governance domain
analysis we conducted. Section 2.1 lists our
contributions. Section 3 uses the results of the
analysis to introduce the taxonomy and the IG
knowledge models which we created. Section 4
presents related work. Section 5 has concluding
remarks and an outlook.
1.1 Governance Domains
Governance at its core is about corporate and
regulatory compliance. It is based on trust fueled by
continuous IG practice, monitoring its effectiveness
and control. This implies responsibilities and
commitments realized through processes that ensure
proper data access, implement guidelines and legal
requirements. As such, corporate governance (CG) in
an enterprise ensures that valuable information
adhere with proper quality standards related to data
authenticity, integrity and reliability in compliance
with regulations. Thus enterprises are governed by a
framework of principles, values, policies and
processes intended to help organizational units to
move towards shared corporate compliance goals.
The principal design criteria of governance have
a focus on enabling information quality strategies and
to classify process capabilities against an Information
Governance Maturity Model (Pierce, 2007). This
means, at its core governance models cover three
major responsibility domains: Corporate Governance
(CG), Information Governance (IG) and IT
Governance (ITG) outlined in Figure 2. Each domain
Figure 2: Corporate governance domains.
addresses different governance areas using
frameworks suitable for one or the other, emphasizing
more the organizational or implementation aspects.
The left-hand side of Figure 2 shows Information
Governance and its relations to the categories of
Information Management, Content Management,
Records Management and Asset Management. These
categories represent the context in which data is
processed under the scrutiny of information
governance lifecycles. The latter being workflows
that perform activities to apply compliance policies
and enforce rules on how to handle corporate data and
information. Similarly, IT Governance, as shown on
the right-hand side, relates to IT-Operations rules
applied to infrastructure, processes. Thus, in the end
governance means to enforce corporate compliance
goals ensuring accountability and transparency such
to minimize possible risks.
The focus of the remainder of this paper is on
information governance (IG) with occasional
references to the other domains, where required.
1.2 Problem Description
From experience we learned that the success of
information governance and regulatory compliance in
companies depends on a common understanding
conveyed through an unambiguous language. Such a
language is an important pre-requisite to design,
implementation and deployment of the required data
governance services and their controls. In addition, an
information governance strategy depends also on the
type of data processed and the business context they
belong to. For organizations this implies a
responsibility to implement information governance
practices that enforce proper data usage in their
specific production environment throughout the
entire information lifecycle.
The problem though is that even after knowing
‘what is’ required, many companies face challenges
with the architecture design of their individual IG
solution because of the many technology and product
options available on the market.
These circumstances translate into a lengthy and
formal process of announcing new information
governance projects through a Request for Proposal
IT Process
Information Governance (IG)
IT Governance (ITG)
Corporate Governance (CG)
Records Management
Digital Asset Management
Content Management
Information Management
An Ontology-based Knowledge Management Model on Information Governance
(RFP) where in response, qualified contractors submit
bids to undertake the project. Typically, the RFP
document contains detailed information about the
project, requirements, and evaluation criteria.
The good news is that typical information
governance solutions follow on an architecture
blueprint that is composed of well-known software
design patterns, available domain knowledge and
experience. Luckily enough, software instances of IG
building blocks are available in a variety of IG
product offerings from open source and different
vendors. Therefore, our conclusion is that by
exploiting the available knowledge it is possible to
generate the required information on components and
design artefacts and allowing companies to compose
IG solutions instead of custom developing new ones.
Which is the goal of our approach outlined in Figure
1. This motivate the use of ontologies and knowledge
graphs to store domain knowledge and to make it
available through semantic search. The expected
benefit is that on a global and open information
market this knowledge facilitates the sharing of data
and services. We think ontologies can expedite access
and retrieval of IG service building blocks where the
requirements defined in concept entities are matched
by the capabilities of design entities.
1.3 Usage Scenario
Let us look at a real-world IG use case scenario to
better explain our approach. Assume a company
having the following business requisites:
Business Data: Personal Identifiable
Information (PII), customer contractual data and
related contextual information;
Businesses domiciled in: US, EU;
Jurisdictions: US, EU;
Regulations: US Privacy Act, EU GDPR;
Regulatory compliance with these business
requisites translates into the following functional and
non-functional requirements:
• R1: Contractual and legal obligations require to
collect and classify person and business data as well
as related information from pre-contract and
contract activities (the context).
• R2: Data is persisted reliably, after verifying its
authenticity and integrity.
• R3: Data is stored for as long as required by
business, legislations and regulations.
• R4: Access to stored data is controlled by
security and privacy policies.
• R5: Data is deleted or barred from access upon
lapse of a storage period prescribed by business or
legal instruments.
Figure 3 outlines the use case scenario in form of
a semantic graph which we subdivided into three
functional arias: Governance (top), Implementation
(middle) and Platform (bottom). Note: Capitalized
terms printed in bold represent key domain concepts.
The upper part outlines the business requisites and
reads like this: at corporate level a Company has a
business presence in the Countries: EU and US. Their
Jurisdictions are regulated by the US Privacy Act
(GSA, 2022)and the EU GDPR Regulations (EU,
2018). Thus, this Company by law must instate an IG-
Program consisting of a number of governance
principles that address at the least: Security, Privacy,
Integrity and Authenticity concerns in order to reach
a maturity level Essential (L3 of L5).
This means, each category consists of a number
of obligations and implementation requirements to be
satisfied. These are:
• R6: verify Data Authenticity,
• R7: ensure Data Integrity and
R8: provide system and Service Reliability.
Figure 3: IG-Scenario concept classes and their relationships by domain.
Maturity Level
Records Management Practice
Record Lifecycle
Metadata Repository
Content Repository
Content Services
Compute, Storage, Network, Orchestrate, Manage
Alfresco Content Services
implemented by
Platform Services
US Privacy Act
is at
Hosted on
consists of
Transparency, Integrity,
Protection, Compliance,
Availability, Retention
and Disposition.
Maturity levels
L1 – Insufficient
L2 Started
L3 – Essential
L4 – Satisfactory
L5 - Sufficient
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
From an implementation stand point these
requirements translate into the following information
governance guidelines:
GL1: …in order to reach a governance
maturity Essential (level 3) an organization must
implement a Metadata Definition Process that is an
integral part of the implemented Records
Management Practice”. See Figure 3.
In addition, the US Privacy Act mandates that:
GL2: Data integrity failures must be
monitored, assessed, and mitigated ”.
The center of Figure 3 lists the concept classes
mentioned in the guidelines: Data, Metadata, and
Records Management Practice. They all relate to
processes that satisfy the associated requirements by
means of inferred implementation and platform
components. For example: Repository, RDBMS,
Content Services as shown on the bottom of Figure 3
The line of thought at concept level follows this
logic: The Metadata Definition Process is responsible
for creating necessary governance metadata that
describe how data is processed and stored based on
applicable corporate and regulatory Policies.
By following well known domain best practices,
implementing such an IG-Program implies the
presence of repositories where Data and related
Metadata is securely stored. In this context, data is
subject to different Lifecycles and controlled by a
Records Management System.
Records Classification processes classify the data
in to categories and assign specific policies used to
control classification, access, retention and
disposition by means of appropriate Rules.
Corporate repositories typically use Databases,
Full Text Indexes and Storage Systems representing
IT-Resources that today are best provisioned by
Platform Services.
In a subsequent refinement step the IG concepts
are then mapped on to solution component models
and implementation classes where concept links are
translated into class relationships. For example,
following nodes at the bottom of Figure 3 one gets:
Repository -> Content Repository-> Content
Services -> Alfresco Content Services
Repository -> Metadata Repository -> Database
Service -> Database ->PostgreSQL.
With this approach, it is possible to identify the
required components and design an IG solution
following the architecture blueprint shown in Figure
4. From left to right, Figure 4 outlines how data is
processed. Starting from the data sources where data
is pre-processed and classified. Qualified data is then
collected and loaded in an enterprise information
systems (EIS) and put under control of information
lifecycles. Governance lifecycle processes create
required governance metadata before both data and
metadata are persisted in an enterprise repository
typically a Content Management (ECM) system.
Post-processing, shown on the right side of Figure 4,
is performed by Enterprise Records, Case
Management, eDiscovery and Content Analytics
components. These services produce required
governance information such to satisfy audit trails,
statistics and reporting needs.
At the high level Figure 3 represents the concept
and Figure 4 the implementation domain describing
the mapping between concept, classes and
components. The gist of what this use case is trying
to convey is that with the given business requisites
Figure 4: IG solution blueprint and its major components.
collection from
known sources
Information Governance Services & Management
Retention, eDiscovery, Transfer & Disposal
Policy, Schedule, Information & IT Governance Workflows, Processes
Functions: Execute - Classify, Store, Archive, Retain, Transfer, Deliver, Dispose
Known Data Sources
Content in the “Wild”
Content Management
Catalog - RDB
Content Analytics
Fast Storage
for Database
& Text Index
Data Lakes
Platform Services
An Ontology-based Knowledge Management Model on Information Governance
and based on the defined semantic model, it is
possible to generate concept artefacts having the
capabilities and characteristics for satisfying the
implied functional, non-functional and operational
requirements with the aid of a knowledge store.
In summary we observe that a successful IG-
Program implementation depends directly on an
efficient enterprise information system where
governance is achieved through adjustments of the
information management practice with ongoing
monitoring, assessment and reporting.
This section briefly introduces the domain sources we
evaluated in our effort to identify valuable IG
knowledge, concept classes and their meaning. Table
1 shows a representative list of practitioner
organizations and public agencies, their frameworks
and scope. Common to the taxonomy employed by
each framework is a 3-level category structure.
Column 2 in Table 1 outlines the overall scope of each
governance frameworks and its functional areas.
These are: General Governance Principles (IGMM),
IG Reference Model (IGRM), Electronic Discovery
Reference Model (EDRM), IT Governance Suite,
Digital Asset Management, and Data Management
Table 1: IG Frameworks.
ARMA IGMM - IG Maturity Model –
(EDM C. , 2021)
IG Reference Model, Electronic
Discovery Reference Model
ISACA COBIT - IT Governance Suite
DAM Digital Asset Management
DAMA Data Management Framework
(NARA, 2006)
National Archives and Records
Records Management,
Center of Research Libraries
The main categories used across the frameworks
are: Accountability, Transparency, Integrity,
Protection, Compliance, Availability, Retention and
Disposition. These categories become principles.
They apply for the organizational or functional areas
and play an essential role when implementing an IG-
Program. See Figure 3. Each principle has a number
of context specific capabilities and/or requirements
assigned. They represent concept/class attributes or
relationship properties. The frameworks also
introduced a scalar metric called governance maturity
level (GML), with a value range from 0 to 5 (i.e. ad
ranging from ad hoc to a fully functional IG-Program
implementation). A GML is computed from a specific
subset of capabilities and requirements that must be
satisfied by context and category.
The last row of Table 1 lists (NARA, 2006) and
CRL both represent government agencies. They share
frameworks with a focus on the records management
lifecycles and aspects to manage and operate
Records-, Content Management System and Digital
Archives. Their guidelines draw requirements from
relevant standards like NIST.IR.8286C (Quinn S,
Barrett, & Witte G, 2022) (ISO-15489, 2016). We
evaluated also international ISO standards for the
applicable domain as listed in Table 2.
Table 2: ISO Standards.
Organization Standards
(ISO-14271, 2017) - Open Archive
Information System
(ISO-15489, 2016) Records Management:
Concepts and Principles.
ISO-16363 Audit and certification
(ISO-27000) family of standards related to
Information Security Management Systems
(ISMS) including Information security,
cybersecurity,privacy protection and risk
management guidelines.
Compliance Management systems
(ISO-37301, 2021)
Table 3 shows 3 privacy regulations in force in
the US, EU and DE jurisdictions. We included them
as they represent the security and privacy categories.
The two major principles information governance
these days.
Table 3: Regulators and Regulations.
Interesting to note: Ensuring compliance with
these regulations already employs a complex
implementation model. It involves elements of core
Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) concepts, like
the ones introduced and discussed in the use case
In moving from business to implementation
concepts we searched for standards related to
enterprise information management (EIM) systems
and looked at their design models. The 3 Standards of
interest are listed in Table 4. These are the 2 OASIS
standards: 1) CMIS, the “Content Management
US Government Services Agency
Directives: Privacy Act (GSA, 2022)
General Data Protection Regulation (EU, 2018)
DE Datenschutz-Grundverordnung
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Interoperability Services” standard, 2) TOSCA the
“Topology and Orchestration of Specification for
Cloud Applications” and 3) the “Trustworthy Digital
Repositories” specification which was standardized
in ISO-14271.
Table 4: OASIS CMIS, TOSCA and ISO-14721 OAIS.
Organization Standards
CMIS Content Management Interoperability
Services (CMIS
, 2015)
TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Topology
and Orchestration of Specification for Cloud
Applications (TOSCA
, 2020)
Trustworthy Digital Repositories;
(ISO-14271, 2017) / (CCSDS 650.0-B-1)
All three standards are well suited for our
approach as they provide the required links between
the business/governance and systems/design
concepts. In order to create a complementary IG
graph store (IGG), we collected concept/class
instances (individuals) from open source and
commercial services offering and classified them by
functional area and capabilities. Table 5 shows the
group of vendors and lists their product and platform
services related to key IG classes and functional
Table 5: Vendors and their service offerings.
Vendors Products
Alfresco Digital Business Platform:
Content, Process & Governance Services
Opentext / Documentum
Content Manager, FileNet, OnDemand &
Office 365, & Co-Products (Microsoft, n.d.)
Oracle Cloud Services
Google Cloud Services
Amazon Cloud Services
Open Source
Docker, Kubernetes, others …
The results of the domain analysis lead to the
design of our ontology. We considered subsets of the
vocabulary terms and concepts. Basically, all those
related to services design, their implementation and
operational aspects. The ISO standards documenta-
tion provided relevant contextual information, which
we used to harmonize the chosen terms before
including them in the IGO semantic schema. The
vendor sources provided domain knowledge on
information management and information
governance through their product offerings. Overall,
through our research we found that standards and
regulations specify what has to be done and what
must be avoided when implementing an IG program.
Whereas frameworks emphasize more on guidelines
and how to achieve corporate and regulatory
compliance, such to reach a specific maturity level.
Implementing an IG program requires state-of the art
technology and methods that promote flexible and
efficient operations favoring the creation of business
value and reduce business, compliance and regulatory
risks. Companies in their actual implementation
efforts can take advantage from information and
artefacts delivered by open source communities,
payable services and online platforms
complementing their in-house development without
going through a lengthy RFP process.
2.1 Contributions
Our contribution can be summarized as follows: we
created an IG taxonomy, used it to design an ontology
(IGO) based on harmonized concept terms and
formalized relationships. Built an IG Graph (IGG)
loaded with instances (individuals) annotated with
domain knowledge on best practices, guidelines and
service descriptions and made this knowledge
accessible through semantic queries. To complement
the ontology and the IG graph we created also IGREPO
a repository of best practices documenttation,
guideline documents and prototype implementations of
service templates written in their domain specific
language (DSL) i.e. TOSCA and YAML.
This section details our ontology (IGO). Due to the
large number of concept/classes we first reorganized
the governance classification scheme into 6 top level
categories and 26 sub-categories. For each top-level
category we created an ontology.
The top-level categories are: Organization
(ORG), Information (INF), System (SYS),
An Ontology-based Knowledge Management Model on Information Governance
Component (CPT), Lifecycle (LCS) and Platform
(PLT). We then harmonized the vocabulary terms and
aligned them according to their implementation
relevance and the functional area they belong to. Each
sub-category consists of a number of requirements,
capabilities, recommendations and domain
constraints. Together they form the overall IGO
concept model. A bird’s perspective of the IGO graph
was presented in Figure 3 a few more details are
discussed next.
The foundational ontology is Organization. It is
composed of the child level categories: Agent, Goal,
Objective, Quality, Compliance and Responsibility.
They form the high-level concepts, a semantic graph
that represent an Organization and its associated
concept classes in our context. Each class has a
description, relations (object properties), attributes
(data properties), comments and annotations. We
synthesized this information from domain
knowledge, best practices, and guidelines. (not shown
in this paper). The use of formal description ensures
that concept descriptions utilize unambiguous
semantics and well-formed rule sets readable by both
machines and humans.
The following 6 sub-sections provide a high-level
overview of the 6 ontologies created.
Figure 5: Organization semantic model (ORG).
3.1 Organization Model (ORG)
Model Description: Figure 5 shows the top-level
concepts of an organization as a sematic graph. The
defined concepts are: Organization, Organizational
Unit, Enterprise, Department on the right side.
Governance, Governing Body and Steering
Committee on the left side. One level below you see
instances of Organizational Unit: Business, Legal,
Records Management, Architecture and IT. These are
the typical Departments in an Enterprises.
11 CGCO Chief Governance and Compliance Officer
12 CISO Chief Information Security Officer
The idea conveyed is that departments produce
Data and Metadata through their services. Steering
Committees define long term goals and short-term
objectives. The latter being: data quality, compliance
with regulations and legal obligations. The lower
right corner of Figure 5 lists Employees who vest
Roles that are associated with Responsibilities and
their employed duties. Relevant governance related
roles are: CGCO
, and DPO
Figure 6: Information semantic model (INF).
3.2 Information Model (INF)
Model Description: The Information ontology (INF)
is constructed around the key concept of Data. The
graph lists the concepts like: Content, Metadata and
Asset as derived classes. They represent digital
objects of any type and format. In this model, an Asset
represents a data container that links (aggregates)
together digital content, its metadata and associated
contextual information. At concept level Information
is shown as being derived from Metadata which is
itself derived from data. Figure 6 shows the
governance management model, starting with the key
concept of Record and its relation to Data. A Record
represents a set of governance metadata consisting of
classification information used to define process
control information related to security, privacy,
retention and disposition. Such processes are
controlled by Policy instances containing Rules
specific to the data category and lifecycle phase in
which data is being processed.
From a governance standpoint, the concept of a
Policy is the control mechanism assigned to data
through a Record. The record metadata reflects its
classification, according to applicable taxonomies.
By definition, a Policy class aggregates goals, rules
and metrics and is used by an information governance
Lifecycle. Goals, Rules and Metrics depended on
whether it refers to Content, Metadata, Asset,
13 DPO Data Protection Officer
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Records or collateral Information. Assets have value,
cost and risk. Characteristics that are controlled by
governance policies. Policies employ the rules used
to steer wanted information governance course.
Typically, access to persisted data is secured by a
security policy in a way that data objects are assigned
access control permissions and roles are given a set of
privileges i.e. rights. To a subject requesting to
retrieve a specific data object, access is granted if the
subject vests a Role, where the roles privileges do
match the permission assigned to the data object.
Value, cost and risk of data depend on time;
therefore, the applied policies must change over time
and thus require an ongoing process that adjusts
policy rules accordingly. Typical data storage rules
are R1) Data with no value V (t) =0 and must be
deleted to reduce cost; R2) Data with high value must
be kept forever, but to reduce cost it has to be moved
onto less expensive storage. R3) PII Data must be
stored and handled according to regulations by
3.3 System Model (SYS)
Model Description: The Systems semantic model
entails the core concepts of the implementation
domain (see Figure 3). The vocabulary terms used in
this model, reflect key concepts related to the
architecture and design of an IG solution that are
based on requirements related to the IG program and
its implementations. Top-level classes are
Architecture, Design, Model and model instances,
including: Data- and Information Model down to the
deployment and execution model.
Figure 7: System semantic model (SYS).
The architecture and design terms listed in Figure
7 represent system characteristics typical of
Enterprise Information System (EIS). The semantic
schema outlined, shows the relationships between
architecture and systems components. It explains
what they do and how to use them. The lower part of
Figure 7 models the internal structure of an EIS
system. Consisting of a number of service
components like: Content-, Information Retrieval-
and Analytics components. A Repository in turn
utilizes a Catalog and a Full Text Index as its source
of information. Last in this hierarchy is the Execution
Environment and the Platform, concepts native to the
IaaS domain that describe how infrastructure
resources of the type Compute, Network and Storage
are provisioned or de-provisioned.
3.4 Component Model (CPT)
Model Description: The Component ontology
shown in Figure 8 is about concepts corresponding to
the major functional areas covered by an IG
Figure 8: Component semantic model (SYS).
These areas cover: Administration, Maintenance,
Management, Security, Privacy, Function, and
Records. Addressing functions like: Collect, Store,
Access, Index, and Classify components that
represent software with those capabilities. Through
the IGONTO framework (see Figure 11), these
concept/classes are mapped to pre-existing software
services. We found many of these services provided
Their consumption is modelled as service
junction-points. A model that allows to form cross-
platform data processing pipelines.
3.5 Lifecycle Model (LCS)
Model Description: The governance Lifecycle
model aggregates concepts related to services and
processes bound to workflows that steer the data
processing chain. They enforce corporate governance
policies using appropriate methods along the process
pipeline (see Figure 1) to collect records metadata.
Governance lifecycles protocol aspects on how
data processed. The governance logic monitors the
process flow and how data handled in their business
production environment. Along the data processing
pipeline complementary tracking information is
produce to ensure and safeguard the chain of custody.
Data, Metadata
Access Control
Store, Access,
Hold, Dispose
An Ontology-based Knowledge Management Model on Information Governance
Figure 9: Lifecycle semantic model (LCS).
3.6 Platform Model (PLT)
Model Description: The Platform ontology (PLT)
models the platform level. It describes the execution
environment, in which a system, its component and
required infrastructure resources are deployed and
Figure 10: Platform semantic model (PLT).
For this ontology we collected descriptions of
available TOSCA service templates, their capabilities
and relationships. Such a service template describes
at concept level the required infrastructure resources,
the runtime environment, the build plans
(implementation artifacts) and the orchestration logic.
Usage notes complements the service templates with
the instruction of how to map a TOSCA services
template to a platform specific service instance.
For this research we used several tools and
technics that yielded the GONTO framework as a
byproduct, shown in Figure 11. We used Microsoft
Excel to design the taxonomies and prepared the data
to create concept models. The formalized knowledge
helped defining our ontology. Protégé (Musen,
2015)is used as the primary ontology authoring tool.
Apache Jena for loading of the data into the
AllegroGraph (AGraph) triple store. Apache Fuseki
is the protocol used to execute SPARQL queries for
both reporting as well as updating the triple stores.
Gruff as the tool for viewing, querying and
manipulating elements of the sematic data (IGG).
(DeStefano, Tao, & Gai, 2016) inspired this work
using a similar approach to address a different data
governance problem. (Casonato, 2011) elaborates on
the relationship between Enterprise Information
Management and Information Governance showing
that IG is an extension of EIM. (Leibtag, 2014)
explains the necessity of governance in enterprises.
(Proença, et al., 2018) re-elaborates on a maturity
model for information governance IGMM). (Cheng,
Li, Gao, & Liu, 2017) looks at the governance
maturity model and its implementation investigating
the impact of storing and managing data in the context
of cloud. (Yamada & Peran, 2017) suggests a
governance framework for enterprise analytics and
data. (Al-Ruithe, Benkhelifa, & Hameed, 2018)
compares data governance on cloud versus non-cloud
environments. (Abraham, Brocke, & Schneider,
2019) reviews data governance conceptual
frameworks suggesting a research agenda on white
spaces in the IG research areas. (Mahanti, 2021)
introduces the topics of Data, Data Governance, and
Data Management. Many ISO international standards
relate to information governance like: (ISO-14271,
2017), (ISO-15489, 2016), and the ISO family of
standards (ISO-27000). Little work was found related
on how to implement an IG framework from concept
to actual implementation. None using pre-defined
cloud services. Nor have we found the definition of a
IG semantic schema that utilizes existing
implementation knowledge. (Mubarkoot & Altmann,
2021) published some on software compliance in the
context of information governance. We found also
valuable concept work in W3C FIBO ontology from
(EDM & Council, 2020).
This paper describes our ontology-based knowledge
management model on Information Governance and
presented the IGONTO framework. Major effort in
our work was to collect domain knowledge from
available IG frameworks. We evaluated their
taxonomies, vocabularies, glossaries and best
practices. Then re-engineered the taxonomy,
enhanced the terms that represent core IG concepts,
defined the semantic schema (IGO) and created a
graph store (IGG). Available solutions components
were stored in the IGREPO repository as artefacts.
Our work provides a way for interested parties, to use
the framework as a system that makes domain
knowledge and experience explicit and accessible
through semantic queries. Result sets produced
consist of generalized service concepts including
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 11: The IGONTO framework.
descriptions of their functional, non-functional and
operational capabilities and a list of IG program
requirements they satisfy. We think of it as an
accelerator for building information governance
solutions composed of pre-defined IG services
artefacts offered on clouds discovered through an IG-
graph store. As an outlook on future work, we are
currently refining the IGONTO prototype and
working on a DSL for IG to extend TOSCA such to
provide a stronger bridge between concept, design
and implementation.
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems