ment effort. A developer’s comment - “...this seems
to be a bit more like web development, so yeah [it’s]
quite simple... with less boilerplate code, compared to
regular mobile apps” - highlights the potential ben-
efits for app developers. However, major concerns
such as the limitations of the platform in its current
state (including limited support for testing and de-
bugging micro-mHealth apps, and limited documen-
tation) when compared to current mobile app devel-
opment frameworks were also highlighted.
Overall, our work in this domain focuses on pro-
viding a better framework and platform for micro-
mHealth apps as a means to achieve the following
goals: (1) To provide a consistent platform for bet-
ter collaboration and communication between the dif-
ferent apps; (2) To foster an ecosystem of micro-
mHealth apps built for specific functions, eliminat-
ing unnecessary components and bloat; (3) To reduce
the increasing device resource requirements and con-
tention of several large health apps on one device; and
(4) To provide a better user experience and increase
mHealth adoption.
In this paper, we presented our mHeallthSwarm plat-
form of a micro-mHealth platform that addresses ma-
jor challenges with current mHealth apps such as the
need to install more than one app, unnecessary bloat
in the applications and challenges with data sharing
and management. We discuss implementation details
of our platform with a brief data flow sequence dia-
gram showing a high-level flow of app requests and
data. We then briefly discuss a sample app and how
it can be developed using the platform APIs. Overall,
our approach for developing micro-mHealth apps will
guide the design and development of novel mHealth
apps and platforms, and in the future have a positive
impact on the adoption of mHealth services.
Philip is supported by Deakin University Schol-
arship and ARC Research Hub IH170100013.
Grundy is supported by ARC Laureate Fellowship
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