Adapting a Generic Smart Service Platform Architecture to the
Road-Based Physical Internet
Jonah Windolph
1 a
, Steffen Kaup
2 b
, Robert Wehlitz
1 c
, Bogdan Franczyk
3,4 d
and Andr
e Ludwig
5 e
Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI), Leipzig, Germany
Mercedes-Benz AG, Group Research, B
oblingen, Germany
Leipzig University, Germany
Wrocław University of Economics, Poland
uhne Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany
Road-Based Physical Internet, Internet of Things, Smart Services, Service-Oriented Architecture.
Global trade will lead to more than a doubling of transport demand by 2050 in comparison to 2020. At the
same time, the impact of pollutant emissions on the global climate is leading to increasingly stringent legis-
lation regarding the environmental friendliness of transportation. Against this background, the transport and
logistics industry has to undergo a major transformation in the coming years. Hence, transport efficiency will
become more and more important. This will inevitably lead to a rethink in the industry about completely new
transport and logistics concepts, such as the Physical Internet (PI). Here, transport efficiency and thus more
environmental sustainability are supposed to be achieved by organizing the freight traffic like the data traf-
fic on the digital Internet, with the highest expected potential through a road-based Physical Internet (RBPI).
However, the realization of the RBPI depends on the existence of intelligent RBPI services enabled by suitable
smart service platforms. In this paper, we propose to adapt a generic architecture for smart service platforms
to the RBPI as a cornerstone for its technical implementation. This food for thought may serve as a starting
point for further discussions and detailed development in the future.
The Green Deal of the European Union (EU) to reach
net-zero emissions of greenhouse gasses by 2050 trig-
gered a paradigm shift in the transportation indus-
try, forcing companies to rethink their logistics and
supply chain operations (Laurent, 2020). As climate
change has been recognized and accepted as a ma-
jor societal challenge of the 21st century, it is becom-
ing increasingly apparent that emissions in the trans-
port sector need to be drastically reduced to meet the
EU’s ambitious targets. 77 % of freight traffic in Eu-
rope is caused by transport vehicles on the road (Eu-
rostat, 2022). In 2020, around one-fifth of the total
road freight transport in the EU was carried out by
empty vehicles (Eurostat, 2021). Transport demand
is expected to greatly increase by 2050 (ITF, 2021).
The Physical Internet (PI) is a vision of how phys-
ical objects could be transported from a point of ori-
gin to a desired destination in a manner similar to the
routing of data packets on the digital Internet (Mon-
treuil, 2012). Here, freight loads are divided into
subcomponents that can take different paths through
an agile intermodal transportation network. This ap-
proach enables a higher utilization of transport vehi-
cles as well as a higher degree of resilience due to re-
dundant connections of transshipment points, and the
resulting scalability of the entire transport system.
Since the majority of freight transportation takes
place on the road, the potential for implementing a
road-based Physical Internet (RBPI) appears to be the
largest in this transport sector.
Research on the PI in the form of a cross-transport
carrier system has been going on for more than 10
years (Ballot et al., 2021; Montreuil, 2012). The
focus of research was directed to the RBPI with in-
Windolph, J., Kaup, S., Wehlitz, R., Franczyk, B. and Ludwig, A.
Adapting a Generic Smart Service Platform Architecture to the Road-Based Physical Internet.
DOI: 10.5220/0011987700003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 749-756
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: ALICE Roadmap to Zero-Emission Logistics by 2050 (Liesa et al., 2020).
creased engagement of the automotive industry (Kaup
and Singer, 2016). In a next step, the gap to the last
mile was closed by the integration of crowd-delivery
into the RBPI (Kaup and Demircioglu, 2017). This
research has resulted in a concrete framework for the
RBPI (Kaup et al., 2021) that provides a basis for this
The goal of the RBPI is to reduce road freight traf-
fic while maintaining the same transport volume with
fewer number of vehicles and at the same time im-
proved efficiency. Hence, this will lead to a higher
degree of scalability even in the event of an increase
in transport demand. In contrast to today’s processes
in transport logistics, where the routing of goods is
determined by proprietary forwarders, in the RBPI,
freight loads and freight components are forwarded
decentrally from network node to network node and
thus routed to the destination.
Digital logistics services related to the vi-
sion of the RBPI ”bring numerous advantages in
the optimization of integrated logistics ecosystems”
olski et al., 2019). However, their technical
implementation requires suitable smart service plat-
forms. Such platforms leverage Internet of Things
(IoT) technologies as well as advanced data process-
ing and analytics capabilities to automatically ac-
quire, integrate, analyze and use transport-relevant
data beneficially. In this paper, we propose to adapt
a generic smart service platform architecture, that al-
ready has proven itself in other fields of application,
to the RBPI in order to enable intelligent RBPI ser-
vices, such as dynamic routing of freight transports.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 gives the background and current
state of the art in terms of smart service platform ar-
chitectures in the PI. In Section 3, the architectural
proposal adapted to the RBPI is presented. Finally,
conclusions were drawn in Section 4 with an outlook
to further work.
The main milestones of the PI are visualized in the
form of a roadmap in Figure 1 (Liesa et al., 2020).
This roadmap was created by European researchers
who are mostly part of the Alliance for Logistics In-
novation for Collaboration in Europe’ (Ballot et al.,
2021). It describes the path of implementation to-
wards a sustainable logistics vision of zero emissions
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
for freight transport within Europe by 2050 (Liesa
et al., 2020). Important and yet unachieved imple-
mentation goals lie specifically in the area of In-
formation Systems (IS) for interconnected logistics.
Here, smart service platforms that enable full trans-
parency of supply chains and open logistics networks
are needed.
The current state of the art for smart service plat-
forms in the context of the PI is still in early stages of
development and implementation. Already existing
approaches aim to improve the efficiency and effec-
tiveness of logistics and supply chain management by
utilizing advanced technologies, such as IoT, artificial
intelligence, and blockchain.
Hasan et. al (2021) describe potential applica-
tions and benefits of integrating blockchain technol-
ogy with the PI. The authors also compare two differ-
ent blockchain architectures they found most promis-
ing to meet PI service requirements. The work mainly
addresses decentralized and secure data exchange
within PI networks but does not cover data integration
and data analytics aspects that are crucial for intelli-
gent RBPI services.
Fahim et. al (2021) propose an information archi-
tecture for track-and-trace in the PI with the focus on
maritime ports. The architecture is based on the Ref-
erence Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI
4.0) and concentrates on four layers. At the busi-
ness layer, logistics processes are defined on an oper-
ational level. The functional layer comprises compo-
nents that process track-and-trace data and make them
available through a PI open interface system. The in-
formation layer is responsible for data exchange, stor-
age and quality assurance. The asset layer enables the
data acquisition for track-and-trace functionality. The
proposed architecture lacks technical details and also
does not consider data integration, processing and an-
A service-oriented architecture (SOA) for creat-
ing IoT logistics services for the PI is described by
Tran-Dang and Kim (2018) and Tran-Dang et. al
(2020). The authors define IoT technologies as an im-
portant enabler in regard to the PI and view SOA as
a means to meet PI requirements best. Their proposal
extends across a physical layer, a network layer, a ser-
vice layer and an interface layer. The physical layer
comprises identification, sensing and processing tech-
nologies to acquire transport-relevant data. The net-
work layer connects heterogeneous IoT devices and
allows for data exchange between them. In order
to integrate multiple heterogeneous resources the ser-
vice layer provides a middleware as well as logistics
and SOA infrastructure services. The interface layer
exposes services, e.g. through web services, so that
they can be accessed by the end users. Despite the
proposal addressing data integration, it is missing a
data analytics perspective that is needed to develop
sophisticated PI services. Furthermore, the publica-
tion only provides a high-level overview of the archi-
Mededjel et. al (2021) propose a cloud-fog archi-
tecture to optimize the freight routing in the PI and to
increase visibility and traceability throughout supply
chains. It consists of an edge, fog and cloud layer.
At the edge layer, sensing data is collected as well as
preprocessed and transmitted through an IoT gateway.
The fog layer is responsible for the acquisition, aggre-
gation and processing of the data transmitted from the
edge layer. Data analytics and permanent data storage
are realized at the cloud layer. Overall, the authors
also describe a high-level architecture that is follow-
ing basic fog computing principles. Specific system
components to support the development and opera-
tions of intelligent PI services are not further consid-
Since the approaches mentioned above focus on
the PI in general and have their limitations and short-
comings, our goal is to investigate how a generic
smart service platform architecture, that has been
evaluated in other application domains, can be suc-
cessfully adapted to the RBPI. As a starting point, we
use preliminary work that was initially published in
2017 and originally addressed the smart energy do-
main (Wehlitz et al., 2017). The described architec-
ture comprises four core system areas, that are inter-
faces, data, services, and processes. The initial con-
cept and its system areas have been continuously en-
riched and developed over time. As an example, a
generic metadata model was introduced to abstract
implementation details on IoT devices and to enable
a unified access on them (Wehlitz et al., 2020). In ad-
dition, much emphasis has been placed on data pro-
cessing and data analytics capabilities in order to be
able to develop powerful smart services for different
use cases, e. g. smart home, weather and environ-
mental monitoring, as well as predictive maintenance
in industrial applications (Zsch
ornig et al., 2022). In
the following, we present a new and adapted version
of the mentioned smart service platform architecture
that addresses the technical implementation of the so
far conceptual RBPI and shall serve as a basis for fur-
ther discussions.
The proposed architecture is depicted in Figure 2 and
has five different functional layers: edge layer, inte-
Adapting a Generic Smart Service Platform Architecture to the Road-Based Physical Internet
Data Layer
Integration Layer
Connector Connector ...
Edge Layer
Sensors Actuators
Communication Technologies
Connector Connector ...
Edge Processing Unit
Raw Data Processed Data
Streaming Platform
Analytics Layer
Operator Operator ...
Smart Service Layer
Module ...
Worker Worker ...
Figure 2: Platform Architecture.
gration layer, data layer, analytics layer and smart
service layer. They serve the purpose of acquiring and
integrating data as well as processing and analyzing it
in order to derive meaningful insights that are the ba-
sis for intelligent RBPI services. Dividing the archi-
tecture into fog and cloud stratum follows the the fog
computing paradigm, in which computation may be
performed closer to the edge of the network in order
to improve latency, energy efficiency and bandwidth
usage (Mouradian et al., 2018; Abdali et al., 2021).
In the following, each of the layers, their interactions
and their relation to the RBPI will be described in a
bottom-up fashion.
3.1 Edge Layer
In the context of the RBPI, the edge layer’s main
purpose is to acquire, transmit and process transport-
relevant data inside vehicles. In addition to basic
vehicle data, such as its location and speed, this
also includes metadata about planned transport routes,
loaded freight items and the measurement of remain-
ing free capacity in the freight compartment. Free ca-
pacity can basically have two different dimensions:
volume and weight. When transporting fast moving
consumer goods, which is what the RBPI is almost al-
ways about, the volume limit is usually exhausted be-
fore the weight limit. Therefore, a volume-optimized
utilization of vehicles is desirable.
The edge layer is placed in the fog stratum and
comprises different edge components, that are sen-
sors, actuators, and tags that may support a variety of
different communication technologies, such as Wi-Fi,
ZigBee or Bluetooth Low Energy.
The seamless recording of transported goods can
be achieved by using camera-based sensors. The data
collected from these sensors can also be used to as-
sess whether a product or group of products, such
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
as those positioned on a pallet, can be stacked and
thus whether the space above them can be used for
other goods. Alternatively, ultrasonic or ‘light de-
tection and ranging’ (LiDAR) sensor systems can be
used. Ultrasonic sensors are easy to integrate into the
cargo space of transport vehicles, but can only detect
the outline of the cargo space. LiDAR, on the other
hand, has a good range of environment detection and
good 3-D characteristics, but is comparatively expen-
sive and complex. The identification of freight objects
can be achieved by means of AUTO-ID methods that
use tags with different underlying technologies such
as QR codes, RFID or NFC tags or bluetooth beacons.
Another important category of edge components
includes actuators. For example, an actuator might be
used to enable remote access to a vehicle in order to
allow for unattended transport goods exchange. Fur-
thermore, they are used to secure loads, i.e. to protect
cargo against slipping and damage. This can be real-
ized by variably adjusting a matrix of piezoresistive
expansion actuators that create a 3-D contour in the
cargo space that conforms to the shape of the loaded
cargo, and thereby securing it (Kaup et al., 2021).
The mentioned edge components are connected to
an edge processing unit through hard- and software
connectors that enable different communication tech-
nologies and protocols. The edge processing unit not
only serves as a connection point between the fog
stratum and other layers in the cloud stratum for data
forwarding, but also provides the option for data ana-
lytics at the edge level based on specific edge device
processing capabilities.
Gradually, vehicles are being equipped with more
and more computing power in the form of vehicle
processing units, not least because of the require-
ments arising from autonomous driving. These com-
puting resources might serve as a suitable base for an
edge processing unit. In respect to the RBPI, possi-
ble analytics tasks are the aggregation and filtering of
sensor data to reduce the required bandwidth during
the transmission to cloud backends, the encryption,
anonymization and pseudonymization of data for pri-
vacy and security reasons as well traffic-related algo-
rithms such as route planning or arrival time estima-
3.2 Integration Layer
The integration layer addresses the registration, con-
nection and management of heterogeneous edge com-
ponents of different vendors as well as the communi-
cation between the fog and the cloud stratum of the ar-
chitecture. It also enables the integration of data from
third-party systems using imports, e.g. for integrating
data of supply chain management and fleet manage-
ment systems or open data providers, such as traffic
data services. Imports must first be implemented as
an import type that addresses the specific format and
protocol used by the data source. The import type
must then be registered with the platform. After these
preliminary steps, imports can be configured and in-
stantiated (Windolph et al., 2021).
On the other hand, the integration layer allows
data access for external systems using exports. An ex-
port collects raw or processed data from the data layer
and makes it available to external systems. Analogous
to imports, exports may use a variety of different tar-
get formats and protocols in order to support a wide
range of external systems. The middleware translates
incoming messages (e. g. sensor data) into a unified
platform-internal message format using metadata and
connectors, and stores the data at the data layer. The
middleware also retranslates outgoing messages (e.g.
control commands to actuators) into device-specific
requests that are handled by the edge layer.
In terms of the RBPI, the integration layer refers
to the integration of all the systems and technologies
that are part of the RBPI. These include, for exam-
ple, available transshipment points and additional ren-
dezvous points identified by vehicles, but also infor-
mation about the vehicles themselves, their currently
loaded transport goods, available routes, the condi-
tions of the roads and the toll sections along them.
This data is so far stored in a variety of different iso-
lated systems. The integration layer now enables the
combined processing of all these different sorts of
3.3 Data Layer
The data layer stores all raw and processed data in
a streaming platform that provides access to the data
for other layers. In the scalable streaming platform
raw sensor data and processed analytics data is stored
in topics that multiple platform components can use
at the same time by publish and subscribe mecha-
nisms. Playback of historical data in the original or-
der as well as the consumption of real-time data is
possible. In contrast to typical database access, data
is processed one message at a time.
The metadata required for the integration of het-
erogeneous sensors and actuators is stored in this
layer as well. In contrast to the raw sensor data, this
metadata is stored outside of the streaming platform
to enable access to them without having to imple-
ment a streaming client. Metadata is described by a
purpose-built model that eases the integration of sen-
sor data and actuator control through semantic inte-
Adapting a Generic Smart Service Platform Architecture to the Road-Based Physical Internet
gration (Wehlitz et al., 2020).
Concerning the RBPI, the data layer refers to the
data that is collected by the various systems and tech-
nologies of the physical internet. This data includes
the location of vehicles, the speed of vehicles, the traf-
fic conditions, and the utilization of cargo spaces. It
also refers to the metadata of vehicles, transport goods
and the road infrastructure.
3.4 Analytics Layer
The analytics layer refers to the software and hard-
ware infrastructure that enables the analysis of all data
collected by the integration layer and stored at the
data layer. In the analytics layer, pipelines are used to
analyze the data collected by vehicles and other com-
ponents of the road infrastructure. Analytics pipelines
are designed as analytics flows and constituted of
one or more analytics operators. An analytics op-
erator consumes data from the streaming platform,
performs a specific analytics task and writes the re-
sults back to the streaming platform (Zsch
ornig et al.,
2020; Zsch
ornig et al., 2022). From there, they can
be used in other layers, but also reused in other ana-
lytics pipelines to avoid redundant processing. Chain-
ing multiple analytics operators enables the creation
of complex analytics pipelines, while the segmenta-
tion of complex tasks into multiple analytics opera-
tors allows horizontal scaling of analytics pipelines
and the reuse of analytics operators in different an-
alytics flows. Analytics pipelines can be deployed
in cloud, hybrid or fog fashion to address use case-
specific processing requirements and edge processing
unit capabilities.
In regards to the RPBI, the analytics layer could
be used to implement algorithms that predict traffic
congestion and systems that forecast traffic accidents,
but also algorithms that provide data aggregation and
anonymization to ensure data protection. Combin-
ing these analytics results into a complex analytics
pipeline could enable a system that determines the op-
timal route for a vehicle.
3.5 Smart Service Layer
The smart service layer simplifies the implementation
of complex use cases by combining all other layer
functionalities in order to allow for the orchestration
of data integration, data analytics and actuator con-
trol. When creating a smart service, the first step is
to model it as a design. A design consists of multiple
tasks that need to be run in order to prepare all re-
sources that are required for a specific use case. Once
a design has been created, it can be prepared for use
by creating a release. Releases are versioned designs,
which enables update mechanics. After a release has
been made, users can deploy it as a smart service in-
stance. If a smart service uses additional configura-
tions, such as the selection of a specific sensor, this
configuration has to be provided during this step.
If a smart service requires the instantiation
of other platform resources, such as an analytics
pipeline, this task is handled by resource-specific
smart service workers that instantiate the resource and
save a reference to it in a smart service module. Us-
ing this approach allows for other workers to further
use instantiated resources (e.g. an export could make
results of an analytics pipeline accessible for external
systems). Referencing all resources in modules also
enables deleting them once the smart service instance
is discarded.
The smart service layer would serve as the inter-
face between the smart service platform and its users.
In this layer, intelligent RBPI services, such as route
planning, traffic monitoring and incident management
could be developed, evaluated and provided to the
user. Using this layer of the architecture has the po-
tential to conceal complex implementation details of
the RBPI to users by reducing the required contact
points, resulting in an improved usability of the over-
all platform.
The RBPI vision is expected to have great potential
to revolutionize road-based transportation in terms of
increased efficiency, robustness, scalability, and sus-
tainability. By providing a reliable, high-speed sens-
ing and communication infrastructure in combina-
tion with a suitable smart service platform, intelligent
RBPI services enable vehicles to share data and coop-
erate with each other in order to optimize traffic flow,
reduce congestion, and improve safety.
However, research in the field of RBPI is still in
its beginning stage and almost always theoretical in
nature. In this paper, we propose an adapted version
of a generic smart service platform architecture that
aims to bring the RBPI a step closer to its technical
As future work, the individual layers of the pro-
posed architecture need to be detailed and investi-
gated deeper. Furthermore, each of them as well
as their interaction as a whole have to be evaluated
against the specific requirements of the RBPI. Think-
ing ahead, a possible extension could be direct com-
munication between multiple edge processing units in
local ad-hoc networks to enable additional use cases
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
such as handling freight exchange among each other
in the near distance or to compensate for the outage
of a cloud connection.
The work presented in this paper represents results
by the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) and
Mercedes-Benz AG on the research project ‘Require-
ments and Application of GAIA-X in the Edge-
Device Automobile’ (GAIA-X 4 AGEDA) that is
partly funded by the German Federal Ministry for
Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK
19S22004P). The sole responsibility for the content
lies with the authors.
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