a solution that is actually usable and useful in their
daily life.
It is important to highlight that the modular ar-
chitecture of the proposed system has the advantage
of allowing changes to a given component without
affecting the other. Therefore, if improvements are
identified during validation with end users, this allows
us to quickly change one or more components before
the next iteration. For instance, if a different pool of
gestures is suggested, we can quickly react with train-
ing new gestures and refining the gesture modality. It
is also worth highlighting that the concept presented
here is applicable to other contexts where gestures
also make sense (e.g., sitting in a sofa), showcasing
a strong potential for evolution to be explored in the
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design and refinement. This work was supported
by EU and national funds through the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT),
in the context of the project AAL APH
(AAL/0006/2019) and funding to the research unit
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ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health