An Overview of Toxic Content Datasets for Artificial Intelligence
Applications to Educate Students Towards a Better Use of Social
Sara Havzi
1,2 a
and Davide Taibi
Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 90146 Palermo, Italy
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Keywords: Online Toxic Content, Datasets, Artificial Intelligence, Education.
Abstract: The Internet has become an integral part of life, providing numerous benefits to its users. However, due to
freedom of speech and lack of control, the Internet is becoming a breeding ground for spreading harmful/toxic
content. Since young people are the most active Internet users, protecting them from harmful online content
is extremely important. One of the directions within which this could be conducted is educating young people
about the consequences of using online toxic language and building powerful artificial intelligence-based
tools such as Virtual Learning Companions that could educate youth in recognising online toxic content and
upgrading their social media and self-protection competencies. To be able to build such tools, quality online
datasets are needed. This paper is a brief overview of 9 selected English language online toxic content datasets
published between 2020 and 2022 among 70 we found in the literature that could help educate young people
on this topic.
Online toxic content is becoming more frequent and
widespread on social networks and in the online
world. The hatred directed towards members of
certain ethnic groups, races or religions can be
conveyed through any form of expression.
Represented on different platforms through
comments, pictures, memes, cartoons and movies,
gestures and videos can be spread offline or online.
Recent studies have shown that adolescents are
particularly susceptible to the influence of toxic
content, fake news, and online hate speech (Boer et
al., 2020, Kansok-Dusche et al. 2022). This is
motivated by the fact that adolescents constitute the
highest percentage of social network users, especially
TikTok (Zheluk et al., 2022). For example, a report
by the Pew Research Center (Anderson et al., 2022)
found that adolescents who use social media are more
likely to be exposed to false information and are less
likely to be able to distinguish between fact and
fiction. One of the most common effects of toxic
content exposure on adolescents is the impact on their
well-being with direct consequences on their
engagement, participation, and performances in
school contexts, as well as a more severe possibility
of developing mental health problems.
(Nixon, 2014) demonstrated that cyberbullying
has a significant impact on adolescents’ health. The
author highlights cyberbullying as an emerging
international public health concern.
Studying and preventing online toxicity is
especially important as exposure to its various forms
can negatively affect mental health (Baier et al., 2019,
Nixon, 2014), increase the risk of some serious
mental health concerns, anxiety, stress, depression,
and suicidal thinking (Martínez-Monteagudo et al.,
2020) In most extreme cases, online abuse can lead
to suicide attempts (Hinduja & Patchin, 2019)
Moreover, exposure to these issues can affect the
students’ well-being in the school context thus
critically influencing the learning performance of
students (Al-Rahmi et al., 2022)
In light of these concerns, it is crucial to develop
tools and resources that can support students in
Havzi, S. and Taibi, D.
An Overview of Toxic Content Datasets for Artificial Intelligence Applications to Educate Students Towards a Better Use of Social Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0011987100003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 120-127
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
counteracting social media threats by increasing their
awareness of social media threats and supporting the
implementation of learning activities aimed to
educate adolescents about the dangers of online toxic
content, fake news, and hate speech. This can include
educational tools, resources, and apps that help
adolescents identify and avoid harmful content and
teach them how to evaluate the information they find
online critically. To this aim, new trends and
approaches in the Artificial Intelligence research
domain could play a key role.
Additionally, it is essential to involve educators
and parents in educating adolescents about these
issues. This can include providing training and
resources for educators in their classrooms and
partnering with parents to develop strategies for
talking to their children about these issues.
Since a large part of the population is relying on
media as their primary information source (Lazer et
al., 2018), it is of high priority to build tools to detect
toxic content on social media, furthermore to educate
society, especially the young population to be able to
detect such content.
In recent years, researchers are developing a
range of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning (ML) algorithms to detect online harmful
content of different kinds, as well as tools and
companions to teach the public about different kinds
of online toxic content and toxic content spreading
and understand how social media toxic content is
affecting the population (Baru et al., 2019), (Roberto
Sanchez Reina et al., 2022).
To have these algorithms and tools to effectively
fight harmful content on social media, data quality is
a prerequisite for the quality of entire systems.
Authors are highlighting how crucial it is to have
high-quality datasets for developing machine
learning models (Gudivada et al., 2017), (Jain et al.,
2020), (Paullada et al., 2021) Authors (Gudivada et
al., 2017) indicate that outliers in training datasets can
cause instability or non-convergence in ensemble
learning, as well as that “incomplete, inconsistent,
and missing data can lead to drastic degradation in
prediction” (Gudivada et al., 2017).
There is no standard definition of online toxic
content, hate speech or fake news. Moreover, there is
no standard classification of terms related to online
toxic content. Therefore, we consider toxic content as
any online content that is harmful, abusive, offensive
and has or might harm an individual, group of
individuals, society or organisation.
It is very important to build online toxic content
datasets to be able to develop algorithms for the
detection of such phenomena, as well as to educate
the population, especially young people about this
harmful content.
These datasets are important in education for
several reasons the availability of labelled datasets
concerning toxic content can help:
educators and researchers to identify and
classify these forms of content. These datasets
are a fundamental part to develop tools and
resources for identifying and avoiding these
types of content, and to train machine learning
models to automatically detect and classify
potentially harmful content,
researchers to study the prevalence and effects
of these forms of content. Datasets can be used
to inform the development of educational
software and resources, that support the
understanding of the impact of these forms of
content with a particular focus on adolescents,
educators should develop and update
traditional curricula by introducing social
media literacy activities to educate students on
how to identify and cope with these forms of
content and critically evaluate the information
they find online.
In this paper, we present a study in which the
literature between 2020 and 2022 has been analysed
to detect the most relevant datasets focused on toxic
content, that can be used to support the development
of Artificial Intelligence applications aimed at
increasing the student’s awareness of social media
threats. In the inclusion criteria for selecting these
datasets, particular emphasis has been oriented on the
studies that take reproducible features into account.
More details will be provided in section 3, but in
principle, these features assure that the dataset made
available in these studies respects quality criteria such
as the availability of documentation concerning their
use. For our study, only datasets in the English
language have been considered.
Many of the open datasets found on popular Internet
platforms such as Kaggleor Google Dataset
Searchhave a great possibility of being unreliable.
Very often, there is no information about the data
collection method or annotation. However, since
datasets of good quality are prerequisites in
developing quality online toxic content detection
systems based on machine learning, many researchers
are creating datasets in the field.
An Overview of Toxic Content Datasets for Artificial Intelligence Applications to Educate Students Towards a Better Use of Social Media
Moreover, most researchers observe only one
category of online toxic content, specifically hate
speech, which is the most frequent. As far as we
know, a systematic review of the literature
concerning dataset for online toxic content detection
compares the different datasets and highlight their use
in the educational context. However, we found some
papers summarising the existing datasets and some
systematic literature reviews in the field that
addressed the most common datasets.
Zhang and Ghorbani (Zhang & Ghorbani, 2020)
conducted an overview of online fake news, with a
short overview of the existing online fake news
datasets. According to the authors, there is a lack of
labelled fake news datasets which is a prerequisite for
building an effective detection system for online
misleading information. The addressed datasets were
published from 2009 to 2019. Authors conclude that
most of the datasets are small, that truthfulness is
predominantly scaled as true or false and that most
datasets collect news spontaneously published by
human creators on mainstream media.
D’Ulizia et al. (D’Ulizia et al., 2021) conducted a
survey of evaluation online fake news datasets. They
systematically reviewed twenty-seven popular
datasets for fake news detection by doing a
comparative analysis. This research is a rare survey
that addresses the detailed analysis of datasets as a
primary objective of the research.
Poletto et al. (Poletto et al., 2021) did a thorough
systematic review of resources and benchmark
corpora for hate speech detection. Authors
systematically analyse the resources made by the
community available in different languages. Authors
were looking for papers published until 2020. In this
paper, lexica, corpora or both were addressed, and 11
benchmark datasets were identified among those.
Most of the corpora were from Twitter (24), next are
news websites (6), then Reddit with 5 corpora. The
annotation strategy is mostly binary schemed.
Interestingly, many corpora didn’t provide
guidelines for the annotators. Most of the datasets that
authors found provided links to the datasets, with
some requiring user registration to be available. The
authors highlighted the risk of creating too many
biased systems or overfitting due to the problem of
the classification of hate speech. The authors
mentioned the possibility of bias in annotated data as
Alkomah and Ma (Alkomah & Ma, 2022) did a
literature review of textual hate speech detection
methods and datasets. The authors pointed out that
many datasets are of poor quality since they are not
regularly updated, and many datasets have overlaps
in data. However, the authors were only looking at
Twitter datasets in English, which significantly
reduces the comprehensiveness of the research. In
addition, Alkomah and Ma highlight the potential
bias problem in building large datasets due to the
manually performed annotation process.
Many short or thorough research papers address
the datasets in the field of online toxic content.
However, authors mostly focus on one type of online
toxic content such as online fake news or online hate
speech, choosing different synonyms for these types.
Online toxic content is increasing interest among
the research community and more literature reviews
addressing the datasets appeared in the last two years
(Madukwe et al., 2020; Raponi et al., 2022).
Artificial intelligence (AI) has great power in
changing the way we think and learn, with an
increasing application in various fields.
AI has proven to be increasingly applicable in
various ways within education and is more and more
often used for educational purposes in the last few
years. In 2020, (Chen et al., 2020) conducted research
of comprehensive review of Artificial Intelligence in
Education (AIEd) and highlighted that there is an
increasing interest in and impact of AIEd research, as
well as those traditional AI technologies were
commonly adopted in the educational context, but
that advanced techniques were rarely adopted. In the
past years, AI-built-in virtual agents for simulation-
based learning is becoming more popular (Dai & Ke,
2022) AI enables personalised learning for students
(Chen et al., 2020; Della Ventura, 2017).
The usage of AI in education, as in other fields
has numerous perspectives. For example, when it
comes to social media, AI can help to provide content
to social media users, detecting harmful content on
social media and supporting users by preventing them
from seeing harmful content on social media (Taibi,
et al, 2021). However, due to different social media
policies and free speech, these tools don’t always
detect toxic online content. Therefore, one key role of
AI solutions in detecting toxic and harmful content on
social media is creating powerful educational tools
that could support and educate users, especially
regarding building their social literacy competencies
and self-protection skills.
Since there is a rapid growth of concerns
regarding the bad influence of online toxic content on
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
social media, researchers are developing more tools
and experiments to educate young people and
increase their social media literacy.
We conducted a mapping review to see which terms
are used in the scientific community referring to
online toxic content.
There is no standard definition of online toxic
content, hate speech or fake news. Moreover, there is
no standard classification of terms related to online
toxic content. Equally important, hate speech is
usually treated the same as cyberbullying, where only
online hate speech could be considered a synonym for
cyberbullying since offline hate speech is not the
same as hate speech in the online world (Fulantelli et
al., 2022). Therefore, we use toxic online content as
the umbrella term for all the terms related to online
fake news and online hate speech.
Next, we conducted an umbrella review to detect
existing systematic reviews in the field. Finally, we
searched for novel machine learning methods in
online toxic content detection in Scopus and Web of
Science, trying to identify datasets in the field. This
paper presents the part of the wider study focused on
identifying online toxic content datasets.
We identified more than 70 datasets in our
research but chose to present the ones that:
- are publicly available datasets
- dataset papers published between 2020. and
- for this paper, we chose only datasets written
in English, and,
- we only chose the datasets presented in the
studies where authors explained the
annotation guidelines (in hate speech datasets)
or the data method of deciding truthfulness (in
the fake news datasets).
The results were nine datasets divided into two
main online toxic content categories “(online) hate
speech” and “(online) fake news”.
Dataset names and links are provided in Table 1.
Table 1: Dataset names and links.
Dataset Name Lin
NELA-GT-20 https://
NJH https://bit.l
FAKEEDIT https://
FakeNewsNet - (Shu et al., 2020) presented a
multiple dimension fake news data repository
containing two datasets. The authors used Politifact
and GossipCop to collect truth labels for the data.
FakeNewsNet repository has one of the largest and
most comprehensive online fake news datasets since
it has featured in news content, social context and
spatiotemporal information. This means that these
datasets can be used in a wider spectrum, especially
in understanding fake news propagation and fake
news intervention.
NELA-GT-20 - (Gruppi et al., 2021) is an update
of the NELA-GT-19 dataset (Gruppi et al., 2020). It
is a fake news dataset with more than 1.8 million
news articles from 519 sources collected in 2020.
Different from the previous version of datasets,
NELA-GT-20 has tweets embedded. NELA-GT-20
has almost double more sources than NELA-GT-19.
DGHSD - (Vidgen et al., 2021) published an
online hate speech dataset, which we named DGHSD
for this paper. This dataset consists of nearly 40 000
entries generated and labelled by trained annotators.
Hateful entries take up about 54% of DHGSD. The
authors provided detailed guidelines for the 20
recruited annotators, which two expert annotators
oversaw in online hate speech..
HATEXPLAIN - (Mathew et al., 2020) presented
HateXplain, the benchmark online hate speech
dataset. As sources, authors used Twitter and Gab
Authors did not consider reposts or posts containing
links, pictures, or videos, but emojis were included.
Annotation is done at three levels classification of
An Overview of Toxic Content Datasets for Artificial Intelligence Applications to Educate Students Towards a Better Use of Social Media
text as hate speech or offensive, annotating the target
groups of the hate speech, and annotating parts of the
text which are the reason for the given annotation.
Annotators had brief instructions for annotating. The
pilot task had 621 annotators, and 253 were selected
for the main task. Three annotators annotated each
post. The dataset consists of more than 20 000 entries.
NJH (Bianchi et al., 2022) is an online hate
speech dataset with more than 40.000 tweets about
immigration. Authors downloaded over 150M tweets
between 2020-21. The authors made annotation
guidelines for 10 undergraduate researchers from the
University of Liverpool (UK) and Syracuse
University (US). Annotators were trained until they
achieved satisfactory reliability. NJH is a well-
labelled dataset with 7 types of labels. Due to deleting
or suspending tweets, or private accounts,
approximately 25% of tweets in this dataset are no
longer available.
ETHOS - (Mollas et al., 2020) published an
online hate speech dataset based on YouTube and
Reddit comments. ETHOS is a textual dataset with
two variants binary and multi-label, with a thorough
protocol. Binary ETHOS is consisted of 998 entries,
while a multi-label ETHOS is considered 433 hate
speech messages. Targets of this dataset are wide
from religion to gender, disability, race etc.
CONVABUSE - (Curry et al., 2021) presented the
first English study on online hate speech towards
three AI systems. We decided to include this dataset
due to its originality of source since most datasets are
focused on social media. The authors made data from
two systems publicly available since the third one
wasn’t released due to privacy reasons. Two systems
were text-based chatbots, while the third system was
voice-based. Annotators were gender studies
students. Annotators were deciding on abusive, or
non-abusive content, abuse severity, and types such
as ableism, homophobia, intellectual, racism, sexism,
sexual harassment, transphobia and general.
UCBERKLEY-MHS - (Kennedy et al., 2020)
presented a general method for measuring complex
variables on a continuous interval spectrum by
combining supervised deep learning with the
Constructing Measures approach to faceted Rasch
item response theory (IRT) (Furr & Bacharach, 2007)
In their work, they used this method on 50000 entries
online hate speech dataset. For the annotators, they
used Amazon Mechanical Turk and 10000
annotators. Authors made scale items for labeling,
proposing guidelines for the annotators through
questionary, mostly using Likert-scale. Sources that
authors used for the dataset were YouTube, Twitter
and Reddit.
FAKEEDIT - (Nakamura et al., 2020) is one of
the largest online fake news datasets. Not only that –
this dataset has over 1 million samples in forms of
text, comments data, images and metadata. The
dataset was multi-labelled and enables fine-grained
online fake news classification. FakeEdit provides
implicit fact-checking, and as a source, authors used
22 different subreddits from Reddit. Authors used 2-
way, 3-way and 6-way labelling. The first layer of
labelling was classifying sample as true of false. The
3-way labelling with having “middle” label as “the
sample is fake and contains text that is true”. The final
labelling was categorising the fake news type: true,
satire/parody, misleading content, imposter content,
false connection and manipulated content.
In Table 2, publications and the year of publication
for the chosen datasets are shown.
Table 2: Datasets and publications.
Dataset Name Publication Year
FAKENEWSNET (Shu et al., 2020) 2020
NELA-GT-20 (Gruppi et al., 2021) 2020
en et al., 2021) 2021
HATEXPLAIN (Mathew et al., 2020) 2022
NJH (Bianchi et al., 2022) 2022
ETHOS (Mollas et al., 2020) 2021
et al., 2021) 2021
(Kennedy et al., 2020) 2020
FAKEEDIT (Nakamura et al.,
Our review identified more than 70 datasets, but
most were before 2019. and were either mentioned in
the related work or widely used in the research
community. Many datasets we found reported in the
literature were not publicly available anymore. Most
datasets were published in 2016, and an even higher
number of covid-19 related datasets from 2019. Some
authors are connecting this with the US Elections
2016 (Varma et al., 2021).
Most online toxic content datasets have Twitter as
a source since it is the easiest source to gather data.
However, Twitter also has some limitations, some as
privacy concerns, and some are connected to the
decay of tweets over time due to deleted, suspended
tweets or private accounts. This is a very common
issue with Twitter datasets (Tromble et al., 2017)
Researchers are more aware of the importance of
building datasets with different sources, for example,
et al., 2021) showed the importance of
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 3: Datasets, platforms and sizes.
Dataset Name Platform Size
NELA-GT-20 519 media sources,
DGHSD Synthetically
HATEXPLAIN Twitter, Gab 20000+
NJH Twitte
ETHOS YouTube, Reddi
Messinger Chatbot
and E.L.I.Z.A.
Twitter, Reddit,
FAKEEDIT Reddit 185445
exploring AI systems and chatbots as sources. The
datasets we on our list show that there are more
datasets created with sources different from Twitter.
Annotation is one of the most important tasks of
creating a dataset. Given that this is often a manual
human work, there is a high probability of bias and
the annotators will be biased. That’s why guidelines
for annotators are so important, as well as the number
of annotators. In annotating, there can be several
problems such as not understanding the difference
between terms. For example, (Davidson et al., 2017)
proposed an error-analysis on annotations as well as
classifier performance with arguments that in the field
of hate speech (toxic content as well) there are unclear
definitions, and homophobic and racist terms are
identified more frequently then sexist. (Sap et al.,
n.d.) found strong evidence that extra attention should
be paid to dialect as one possible factor of racial
biases. Kocon et al. (Kocoń et al., 2021) claim that
separating annotator groupsignificantly impacts the
performance of hate detection systems. Authors also
provide an annotator ID with each entry in their
dataset, to enable further research since online hate
speech is sensitive and complex topic (Ognibene &
Taibi, 2022).
5.1 Datasets and AI in the Purpose of
Datasets of good quality are very important in
building powerful tools that could help educate
society in recognising and dealing with the online
toxic content, since the correct data is a prerequisite
to good quality tools. Datasets could have numerous
and different applications in the course of education.
For example, building powerful guidebots or virtual
agents that could help young people learn to distinct
toxic content from non-toxic content on social media,
could have a great educational impact in educating
students. In order to empower young people to build
social media competences and self-protection skills,
AI based solutions that are using quality datasets are
of particular importance.
Virtual learning companions (VLC) could be a
good way for empowering adolescents regarding the
threats of social media. Researchers recognised the
need for such companions, and one example is the
COURAGE project VLC. Even though social media
platforms use their AI algorithms to detect some types
of online toxic content, their priority is still focused
on highly clicked content and viral content, as well as
to generate as much traffic as possible. COURAGE
VLC, based on AI, comprises adaptive detectors of
content and network threats, user models to support
personalised interventions as well as content and
educational activity recommendations (Ognibene &
Taibi, 2022).
Online toxic content is gaining momentum and
scientists are making efforts to counteract or at least
reduce the occurrence of toxic content on the Internet.
The development of machine learning methods for
these purposes is becoming more and more popular,
and the quality of the data is a prerequisite for the
progress and development of these methods.
It is not only important to develop tools and
algorithms to detect online toxic content, but it is
essential to educate the students on these concerns
and to develop tools and resources that could be used
for educational purposes, in order for the users to be
able to identify and avoid harmful content.
Therefore, it is critical to address and build the
online toxic content datasets, as well as to conduct the
quality criteria for the data.
It is of high priority to building the datasets from
different sources, and since in our literature research,
we haven’t found any TikTok datasets, which would
play an important role in educating students and
young people since TikTok is the most downloaded
application in 2021, as well as it is medium primarily
used by young people under 30 years old (Zheluk et
al., 2022) In order to be able to educate and build
social media competencies, datasets from crucial
sources should be built and publicly available for the
researchers to build educational tools.
An Overview of Toxic Content Datasets for Artificial Intelligence Applications to Educate Students Towards a Better Use of Social Media
An important role in the quality of datasets is
played by annotators, the source of the data and the
data collection method. Hence, detailed annotators
guidelines and training are needed in order to avoid
bias. It is important to document the demographic
characteristics of the annotators, so that possible bias
can be verified and identified, as well as to give the
annotators precise definitions of the terms they are
manually classifying. Here we come to another
challenge for the research community dealing with
online toxic content and that is the formal definition
of the terms. Authors use different definitions and
names for types of online toxic content and this leads
to confusion, therefore datasets may be invalid.
Last, but not least, it is extremely important to
promote reproducibility within research in this area,
to ensure that algorithms really detect online toxic
content, that datasets are valid, and to create an
opportunity to thereby educate people on best
practices and the most effective examples.
In this paper, we present nine datasets that we
identified amongst 70 datasets we found, and are
publicly available, have proposed their annotation
guidelines and are related to online toxic content.
The future work in the educational context should
be building educational tools using proposed datasets.
This work was developed in the framework of the
project COURAGE—A social media companion
safeguarding and educating students (Nos. 95567) and
funded by the Volkswagen Foundation in the topic
Artificial Intelligence and the Society of the Future.
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