from the teachers, which may be subject to bias or in-
accuracies. Furthermore, the study was conducted in
Germany, and the results may not be generalizable to
other countries or cultures where the education sys-
tem and attitudes towards CS may be different, and
further research would be needed to confirm the find-
In conclusion, the study found that, according to the
interviewed teachers, students in 7th grade have a pre-
dominantly positive attitude towards the new subject
of CS. However, it was also found that as the students
progress in their understanding of the subject, their
interest may wane if they do not see a connection to
the world in which they live. Students are more likely
to be interested in the subject if it is made relevant to
their everyday lives and if they can see a possibility
to have a relevant impact in their world (Marquardt
et al., 2023). Additionally, the study found that the
later students get to know the subject, the more they
are influenced by their environment, highlighting the
importance of starting early.
Pre-designed teaching materials can help teach-
ers with interdisciplinary teaching by providing them
with a framework and resources to integrate CS con-
cepts and skills into other subjects. The teachers
noted that the use of pre-designed teaching materi-
als can be beneficial in terms of ease of use, rele-
vance to the curriculum, flexibility, support for spe-
cial needs, and variety of topics and activities. How-
ever, the teachers also noted some problems with us-
ing these materials, such as the need for guidance and
background information, and the fact that these ma-
terials may not fully cover all aspects required by the
curriculum. Overall, the study emphasizes the impor-
tance of making CS relevant and interesting to stu-
dents in order to increase their engagement and un-
derstanding of the subject and to promote its wider
acceptance in society.
CS is not just about computers and programming.
It’s about understanding the interdisciplinary nature
of digital world we live in and using that understand-
ing to shape a better future for humanity.
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education