People Management Problems and Practices in Software Development
Projects: A Systematic Literature Review
Marcelo Falkowski Burkard and Lisandra Manzoni Fontoura
Programa de P
ao em Ci
encia da Computac¸
ao, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil
People Management, Problems, Practices, Systematic Literature Review.
In the literature related to software engineering, it is possible to observe a large volume of work related to
technology and processes. Comparatively, little has been done in people management, making it difficult
for project managers to manage teams effectively and solve people-related problems. This study conducts a
systematic literature review (SLR) to survey the people management problems faced in software development.
In addition, we identify the solutions to these problems. We searched four major bibliographic databases and
identified 2736 primary studies between 2016 and 2022, resulting in 35 selected articles. So, we have grouped
problems and solutions by similarity to facilitate analysis. We identified 9 groups of problems and 11 groups of
solutions. Communication, motivation, technical skills, and knowledge problems are most frequently reported.
Regarding the solutions, the most cited are team building, feedback, and training practices. The problems and
practices identified consolidate the knowledge and experience obtained in several software projects and can
help managers in people management activities in software projects.
People are one of the fundamental elements for the
execution of software development projects. Their
importance is recognized by both traditional and agile
approaches to project management.
Many works about technologies and processes
have been published, but few empirical studies ex-
plore people management.
According to Mishra and Misra (2010), the suc-
cess of projects depends mainly on the individuals
who make up the team, so organizations must seek
and employ the best practices in people management
to achieve excellence.
Best practices lead organizations to ever higher
performance. According to Kerzner (2006), best prac-
tices guide continuous improvements, leading to the
adoption of new best practices. So, the practice’s ap-
plicability depends on the project’s characteristics to
which it will be applied. Therefore, it is up to the
manager to assess when and where to use it.
The main objective of this SLR is to explore stud-
ies related to people management in software devel-
opment to identify problems and practices used to
solve them. So, this work seeks to create a new ar-
tifact for use by software project managers in their
activities, compiling recent literature and facilitating
the search for practices that fit the work context of
each manager.
This article presents the results of an SLR in stud-
ies published from 2016 to 2022 and was conducted
following a predefined protocol detailed in the follow-
ing sections. First, we describe the methodology, de-
tailing the steps followed in the study in Section 2.
Then, in Section 3, we discuss the results. Finally, we
present our conclusions and ideas for future work in
Section 4.
We follow the review protocol proposed by Kitchen-
ham and Charters (2007) to perform the SLR. This
protocol is based on research questions, search string,
inclusion and exclusion criteria, primary search pro-
cess, and study selection process, which are detailed
This work conducts an SLR to map people man-
agement problems and practices in software develop-
ment projects, seeking recent literature to answer the
RQ1: What people management problems were
cited by the authors of the primary study that af-
Burkard, M. and Fontoura, L.
People Management Problems and Practices in Software Development Projects: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0011985300003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 179-186
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
fect software development projects?
RQ2: What practices related to people manage-
ment were cited by the authors of the primary
study and that tend to solve problems in software
development projects?
Based on these questions and the work objectives,
we have defined the search string shown in 1.
Table 1: Search string also used on engines.
Search string
(“software development” OR “software project”
OR “software engineering”) AND (“human re-
source” OR “human resources” OR “people fac-
tor”) AND (“productivity” OR “performance”)
The inclusion and exclusion criteria were based on
those proposed by Kitchenham and Charters (2007)
with adjustments according to the research questions
of this RSL. Table 2 presents the adopted criteria.
Table 2: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
ID Inclusion crite-
ID Exclusion criteria
IC1 primary study EC1 not primary study
IC2 related to
software devel-
EC2 not answer re-
search questions
IC3 related to human
EC3 presented as a
IC4 published be-
tween 2016 and
EC4 published before
IC5 published in En-
EC5 not published in
EC6 duplicate study
EC7 with less than 15
score points
We performed the primary search in four
databases: ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Sci-
elo, and ScienceDirect. Only libraries that could ex-
port files in the BibTeX format with a summary in-
cluded were considered. The results were exported in
files in the BibTeX format, including abstracts and all
metadata. ACM found 969, IEEE found 328, Scielo
found 2, and ScienceDirect found 1437 articles.
The selection of studies was divided into three
stages. In the first stage, we imported the BibTeX
files into the tool StArt
, which automatically iden-
tified 241 duplicate articles. They were rejected ac-
cording to the EC6, resulting in 2495 non-duplicated
State of the Art through SLR - available at
articles. 239 articles were published before 2016 or
did not have a publication date, all were rejected ac-
cording to the EC4. The StArt tool assigns a score to
each article according to the number of occurrences
of keywords in the title (5 points), abstract (3 points),
and keywords (2 points); 2051 articles with less than
15 points were rejected according to the EC7.
In the second stage, we read the title and abstract
of the selected articles. 134 articles were rejected ac-
cording to the EC2, resulting in 71 articles were se-
lected at the end of this stage.
In the third stage, we read all articles and excluded
36 according to criteria EC1, EC2, EC3, and EC5. At
the end of the process, 35 articles were selected.
This section presents the results found for each of the
research questions.
3.1 Research Question 1
RQ1: What people management problems were cited
by the authors of the primary study that affect soft-
ware development projects?
The problems cited in the primary studies were
analyzed and categorized into 9 groups according to
their similarities to facilitate the analysis.
3.1.1 Communication
Communication refers to how one person relates to
another. Shameem et al. (2020) and Margareth and
Mulyanto (2021) cite that the incorrect choice of com-
munication tools can cause communication break-
downs and misunderstanding between the sent mes-
sage and the receiver’s understanding.
de Magalh
aes (2017), Wang et al. (2018), Bass
(2016), Machuca-Villegas et al. (2022) and Shameem
et al. (2020) argue that a big team makes communica-
tion difficult and, thus, this occurs with low frequency.
And, for communication to occur with reasonable fre-
quency, Stylianou and Andreou (2016) mention that
there is an increase in communication overhead, that
is, an increase in time spent organizing communica-
tion instead of performing productive work.
de Magalh
aes (2017) shows that the lack of ade-
quate feedback is one of the leading causes of demo-
tivation and burnout in the development team.
3.1.2 Motivation
According to Machuca-Villegas et al. (2022), moti-
vation moves a person towards action. Franc¸a et al.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(2020) argue that motivation refers to the desire to
work and is signaled by people’s attitude towards their
work, directly influencing their performance. Lack
of motivation is a threat to both the development and
the management team (Garc
ıa et al., 2017). Low mo-
tivation levels also affect productivity, effectiveness,
and team learning (Fatema and Sakib, 2017). de Ma-
aes (2017) mentions little autonomy and lack of
adequate feedback as one of the reasons for low mo-
tivation. Bass et al. (2018) complement: employment
policies, work-life balance, common technical chal-
lenges, innovation, number of hours, rewards, good
management, adequate working conditions, work in-
volvement with others, and quality of work generated.
In addition to being one of the causes, low quality
of work and generated products is also pointed out by
Bass et al. (2018) as one of the effects of low motiva-
tion. Bass et al. (2018) also presents a correlation be-
tween motivation and turnover in organizations - mo-
tivated professionals tend to remain in their current
jobs; in contrast, professionals with low motivation
tend to generate attrition and dismissal.
Team motivation depends on choosing appropriate
strategies. Shameem et al. (2020) comment that the
lack of motivational strategies impacts the work, mak-
ing it impossible to escalate the use of agile method-
ologies in software development. Bass et al. (2018)
propose using gamification, mechanics, and charac-
teristics typical of games for monitoring and man-
aging software development professionals to improve
their motivation and engagement.
3.1.3 Technical Skills and Knowledge
Regarding technical factors that influence productiv-
ity in software development, Meyer et al. (2017) list:
the domain of programming language and tools, soft-
ware size, complexity, and product quality.
Fatema and Sakib (2017) claim that selecting peo-
ple with the right technical skills for a project is one
of the most complex activities in project management.
Nigar (2017) and da Cunha et al. (2016) mention
that it is not enough to have technical knowledge. The
lack of skill (experience or practice) in applying that
knowledge also negatively impacts software delivery.
Regarding the evolution of knowledge and skills,
Kula et al. (2021) argue that greater team stability
is positively related to the development of skills and
technical knowledge.
3.1.4 Geographic Aspects
Especially when it comes to large global organiza-
tions or companies using outsourcing, geographic as-
pects play an essential role in the productivity of de-
velopment teams. Outsourcing is the process of ac-
quiring products or services from a third-party sup-
plier. Bass (2016) divides it into two categories: on-
shore, in which the supplier is located in the same ter-
ritory as the customer, and offshore, which involves
a geographically remote supplier, usually separated
from the customer by a significant temporal distance
(time zone) and culture differences. In contrast, some
organizations create their structures in an offshore for-
mat which helps build a presence in emerging markets
while benefiting from lower costs. However, Qahtani
(2020) and Shameem et al. (2020) warn that cultural
differences can have a negative impact on team per-
Related to the lack of rapport between teams and
the difficulty of collaboration, Bass et al. (2018) argue
that language differences and the reduction of over-
lapping work schedules caused by differences in time
zones generates communication delays.
Communication difficulty due to cultural differ-
ences generates a cascade effect that impacts other
aspects, according to Britto et al. (2019). They exem-
plify that low cultural adequacy can even make train-
ing difficult.
3.1.5 Commitment
Commitment is related to engagement and persever-
ance. Machuca-Villegas et al. (2022) characterize it
as the level of individual responsibility that a person
assumes to carry out the activities that make up the
delivery of a team. Kula et al. (2021) identify that
commitment is one of the main factors that promote
the team’s effectiveness and, therefore, helps deliv-
eries to occur on time. Professionals with a higher
level of commitment and technical expertise tend to
identify better and assess risks, which increases the
chances of project success.
Regarding productivity, Oliveira et al. (2016)
identified that managers tend to perceive greater pro-
ductivity in professionals who combine focus, com-
mitment, and proactivity with tasks delivered with-
out delay and with good quality. Everyone should
take responsibility for the results obtained, fulfill their
duties, and, eventually, admit their own mistakes to
improve the software development process Machuca-
Villegas et al. (2022).
Tam et al. (2020) show that in projects that follow
the waterfall methodology, customer involvement oc-
curs mainly at the beginning and end of the project.
In contrast, in agile projects, customer involvement
must be high throughout the project’s life cycle - the
customer must also be “agile”.
People Management Problems and Practices in Software Development Projects: A Systematic Literature Review
3.1.6 Satisfaction
According to Machuca-Villegas et al. (2022), job sat-
isfaction can be determined by the difference between
what people want and what they have in their work.
Therefore, we have dissatisfied professionals when
expectations regarding certain aspects are not met.
Franc¸a et al. (2020) argue that satisfaction refers
to pleasant emotions concerning work and directly
influences the performance of software development
teams as it increases their desire to stay in the organi-
zation and be present at work. de Magalh
aes (2017)
cite aspects that generate job satisfaction: personal
and professional growth, recognition, opportunities,
salary, and relationships with colleagues.
3.1.7 Team Stability
Analyzing factors perceived as contributing to on-
time deliveries, Kula et al. (2021) list: team stability,
represented by low turnover and team familiarity, that
is, the amount of time that members work with each
other. The authors argue that both factors are related
to improving coordination and adaptability in case of
environmental changes (Kula et al., 2021). Therefore,
project managers should focus on keeping teams sta-
ble and supporting the team in development to achieve
better deliveries.
One challenge of keeping teams stable for long pe-
riods is employee turnover. Since job changes are
a natural phenomenon in the market and high staff
turnover has a negative impact on productivity and
quality during software development, it is up to the
manager to mitigate turnover risks. Bass et al. (2018)
correlate low motivation and high turnover rates.
Another contributing factor to turnover rates pre-
sented by Bass et al. (2018) is the nature of the work
performed - companies in the outsourcing sector have
a higher turnover expectation for the development
team than companies in other segments.
3.1.8 Focus
One of the developer profiles featured in the work of
Meyer et al. (2017) is called a focused developer, who
feels more productive when he has worked concen-
trated on a single task at a time.
Last-minute meetings are characterized as a cause
of constant change of focus, which, as identified by
Oliveira et al. (2016), impacts achieving the state of
“flow” desired by developers. Kohl et al. (2020) inter-
viewed developers and concluded that small context
changes lasting less than 3 minutes do not disconnect
the developer from the previous task. For example,
running a script that takes 15 seconds does not gener-
ate impacts related to loss of focus.
3.1.9 Autonomy
Especially about the team’s autonomy in defining and
assigning responsibilities, Machuca-Villegas et al.
(2022) mention this as a factor with a high impact
on the performance of individuals during software de-
velopment: the greater the team’s autonomy in self-
management and defining who will be responsible for
a task, the greater the team’s motivation and produc-
tivity. In contrast, several authors argue that task as-
signment is a resource allocation problem, and there-
fore an optimized solution should be sought through
mathematical models (Song et al., 2020)(Chiang and
Lin, 2020).
3.2 Research Question 2
RQ2: What practices related to people management
were cited by the authors of the primary study and
that tend to solve problems in software development
The practices cited in the primary studies were an-
alyzed and categorized into 12 groups according to
their similarities to facilitate the analysis.
3.2.1 Team Assembly
According to Zaouga et al. (2019) and Meyer et al.
(2017), the manager must ensure the assignment of
members to a project considering the project’s techni-
cal specificities and the individual’s capacity.
Angelis (2019) argues that professionals whose
qualification just fits to project’s needs should be
sought for the correct assembly of the team, rather
than overqualified professionals, for example. This
makes the project flow, and professionals have an ad-
equate level of challenge, avoiding problems of satis-
faction and motivation.
In addition to the importance of technical skills,
Caulo et al. (2021) and da Cunha et al. (2016) argue
that the personality traits of individuals also impact
the performance of software development teams.
Identifying the most suitable professionals for the
project begins in the recruitment phase. Nastiti and
Setyohadi (2020) state that unclear job descriptions
are one of the leading causes of incorrect hires, as the
attracted candidate profile is not very adherent to the
project’s actual needs. Therefore, it is up to the man-
ager to ensure adequate job descriptions. Regarding
the selection process, Nastiti and Setyohadi (2020) re-
inforce that professional selection should focus on ed-
ucational aspects and candidates’ experience, which
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
can be evaluated during interviews. Paredes-Valverde
et al. (2018) propose an ontology that covers aspects
that should be evaluated during selection.
Ideally, the team should be heterogeneous, mean-
ing that no one person should have the same exper-
tise as another. Thus, it adds diversity to discussions
and improves the quality of decisions. Schloegel et al.
(2016) argue that the team must have age diversity
among its members and technical breadth.
Finally, Fatema and Sakib (2017), Bass et al.
(2018), Wang et al. (2018), and Stylianou and An-
dreou (2016) emphasize the importance of maximiz-
ing delivery while minimizing communication over-
head. It is up to the manager to find the balance point
from which adding new members reduces the amount
of software delivered.
3.2.2 Feedback
Feedback is information an agent provides regarding
someone’s performance or understanding. Hattie and
Timperley (2007). Zaouga et al. (2019) characterize
the activity of providing feedback as part of the pro-
cess of managing the project team.
According to Bass et al. (2018), software devel-
opers consider the practice of feedback as a form
of recognition, and the lack of feedback is a com-
munication problem that directly impacts motivation
and, consequently, the quality of the team’s delivery
de Magalh
aes (2017). Fatema and Sakib (2017) and
Machuca-Villegas et al. (2022) agree that adequate
feedback is among the main factors that influence the
productivity of software development teams.
3.2.3 Training
As identified by Shahzad et al. (2017), employees ex-
pect the organization to be committed to constantly
training its professionals. In contrast, Bass et al.
(2018) add that the manager should challenge team
members to learn new skills.
The first step to guarantee the team’s qualification
is the effective management of competencies, accord-
ing to Song et al. (2020) and Angelis (2019). With
this, gaps in knowledge and professionals who can
become eventual technical disseminators can be iden-
tified. Training should not be limited to hard skills.
ardenas-Castro et al. (2019) argue that psycholog-
ical training improves human skills and well-being
within the team, and its results are more useful in the
early stages of the project than when compared to the
production stages.
Nicolaescu et al. (2020) suggest training in con-
junction with career monitoring and succession plan-
ning, to keep professionals motivated.
3.2.4 Resource Allocation Optimization
During the software project planning stage, the
project manager must solve a “puzzle”: the allocation
problem in software projects.
Aiming to create an optimized minimum sched-
Angel Vega-Vel
azquez et al. (2018) present mod-
els that balance time and costs. Furthermore, Chiang
and Lin (2020) add to their model the skills of the
people involved to improve the accuracy of the esti-
mates. Finally, Nigar (2017) introduces a mathemati-
cal model that considers five factors: project duration,
task fragmentation, robustness, cost, and stability.
As an alternative to models that consider a lim-
ited number of constraints, Shen et al. (2020) propose
to increase the number of variables considered. Shen
et al. (2018) propose an algorithm based on machine
learning to dynamically allocate individuals, consid-
ering aspects such as the ability and motivation to
learn and the evolution of technical proficiency over
Finally, Song et al. (2020) propose a model for op-
timizing resource allocation considering specifics of
the corporate culture of Chinese state-owned compa-
3.2.5 Performance Monitoring
According to Nicolaescu et al. (2020), it is a key ac-
tivity for managers to measure and monitor perfor-
mance in software development. Oliveira et al. (2016)
argue that the measures can be used to compare the
efficiency of different developers in the same organi-
zation, helping to assemble and adjust teams.
According to Zaouga et al. (2019), performance
metrics provide good-quality feedback to improve the
professional’s performance.
Nastiti and Setyohadi (2020) suggest that perfor-
mance measurement can be done through KPIs (key
performance indicators) previously agreed upon with
the team. Traditionally, performance is related to
efficiency and productivity. C
ardenas-Castro et al.
(2019) argue that it’s essential that the performance
indicators agreed upon also assess individual soft
skills, thus promoting more collaboration.
The indicators can be made available on a board
or online tool visible to the entire team so that a team
trained in interpreting the indicators can monitor each
other’s performance (Fatema and Sakib, 2017).
3.2.6 Use of Agile Practices
Machuca-Villegas et al. (2022) state that team mem-
bers should be empowered to make decisions and or-
ganize themselves to establish and achieve goals. To
People Management Problems and Practices in Software Development Projects: A Systematic Literature Review
have self-organization maturity related to attribution,
autonomy, and definition of work methods, de Ma-
aes (2017) suggests using methods such as Ex-
treme Programming and Scrum.
In organizations whose teams do not employ such
agile methods and there is a strong dependence on the
manager’s role, Shahzad et al. (2017) suggest that the
latter constantly questions the team if there is a better
way of doing things.
Pair programming is an agile practice consisting
of two programmers sharing the same workstation,
one writing the code while the other analyzing the
work done. Caulo et al. (2021) and Fatema and Sakib
(2017) list pair programming as a practice perceived
as related to increased productivity.
3.2.7 Job Rotation
Before the 1950s, most work strategies in tradi-
tional industries were characterized by simplification,
specialization, and repetition. Currently, in knowl-
edge industries, such as software development, these
same characteristics are recognized for generating
monotony, fatigue, and, consequently, a decrease in
the performance of individuals de Magalh
aes (2017).
Job rotation is moving individuals on software
projects within the same organization. Santos (2017)
characterizes movements in two formats: job-to-
job (playing a new role within the organization)
and project-to-project (moving to another project or
Franc¸a et al. (2020) point out that this can be a
positive practice in terms of motivation and satisfac-
tion of individuals, making professionals constantly
challenged to learn new skills.
In contrast, Kula et al. (2021) indicate that man-
agers should try to keep stable teams where members
can build long-term familiarity with on-time deliver-
ies and performance optimization. Therefore, it is up
to the manager to find the balance between motivation
generated by new opportunities and performance op-
timization resulting from maintaining a stable team.
3.2.8 Personality Assessments
Angelis (2019) presents empirical results that support
the claim that personality traits impact the productiv-
ity of software development teams. The project man-
ager can use psychometric tests with the support of
professionals in the field of psychology to identify the
profiles of individuals.
The Big Five categorization model divides human
profiles into ve major areas: extroversion, agreeable-
ness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness.
Caulo et al. (2021) propose that profiles with a higher
degree of kindness and conscientiousness correspond
to people with greater productivity in software devel-
Furthermore, Meyer et al. (2017) proposes a new
categorization of software development professionals
using six categories: social developer, solitary de-
veloper, focused developer, balanced developer, lead
developer, and goal-oriented developer. The author
presents suggestions on how to work with each pro-
3.2.9 Communication
The impacts of inefficient communication are widely
discussed in the literature; more is needed regarding
good practices to ensure good communication.
Bass (2016) suggests online tools for the virtual
representation of Kanban boards, this being a practice
highly related to monitoring practices.
As for the frequency of communication, Mar-
gareth and Mulyanto (2021) indicate that the com-
munication frequency positively impacts productivity.
Therefore, the team must maintain fluid communica-
tion and avoid static communication protocols.
3.2.10 Rewards
Related to rewards and incentives for the development
team, Bass et al. (2018) cites practices that can hap-
pen in conjunction with constant performance evalu-
ations: salary increases and promotions of competent
In addition, Fatema and Sakib (2017) mentions
that at times when there is a need for overtime, small
recognitions are appropriate for the team.
3.2.11 Social Encounters
Shahzad et al. (2017) states that companies with a cul-
ture that has routines of social encounters where ev-
eryone gathers promote a culture of innovation and
3.2.12 Onboarding
Onboarding members to globally distributed project
teams can take longer than when the entire team is
in one location. Britto et al. (2019) mention, as
an example, projects of high complexity and legacy
code for which remote mentoring during a period of
4-6 months may be insufficient. The authors sug-
gest prioritizing the hiring of mentors who can pass
on knowledge face-to-face and synchronously to in-
crease the speed of the team’s progress and look for
mentors with good communication skills.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This study aimed to conduct an SLR to identify prob-
lems arising from people management in software de-
velopment projects and what practices can be em-
ployed to solve them.
Frequent problems included communication, mo-
tivation, technical skills, knowledge, and geography.
We also look for practices that are frequently used
to solve problems related to human resource manage-
ment. Practices related to team assembly, feedback,
training, resource allocation optimization, and perfor-
mance monitoring were the most cited.
In future work, we can identify which, among the
practices mapped in this work, are characterized as
best practices. In addition, best practices can be vali-
dated with specialists in the field, and a catalog detail-
ing each of these practices and related problems they
are intended to solve can be drawn up, to facilitate
managers’ search for practices that fit their context of
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the SIS-ASTROS GMF project (898347/2020).
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