This paper adapted the transition tour test generation
strategy for timed FSMs, with the test purpose of de-
tecting output races in implementations. Such faulty
implementations can be represented by first order out-
put delay mutants of the specification TFSM. To es-
timate the fault coverage of the timed transition tour
against output race detection in distributed systems,
we performed a preliminary experimental study. In
particular, an SDN framework was considered as a
case study. As a result, we observed races between
the flow rules in the ONOS controller. The order
of the flow rule expiration in ONOS implementa-
tion can differ from the specified order and the timed
transition tour detects this difference. This work-in-
progress raises a number of research challenges. For
future work, we plan to further study how to properly
choose the timestamps in the timed transition tour.
The TTT test suite completeness should also be thor-
oughly studied, against races and other types of faults,
for various types of distributed systems. Finally, TTT
should be compared with other test generation strate-
gies with respect to performance and fault coverage,
and we plan to make such comparison as well.
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ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering