SysIoTML: A Technique for Modeling Applications in the Context of IoT
Rodrigo Nascimento
1 a
, Vinicius Santos
1 b
, Bruno Carvalho
1 c
, Jone Correia
1 d
, Luis Rivero
1 e
Rodrigo Santos
2 f
, Francisco Silva
1 g
, Ariel Teles
3 h
and Davi Viana
1 i
Federal University of Maranhao - UFMA, Avenida dos Portugueses, 1966, Sao Luis, MA, Brazil
Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranh
ao, IFMA, Araioses, MA, Brazil
IoT Systems, Modeling Technique, SysML.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that connects smart objects equipped with sensors, networks, and
processing technologies that work together to provide an environment in which smart services are brought
to users. Systems modeling should be conducted to create IoT Systems and ensure the implementation of
a good system. IoT increases the complexity of systems modeling due to novel concepts that need to be
addressed. However, there are no established techniques for systems modeling for this specific context. This
paper presents the development of a new technique for IoT systems modeling, the SysIoTML, an extension of
SysML. Such techniques consider specific aspects of IoT Systems (behavior and interactivity). We proposed
the SysIoTML and conducted a concept-proof to analyze the technical feasibility. The developed technique
proved useful, and the participants were able to model the proposed problem. The main contribution is to
advance IS modeling through a new technique.
The Internet of Things is a concept that aims at the
digital interconnection of everyday objects to the in-
ternet. It is a paradigm that allows composing systems
from uniquely addressable objects (things) equipped
with the identification, sensation, or actuation of be-
haviors and processing capacities that can commu-
nicate and cooperate to reach a goal (Motta et al.,
2018). From primary devices with simple systems so-
lutions to large-scale, high-performance systems that
produce and analyze vast amounts of data, IoT will
reach all areas of interest (Jacobson et al., 2017), ar-
eas that directly involve humans. IoT allows physi-
cal objects (sensors, vehicles, buildings, and others)
to collect and transmit data, incorporating sensors,
software, and other technologies, to connect and ex-
change data with other devices and systems on the In-
Smart devices and services are carried out through
the various applications that run in the IoT envi-
ronment (Miao and Liu, 2016). Various capabil-
ities such as producing/consuming data and online
services improve daily life and activities around the
world through the context of IoT (Talavera et al.,
IoT scenarios apply to using IoT devices in their
daily activities. In addition, IoT applications have
some benefits for users to choose the best opportu-
nity in any case, decision-making, management, and
monitoring (Ghobaei-Arani et al., 2018).
In recent years, IoT has been widely present ev-
erywhere in most aspects of human life, such as cities,
homes, universities, industry, organizations, agricul-
tural environments, hospitals, and health centers (Mu-
ralidharan et al., 2018). Despite the motivations of the
different application domains, they all have a com-
mon and shared goal: to provide smart services to in-
crease the quality of human life (Bello and Zeadally,
Nascimento, R., Santos, V., Carvalho, B., Correia, J., Rivero, L., Santos, R., Silva, F., Teles, A. and Viana, D.
SysIoTML: A Technique for Modeling Applications in the Context of IoT.
DOI: 10.5220/0011988500003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 187-194
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Information Systems, including IoT Systems, ben-
efit from the use of modeling, which helps developers
better visualize the system’s planning and design, in
addition to allowing the development to be more ade-
quate. It should be noted that complex computer sys-
tems require a high level of quality, and the search for
such systems has motivated the development of mod-
eling methods (Lima et al., 2021).
Literature and industry present modeling lan-
guages that aim to create graphical representations of
systems, such as UML (Unified Modeling Language)
and SysML (Systems Modeling Language). Systems
modeling is the process of developing abstract mod-
els of a system’s components, providing everywhere
in most aspects of human life system does (Jacobson
et al., 2017). In IoT systems, several additional as-
pects need to be modeled. These are aspects inherent
to this type of system, such as specific behavior and
interaction (Motta et al., 2018).
The behavior of an IoT system can help in
decision-making and actions because what makes
a smart system are the devices used, the decision-
making process, and the entire solution architecture
(Atabekov et al., 2015). Furthermore, many IoT de-
vices and systems perform functions based on human
behavior. Therefore, social relationships (for exam-
ple, friendship and conflict) of people are very criti-
cal, which must be considered in IoT with device-to-
device communications (Chen et al., 2018)
Interaction can help to understand the dynamics
of a system, its structural organization, and the inter-
action between objects, especially with the increasing
complexity and number of devices. New architectural
styles are required to address your needs for scalabil-
ity, fault isolation, and flexibility (Herrera-Quintero
et al., 2018).
This work aims to define a technique for model-
ing IoT systems, considering the aspects of behavior
and interaction. Additionally, we conducted a proof
of concept (PoC) with nine participants to verify tech-
nique feasibility. The defined technique has four di-
agrams, extensions of diagrams presented in SysML:
Use Case Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Block Defi-
nition Diagram, and State Machine Diagram. The re-
sults of the study show that the technique is favorable
for modeling IoT systems, in addition to being use-
ful and easy to understand, all participants were able
to perform the modeling of the experiment, but some
difficulties were pointed out in the block definition di-
agram by some participants.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the background; Section 3 presents the tech-
nique; Section 4 presents the Proof of concept; and
Section 5 presents the conclusion and future work.
IoT is a recent communication paradigm that en-
visions a near future, in which objects of every-
day life will be equipped with microcontrollers,
transceivers for digital communication, and proper
protocol stacks. That will make them capable of com-
municating with each other and with users, becoming
an integral part of the Internet (Atzori et al., 2010).
The IoT vision can become the foundation to realize a
unified urban-scale Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) platform, so unlocking the poten-
tial of the vision of concepts such as Smart Cities
noz et al., 2011), thus being able to
be a concept that enables and provides the main sup-
port for Smart Cities. In this section, we present the
aspects of IoT modeled in our technique, behavior, in-
teraction, and other concepts related to the research.
2.1 Behavior and Interaction
In (Motta et al., 2018), the IoT Facets are presented,
which represent the vision of the different facets that
characterize the IoT multidisciplinary. Facets rep-
resent different disciplines and knowledge areas in-
volved in IoT. The authors present the challenges in-
volving software engineering and the IoT. An analysis
of the IoT definitions identified through a literature
review, a report by a state-owned company, and the
concerns of professionals were carried out, thus defin-
ing the necessary facets for the materialization of IoT.
As a result, the problem domain and seven different
facets were obtained: connectivity, things, behavior,
smartness, data, interactivity, and environment.
Behavior comprises the realization of reactions, so
it may be necessary to use software solutions, seman-
tic technologies, data analysis, and other areas to im-
prove the behavior of things. In this sense, all manip-
ulation, analysis, and data processing were encapsu-
lated in this facet, dealing with the implemented be-
havior and the generated results. The idea of the be-
havior of the system results from its constituent parts.
Behavior is generated by the interaction and collab-
oration of two or more devices, and the combination
of more straightforward behaviors can generate more
complex behavior.
Interactivity takes place in the interaction to ex-
change information between actors and things, and
the degree to which this happens. Actors involved
with IoT applications are not limited to humans, we
also have animal and thing-to-thing interactions.
In the technique presented in this paper, we choose
only two of these facets, because modeling the behav-
ior of software can help to a better understanding of
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the system and the factors that influence their behav-
ior. Interaction modeling can help to understand the
dynamics of a system, its structural organization, and
the interaction between objects. We believe that, for
an initial version of the technique, these two facets are
interesting, as they work with the basis of any system,
which is how it should behave and interact with the
To support the development of applications in the
context of IoT, (Motta, 2021) presents an instrument
called IoT Roadmap. In IoT Roadmap, evidence is
collected for each of the facets, aiming to address
some existing challenges of IoT.
In the SysIoTML technique, we used the specific
recommendation items for each facet, provided by the
IoT Roadmap. These items were used as resources for
each facet, and these resources were used to adapt the
modeling diagrams. Table 1 presents the characteris-
tics pointed out in the IoT Roadmap for the Behavior
Facet, where three properties are defined: IoT object,
sensor, and actuator with their respective characteris-
tics. The same table also presents the characteristics
pointed out in the IoT Roadmap for the Interactivity
2.2 UML
The UML is a language for specifying, visualizing,
building, and documenting the artifacts involved in
software systems, modeling business, and other non-
software systems. The UML represents a collection
of engineering best practices that have proven effec-
tive in modeling large and complex systems (Booch
et al., 1999).
A UML profile defines the mechanisms used to
adapt the UML metamodel to new platforms or a spe-
cific domain. The responsibility of the metamodel is
to define a language that will be used to elaborate a
model. Thus, the stereotypes of a UML profile will
be instantiated from a certain element of the UML
metamodel. The UML metamodel is composed of
the concepts of classes, attributes, associations, and
so on. It is primarily a set of stereotypes, constraints,
and sometimes classes and other elements that adapt
the UML metamodel to a specific domain or purpose;
profiles are external to a model and extend the UML
without changing the base metamodel.
2.3 SysML
IoT systems need modeling to be developed with
quality. Decision-making must seek an option that
presents the best performance, the best evaluation, or
the best agreement between the expectations of the
decision-maker, considering the relationship between
the elements.
In SysML, requirements, and block definition di-
agrams are often used to describe the hierarchy of a
system, such as a tree of parts (e.g. equipment tree).
The requirements diagram presents a simple hierar-
chy of text-based requirements, and the block defini-
tion diagram is used to define a system or component
at any level of the system hierarchy (OMG, 2019).
SysML is a general-purpose architectural model-
ing language for Systems Engineering applications.
It enables the specification, analysis, design, verifi-
cation, and validation of a wide range of systems.
These systems may include hardware, software, in-
formation, processes, personnel, and facilities (OMG,
2019). The Sequence, State Machine, Use-Case, and
Package diagrams have not changed from the UML.
The block definition, activity, and inner block dia-
grams have been modified from the UML and the re-
quirements and parametric diagrams are new (OMG,
3 SysIoTML
In recent years, IoT has been widely used in most as-
pects of human life everywhere, like homes, cities,
farms, hospitals, factories, universities, etc. There-
fore, systems aimed at human well-being need to be
modeled properly, especially with their behavior and
interaction, so that these systems in the development
phase are done appropriately, this triggered the need
for modeling with a simple notation but complete in
the context of IoT.
The IoT Roadmap provides specific recommen-
dation items for each facet. We convert these items
into characteristics for the behavior and interactivity
facets. Finally, we used these features to adapt exist-
ing modeling diagrams that covered IoT aspects.
For adaptation, we used the concept of stereotypes
(OMG, 2019). A stereotype is an extensibility mech-
anism that allows you to adapt or customize models
with specific constructs for a particular domain, plat-
form, or development method.
We created a modeling technique for systems in
the IoT context, where four diagrams were developed,
extensions of the diagrams found in SysML: Use Case
Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Block Definition Dia-
gram, and State Machine Diagram.
3.1 Use Case Diagram
The Use Case Diagram presents a simple and easy-
to-understand language so that users can have a gen-
SysIoTML: A Technique for Modeling Applications in the Context of IoT
Table 1: Behavior and Interactivity Facet Characteristics (Motta, 2021).
Facet Define Characteristics
IoT Object The IoT object metadata
Identify identification technology
Describe the event
Describe identification type
Sensor Set sensor related data
Describe an abnormal condition
Indicate the limit and the desired values
Set sensor device
Establish rules for the sensor
Actuator Describe manual or automatic mode
Locate the action
Identity who triggers the action
Enter the circumstances to trigger the action - input
Establish the consequences of an action - output
Identify who acts
Define users, roles, and responsibilities
Define data for users and roles
Define human-thing or thing-thing interaction
Set interaction method (gesture, touch, etc.)
Identity interaction IoT object
Identify the sequence of interaction and expected result
eral idea of how the system will behave. It identifies
the actors (users, other software that interacts with the
system, or even some special hardware), who will use
the software in some way, as well as the services, that
is, the options that the system will make available to
the actors, known in this diagram as Use Cases.
In SysIoTML, the actors will be represented
through the <<stereotype>> Stakeholder, and their
relationship with an object will be through a use
case, which will communicate with an object through
the <<interaction>>. The objects will be repre-
sented through the <<stereotype>> IoT object, with
two <<extend>>, <<extend>> Sensor and the
<<stereotype>> Actuator. You can have more than
one <<stereotype>> IoT Object, with more than one
<<stereotype>> Sensor or <<stereotype>> Actu-
ator. Figure 1 shows this diagram.
Some important rules for this diagram: the
<<stereotype>> Sensor and the <<stereotype>>
Actuator cannot have use cases directly linked
to them. The <<stereotype>> Stakeholder and
<<stereotype>> IoT objects can have use cases di-
rectly linked to them.
3.2 Sequence Diagram
The Sequence Diagram is concerned with the tempo-
ral order in which messages are exchanged between
the objects involved in a given process. A Sequence
Diagram usually identifies the generating event of the
modeled process, as well as the actor responsible for
this event, and determines how the process should un-
fold and be completed by sending messages, which in
general trigger methods between objects.
In SysIoTML, the actors will be represented
through the <<stereotype>> Stakeholder. Through
an initial interaction between the <<stereotype>>
Stakeholder and the object <<stereotype>> object,
from there the process, can unfold together with
the other three objects: <<stereotype>> Sensor,
<<stereotype>> Controller and <<stereotype>>
Actuator. Figure 2 presents this diagram.
It is not allowed to create lifelines other than those
already established, you can create more than one of
those already established.
3.3 Block Definition Diagram
The Block Definition Diagram defines the features of
a block and any relationships between blocks, such
as associations, generalizations, and dependencies, in
terms of characteristics, operations, and relationships.
It is used to define the characteristics of each Block in
terms of its structural and behavioral characteristics.
In SysIoTML, a block will have three
<<stereotype>>: <<stereotype>> object,
<<stereotype>> Sensor, and <<stereotype>>
Actuator, each with predefined values and properties
that must be filled in. Figure 3 presents this diagram.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Use Case Diagram.
Figure 2: Sequence Diagram.
Figure 3: Block Definition Diagram.
3.4 State Machine Diagram
This diagram tries to follow the changes suffered in
the states of an instance. It is a type of behav-
ioral diagram that shows transitions between various
objects, describing actions, conditions, and conse-
quences. This diagram is interesting for modeling
behavior as it can show all possible states of an IoT
Object, sensor and actuator.
In SysIoTML, the classes <<stereotype>> Sen-
sor and <<stereotype>> Actuator will represent
changes in states suffered due to an Interaction. The
<<stereotype>> IoT Objects enables/disables the
<<stereotype>> Sensor and <<stereotype>> Ac-
The Proof of Concept (PoC) aims to analyze the fea-
sibility of the first version of our technique. To carry
out this study, we used an IoT system scenario related
to traffic in an urban center.
Traffic signs are the most basic instrument for col-
lecting road traffic data in a city, that is, they allow the
management of vehicle and pedestrian traffic flow, as
well as the starting point for data acquisition. For ex-
ample, vehicle and pedestrian count, traffic speed, and
congestion. Traffic light control is an important and
challenging problem in the real world as traffic signals
can provide potential solutions to ensure improved
and efficient transport and consumption, energy con-
sumption, environmental protection, increased pro-
ductivity, and citizen satisfaction (An et al., 2017)
(Wei et al., 2019) (Guo et al., 2019).
The work by (Souza et al., 2020) presents the re-
quirements for an experiment with traffic signs, of
which we filter seven to be used in our feasibility
study, as they are related to the behavior and inter-
action of the system. The selection of these require-
ments was validated by a researcher in software engi-
neering. The requirements are:
1. The system must control the traffic pattern of ve-
hicles at the intersection;
2. The system must control the pedestrian traffic pat-
tern at the intersection;
3. The system must store the flow of vehicles on the
4. The system must store the pedestrian flow on the
SysIoTML: A Technique for Modeling Applications in the Context of IoT
5. The system must track the traffic pattern related to
each road;
6. The system must allow synchronization of traffic
7. The system must allow the detection of the pres-
ence of pedestrians
4.1 Conduction
We performed the PoC with nine participants: two
have a baccalaureate level and seven have a mas-
ter level, all of whom have modeling knowledge and
some academic or professional knowledge of IoT. The
Table 2 presents the profile of the study participants,
their academic degree, and their knowledge in mod-
eling and IoT, where, Academic represents only aca-
demic knowledge, Academic/project represents aca-
demic knowledge and a project, Project/professional
represents more than one project or up to six months
of professional work and Professional represents
more than one year of professional work.
To carry out the study, we used the context of
smart traffic signs. Each participant received: (1)
a description of the problem to be modeled; (2)
guides for using each SysIoTML diagram; and (3)
participant characterization and SysIoTML assess-
ment questionnaires. These guides introduce the idea
of SysIoTML and explain in detail the use and re-
strictions of each diagram. Guides are available at:
lNdZ5n5A ksVLW9c4N1qY1?usp=share link.
Regarding the technique evaluation questionnaire,
participants answered questions about the ease and
usefulness of the technique. Additionally, we asked
them to evaluate each diagram separately and express
opinions about the diagrams. The questionnaire is
available at:
4.2 Results and Discussion
Each participant needed about thirty minutes to model
each SysIoTML diagram. Regarding the ease of un-
derstanding the diagrams, participants indicated pos-
itive results. Participant 1 reported that “The com-
ponents of the diagrams are easily understood, fa-
cilitating their use.. Additionally, participant three
pointed out that “The diagrams are easy to under-
stand, the guide presents clear and objective infor-
mation on how it works”. Similarly, we had positive
results for the ease of use of the diagrams, according
to participant 1 “It was possible to use the proposed
solution to model the test application”.
About the models created from the modeling tech-
nique, the answers of the participants show that the
additional elements are adequate for the modeling of
applications in this domain. Participant 2 described
that: “[the technique] allows describing the sensors
that make up an IoT scenario and the interaction with
them”. Additionally, participant 8 indicated that “it
was interesting to model using the three domains:
Stakeholder, Object, and Sensor, this helped to orga-
nize each area and its responsibility”.
By specifically analyzing each diagram, we can
conclude that the diagrams are useful for identifying
the elements of smart objects. According to partici-
pant 1, “Extended diagrams are useful. The addition
of elements such as smart objects, sensors, and actu-
ators in UML diagrams seems to be interesting and
On the other hand, participant 5 pointed out the
difficulty in “understanding how objects/ sensors/ ac-
tuators are correlated in a block” and also stressed
the need for “means of giving clearer internal rela-
tionships between actuators/sensors/objects”. Two
participants (5 and 8) suggested that our technique
would be better used and easier to “draw” the dia-
grams if there was some modeling tool with the for-
mats of our pre-built diagrams.
Another point highlighted during the analysis of
responses was the applicability of other scenarios of
IoT systems. Participant 6 reported that our technique
was useful for modeling the proposed scenario, but
that it would be interesting to test it in other scenarios,
because according to a participant “I don’t know if, in
other more complex cases that may have to represent
other aspects, there may be some additional need”.
The researchers involved in defining the technique
also analyzed the resulting diagrams for each partici-
pant. We identified that the participants were able to
model the problem and the requested elements, such
as identification sensors. To facilitate the analysis, we
made an “oracle”, to know what was expected from
the resulting diagram.
The “oracle” we did in two steps:
1. In the first, two participants from our group did
the experiment with traffic signs separately.
2. In the second, meetings were held with the entire
group of researchers to expose the models made
and a debate on each point presented.
Our idea was to reach a consensus on what was
expected as a result of the modeling done by the par-
ticipants, in addition to having a way for us to eval-
uate the resulting diagrams. With the “oracle”, we
analyzed each diagram. As a result, we found that the
modeling carried out came close to what was ideal-
ized. However, we also noticed that two participants
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Characterization of participants.
ID Academic Degree Modeling Experience IoT Knowledge
1 Master’s Academic/project Academic/project
2 Graduate Project/professional Academic/project
3 Graduated Academic Academic/project
4 Master Academic/project Academic
5 Master’s Professional Professional
6 Master’s Professional Academic
7 Master Academic/project Project/professional
8 Master’s Professional Academic
9 Master’s Professional Academic/project
had difficulties: (1) when creating the Block Defi-
nition Diagram, two participants did not provide de-
tails of the characteristics. In our guide, we oriented
to present/describe the details of each character; (2)
Regarding the use case diagram, participant 5 repre-
sented a link between the use case and actuator. In
SysIoTML such a link is not allowed because the use
case interacts only with IoT Object. Figure 4 present
the wrong link created by participant 5.
Figure 4: Participant 5 Use case.
After analyzing the resulting diagrams and the
participants’ responses, we conclude that the tech-
nique is appropriate for IoT Systems modeling, but
improvements are needed on how to formulate the
block definition diagram and rules of the diagram’s
The IoT is increasingly entering the daily lives of
the population through smart devices and systems.
Modeling IoT applications is important to ensure the
proper development of systems that will operate in the
most diverse domains.
In this paper, we present the SysIoTML to model
applications in the IoT scenario. The focus of the
technique is the behavior and interaction modeling
of an IoT system. To evaluate the technique, we
conducted a PoC involving smart traffic signs with a
group of participants. Each participant modeled the
scenario/system separately. With the experiments car-
ried out, we noticed that the technique was useful and
was well accepted by the participants.
An evaluative questionnaire about the technique
was delivered to each participant. The result of the
questionnaire answered by the participants showed
that the technique was well accepted by them and was
easy to use, despite the indication of some partici-
pants for improvements. With the “oracle” we made,
we noticed that the diagrams made by the participants
came close to what was expected. We also noticed
that some participants had difficulties in some points,
which were pointed out as improvements in the ques-
tionnaire, such as, for example, one of the partic-
ipants, when assembling the Block Definition Dia-
gram, did not fill in the properties indicated by him
with information.
The limitation of our technique is the inclusion
only of the IoT Facets of Behavior and Interactivity.
This is a limitation because it does not encompass ev-
erything an IoT system should have. Another limita-
tion is the use of the technique in only one example.
For better validation, the technique must be tested in
other contexts.
In future work, first, we have the improvement in
the relationship between the object, sensor, and actu-
ator in the block definition diagram since this was a
point addressed by some participants. In addition, we
need to carry out experiments in other smart scenar-
ios, to better verify the performance of the technique
and the development of a tool that helps our tech-
nique. And finally, the expansion of the technique to
encompass all seven IoT Facets and the Domain Prob-
lem, so that the technique encompasses all aspects of
SysIoTML: A Technique for Modeling Applications in the Context of IoT
This research is part of the INCT of the Future
Internet for Smart Cities funded by CNPq proc.
465446/2014-0, Coordenac¸
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento
de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior Brasil (CAPES)
Finance Code 001, FAPESP proc. 14/50937-1,
and FAPESP proc. 15/24485-9. This work was
supported by the CAPES - PROCAD - Amazo-
nia (88887.200532/2018-00); National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development CNPq
(308059/2022-0); and the State of Maranh
ao Re-
search Funding Agency - FAPEMA (UNIVERSAL-
00745/19, BEPP-01608/21, BEPP-01768/21).
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems