Getting Ready for the New Normal Way of Working: Using Business
Simulation Projects to Foster Work-from-Anywhere Skills
Ilenia Fronza
1 a
, Gennaro Iaccarino
2 b
, Sara Tosi
, Luis Corral
3 c
and Claus Pahl
1 d
Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
I.I.S.S. “Galileo Galilei”, Bolzano, Italy
ITESM Campus Queretaro, Mexico
Work-from-Anywhere (WFX), Soft Skills, K-12, High School, Business Simulation Projects.
While entering the post-COVID-19 pandemic phase, to define a new normal way of working, some companies
are transitioning toward a permanent WFX model, while others are combining WFX with colocated work
(i.e., hybrid work). Therefore, fostering WFX skills (usually classified as soft skills) in early-career students
becomes crucial; additionally, it can help reduce early school leaving. This work aims at understanding how
business simulation projects foster the WFX skills deemed crucial by industries. To this end, we conducted two
case studies involving high school students. The final questionnaire revealed that most participants evaluate
their WFX as fair or higher. Moreover, they believe that business simulation projects help in developing WFX
skills. Based on our results, we highlight recommendations for educational practice.
Work-From-Home (WFH) and Work-From-
Anywhere (a.k.a. WFX or WFA) allow greater
autonomy in selecting spaces, times, and tools
(Choudhury et al., 2019; Sako, 2021). With the
world entering the post-COVID-19 pandemic phase,
WFH/WFX is becoming the “new normal” way of
working. Software companies have shown that they
can work remotely without significantly impacting
productivity (Smite et al., 2021b); additionally,
most software professionals would like to continue
WFH/WFX (Terminal, 2021). Based on these consid-
erations, some companies choose a permanent WFX
model (Drera, 2021). Other major companies, such
as Google and Apple, are pushing their employees
to return to the office (Kaplan, 2021); however,
they are going toward hybrid work, which is neither
pure distributed nor pure co-located. Therefore, it is
becoming clear that WFX will be integrated (at least
to some extent, in the case of hybrid work) into the
new normal way of working. Consequently, the job
market of the next future will demand more and more
WFX skills (Paasivaara et al., 2013; Prossack, 2020),
which are usually classified as soft skills (Matturro
et al., 2019).
Research shows a gap between the software in-
dustry and software engineering education (Oguz and
Oguz, 2019); for example, novices at Microsoft face
problems related to their lack of soft skills, such as
social and communication skills (Begel and Simon,
2008). Therefore, there is a need to train future soft-
ware professionals by developing soft skills (Capretz
and Ahmed, 2018) and, specifically, make future soft-
ware professionals capable of confronting the chal-
lenges of WFX by thriving in the “new normal way of
Working in a remote setting requires a combi-
nation of good collaboration infrastructure and sev-
eral WFX skills, i.e., a complete mindset of au-
tonomy, teamwork, collaboration, technological re-
sources, and understanding of goals (Fronza et al.,
2022b). Cultivating these traits early in their career
will give students the skills they need for the new
work environment. To this end, high school students
must be provided with courses featuring authentic ex-
periences: early exposure to WFX will let them em-
brace WFX practices, develop a good command of
the enabling technology, and fine-tune the necessary
skills (Fronza et al., 2022b).
Business simulation projects can enhance several
skills, such as time and strategy management, nego-
Fronza, I., Iaccarino, G., Tosi, S., Corral, L. and Pahl, C.
Getting Ready for the New Normal Way of Working: Using Business Simulation Projects to Foster Work-from-Anywhere Skills.
DOI: 10.5220/0011986100003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 418-425
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tiation, and decision-making (Asiri et al., 2017; Xu
and Yang, 2010). Moreover, they can be used as a tar-
geted intervention to prevent and counter explicit and
implicit early school leaving because of their connec-
tion with real life (European Commission, 2020).
This paper explores how prepared students feel
in the WFX skills deemed crucial by the industry
representatives interviewed in (Fronza et al., 2022a).
Moreover, we investigate the contribution (perceived
by students) that business simulation projects make
to developing WFX skills. To this end, we build on
our previous work (Fronza et al., 2022a) by reporting
the results of two case studies we conducted follow-
ing the same approach. We distributed a questionnaire
among the participants of the case studies presented in
this work and the case study in (Fronza et al., 2022a).
Results show that most students evaluate their WFX
as fair or higher. Moreover, they believe that business
simulation projects help in developing WFX skills.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 introduces related work and Section 3 details
the research method. Results are reported in Section
4. Section 5 draws conclusions and suggests areas for
future work.
After its inception in the 1970s (Choudhury, 2021),
the advances in digital technology (e.g., desktop virtu-
alization and video chat platforms) (Sako, 2021) and
the collected evidence on performance benefits (e.g.,
(Bloom et al., 2015)) made Work-From-Home (WFH)
spread in several sectors in the 2000s, with several
companies moving toward greater geographic flexi-
bility. Then, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, em-
ployees were given more flexibility and autonomy in
choosing spaces, times, and tools; on the other hand,
they started having greater responsibility for accom-
plishing objectives at the pre-established times (Soft-
tek, 2020). This led to the introduction of WFX poli-
cies, which extend WFH (Softtek, 2020) in a way that
workers can organize their activities by combining
private and work life. WFX is based on trust between
employer and collaborators (Stamenova, 2021; Soft-
tek, 2020) and on employees’ ability to understand the
goal, select available resources (tools and time), col-
laborate with others, and deliver results (Smart Work-
ing Observatory, 2020).
The development of research about COVID-19
and its many impacts on work settings is an emer-
gent topic that continues to evolve. With this reality
in mind, we discuss a selection of works that walk
us through the future of WFX after the pandemic, the
changes in working routines and practices that WFX
has determined, and the skills needed to succeed in a
WFX setting.
WFX. It is becoming clear that WFX will not disap-
pear after the pandemic: employees express the de-
sire to continue with remote work (Buffer, 2021) re-
gardless of several factors (including age, education,
gender, earnings, and family circumstances), even ac-
cepting sizable pay cuts (Barrero et al., 2021). As
a result, some companies are choosing a permanent
WFX model (Drera, 2021). In contrast, others (Ka-
plan, 2021) are going in the direction of hybrid work
(i.e., a combination of remote and in-office work-
ing) (Sako, 2021), since offering customized working
styles seems to be effective in attracting talents (Kelly,
WFH determined several changes and novelties in
working routines and practices. Among the reported
changes, the daily rhythm of WFX is more flexible
and self-imposed (Smite et al., 2021a). Several issues
have been reported concerning WFX, including a re-
duced ability to unplug, loneliness, complex collabo-
ration and communication (Buffer, 2021; Adil et al.,
2022). Moreover, maintaining an organizational cul-
ture represents one of the main issues; in this regard,
one challenge is defining those activities that must
happen in-the-office to help maintain the organiza-
tional culture (Smite et al., 2021a).
Skills Needed to Succeed in a WFX Setting. The ex-
isting literature in Global Software Engineering (for
example, (Monasor et al., 2010; Casey et al., 2007;
Swigger et al., 2010; Christensen and Paasivaara,
2022)) identified specific (soft) skills needed to suc-
ceed in WFX settings, such as strong written commu-
nication, adaptability, focus, time management, col-
laboration, working in culturally diverged teams, and
using collaborative technologies (Paasivaara et al.,
2013; Prossack, 2020). Several ideas for training have
been proposed in the existing literature, but they are
mainly dedicated to a university environment (Mona-
sor et al., 2010). The focus is given to practical ex-
periences through which students can learn by doing
(Monasor et al., 2010; Christensen and Paasivaara,
In our previous work (Fronza et al., 2022a), we
identified the following WFX skills deemed crucial
by industry representatives:
Self-Motivation: The ability to understand busi-
ness goals, establish personal goals, and work to-
ward them without being constantly driven.
Communication: It is crucial to maintain a con-
stant communication, collaboration, understand
and share goals and progress toward achieving
them, and maintain the team morale.
Getting Ready for the New Normal Way of Working: Using Business Simulation Projects to Foster Work-from-Anywhere Skills
Autonomy: The ability to learn autonomously, un-
derstand goals, and execute tasks without being
constantly driven.
Time Management: The ability to manage time
and achieve goals regardless of the effort invested
and the adopted schedule.
Curiosity: Ability to initiate action, having an ex-
ploring attitude towards uncertain or ambiguous
Endurance (a.k.a. Resilience): Ability to over-
come failure, deal with ambiguity and frustra-
tion, and be persistent and emotionally tempered
to work in isolation.
Position Fit: Ability to alignment personal goals
with company goals.
This paper builds on (Fronza et al., 2022a) to
understand whether high school students have WFX
skills and if activities featuring authentic experiences
(such as business simulation projects) can enhance
WFX skills.
Skills to Prevent Early School Leaving. This multi-
factorial problem depends on social and economic
difficulties, learning difficulties, and the educational
environment. In Europe, the early school leaving rate
is measured using the Early Leaving from Education
and Training (ELET), which considers students who
have not been admitted to the next class and students
regularly enrolled but not attending (Baldassarre and
Sasanelli, 2020). The percentage of students who
dropped out in 2019 was 9.7% (Eurostat, 2022), with
a target set for 2030 of less than 9%.
Early school leaving has relevant social and eco-
nomic implications and is directly related to the rate
of unemployment and social exclusion. The Euro-
pean program foresees the monitoring of the educa-
tion and training sector by collecting data and ana-
lyzing the phenomenon’s trends across the EU and
in individual member states. Thanks to the heavy
investment and the monitoring network carried out
in recent years, another similar early school leav-
ing, which is primary for the students’ adult life, has
emerged: the so-called implicit early school leaving.
This phenomenon concerns students who, even after
finishing school, have not acquired the basic skills
to undertake a professional career. Therefore, these
students attended schools passively, wholly alienated
from knowledge and skills. PISA, an OECD program
for international student assessment (PISA, 2022), as-
sesses basic skills achievement by measuring 15-year-
olds’ ability to use their reading, mathematics, and
science knowledge and skills to tackle real-life chal-
In this context, the acquisition of soft skills allows
students not only to enter the world of work more ef-
fectively but also to attend university with greater suc-
cess (Piacentini and Pacileo, 2019). Promoting WFX
(soft) skills at school leads to a twofold benefit. On
the one hand, it would make students more prepared
for the current job market, and on the other hand, it
would help reduce early school leaving.
In this study, we will answer the following questions:
RQ1. What WFX skills do students have?
RQ2. Do business simulation projects contribute
to developing WFX skills?
To answer these research questions, we conducted
two case studies following our approach in (Fronza
et al., 2022a) (Section 3.1). Then, we distributed a
questionnaire among all the students who participated
in the case studies presented in this work and the case
study presented in our previous work (Fronza et al.,
2022a) (Section 3.2).
3.1 Case Studies
The study context consists of the following two busi-
ness simulation projects (Asiri et al., 2017; Xu and
Yang, 2010) conducted in February 2022 in two
fourth-year classes of a CS high school in Bolzano,
The first business simulation project involved
nine students (8 M, 1 F). The project simulated
seven working days in a financial services com-
pany. Teams had to develop an application that
monitors NASDAQ financial stocks through the
Yahoo finance API. Then, collected data were pro-
cessed by a telegram bot and sent to the company
The second business simulation project in-
volved 11 (M) students. The project simulated
seven professional working days to implement a
client-server application to monitor a hardware
system and ensure remote maintenance, imag-
ining instruments underwater or in inaccessible
Both the business simulation projects followed the
approach of (Fronza et al., 2022a), i.e., they emu-
lated, methodologically and practically, the typical
software industry environment (Corral and Fronza,
2018). Similarly to (Fronza et al., 2022a), students
were divided into two major areas: the technical and
the communication area (i.e., focusing on documenta-
tion, communication, and graphic/web layout). Each
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
area was coordinated by a leader and, when possi-
ble, was divided into smaller groups based on tasks.
As suggested in (Bacon et al., 1999) students worked
in self-selected teams that chose their leader. Each
leader interacted with others and the area leaders. To-
gether with the teacher, each team defined short-term
goals that the teacher and leaders regularly verified.
Based on weaknesses and threats reported by students
in the SWOT analysis in our previous work (Fronza
et al., 2022a), we have introduced the following ad-
smaller working groups and fewer working days
to improve communication and individual work-
ers management;
the teacher focused on planning effective and at-
tractive short-term goals;
better organized WFX activities, with more de-
fined slots of co-located work (usually 3-4 hours
in the morning);
more autonomy for WFX activities.
Similarly to the case study in (Fronza et al.,
2022a), we distributed the following online question-
naire throughout the process to monitor the WFX ex-
1. Did you (or your team) achieve the goals? [y/n]
2. Did you find it difficult to achieve the goals? [y/n]
3. Did you achieve the goals on time? [y/n]
4. Did you work better alone or with your team?
[alone; with my team]
5. Indicate the time slots of the day in which you
worked in remote way (WFX).
The questionnaire is slightly different with respect
to the one we used in the previous case study (Fronza
et al., 2022a). Indeed, in these two case studies, on-
site working hours were pre-defined; moreover, as
suggested by the SWOT in (Fronza et al., 2022a), we
focused on the timely achievement of goals.
3.2 Questionnaire
We distributed a final questionnaire among all the stu-
dents participating in the case studies presented in
this paper. Moreover, we distributed the same ques-
tionnaire among the participants of our previous case
study (Fronza et al., 2022a). The questionnaire aimed
to assess 1) how prepared students feel they are re-
garding the WFX skills and 2) the contribution (per-
ceived by students) that business simulation projects
make to developing WFX skills. In particular, we fo-
cused on the WFX skills deemed crucial by the in-
dustry representatives interviewed in (Fronza et al.,
2022a) (see Section 2). For each of these WFX skills
(except position fit, which was disregarded as it is un-
likely to be applicable in the context of a short-term
project), students were asked to answer the following
two questions using a five-point scale (from very poor
to very good):
1. How good is this skill in your case? [very poor,
poor, fair, good, very good]
2. How good was the business simulation project in
helping you develop this skill? [very poor, poor,
fair, good, very good]
At the end of the questionnaire, students could
leave comments and feedback in an open question.
We followed legal requirements and ethical codes of
conduct for child participation in research, such as
informed consent, voluntary participation, and con-
fidential data treatment (EU Agency for Fundamental
Rights, 2014).
All the objectives proposed at the beginning of both
case studies have been achieved; the proposed solu-
tions have been tested and work correctly. Similarly
to what we reported in (Fronza et al., 2022a), Figure 1
shows that in both our case studies, most students re-
ported that they achieved daily objectives, mostly on
time, even though they encountered some difficulties.
Teamwork was appreciated, especially in the initial
and final parts of the projects; in the main phase of
the activities (i.e., once the main tasks and roles were
clear), students preferred to work independently.
The daily questionnaire also collected information
regarding the preferred time slots for WFX. As ex-
pected, in both case studies, there is limited WFX
in the morning (Figure 2); indeed, co-located work
has been encouraged in that part of the day. Con-
versely, when they could choose the working arrange-
ment (i.e., in the afternoon), students preferred WFX.
In the remainder of this section, we answer the
RQs by analyzing the data collected from the ques-
tionnaire distributed among the students participating
in the case studies presented in this paper and (Fronza
et al., 2022a). We collected 34/43 answers (79%), 23
from our previous case study (Fronza et al., 2022a),
and 20 from the case studies presented in this work.
RQ1. What WFX Skills Do Students Have? Figure
3 shows that most students evaluate fair or higher their
self-motivation (82.3%), communication (79.4%), au-
tonomy (88.2%), time management (73.5%), and cu-
riosity (79.4%).
In particular, nearly half of the students (44.1%)
consider their communication skills to be good, while
Getting Ready for the New Normal Way of Working: Using Business Simulation Projects to Foster Work-from-Anywhere Skills
Figure 1: Daily questionnaire of both case studies.
curiosity is the skill that gets the highest number of
preferences for “very good” (23.5%). Instead, most
students consider themselves weak on endurance.
RQ2. Do Business Simulation Projects Contribute
to Developing WFX Skills? According to the stu-
dents who participated in the case studies, busi-
ness simulation projects foster WFX skills. Indeed,
most students answered fair or above for most skills
(i.e., self-motivation 82%, communication 76.5%, au-
tonomy 76.5%, time management 79.4%, curiosity
73.5%). Only for endurance, 58.8% of students be-
lieve that the business simulation projects do not help
to acquire that skill. The analysis of the answers to
the open-ended question reveals that the length of the
business simulation project is considered too short to
acquire a complex skill, such as endurance/resilience.
The answers to the open-ended question offer in-
teresting insights. Students highlighted the pros and
cons of the business simulation projects, which some-
times seem to be curiously symmetrical regarding
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Preferred time slots for WFX.
the same aspect. For example, several students em-
phasized that the activity effectively simulated a real
company/business context, allowing them to glimpse
the “real world” dynamics. Conversely, an almost
equal number of students remarked that the activity
would have been much more effective if carried out in
a company and not at school. This observation high-
lights that, even though carefully designed, a simula-
tion might still be perceived as a “fake workplace” de-
void of problems such as timing, relationships, envy,
and rewards.
Another relevant point regards the relationship
and communication between the various members of
the group. As a positive aspect, participants remarked
that business simulation projects enhance individual
talents in a team and foster management skills. On
the other hand, several students highlighted that some
team members’ lack of involvement/interest affected
the final result. However, everyone agrees on the char-
acteristics needed for successful teamwork (i.e., good
motivation, correct division of tasks, and attention to
roles), which should reflect everyone’s inclinations.
One student, in particular, highlighted the need for a
leader, “a charismatic person who brought the lazy
ones back to the right path. Without this figure, the
group sank quickly, groping in the dark without clear
As a positive aspect, students defined business
simulation projects as “stimulating and constructive”
and highlighted their ability to foster new skills with
respect to those required by “normal school practice”,
i.e., skills that “will be useful in the context of univer-
sity studies, as well as in the future world of work”
(e.g., problem-solving, autonomy, time management,
and communication). Nevertheless, negative aspects
of business simulation projects are reported as well.
For example, difficulties emerged in communication
and collaboration within the groups. In addition, the
activity should have been longer.
The following comment probably summarizes the
core characteristics of a business simulation project:
“It is an important activity for students; it brings
them closer to the world of work and challenges them.
It helps them develop new skills and collaborate to
reach a solution. Leaving students in complete auton-
omy is, in my opinion, the best way to let them grow”.
In this paper, we shed light on whether high school
students have WFX skills and if activities featuring
authentic experiences (such as business simulation
projects) can enhance WFX skills. Most of the stu-
dents who participated in our case studies (two in this
paper and one in (Fronza et al., 2022a)) evaluated as
fair or higher the majority of the WFX skills that are
deemed crucial by industries (e.g., self-motivation,
autonomy, curiosity). Moreover, they believe that
business simulation projects help in developing WFX
skills. On the other hand, students feel weaker in
terms of endurance and consider business simulation
projects too short to foster this skill.
Based on these results, business simulation
projects in high schools seem promising for pro-
moting the WFX skills deemed crucial by indus-
tries. Our study cannot inform whether students’ good
WFX skills are mainly due to the business simulation
project (i.e., we did not collect data on the entry level).
However, students clearly stated that the project con-
tributed to acquiring WFX skills.
Educators can use our results as a baseline to pro-
vide students with courses featuring authentic expe-
riences to prepare them for the “new normal way of
working”. Based on the results of this work, the main
suggestion emerging from this work is that business
simulation projects should be longer in time to allow
for the development of endurance. Second, educators
should focus on increasing the authenticity of these
experiences as much as possible so that students per-
ceive them as more similar to the professional setting.
We acknowledge that the work presented in this
paper may have limitations. In the following, we dis-
cuss them and propose directions for further research
to address these limitations. In this paper, we asked
students to self-assess their WFX skills. An objective
and validated tool for evaluating these skills would
strengthen the results. Therefore, we plan to focus
on this objective in the future. Larger samples are
needed to confirm and generalize the results and limit
the validity threats connected with the reliability and
validity of our instruments. Moreover, students’ back-
grounds might impact the results. Therefore, the ex-
perience should be repeated in other school contexts.
Finally, we plan to use these results and student com-
Getting Ready for the New Normal Way of Working: Using Business Simulation Projects to Foster Work-from-Anywhere Skills
Figure 3: Summary of the results of the questionnaire (34 respondents).
ments to make business simulation projects increas-
ingly similar to a professional context.
Preventing and countering explicit and implicit
early school leaving is a necessary priority. An ef-
fective way to do this is based on the configuration of
inclusive tools capable of welcoming, supporting, and
guiding the learning process of a plurality of students
(Baldassarre and Sasanelli, 2020). Based on the ac-
tivities presented in this paper, the teachers among the
authors agree that business simulation projects (with
WFX skills) can contribute to contrast implicit early
school leaving. Indeed, these projects make school
a permanent laboratory where skills are conveyed by
using practical activities similar to reality. In these
new educational contexts, students are encouraged
to express themselves, find solutions, and participate
with their abilities. In future work, we intend to inves-
tigate and measure the effectiveness of business sim-
ulation projects on contrasting implicit dispersion.
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Getting Ready for the New Normal Way of Working: Using Business Simulation Projects to Foster Work-from-Anywhere Skills