The Generalization of the Solution Process in a Mathematical
Problem-Solving Activity with an Advanced Computing Environment
Cecilia Fissore
, Valeria Fradiante
and Marina Marchisio
Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Modern Culture, Via Giuseppe Verdi, 10, 10124 Turin, Italy
Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, University of Turin, Via Nizza 52, 10126, Turin, Italy
Keywords: Advanced Computing Environment, Generalization, Mathematics, Problem Solving.
Abstract: In a problem-solving activity, generalizing is an important process by which the specifics of a solution are
examined. Technologies support this process, making it possible to create interactive explorations that allow
to see how the result changes as the initial data vary. In this article we focus on the generalization of the
solution process during a mathematical problem-solving activity using an Advanced Computing Environment
(ACE). Our research questions are: how can we analyze the skills students develop while generalizing a
problem? What are the most frequent difficulties? We analyzed the solution of a problem-solving activity
with an ACE submitted by 75 students using a model specially developed by us for studying generalization
using interactive components. The model considers three phases: design and choice of interactive components,
programming of the system and control stages of generalization of a problem. For each stage we established
a set of indicators to understand the competences achieved by each student. The results show that the students
generalized the problem using different strategies, with some difficulty in the programming and control phase.
The model developed allows to reflect on the skills achieved by students in the various phases of the
generalization process.
Generalization in Mathematics is a recurring topic in
literature; in particular it is often studied how to
extend a mathematical object, such as a formula, from
a particular situation to a general one. In a problem-
solving activity, generalizing is an important process
by which the specifics of a solution are examined and
questions as to why it worked are investigated
(Liljedahl et al., 2016). Technology can be an
amplifier of a generalization activity of the solution
of a problem. In our previous research we started
studying the development of students’ problem-
solving skills and the generalization processes during
a mathematical problem-solving activity through the
creation of animated graphs (Barana et al., 2020a).
Our intent is to continue to explore the whole process
that students develop when they have to generalize
the solution process of a problem. In particular, our
research analyzes students’ processes of
generalization in solving mathematical problems
contextualized in real life with an Advanced
Computing Environment (ACE). An ACE is a system
that allows to perform numerical and symbolic
calculation, make graphical representations in 2 and
3 dimensions and create mathematical simulations
through interactive components. Our research
questions are: how can we analyze the skills students
develop while generalizing a problem? What are the
most frequent difficulties of students? Our first
research objective is to study how students generalize
a contextualized problem with an ACE. For this
purpose, first we did some research to clearly define
what generalization means in Mathematics, in
particular in problem solving, and how technologies
can support this process. Then we analyzed the
solution of a problem-solving activity with an ACE
submitted by 75 students participating in the Digital
Math Training (DMT) project proposed by the
University of Turin (Barana et al., 2017; Barana &
Fissore, C., Fradiante, V. and Marchisio, M.
The Generalization of the Solution Process in a Mathematical Problem-Solving Activity with an Advanced Computing Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0011986200003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 426-433
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Marchisio, 2016). In order to analyze how students
generalize a problem using interactive components,
we have developed and used a model which considers
three different phases: design and choice of
interactive components, programming of a system of
interactive components, and control stages of
generalization of a problem. For each stage we
established a set of indicators to understand the
competences achieved by each student. Our model
can be a useful tool to understand all different ways
of generalizing the solution of a problem used by the
students and their difficulties in the generalization
2.1 Generalization in Mathematics
According to Radford, one of the characteristics of
Mathematics is that its objects are general (Radford,
2005). The term “process of generalization” includes
“a series of acts of thought which lead a subject to
recognize, by examining individual cases, the
occurrence of common characteristic elements. The
focus of the process consists in shifting attention from
single cases to all possible ones and in extending and
adapting the identified model to any one of them”
(Malara, 2013). In particular, Dörfler (1991) reflects
on the means used in a process of generalization: he
considers the representation of the process to be
crucial through the use of perceptible objects, such as
written signs, characteristic elements, steps and
results of actions. In this regard, Radford (2001)
identifies 3 levels of generalization on the basis of
means employed in this process:
Factual: generalization is manifested through
concrete actions on specific cases in the form
of an operational scheme that remains
numerically confined.
Contextual: it takes the form of a general
scheme which is learned at a more abstract
level, whose arguments possess the spatial and
temporal characteristics of the situation from
which it derives.
Symbolic: it expects a shift towards the
relationships between constant and variable
elements (numbers and letters). For this
purpose, “it requires a desubjectification
process ensuring the disembodiment of spatial-
temporal embodied mathematical experience”.
In literature, most authors agree upon giving
generalization a central role in Mathematics. In this
sense, Mason (1996) sees generalization as the
centerpiece of Mathematics and his kind of
generalization expects students not only to reach the
universal from the particular, but also to see the
particular situation into the universal. Radford (2005)
agrees that awareness is an important achievement in
the process of generalization.
2.2 Generalization in Problem Solving
Polya in “How to solve it” (1945) states that problems
have a central role in Mathematics since they
stimulate concept building and students’ process of
learning. By solving mathematical problems, students
acquire ways of thinking, habits of persistence,
curiosity, and confidence in unfamiliar situations
(Leong & Janjaruporn, 2015). Problem solving
includes multiple steps: understanding the problem,
developing a mathematical model, developing the
solving process, and interpreting the obtained
solution. It also includes the process of
generalization, which consists in the use of
recognized regularities to make predictions or to
solve more general problems (Barana et al., 2020b).
The generalization of problems is fundamental, since
it represents the moment in which the process of
mathematical abstraction begins and it leads students
to the identification and solution of a variety of
similar problems (Malara, 2013). At the same time,
“the specifics of a solution are examined thought
generalization and questions as to why it worked are
investigated”. Generalization may also include a final
phase of review that is similar to Pólya’s looking back
(Liljedahl et al., 2016).
2.3 Use of Technology in Problems
The research in the last decades has emphasized how
technologies can support and encourage the process
of generalization and exploration in Mathematics.
Among the various technologies that support the
learning of Mathematics (Brancaccio et al., 2015;
Barana et al., 2021), there are tools such as Multi-
Representational Technological (MRT)
environments which allow students to view multiple
representations of mathematical objects (Clark-
Wilson & Timotheus, 2022). In problem-solving
activities with the use of technologies there is a
“paradigm shift constituted by the transition from
solving problems to making problem solving”
(Barana et al., 2020b). Clark-Wilson and Timotheus
(2022) identify seven questions to analyze how
generalization can emerge in a task for students:
The Generalization of the Solution Process in a Mathematical Problem-Solving Activity with an Advanced Computing Environment
What is the generalizable property within the
Mathematics topic under investigation?
What forms of interaction with the MRT will
reveal the desired manifestation?
What labeling and referencing notations will
support the articulation and communication of
the generalization that is being sought?
What might the flow of mathematical
representations (with and without technology)
look like as a means to illuminate and make
sense of the generalization?
What forms of interaction between the students
and the teacher will support the generalization
to be more widely communicated?
How can the environment be amplified to
include a larger generalization?
ACE is a computer system which allows its user
to perform numeric and symbolic computations,
graphical representations in 2 and 3 dimensions, to
write procedures in a simple language, to program
and connect all the different registers of
representation in a single interactive worksheet
(Barana et al., 2017). The use of an ACE in problem
solving can support students in reasoning processes,
in the formulation of solving strategies and in the
generalization of solutions (Barana et al., 2020a). For
example, an ACE enables students to use different
types of representations depending on the chosen
strategy and to display the whole reasoning together
with verbal explanation in the same page (Barana et
al., 2017). The use of interactive components
represents a way to generalize a solving process with
an ACE (Barana et al., 2020a). There are different
types of interactive components (text areas,
mathematical containers, buttons and sliders) through
which it is possible to insert input data and to view
the output. The generalization of a problem though
the use of interactive components takes place in three
stages (Barana et al., 2020b):
Creation of a system of interactive
components: students choose the interactive
components that best suit problem data and
Programming: students program the interactive
component system to process the input data and
return the outputs;
Control: students check that the system of
interactive component works in order to solve
the initial problem, and that it fits all cases
Through interactive components, students can
visualize how results change when the input
parameters are modified, making the generalization
of the solving process of a problem possible. In this
way, technology represents “an amplifier of a
mathematical activity” and enables to extend to “a
new dimension of problem posing, solving”
(Barana et al., 2019).
Within Maple it is possible to program interactive
components through different tools. The use of these
components allows to compute and to obtain different
outputs according to different parameters, in order to
generalize mathematical concepts and resolution
processes. Suppose, to give an example, we solve the
following problem: "Calculate the area of a rectangle
with a base of 10 cm and a height of 3 cm and then
draw it. Create a system of interactive components to
calculate the area of a generic rectangle in which the
base and height can vary". We chose a simple
example in order to focus on generalization process
with an ACE . In next section we show an example of
a real life contextualized problem. Figure 1 shows a
possible resolution of the first two requests. The first
two commands are used to initialize two variables
(one for the base and one for the height). The third
command is for calculating the area and the fourth is
for drawing the rectangle.
Figure 1: Example of resolution of the problem.
To generalize the resolution of the problem, it is
necessary to vary the initial data (the measurement of
the base and height of the rectangle) and see how the
value of the area and the representation change. The
first step is the choice of the interactive components
to use. The most complex choice concerns the input
data. You can insert: text areas in which the user
enters values, sliders to let the user choose the value
within a pre-set range, radio buttons to let the user
choose from a limited number of preset values. For
the output values, it is necessary to insert a math
container to display the value of the area and a graphic
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
component to display the representation of the
rectangle. Finally, it may be necessary to insert a
button for the user to click to view the result, creating
a link between the input data and the output data. The
functioning of the system of interactive components
will be programmed inside the button. Figure 2 shows
the example of generalization with text areas. In
generalization design, it is not enough to insert the
appropriate interactive components to answer all the
questions of the problem, but it is also necessary to
discuss the process to explain to the user how to use
the system of interactive components. For example,
you can use the phrase "Enter the value of the base in
the text area" or "Click here to calculate the area and
draw the rectangle". This helps to properly
distinguish input and output, explaining the required
actions to the user. In this type of design, static
feedback on the generalization is obtained: by
changing the initial data, the result does not vary
dynamically but it is possible to see one case at a time.
Figure 2: Example of generalization of the problem.
The next step of the generalization process is the
programming of the system of interactive
components, in this case by inserting the commands
inside the button. Figure 3 shows the commands in
the button. While writing the code, the generalization
process takes place, which can happen starting from
the commands used to solve the problem. The
"Do(%TextArea0)" command is used to take the
value inserted in the first text area (in this case 22).
By doing so, the input values are generalized to the
(potentially infinite) values that the user will enter.
The third and fourth commands concern the
calculation of the area and the representation of the
rectangle. The last two commands are used to insert
the results respectively in the math container and in
the graphical component, so that the user can view
them. When programming the interactive component
system, a clear distinction between input and output
helps students write code. Comments can also be used
to discuss the process of generalizing and writing
code. This is particularly important in the DMT
project, the context of our research, because the
students receive an evaluation on this. The last step is
to check and verify the generalization process. This
step involves checking the correct functioning of the
component (which involves not only making sure that
it works, but also that it gives the correct results) and
of the input data. This last step is not mandatory for
the functioning of the interactive component system,
but it can be very important in the case of
contextualized problems. For this, it is possible to use
two strategies: explaining to the user the
characteristics of the values to be inserted and
warning them about possible meaningless results, or
inserting checks on the input values in the code.
Figure 3: Code inside the button.
This process of generalization can be combined
with a factual generalization, following Radford’s
definition (2001), because it manifests itself through
concrete actions on specific cases, but also
contextual, because it takes the form of a general
scheme that can be learned at a more abstract level. In
this instance, the students can see how to solve the
problem with generic base and height values, but
always taking on one pair of values at a time. As
explained by the author, students often fail to reach a
higher level of generalization because even a clear
intention is not always expressed satisfactorily
without recourse to concrete examples, typical of the
conceptual level of factual generalization. This type
of generalization is also in agreement with Clark-
Wilson & Timotheus’ (2022) theory on
generalization in a task performed through an MRT
environment. The generalizable property within the
mathematical topic under investigation changes
depending on the problem, but this type of process
can be applied to any type of problem. Within the
ACE, different representation registers can be used
for solving the problem and therefore for
generalization. The forms of interaction with the
MRT that reveal the desired manifestation are the
three phases of the generalization process: design,
programming, verification, and feedback. The
labeling and referencing notations supporting the
articulation and communication of the generalization
consist of the argumentation foreseen in each of the
three phases of the generalization process. The 'flow'
of mathematical representations which gives meaning
The Generalization of the Solution Process in a Mathematical Problem-Solving Activity with an Advanced Computing Environment
to the generalization can be seen mainly in the
programming phase, in which the input data is taken,
the results are processed and the outputs are returned.
In the case of a problem-solving activity with an ACE
done by students in the classroom, forms of
interaction between students and teachers can be
encouraged. As shown in the example, in this type of
generalization task, the original problem is expanded
in order to solve (potentially infinite) similar
situations. By choosing the data to insert in the
interactive components, students write new problems.
4.1 Research Context
The context of our research is the Digital Math
Training (DMT) project funded by the Fondazione
CRT within the Diderot Project and organized by the
University of Turin. Every year the project engages
about 150 classes of students from grade 9 to grade
13. The project is aimed at students, from Piemonte
and Valle d’Aosta, developing mathematical and
computer science competences through resolution of
real-world mathematical problems using the ACE
Maple (Barana et al., 2019). The main part of the
project is the “online training” attended by a
maximum of 5 selected students for class. In this
stage students are divided into 5 online courses,
depending on their scholar grade. They are asked to
solve 8 non-standard problems in a Digital Learning
Environment and for each problem they receive an
assessment by trained tutors. The last question of each
problem demands a generalization of the problematic
situation by using a system of interactive
components. Before the beginning of the training the
students did not know how to use the ACE. In fact
for the whole training they can participate in online
tutoring on the use of the ACE and explanation files
are at their disposal. To understand how students
generalize a contextualized problem with an ACE, we
have analyzed the grade 12 online training of the
2021/22 DMT edition. We analyzed all the 75
solutions of the fifth problem, which is a medium
difficult problem proposed to students in the middle
of online training. At this stage of the training
students’ competences in problem solving and in
using the ACE start to be good. The problem asks
students to help Pietro to evaluate a life insurance
which includes the following conditions:
Pietro has to pay a premium of €1,500 every
year from his 51th birthday;
From his 51th birthday to his 70 birthday the
amount at the end of the payment period
corresponds to the sum of the instalments, plus
a certain annual percentage (1%);
From his 71th birthday to his 100th birthday the
company will give Pietro an annual amount
(the first one on his 71th birthday and the last
one on his 100
birthday). This amount is
calculated as follows: the sum gained during
the 20 years of payment before is divided by 30
(i.e. the number of years of life up to Pietro’s
birthday. This amount is then multiplied
by (1+probability of death)*n, where n is the
number of years since his 70th birthday. The
probability of death will be calculated as
follows: every year Pietro has a 2% chance of
dying more than the year before. The
probability that Piero will die from his 70th to
his 100th birthday is 1.
The request of the problems are:
At the end of the 20 years, how much will
Pietro have paid in total?
Which function can estimate the probability of
How far Pietro has to live in order to receive an
annual amount greater than €1,500?
Create a system of interactive components that
helps Pietro to evaluate the different options of
the insurance. It must allow Pietro to change
the instalment of the premium paid every year
starting from the 51st year of age and to choose
the age until Pietro has to pay the instalment.
As a result, Pietro wants to know when the
annual amount will be greater than the paid
premium instalment.
Last request asks students to generalize the
problem to different situations by changing the initial
data and evaluating the obtained results. We
considered the last request focused on generalization,
which was developed by 42 of the 75 students, to
investigate how students generalize a problem.
4.2 Research Methodology
On the basis of the theoretical framework, we
developed a model to understand how students
generalize a contextualized problem with an ACE.
We considered three stages of generalization of a
problem through the use of interactive components:
creation and design, programming, and control. In
each stage we established some indicators to study
how students developed them. In particular, we
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
assigned a value for each stage: “1” if the request of
the indicator was satisfied and “0 otherwise. Creation
and design stage contains the following indicators:
Right choice of a system of interactive
components: students choose the interactive
components that best suit problem data and
Argumentation of the process: students well
explain how their system of interactive
components works and why they choose that
kind of component;
Clear input-output distinction: the system of
interactive components allows everyone who
uses it to understand where to insert inputs and
where to receive the outputs;
Argumentation of the result: students explain
what the system of components allows to
achieve from the data given in input;
Kind of feedback: static or dynamic;
Answer given to all problem requests: the
system of interactive components answers to
the problem requests;
Use of different registers of representation: for
example, algebraic, symbolic, graphic.
The indicators of the programming stage are:
Adding more commands: students experience
new and original commands compared to the
ones employed in previous problem requests;
Clear input-output distinction: the
programming code clearly distinguishes input
elements from outputs;
Functional interactive component system: the
system of interactive components works;
Argumentation of generalization process:
students explain through comments in the
programming code how they build the system
of interactive components to generalize one or
more parts of the problem;
Comments within the code: students insert
comments inside the code.
The Control stage includes the following
Correct answers to the problem: the system of
interactive components correctly answers the
Consistency with the context: students insert
context-related controlling elements;
Argumentation of the control: students insert
comments and remarks related to the context.
To analyze the 42 submissions, we used peer
review: first we evaluated the 42 submissions
individually following the indicators mentioned
above, then we compared our evaluations and we
discussed any differences to find an agreement. In
most cases there were no particular disagreements in
evaluations; the only differences were related to the
clear input-output distinction in programming stage:
according to one reviewer, inputs and outputs had to
be precisely specified, while according to the others
inputs and outputs could be inferred from the type of
commands used. At the end all reviewers agreed with
the last position.
Table 1 shows the percentage of students who scored
“1” or “0” for each indicator. The first column
contains the three stages of generalization of a
problem through the use of interactive components:
design and choice of interactive components,
programming of a system of interactive components
and control stages of generalization of a problem. The
second column refers to the indicators of each stage.
The third and the fourth columns show the percentage
of students who obtained respectively a “0”and “1”
evaluation in a specific indicator.
Table 1: Percentage of students who scored “1” or “0” for
each indicator.
Stages Indicators 0 1
Right choice of a system of
interactive components
10% 90%
Argumentation of the
7% 93%
Clear input-output
21% 79%
Argumentation of the
21% 79%
Static feedback 24% 76%
Dynamic feedback 76% 24%
Answer to all problem
19% 81%
Use of different registers
of representation
7% 93%
Adding more commands 95% 5%
Clear input-output
17% 83%
Functional interactive
component system
2% 98%
Argumentation of
generalization process
76% 24%
Comments within the code 76% 24%
CONTROL Correct answers to the
31% 69%
Consistency with the
74% 26%
Argumentation of the
86% 14%
The Generalization of the Solution Process in a Mathematical Problem-Solving Activity with an Advanced Computing Environment
Most of the students (more than 70% in all
indicators) had no problems in the design phase of the
generalization process. Almost all the students (90%)
correctly chose the interactive components to use and
explained the process in order to help the user
understand how to use the interactive component
system. Students well explained how their systems of
interactive components work and why they chose
those kinds of components. A null score was given
for these two indicators in cases where the system of
interactive components was not complete or in cases
where the interactive components were simply
inserted without an explanation. These cases also
received a null score in the indicator "clear input-
output distinction". The design of almost all the
students (81%) answered all the questions of the
problem and almost all of the students (93%) knew
how to use different registers of representation, as
also required by the problem. The indicator on which
they had the greatest difficulty in this phase was
"Argumentation of the result", which was performed
correctly by 79% of the students. This aspect may be
due to the fact that students thought that the result of
the problem may have been implicit for those readers
who know the problem. However, especially in the
case of contextualized problems, discussing the result
obtained is very important. As we have seen,
generalization depends on the solution process used
to solve the problem, and students can use different
strategies and models to solve the problem. Most
students (76%) preferred static feedback instead of a
dynamic one in the generalization of a problem. In the
generalization process the use of dynamic feedback,
mainly through a slider, has the advantage of seeing
how the result varies dynamically as the initial data
varies, and this certainly favors mathematical
exploration and the formulation of conjectures. On
the other hand, it limits the values that can be used for
the generalization. As shown in Table 1, some
difficulties arise in the programming and control
stages. As expected, most students (95%) used the
same commands employed to solve the problem,
generalizing them and adapting them in the
programming phase. Students who used extra
commands did so to add insights to their solution or
to check the code. In this phase the students had no
difficulty in programming the code. Almost all
students (83%) structured the code clearly by
distinguishing input, process, and output; and almost
all (98%) of them created a functioning system of
interactive components (which took input data and
returned output data). A few students (24%) inserted
comments into the code and these comments were
used to explain
how they programmed the system of
interactive components to generalize one or more
parts of the problem. This step was not necessarily
required of students, but we believe it is important to
study since discussing the code certainly helps them
in the generalization process. This also helps trainers
and teachers to understand the reasoning and then to
evaluate it and give effective feedback.
Same difficulties characterize the argumentation
of the control stage, in fact only 14% of students
inserted comments and remarks related to the context.
For example, advising the user what data could be
entered as input into the interactive component
system or arguing an acceptable or not acceptable
result based on the context of the problem. Only 26%
of the students inserted controlling elements in order
to relate solutions to the context of the problem. Most
students provided a graphical representation in their
system of interactive components. In using the graph
register it is important to create a significant and
explanatory graph of the problematic situation. Not
all the students have correctly created an argument
graph, for example by inserting the variables on the
axes, the legend and the title of the graph, etc. In this
analysis we have investigated the presence or absence
of multiple registers of representation but not how
they were used. In future analyses, this may be an
aspect to consider. Another goal of future research is
to correlate generalization processes of the students
with their level of programming skills. For example,
if only few of them know how to plot a function, this
fact will not display a higher level of generalization
only a lack of programming skills.
In our opinion, dividing the generalization process
into three main stages and identifying the related
process indicators helps to evaluate the processes
implemented by the students and the skills they have
developed. Even if students may not distinguish
between the three stages and probably develop them
in a single time, these are crucial steps in the process
of generalization. In each stage, different strategies
of generalization emerge in the choice of interactive
components and commands employed. Students’
main difficulties are related to the programming of a
system of interactive components and to the control
stages. The first difficulty may depend on the fact that
the generalization of a problem requires students also
to know the specific language of the ACE. The
students' results in the generalization process were
very positive and they showed good generalization
skills. This gave the students the opportunity to
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
extend the problematic situation to more cases and to
reflect critically on the significance of the results
obtained based on the context of the problem. The use
of contextualized and real-life problems was made
with the goal of creating a bridge between school and
extracurricular Mathematics, bringing out realistic
considerations and developing modeling skills. This
also helps students to understand the role of
Mathematics in daily life. The results show students’
difficulties in the argumentation of the various phases
of the generalization process. It would be important
to analyze this aspect also in the problem-solving
phase and train students more on this. Even if the
study is limited to a sample of 42 mathematically
gifted students, it could be a starting point for
extending the research to a bigger sample and to a
different students and problems. For example, it
would be possible to analyze other DMT online
training courses from different grades and extend the
analysis to more problems to understand if and how
much the difficulty in solving the problem and in
programming affects the generalization process.
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The Generalization of the Solution Process in a Mathematical Problem-Solving Activity with an Advanced Computing Environment