A Study on Early & Non-Intrusive Security Assessment for Container
Mubin Ul Haque
and Muhammad Ali Babar
Centre for Research on Engineering Software Technologies (CREST), University of Adelaide, Australia
School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, Australia
Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre, Australia
Container images, Configuration, Security, Non-Intrusive Assessment, Machine Learning
The ubiquitous adoption of container images to virtualize the software contents bring significant attention
in its security configuration due to intricate and evolving security issues. Early security assessment of con-
tainer images can prevent and mitigate security attacks on containers, and enabling practitioners to realize
the secured configuration. Using security tools, which operate in intrusive manner in the early assessment,
raise critical concern in its applicability where the container image contents are considered as highly sensitive.
Moreover, the sequential steps and manual intervention required for using the security tools negatively impact
the development and deployment of container images. In this regard, we aim to empirically investigate the
effectiveness of Open Container Initiative (OCI) properties with the Machine Learning (ML) models to assess
the security without peeking inside the container images. We extracted OCI properties from 1,137 real-world
container images and investigated six traditional ML models with different OCI properties to identify the op-
timal ML model and its generalizability. Our empirical results show that the ensemble ML models provide the
optimal performance to assess the container image security when the model is built with all the OCI proper-
ties. Our empirical evidence will guide practitioners in the early security assessment of container images in
non-intrusive way as well as reducing the manual intervention required for using security tools to assess the
security of container images.
Virtualization technology, e.g., containerization is
gaining tremendous popularity among practitioners to
develop and deploy their software infrastructures. For
instance, Docker technology (Docker, 2021), which
provides containerization solutions, has been ranked
as the most popular technology for consecutive four
years (2019-2022) in Stack Overflow (SoF) develop-
ers’ survey (Overflow, 2022). The survey results indi-
cate developers’ massive interest in using container
technologies. Besides, the SoF survey in 2022 re-
vealed that the popularity of Docker has increased
from 55% to 69% in 2022.
The reason of such popularity can be explained
with the containerization capability of encapsulating
the software contents, e.g., code, data, applications,
and dependencies into a standalone executable unit,
which is known as container images (Sultan et al.,
2019; Pahl et al., 2017). Container images enable
practitioners and system administrators to develop
and deploy their containerized software in any oper-
ating system. Besides, container images are helpful
to Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
practices which enable the rapid delivery of software
by fulfilling ever-increasing business demand (Sultan
et al., 2019) and requirements (Pahl et al., 2017).
Despite the benefits of utilizing container images,
one of the major concerns is its security configuration,
which is affected by the increased number of security
issues (e.g., potential faults, security vulnerabilities,
embedded malware) in container images (Haque and
Babar, 2022; Javed and Toor, 2021; Wist et al., 2021).
In a recent survey (RedHat, 2021) among practition-
ers and system administrators, ensuring the security
configuration of container images has been mentioned
as the top consideration (59%). Security professionals
and researchers strongly advocated and recommended
the early assessment of security issues in container
images. Early assessment can not only prevent se-
curity attacks but also provide the confidentiality, in-
tegrity, and availability of the container images.
Static Analysis Tools (SAT), e.g., CLAIR (Clair,
2020), ANCHORE (Anchore, 2017), TRIVY (Trivy,
2020) play an essential role in the early assessment of
security issues in container images (Javed and Toor,
Haque, M. and Babar, M.
A Study on Early Non-Intrusive Security Assessment for Container Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0011987900003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 640-647
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2021; Wist et al., 2021; Berkovich et al., 2020). How-
ever, using SAT to assess the security of container
images raise several concerns. This assessment must
need to access the container images, execute the tools,
and then analyse the results, which is labour-intensive
and require extensive domain expertise (Haque and
Babar, 2022; Javed and Toor, 2021). Furthermore,
earlier research efforts (Haque et al., 2020; Pahl et al.,
2017) reported lack of domain experts in realizing
the security of containerization technology since con-
tainer development and deployment require expertise
in various fields, such as software engineering, cloud
computing, distributed networking and operating sys-
tems which are usually considered unnecessary in
conventional software development and deployment.
Importantly, SAT operate in intrusive manner,
e.g., they require to peek inside the container con-
tents. This manner is conundrum with privacy since
container owners run their container images on re-
mote cloud servers and container contents should not
be available to outside owners’ purview (Cavalcanti
et al., 2021). Container images have been ubiqui-
tously adopted in mission-critical systems, health-
care, electric power systems, and banking systems,
where container contents are considered as highly
critical to access due to its sensitivity (Cui and
Umphress, 2020). Besides, many government agen-
cies are incorporating container images to provide
critical services. For example, British Telecom-
munication incorporated containerization to develop
and deploy their 5G use cases (Zhu and Gehrmann,
2021a). The highly sensitive contents in mission-
critical and government owned container images
stimulate a dire need of non-intrusive assessment
of the security of the container images (Cui and
Umphress, 2020), which can protect the privacy of the
container as well as ensure the security configuration
of such critical containers.
Previous research efforts (Zhu and Gehrmann,
2022; Zhu and Gehrmann, 2021a; Zhu and
Gehrmann, 2021b; Cui and Umphress, 2020) for the
security assessment of container images mainly per-
formed the dynamic analysis, e.g., analysing the run-
time entities of container images (e.g., system calls,
capabilities, file access, resource usage). While this
analysis required to go through several sequential and
human intervened steps, such as building, installing,
preparing the container images for execution, and
then use a workload to monitor the run-time entities,
there is a lack of research in assessing the container
image security without performing such sequential as
well as human intervened steps. This lack potentially
hinders the release frequency of CI/CD practice, since
the sequential steps of building, installing, preparing,
and executing container images with a workload to
monitor the run-time entities affecting the speed of
container image development and deployment. In ad-
dition, large magnitude and highly frequent deploy-
ment of container images in CI/CD practice does not
scale up with human intervention.
To assess the security of container images without
building, installing, preparing, executing container
images with a workload, and peeking inside the con-
tainer images, we plan to study the Open Container
Initiatives (OCI) properties of container images. This
non-intrusive assessment will help practitioners and
system administrators in the early security configura-
tion in their development and deploying of virtualized
software in cloud servers. The Open Container Ini-
tiative (OCI) is an open governance system for stor-
ing and distributing industry-standard container im-
ages (da Silva et al., 2018). We empirically investi-
gate the effectiveness of learning models for the se-
curity assessment of container images leveraging the
OCI properties.
In particular, our paper makes the following three
main contributions:
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first auto-
mated support for the early and non-intrusive se-
curity assessment for container images leveraging
OCI properties.
We investigate the importance of OCI properties
for the effectiveness of learning models for non-
intrusive security assessment of container images.
We investigate the generalizability of the learn-
ing models to assess the security of heterogeneous
container image types.
In this Section, we briefly describe the Open Con-
tainer Initiative properties and the prior studies that
have investigated the non-intrusive security assess-
ment of container images.
2.1 Open Container Initiative (OCI)
The acceptance of containers as a source of appli-
cation storage, distribution, and portability neces-
sitates the introduction of particular standards due
to the rapid growth in both interest in and use of
container-based virtualization. Due to the constant
and immense expansion of Docker containerization,
there is broad interest in a single and open con-
tainer specification. This specification is not bound
A Study on Early Non-Intrusive Security Assessment for Container Images
Figure 1: Example of OCI properties of mysql:latest image
from Docker Hub.
to any particular container engine (e.g., Docker, rkt,
CoreOS) or orchestration platform (e.g., Kubernetes,
Nomad, Docker Swarm), or any commercial vendor
or project, and portable across a wide range of op-
erating systems, hardware, CPU architectures, and
public clouds. In this regard, Open Container Ini-
tiative (OCI) was launched in 2015 by Docker along
with other leading containerization service provider,
such as CoreOS, to express the standardization for
the purpose of creating open industry specification
around container formats and runtime (Docker, 2021).
Figure 1 shows an example of OCI properties for
mysql:latest image from Docker Hub.
2.2 Non-Intrusive Security Assessment
Kwon and Lee proposed DIVDS (Docker Image Vul-
nerability Diagnostic System) to assess the security
container images by analysing the encapsulated con-
tainer contents (e.g., packages/libraries) and their vul-
nerability information with the help of a SAT, CLAIR
(Kwon and Lee, 2020). They used a threshold score,
defined by human expert to finalize the security as-
sessment. Zerouali et al. proposed a technical lag
framework to assess the security of Docker container
images by analysing different lags, e.g., package, ver-
sion, vulnerability (Zerouali et al., 2021). Brady et al.
proposed a system to validate the security of container
images by analysing the packages and their vulnera-
bility information with the help of a SAT, ANCHORE
(Brady et al., 2020). They also leveraged a manually
defined threshold to finalize the security assessment.
Previous research typically followed the approach
as (i) access encapsulated packages/libraries from
container images, (ii) either use a SAT (e.g., AN-
CHORE/CLAIR) to identify vulnerable packages/li-
braries or use a vulnerability database (e.g., Ubuntu
Security Tracker) to map packages/libraries with
known vulnerability, (iii) a pre-defined threshold,
generally provided by human, to finalize the secu-
rity assessment. While this approach essentially re-
lies on intrusive manner (e.g., required to access con-
tainer image contents), however, we aim to assess
the security in non-intrusive manner by investigating
OCI properties, without analysing the container im-
age contents.
In this Section, we briefly describe our research ques-
tions, method, and data.
3.1 Research Questions (RQs)
Our study focuses on the following research ques-
RQ1. What are the OCI properties that can be
used to build the learning models for non-intrusive
security assessment of container images? We aim
to explore how well the Machine Learning (ML)
models perform to learn the patterns derived from
different OCI properties. An answer to this re-
search question will help to understand the feasi-
bility of OCI properties for learning-based model
development to assess the security of container
images in terms of non-intrusive manner. The an-
swer will also enable us to identify the OCI prop-
erties which are providing the best predictive per-
formance for ML models.
RQ2. How effective is the learning models lever-
aging OCI properties to assess the security for
cross container image types? We aim to explore
how well the ML models perform to learn the OCI
properties for cross container image types secu-
rity assessment. Container images are developed
(i.e., instantiated) on top of another container im-
ages and are deployed frequently in CI/CD prac-
tices where the container image types are highly
diverse and heterogeneous (Haque et al., 2022;
Sultan et al., 2019). An answer to this research
question will help to understand whether the mod-
els trained on certain container iamge types can
be generalized to perform prediction for another
container image types. The answer will also en-
able us to inspect the generalizability and identify
the best performing model to further utilize them
in deployment phase of container images.
3.2 Research Method
The protocol for answering RQs is described here.
3.2.1 RQ1
We leveraged Mutual Information Gain (MIG) (Xu
et al., 2007) technique to understand the importance
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
of OCI properties for leveraging them in learning-
based models to classify the containers from security
point of view, whether the container is secured or in-
secured. MIG is a feature selection technique, which
considers the joint probability of the features and their
association with the target variables (Balogun et al.,
2020; Xu et al., 2007) and used to identify important
features for developing ML models to predict soft-
ware defects in the existing literature (Balogun et al.,
2020; Li et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2012). Besides,
we designed the non-intrusive security assessment as
a binary-class supervised classification problem from
a learning perspective. To build ML models by us-
ing the OCI properties, we have considered all the
OCI properties, which are last updated, name, tag last
pulled, size, repository, tag status, digest, last updater
username, creator, and last updater. The components
for building a learning model include pre-processing,
model selection, model building, and prediction.
Pre-processing is required since OCI properties
contain noise (e.g., punctuation), which can make the
learning model overfit (Luque et al., 2019; Kao and
Poteet, 2007). Therefore, we used the state-of-the-art
approaches (Sworna et al., 2022) for pre-processing
the OCI properties, e.g., removal of noises and lower-
casing. We used the pre-processed OCI properties
to perform stratified k-fold cross-validation. Strati-
fication ensures the ratio of each input source is kept
throughout the cross-validation (Sworna et al., 2022),
avoiding different data distribution of the folds.
Our model selection component has two steps as
(i) feature engineering, (ii) model training and valida-
tion. Feature engineering is the process where OCI
properties are transformed into features to improve
the performance of the learning models. In the model
training and validation steps, (k-1) folds were used for
feature engineering and training a model, while the
remaining one is used for validation. The validation
performance of a model is the average of k runs. The
model configurations with the highest performance
metric would be selected as the optimal classifier for
the following model building process.
The model building process used the pre-
processed OCI properties to generate a feature model
based on the identified feature configuration. The fea-
ture model has been saved to transform the data for
future prediction. The prediction process is used for
testing the trained model and classifying the container
images for security assessment by leveraging the OCI
properties. In this process, the OCI properties of a
container image are first pre-processed and then trans-
formed to a feature set using the saved feature model.
3.2.2 RQ2
For assessing the security of cross container image
type, we chose one container image type as test set
or target-container for prediction, while using other
image types for training set or source-containers.
In other words, we built a prediction model using
the OCI properties and security labelling of source-
containers, and predict the security labelling of target
3.2.3 Evaluation Metric
We utilised the average Matthews Correction Coef-
ficient (MCC) to evaluate the performance of ML
models. MCC was used to select the optimal model
since MCC explicitly considers all classes and is pro-
claimed as the best metric for error consideration by
the prior study (Luque et al., 2019).
3.3 Research Data
We used the dataset provided by Haque et al. (Haque
and Babar, 2022). This dataset contains the Docker
container images labelled with security assessment in
terms of pass and fail. In this dataset, a container
image is labelled with pass if it does not contain
any sort of security issues, otherwise, it is labelled
as fail. They used a SAT, named ANCHORE and
qualitatively investigated the assessment to create the
Six traditional machine learning classifiers, Logistic
Regression (LR), Naive Bayesian (NB), Support Vec-
tor Machines (SVM), Light Gradient Boosting Ma-
chine (LGBM), Decision Tree (DT) and Extreme Gra-
dient Boosting (XGB), were selected for learning-
based models. Those classifiers were chosen due to
the common practice in the literature (Menzies et al.,
2018; Ma et al., 2018). The first three (e.g., LR, NB,
SVM) are single models, whereas the rest three (e.g.,
LGBM, DT, XGB) are ensemble models.
To select the optimal hyper parameter for
each model, we performed stratified 10-fold cross-
validation. Stratified sampling ensures that the pro-
portion of each source would be kept. Moreover, one-
tailed non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test (Mann
and Whitney, 1947) was calculated to compare the
statistical significance of the observed samples. In our
study, we considered 95% confidence with α (signif-
icance level) being 0.05, which is a statistical signifi-
cance level (McKnight and Najab, 2010).
A Study on Early Non-Intrusive Security Assessment for Container Images
Table 1: Example of container type.
Type Container Image Example
Analytics (AL) logstash, piwik, telegraf
Database (DB) mysql, redis, mongo,neo4j, postgres
Operating Systems (OS) ubuntu, fedora, debian
Language Runtime (LR) python, go, php
Base Images (BI) alpine, bash, busybox
Messaging Services (MS) nats, znc, rabbitmq, rocket.chat
Figure 2: Distribution of data across container types.
To select optimal traditional ML models, we ap-
plied Bayesian optimization (Snoek et al., 2012) us-
ing hyperopt library (Bergstra et al., 2013). We chose
bayesian optimisation due to its robustness against
noisy objective function evaluations (Wang et al.,
2013). We utilised the average Matthews Correction
Coefficient (MCC) of 10-fold cross-validation with
stratified sampling and early stopping criteria to select
the optimal hyper parameters. Our dataset contains
the security assessment labelling of 1,137 container
images across six container types, which are Ana-
lytics (AL), Base Images (BI), Databases (DB), Lan-
guage Runtime (LR), Messaging Services (MS), and
Operating Systems (OS). The types of the containers
had been collected from Docker Hub, and these types
were also used in prior research studies (Kim et al.,
2021). Table 1 shows some example container im-
ages for each of the types. Figure 2 shows the dis-
tribution of our dataset across container types, where
340 container images are labelled as pass or secured,
and 797 container images are labelled as fail or in-
secured. Besides, Figure 3 shows the t-distributed
Stochastic Neighbourhood Embedding (t-SNE) plot
(Van der Maaten and Hinton, 2008) to visualize the
structure of our high dimensional data in two dimen-
The results of our RQs are described in this Section.
5.1 RQ1
Table 2 demonstrates the mutual information score
between each input variables, i.e, OCI properties with
Figure 3: t-SNE plot for our dataset.
Table 2: Mutual Information Score for OCI properties.
# No OCI Properties Score
F1 Last Updated 0.339
F2 Name 0.294
F3 Tag Last Pulled 0.207
F4 Size 0.170
F5 Repository 0.156
F6 Tag Status 0.092
F7 Digest 0.053
F8 Last Updater Username 0.035
F9 Creator 0.021
F10 Last Updater 0.003
the output variable, i.e, security assessment. The
higher score indicates close relationship between in-
put variable and output variable (Balogun et al., 2020;
Wang et al., 2012; Xu et al., 2007). It is evident from
Table 2 that last updated time, image name, tag last
pulled, size, and repository have higher (i.e., above
average) score than rest of the OCI properties.
Table 3 shows the MCC values of six traditional
and widely adopted ML models in practice while
learning and predicting the security assessment of
container images leveraging different OCI properties.
It is observed from Table 3 that ensemble models,
Table 3: MCC for different ML models with different com-
bination of OCI properties
F1 0.486 0.499 0.480 0.671 0.645 0.643
F1 to F2 0.464 0.435 0.576 0.788 0.719 0.743
F1 to F3 0.420 0.478 0.546 0.785 0.736 0.746
F1 to F4 0.431 0.470 0.640 0.835 0.754 0.773
F1 to F5 0.447 0.425 0.607 0.854 0.794 0.793
F1 to F6 0.467 0.501 0.588 0.851 0.793 0.793
F1 to F7 0.459 0.501 0.600 0.846 0.770 0.798
F1 to F8 0.467 0.491 0.602 0.846 0.770 0.796
F1 to F9 0.457 0.495 0.587 0.850 0.773 0.796
F1 to F10 0.442 0.492 0.585 0.856 0.774 0.800
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 4: Correlation between OCI properties and ML mod-
Co-efficient LR NB SVM LGBM DT XGB
ρ -0.127 0.303 0.357 0.790 0.684 0.693
p-value 0.726 0.393 0.310 0.006 0.028 0.026
Figure 4: Evaluation results for the studied ML models.
such as, LGBM, DT, and XGB, perform better than
the single models, such as, LR, NB, and SVM. The
reason can be explained as the ensemble models use
tree-based method to learn and aggregate the deci-
sions to reduce the variance as well as maintain min-
imal bias (Ganaie et al., 2021). We verified our ob-
servation using the Mann-Whitney U-test (Mann and
Whitney, 1947), where the z-score is -3.74185 and p-
value is .00009, which is significant at p < .05.
Besides, we observed that the MCC values of en-
semble models increase when the number of OCI
properties increase. We verified our observation using
Spearman correlation (ρ) test (Zar, 1972), where we
found statistically significant and strong positive cor-
relation between the number of OCI properties and
the MCC values for ensembles models as shown in
Table 4. We found LGBM and XGB with all ten prop-
erties (e.g., F1 to F10) and DT with ve properties
(e.g., F1 to F5) provide the optimal MCC score for
the respective models.
Moreover, we observed that LGBM with all ten
OCI properties (e.g., F1 to F10) achieves the best per-
formance with respect to the all evaluation metrics
among the studied ML models. We verified our ob-
servation using the Mann-Whitney U-test (Mann and
Whitney, 1947), where the z-score is 2.68355 and p-
value is .00368, which is significant at p < .05 with
respect to DT and the z-score is 1.92762 and p-value
is .0268, which is significant at p < .05 with respect
to XGB. The MCC score of LGBM is 0.856 which
is shown in Table 3, and accuracy is 0.932, preci-
sion is 0.915, recall is 0.853, and F1-score is 0.882,
which are shown in Figure 4. LGBM performs bet-
ter than the other models since it produces the trees
in leaf-wise split which enables better learning of the
Table 5: MCC of different ML models for cross container
type security assessment.
AL 0.492 0.492 0.336 0.659 0.579 0.524
BI 0.479 0.482 0.463 0.690 0.584 0.545
DB 0.320 0.332 0.286 0.358 0.348 0.358
LR 0.394 0.290 0.621 0.786 0.609 0.610
MS 0.953 0.904 0.594 0.953 0.859 0.772
OS 0.304 0.271 0.304 0.453 0.310 0.414
input features (Ganaie et al., 2021). In summary, all
of the OCI properties with ensemble models, in par-
ticular, LGBM, are effective to assess the security of
container images.
5.2 RQ2
Table 5 demonstrates the MCC score of the six ML
models while learning from the source container types
and predicting the security assessment of containers
of another container type by leveraging OCI proper-
ties. It is observed from the Table 5 that ensemble
models perform better than the single models in the
evaluation metrics except Messaging Services (MS)
and Databases (DB) container types. LR performs
similar to LGBM while assessing the security for
Messaging Services (MS) container types. The reason
can be explained with the fact of very small number
of testing set, as we had only 32 testing data.
Besides, we identified low MCC score (e.g., below
0.4) in the container types where the training dataset
is much smaller, indicating difficulties for the mod-
els to learn OCI patterns for cross container security
assessment. For example, in Database (DB) cate-
gory, we identified the maximum MCC score 0.358
for LGBM and XGB, as there were only 585 train-
ing data. On the other hand, we identified LGBM
performs better than the other ML models while as-
sessing the cross container type security as shown in
Table 5. In summary, ensemble models, in particular,
LGBM, are effective to leverage the OCI properties to
assess the security of cross container image types.
Implications for Practitioners. Our empirical re-
sults will benefit the developers and system adminis-
trators while securing the configuration of container
images in non-intrusive manner. Developers can
adopt the best performing ML models, for example,
LGBM, to generate the secure candidate pool of con-
tainer images from hundred thousands of container
images without accessing its internal contents. In ad-
dition, our empirical result shows that the ML mod-
els do not require any kind workload to assess the
A Study on Early Non-Intrusive Security Assessment for Container Images
security of container images. Earlier research stud-
ies have discussed the lack of container workload in
containerized context, which is negatively impacting
system administrators in deploying the container im-
ages in servers (Kim et al., 2021; Cavalcanti et al.,
2021; Cui and Umphress, 2020). In this regard, our
research provides a novel and effective solution to
assess the security without using any kind of work-
loads. Besides, leveraging OCI properties to develop
and utilize the learning-based model to assess the con-
tainer images security can significantly reduce the
manual intervention steps (e.g., building, preparing,
and executing the container). In addition, our empiri-
cal result shows prominent predictive performance for
cross container type security assessment by using OCI
properties, which can encourage developers and sys-
tem administrators to build or develop their own ML
models even though there is no training data for a par-
ticular container type.
Implications for Researchers. Our empirical results
shows a novel approach to assess the container image
security using OCI properties and ML models. Re-
searchers can further investigate how the Deep Learn-
ing (DL) models, such as, Convolutional Neural Net-
work (CNN), perform to assess the container image
security using OCI properties, where our empirical
results for ML models can be used a baseline. In ad-
dition, we demonstrated that lower number of train-
ing samples can result in poor performance for ML
models while assessing the security of cross container
types. Future research can investigate text data aug-
mentation (Sworna et al., 2022) to increase the train-
ing data samples and its performance for security as-
sessment. Besides, our novel approach will benefit
researchers to further investigate how OCI properties
can be represented to the ML models for severity as-
sessment of the security vulnerabilities of the con-
tainer images.
Practitioners’ preference of developing and deploy-
ing virtualized software has observed an exponential
growth due to the encapsulation of application, code,
data and dependencies in the form of container im-
ages. This encapsulation helps to reuse and share the
software component and thus enabling practitioners
to overcome one of the key challenge, timely deliv-
ery of the software. Intrusive way of operating the
security tools in the early security assessment of con-
tainer images bring crucial challenges in terms of its
usage in highly sensitive containers. In addition, the
sequential steps and manual intervention required for
operating the security tools obstruct the rapid con-
tainer image development and delivery. Our empir-
ical evidence demonstrates a novel approach for non-
intrusive security assessment of the container images
by leveraging the OCI properties and ML models.
We showed that the ensemble ML model, for exam-
ple, LGBM, achieves the best predictive performance
than the other ML models for non-intrusive security
assessment when trained with all the OCI properties.
In our future work, we will investigate the effective-
ness and importance of OCI properties in the deep
learning-based models for non-intrusive security as-
The work has been supported by the Cyber Security
Research Centre Limited whose activities are partially
funded by the Australian Government’s Cooperative
Research Centres Programme.
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A Study on Early Non-Intrusive Security Assessment for Container Images