proposed, and it will be further investigated through
academic research in the future. This architecture will
enable medical data to be extracted from scanned doc-
uments, standardized using FHIR/OpenEHR and then
stored in EHRs.
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest
in using the quantity of data found in scanned medical
documents. Healthcare delivery could be revolution-
ized by using scanned medical documents to predict
patient outcomes and utilizing them in this way has
the potential to improve patient outcomes, save doc-
tors’ times, and save costs for the healthcare systems.
Extracting structured data from scanned documents
using technologies such as OCR and NLP, and ML
models to extract useful information standardizing it
in a common format like FHIR or OpenEHR, and us-
ing methods like ML and BERT models to generate
predictions is a relatively new field. As healthcare or-
ganizations look for ways to use the enormous quan-
tity of data included in scanned medical documents to
enhance patient outcomes and reduce costs, this ap-
proach has gained increasing attention in recent years.
However, it is important to note that the process for
collecting, standardizing, and analyzing the data can
be challenging, time-consuming, and expensive. Nev-
ertheless, the advantages of using scanned documents
in this way make it a worthwhile endeavor for health-
care researchers.
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A Machine Learning Approach to Digitize Medical History and Archive in a Standard Format