Explaining Meta-Features Importance in Meta-Learning Through
Shapley Values
Moncef Garouani, Adeel Ahmad and Mourad Bouneffa
Univ. Littoral C
ote d’Opale, LISIC, Laboratoire d’Informatique Signal et Image de la C
ote d’Opale, France
Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Meta-Learning, Shapley Values, Autoencoder, Meta-Features Importance.
Meta-learning, or the ability of a machine learning model to adapt and improve on a wide range of tasks,
has gained significant attention in recent years. A crucial aspect of meta-learning is the use of meta-features,
which are high-level characteristics of the data that can guide the learning process. However, it is a challenging
task to determine the importance of different meta-features in a specific context. In this paper, we propose the
use of Shapley values as a method for explaining the importance of meta-features in meta-learning process.
Whereas, Shapley values is a well-established method in game theory. It has been used for fair distribution
of payouts among a group of individuals, based on the separate contribution of meta-features to the overall
payout. Recently, these have been also applied to machine learning to understand the contribution of different
features in a model’s prediction. We observe that a better understanding of meta-features, using the Shapely
values, can be gained to evaluate their importance. In the context of meta-learning it may aid to improve the
performance of the model. Our results demonstrate that Shapley values can provide insight into the relative
importance of different meta-features and how they interact in the learning process. This can fairly optimize
the meta-learning models, resulting in more accurate and effective predictions. Overall, this work conclude
that Shapley values can be a useful tool in guiding the design of meta-features and these can be used to improve
the performance of the meta-learning algorithms.
Meta-learning, or learning to learn, refers to the
process of adapting a machine learning (ML) model
to a new task based on experience with similar
tasks (Garouani. et al., 2021). Meta-learning algo-
rithms are often useful in data-limited environments
especially, when the data for a particular task keep
changing over time (Nural et al., 2017). One key
aspect of meta-learning is the use of meta-features,
which are high-level characteristics of the data that
can guide the learning process and aid in selecting the
most appropriate learning algorithm. However, deter-
mining the most important meta-features for a specific
context can be challenging (Garouani et al., 2023a).
Recent research in the field of meta-learning has fo-
cused on identifying the most important features in
the data, but the process of involving or discarding a
family of meta-features can still be difficult (Garouani
et al., 2023a; Alcobac¸a et al., 2020). Hence, un-
derstanding the importance of meta-features in meta-
learning is crucial for effectively designing and de-
ploying meta-learning algorithms, but this still re-
quires further research and investigation.
Meta-features are high-level characteristics of a
dataset that play a key role in the meta-learning pro-
cess. These features, such as the size of the dataset,
the complexity of the data, and the number of classes,
help meta-learning algorithms to determine which
machine learning algorithms are most suitable for
a given dataset. However, without a proper under-
standing of the importance of these meta-features, it
can be challenging to effectively design and deploy
meta-learning algorithms. This lack of understand-
ing can lead to sub-optimal performance and diffi-
culty in interpreting the results of meta-learning algo-
rithms, as highlighted in recent research studies (Shao
et al., 2022; Garouani et al., 2022c; Shao et al.,
2023). Therefore, gaining insight into the importance
of meta-features in meta-learning is crucial for opti-
mizing the performance and interpretability of meta-
learning algorithms.
Our review of the literature on meta-feature im-
portance in meta-learning revealed that while there
is a growing interest in this topic, the field is still
in its early stages (Shao et al., 2023; Shao et al.,
Garouani, M., Ahmad, A. and Bouneffa, M.
Explaining Meta-Features Importance in Meta-Learning Through Shapley Values.
DOI: 10.5220/0011986600003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 591-598
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2022; Wo
znica and Biecek, 2020). One common ap-
proach to improve the explainability of meta-learning
is the use of interpretable models, such as decision
trees or XGBoost (Wo
znica and Biecek, 2020). How-
ever, these models often do not achieve the same level
of performance as more complex models, which can
be a trade-off for improved explainability (Garouani,
2022). Other methods to gain insight into meta-
feature importance include the use of visualization
techniques and the development of more interpretable
meta-features (Garouani et al., 2023a; Samek et al.,
2019). As can be witnessed in the literature, there are
various approaches to better understand meta-feature
importance, the field is yet evolving and there is a
need for further research and developments to opti-
mize the performance and interpretability of meta-
learning algorithms.
Among others, Shapley Values (Lundberg and
Lee, 2017a) has achieved a great popularity in re-
cent years. It is a method of attributing the impor-
tance to different features or variables in a model or
decision-making process. These values have been
used to understand the contribution of different fea-
tures to a model’s prediction. These are often used
to identify the most important features in a model, or
to understand how different features interact to influ-
ence the prediction (Olsen et al., 2022). Shapley val-
ues are calculated by considering all possible combi-
nations of features and averaging the predicted output
change when a particular feature is removed. This
allows Shapley values to capture the marginal con-
tribution of each feature, taking into account the in-
teractions between features. In the context of meta-
learning, Shapley values can be used to explain the
importance of meta-features that are used to help a
machine learning model to learn from other models
or datasets. Shapley values can be used to assign a
numerical value to each meta-feature, indicating its
relative importance in the meta-learning process. This
can be helpful in understanding which meta-features
are most important in determining the success of a
meta-learning algorithm, and can help inform deci-
sions about which meta-features to prioritize when
designing meta-learning algorithms.
In this paper, we present a new method based on
Shapley values, to explain the meta-features impor-
tance in meta-learning context. The method could
be beneficial to gain a better understanding of which
meta-features are most important for improving the
performance of the model or in contrast which ones
may be less important. This can help to better design
and optimize meta-learning models, resulting in more
accurate and effective predictions. The contributions
of our work to the field are as follows :
We developed a method to explain meta-features
importance revealed by an autoencoder-KNN
meta-model. The method explains the meta-
features with the highest reconstruction errors us-
ing Shapley values. This is the first study that
uses a model-agnostic method to explain meta-
feature selection in meta-learning to the best of
our knowledge.
We conducted a preliminary experiment with real-
world meta-learning environment on 400 real
word datasets.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows :
an overview on meta-learning for the automatic al-
gorithms selection and Shapley values for explaining
features contribution is given in Section 2. The mo-
tivation behind the proposed approach is detailed in
section 3. The proposed explanatory approach is de-
scribed In section 4, while the Section 5 describes the
experiments illustrating the effectiveness of the pro-
posed approach. Finally, section 6 provides the brief
conclusion and points out the directions for the future
2.1 Meta-Learning
Meta-learning, also known as ”learning to learn, is
a sub-field of machine learning that focuses on the
development of algorithms that can adapt and im-
prove their performance over time through experi-
ence (Garouani et al., 2022d). The goal of meta-
learning is to enable machine learning systems to
acquire new skills or knowledge more efficiently,
by leveraging the information learned from previous
learning tasks. This is in contrast to traditional ML
approaches, which require a large amount of data and
compute resources to learn a new task from scratch.
The challenge in meta-learning involves using
prior experiences in a systematic and data-driven way
to improve the performance of machine learning al-
gorithms on new tasks. This process, illustrated in
figure 1, has three main phases : first, a meta-learning
space is created using meta-data that describes prior
learning tasks and previously learned models. This
includes characteristics of the datasets and a perfor-
mance measure (meta-responses) for data mining al-
gorithms. Next, a predictive meta-model is generated
from the meta-dataset to extract and transfer knowl-
edge that guides the search for optimal models for
new tasks. Finally, when a new dataset arises, its
characteristics are extracted and the predictive meta-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
New dataset
Figure 1: The meta-learning process.
model is used to recommend the most promising ML
algorithms with related HPs configurations.
Meta-learning algorithms typically operate by
learning a meta-representation of the gained knowl-
edge from previous tasks, which can then be used to
quickly adapt to new tasks with only a small amount
of additional data (Nural et al., 2017; Garouani et al.,
2022b). This meta-representation can take many
forms, such as a set of weights shared across mul-
tiple tasks, a set of task-specific optimization algo-
rithms, or a high-level representation of the struc-
ture of the tasks themselves (Kalousis and Hilario,
2001). Meta-learning has the potential to greatly im-
prove the efficiency of machine learning in a num-
ber of applications, including transfer learning, con-
tinual learning, and multi-task learning. It has been
applied to a wide range of tasks, including natural lan-
guage processing (Garouani and Zaysa, 2022), com-
puter vision (Bennequin, 2019), adaptive artificial in-
telligence and automated machine learning (Garouani
et al., 2022a; Garouani et al., 2022d) with promising
2.1.1 Data Characterization
In meta-learning, data characterization refers to the
process of understanding and describing the proper-
ties of the data that can be used for meta-learning.
This includes understanding the distribution of the
data, the relationship between different features or
variables, and any patterns or trends that may exist
within the data. Data characterization is important in
meta-learning because it helps inform the design of
the meta-learning algorithm and the choice of meta-
representation (Kalousis and Hilario, 2001). For ex-
ample, if the data exhibits strong patterns or trends,
the meta-representation may need to be able to cap-
ture these in order to effectively learn from the data.
On the other hand, if the data is highly variable or un-
predictable, the meta-representation may need to be
more flexible in order to adapt to these changes.
Meta-features, also known as auxiliary features
or side information, are additional features that are
used in the meta-learning process to make predic-
tions about the performance of machine learning al-
gorithms on a new task. These features can include
properties of the data itself, such as the number of
samples, the dimensions, and the noise level, as well
as characteristics of the learning algorithm, such as
its time and space complexity. Meta-features can be
extracted from both the training and test sets, and are
used to inform the selection of the most appropriate
machine learning algorithm for a given task. In addi-
tion to informing the design of the meta-learning al-
gorithm, meta-features can also help to identify any
potential challenges or biases in the data that may
impact the performance of the meta-learning sys-
tem. This can be especially important in applications
where the data may be highly imbalanced or may con-
tain sensitive information. Overall, data character-
ization plays a crucial role in the success of meta-
learning systems, as it helps to ensure that the meta-
learning algorithm is well-suited to the characteristics
of the data and can effectively learn from it.
One recent trend in the use of meta-features in
meta-learning has been the development of algo-
rithms that can learn to automatically select the most
relevant meta-features for a given task. These meth-
ods can be trained on a large dataset of tasks and
meta-features, and use this information to select the
most predictive meta-features for a new task. There
has also been a focus on the use of meta-features for
lifelong learning, where a machine learning system
continually learns from new tasks and experiences.
In this setting, meta-features can be used to priori-
tize which tasks should be learned first, or to identify
when it is necessary to transfer knowledge from pre-
vious tasks to a new one.
2.2 Shapley Values
Shapley values are a mathematical concept used to
distribute the ”importance” or ”influence” of each fea-
ture in a machine learning model among all the fea-
tures (Hart, 1989). They were developed by Lloyd
Shapley, a Nobel laureate in economics, and are of-
ten used in the field of game theory. The basic idea
behind Shapley Values is to assign a value to each
member of the group based on the contributions they
make to the overall group. The values are calculated
using a complex mathematical formula, which takes
into account the number of members in the group, the
number of resources available, and the relative contri-
butions of each member.
In the context of machine learning, Shapley values
can be used to explain the contribution of each feature
to the model’s predictions, or to identify the most im-
portant features in the model. They can be calculated
using the formula 1 :
|S|!(|N| |S| 1)!
[ f (S i) f (S)] (1)
Explaining Meta-Features Importance in Meta-Learning Through Shapley Values
Where, N is the set of all features in the model, i is
a specific feature, S is a subset of N that does not in-
clude i, and f (S) is the prediction made by the model
when using only the features in S.
The Shapley value for feature i is the average of
the difference that adding feature i makes to all pos-
sible subsets of features. This can be computation-
ally expensive to calculate, especially for large mod-
els with many features. However, there are approx-
imate methods that can be used to compute Shapley
values more efficiently. Shapley values have a number
of desirable properties, such as being fair (they respect
the symmetry of the model’s predictions) and being
able to handle both categorical and continuous fea-
tures. They are often used in combination with tech-
niques like feature selection and model interpretation
to better understand the behavior of ML models.
2.2.1 Shapley Values in Model Explanation
Shapley Values can be used to explain the individ-
ual contributions of each feature to a model’s predic-
tions. For example, suppose we have a machine learn-
ing model that predicts the price of a house based on
a number of features such as the size of the house,
the location, the number of bedrooms, etc. We can
use Shapley values to determine the relative impor-
tance of each of these features in determining the fi-
nal prediction. To do this, we can compute the Shap-
ley values for each feature, and then sort the features
according to their Shapley values. The features with
the highest Shapley values will be the most important
ones in determining the model’s predictions.
Another way to use Shapley values for model in-
terpretation is to compute them for a specific predic-
tion made by the model. This can help us to better un-
derstand which features were most influential in caus-
ing the model to make that particular prediction (see
Figure 2). Therefore, in addition to being used for
model interpretation, Shapley values can also be use-
ful for feature selection, where we try to identify the
most important features to include in the model. By
ranking features according to their Shapley values, we
can identify the ones that have the biggest impact on
the model’s predictions and choose to include only
those in the model, potentially leading to simpler and
more interpretable models.
2.2.2 Data Characterization Importance
Meta-features play a crucial role in the meta-learning
process, as they are used to inform the selection of
the most appropriate machine learning algorithm for a
given task. As discussed earlier, meta-features can be
used to capture important characteristics of the data
and the learning algorithm, hence these can be used to
predict the performance of different algorithms on the
task. By using meta-features to guide the selection of
the learning algorithm, meta-learning can improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of the machine learning
process, particularly in cases where the task or data is
not well understood.
The choice of meta-features depend on the spe-
cific problem and the available data, and it is of-
ten necessary to carefully select and engineer rele-
vant meta-features in order to achieve good perfor-
mance. Thence, meta-features are an important as-
pect of meta-learning that can significantly improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of the ML process.
Explainability of meta-learning as an approach for
automating the algorithms selection and parametriza-
tion process is important because it allows us to bet-
ter understand why certain decisions were made and
how they affect the performance of the system. Ex-
plainability makes it easier to debug, monitor, and
improve upon existing models by providing insights
into important research questions such as what works
well or not so well in a particular context. Addi-
tionally, explainability can help identify areas where
further research could be beneficial, such as which
parameters are most influential in achieving optimal
results. Eventually, understanding why certain al-
gorithms work better than others may lead to more
informed decisions when choosing which algorithm
should be used for a given task.
In this paper, we propose a framework for ex-
plaining the importance of meta-features in meta-
learning using Shapley values. As opposed to ex-
isting explainability methods which explain predic-
tions (supervised), we develop a method for explain-
ing a meta-feature vector revealed by an autoencoder
meta-model (unsupervised). By using the autoen-
coder meta-model (Garouani et al., 2023b), the recon-
struction error is used as a basis for extracting im-
portant meta-features from the learned representation.
Those instances with high reconstruction error scores
are considered unimportant. A reconstruction score
is defined as the difference (error) between an input
value and an output value (see Figure 3). If an unim-
portant meta-feature exists, it resides in the input val-
ues, and the explanatory model must explain why this
instance did not reconstructed well, and the error must
be connected to the explanation. Thus, our method
computes the SHAP values of the reconstructed meta-
features and compares them to their true input values.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: SHapley Additive exPlanation.
Figure 3: The reconstruction error of an instance from the
meta-features set after it’s encoded and decoded by the Au-
To calculate the Shapley values for meta-features in
a meta-learning context, we would first need to de-
fine the meta-features that we want to evaluate and the
meta-learning model that we may use to make predic-
tions. Next, we would need to create a meta-dataset
that contains the meta-features and the corresponding
predictions made by the meta-learning model. Once
we have this dataset, we can use the Shapley values
to calculate the contribution of each meta-feature to
the overall accuracy of the meta-learning model. The
Shapley values formula takes into account the value
of each meta-feature when it is included in the model
and when it is excluded, as well as the interactions
between different meta-features.
To construct the meta-dataset, we made use of the
PyMFE tool (Alcobac¸a et al., 2020) for the general,
statistical, info-theoretical, model-based, landmark-
ing, and data complexity meta-features. These fea-
tures are extracted from a large set of 400 datasets
used in a meta-learning context in (Garouani, 2022;
Garouani et al., 2022d). Consequently, we generate
a meta-dataset of 400 meta-instances and 41 meta-
feature (characteristics) that describe the datasets.
The process of meta-features extraction is formalized
by (Alcobac¸a et al., 2020) as the following function :
F : D R
that receives a dataset D as input, and returns a fea-
tures vector of k values characterizing the dataset, and
that are predictive of algorithms performance when
applied to the dataset.
Given an input meta-features instance M with a
set of dataset characteristics {m
, m
, ..., m
} and its
corresponding output M
and reconstructed values
, m
, ..., m
}, using an autoencoder model A, the
reconstruction error of the instance is the sum of er-
rors of each feature L(M, M
) :
L(M, M
) =
|i {1, . . . , n} (2)
, m
, . . . , m
} be a reordering of the fea-
tures in error list, such that :
| ... |m
TopMeta f eatures = {m
, . . . , x
} contains a set
of features for which the total corresponding er-
rors ErrorList : {|m
|, . . . , |m
|} repre-
sent an adjustable percent of L(M, M
By using SHAP values, we can explain which meta-
features affected each of the high reconstruction
errors in TopMetafeatures. Algorithm 1 presents
the pseudo-code for the process. First, we ex-
tract the meta-features with the highest reconstruc-
tion error from the ErrorList and save them in
the TopMeta f eatures list (line 5). Next, for each
feature m
in TopMeta f eatures, we use Kernel
SHAP (Lundberg and Lee, 2017b) to obtain the
SHAP values, i.e, the importance of each meta-
feature m
, m
, . . . , m
in predicting the examined
feature m
. The result of this step is a list
Explaining Meta-Features Importance in Meta-Learning Through Shapley Values
Algorithm 1: The proposed algorithm’s pseudo-code.
1: Input : A- autoencoder meta-model, M- set of meta-features
2: Output : Contributing, Restricting Lists of MF that contribute to / restrict the good recommendation
3: M
A.predict(M) The technical study on the design of A is detailed in (Garouani, 2022)
4: ErrorList (m
). . . (m
5: TopMetaFeatures top values from ErrorList
6: for each i TopMetaFeatures do
7: explainer shap.K ernelExplainer(A)
8: ShapTopMetaFeatures[i] explainer.shapvalues(m
9: for each i ShapTopMetaFeatures do
10: if m
> m
11: Contributing[i] ShapTopMetaFeatures[i] if > 0
12: Restricting[i] ShapTopMetaFeatures[i] if < 0
13: if m
< m
14: Contributing[i] ShapTopMetaFeatures[i] if < 0
15: Restricting[i] ShapTopMetaFeatures[i] if > 0
ShapTopMetaFeatures, in which each row repre-
sents the SHAP values for one meta-feature from the
We divide the SHAP values into values contribut-
ing to the good recommendation - those pushing
the predicted (reconstructed) value towards the true
value, and values restricting the good recommenda-
tion - those pushing the predicted value away the true
value. For each feature (line 9), we check if the input
meta-feature value is greater than the reconstructed
one (line 10); the contributing meta-features are the
features with a positive SHAP value (line 11), and the
restricting features are the negative (line 12). If the re-
constructed meta-feature value is greater than the ac-
tual (input) value (line 13), then the contributing fea-
tures are the features with a negative SHAP value,
and the restricting features are the positive. This algo-
rithm returns two lists, Contributing and Restricting,
that contain the contributing and restricting -meta-
features, along with their reconstruction errors, for
each of the TopMetafeatures. Figure 4 shows a sample
content of the resulting lists.
The next step is selecting the meta-features with
high SHAP values of each of the features in the Top-
Metafeatures list; so from each row in Contribut-
ing and Restricting, we extract the highest values as
shown in figure 5. The implementation of the expla-
nation method can be found in the Notebook code
To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, we
applied Shapley values to a variety of meta-learning
tasks. We examined the affect of getting rid the meta-
Meta-Features SHAP.ipynb
Figure 4: Resulted list (sample) of the contributing and the
restricting meta-features.
features that restrict the good recommendation using
Shapley values with those obtained using traditional
meta-features and found that Shapley values provided
a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of
meta-feature importance.
Mean |SHAP value|
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Figure 5: Importance of the top meta-features.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
To validate and assess the competitiveness pro-
vided by the proposed approach for selecting the
important and more informative meta-features, we
perform a comparative study to the state-of-the-art
and traditional ones (Garouani, 2022) with an over-
sampling approach using the 20-benchmark datasets
using the KNN meta-model developed in (Garouani
et al., 2022d).
The table 1 shows the results of the K-Nearest
Neighbors (KNN) meta-model for recommending op-
timal pipelines for test data. The meta-model uses
important meta-features and traditional one. The ta-
ble shows the accuracy of the recommended ML al-
gorithms on the benchmarked datasets, as well as the
gain or loss obtained with the important meta-features
compared to the traditional ones.
The results in the table are color-coded, with green
indicating an improvement in accuracy when using
important meta-features and red indicating a decrease
in accuracy. Overall, the KNN meta-model show an
improvement in accuracy when it is based on the most
important dataset characteristics rather than on the
whole set of all traditional ones. This means that the
high-level meta-features obtained by the proposed ap-
proach provide more relevant information than those
obtained by the state-of-the-art characteristics.
In this research paper, we proposed the use of Shapley
values, a mathematical concept that are usually used
to determine the importance of each feature in a coop-
erative game. We demonstrate that these can also be
used as a method for understanding the importance
of meta-features in meta-learning. For this purpose,
through a series of experiments, it is found that Shap-
ley values can effectively identify the most important
meta-features and provide a more comprehensive un-
derstanding of their contribution to the overall per-
formance of a meta-learning algorithm. This study
also highlights that the relative importance of meta-
features may vary depending on the task or dataset be-
ing used, and that certain meta-features may be more
important than others. Furthermore, we also observe
that the relative importance of meta-features may vary
depending on the specific task or dataset being used.
The findings of this study provides valuable insights
into the use of Shapley values as a method for un-
derstanding the importance of meta-features in meta-
learning and it has the potential to inform on the de-
velopment of more effective meta-learning algorithms
in the future. In future work, we plan to (1) expand the
Table 1: Results of the KNN meta-model for recommending
optimal pipelines for test data. The triangles (, ) denote
the gain/ loss % obtained with KNN with the selected im-
portant meta-features compared to the traditional ones used
in (Garouani, 2022).
Accuracy of the meta-model using
important MF traditional MF
APSFailure 0.9915 (0.05) 0.9910
0.7319 (1.89) 0.7130
CustSat 0.8605 (0.46) 0.8559
car 0.9842 (0.88) 0.9754
kr-vs-kp 0.9736 (2.04) 0.9976
airlines 0.7274 (2.92) 0.6982
vehicle 0.8817 (0.63) 0.8880
MiniBooNE 0.9432 (2.13) 0.9645
jannis 0.6890 (1.71) 0.6719
nomao 0.9971 (2.63) 0.9708
Credi-g 0.7747 (1.74) 0.7921
Kc1 0.9274 (4.81) 0.8793
Cnae-9 0.9702 (0.31) 0.9671
albert 0.8837 (0.78) 0.8759
Numerai28.6 0.5796 (5.82) 0.5207
segment 0.9867 (1.32) 0.9735
Covertype 0.8741 (3.97) 0.8344
KDDCup 0.9879 (1.39) 0.9740
shuttle 0.9680 (0.32) 0.9649
Gas Sens-uci 0.9917 (1.78) 0.9739
range of meta-learning algorithms and tasks that the
Shapley values method is applied to, in order to gain
a more comprehensive understanding of its useful-
ness in different contexts; (2) explore the use of Shap-
ley values in combination with other features impor-
tance methods, such as features permutation or fea-
tures elimination, to gain a more robust understand-
ing of the importance of meta-features; (3) investigate
the relationship between the Shapley values of meta-
features and the performance of meta-learning algo-
rithms under different conditions, such as varying
amounts of training data or different types of noise
in the data.
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tomated machine learning pipelines design.
Explaining Meta-Features Importance in Meta-Learning Through Shapley Values
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems