Gesture-Based Communication for People with Aphasia While in Bed
abio Nunes
, Ana Patr
ıcia Rocha
, Ana Rita S. Valente
, Samuel Silva
and Ant
onio Teixeira
Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro (IEETA), Department of Electronics, Telecommunications
and Informatics, Intelligent Systems Associate Laboratory (LASI), University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Remote Communication, Aphasia, Accessibility, Gestures, in-Bed Scenario, Smart Environments.
Communication is an essential part of life and, when affected, as it happens to persons with Aphasia (PWAs),
it severely impacts their quality of life. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) approaches aim
to aid people with their communication disabilities. However, not all parts of the day are easily covered by
these solutions, e.g., when lying in bed without immediate access to them or in a state of distress that precludes
reaching for one. To address this challenge, working with PWAs is key, but the communication issues affecting
them might work as a barrier to obtain their contribution during the conceptual stage. To gather contributions
that can work as a common ground to obtain PWAs’ feedback we have been collaborating with Speech and
Language Therapists (SLTs) to propose a system that allows two-way remote communication between a PWA
lying in bed, alone, and other people (e.g., caregiver). Here, we describe this first stage with the SLTs leading
to the conceptualization of a solution consisting of communication mediated by an assistant based on simple
Yes/No questions presented audiovisually to the PWA and answered through gestures. Overall, the SLTs
emphasized its adequateness and its strong potential to increase PWAs’ independence.
Aphasia is an acquired communication impairment,
which can affect different language skills, such as ver-
bal expression and comprehension, as well as writing
and reading (Sheppard and Sebastian, 2021), having
been identified in around one-third of people after suf-
fering some type of strokes (Flowers et al., 2016).
Since verbal communication plays a pivotal role in
everyone’s daily life, allowing for information, feel-
ings, and needs to be expressed, the inability to do so
negatively affects our relationships and mental health
due to loneliness and frustration (Holland, 2021;
Sheppard and Sebastian, 2021). In this context, aug-
mentative and alternative communication (AAC) so-
lutions can provide support to individuals with com-
munication difficulties, with technology boosting a
wide range of proposals (Elsahar et al., 2019). Exam-
ples include several touchscreen applications based
on pictograms and solutions integrating mechanical
or imaging methods (Elsahar et al., 2019).
The ongoing AAL APH-ALARM project
at providing solutions that contribute to an increased
sense of safety and independence for persons with
Aphasia (PWAs), in different scenarios and parts of
the day. In this regard, our detailed context analy-
sis identified communication difficulties as one of the
most important aspects to address. It also highlighted
that existing AAC solutions are often not specifically
tailored for PWAs (e.g., by being too general in con-
tent) or fail to be adequate for important scenarios,
such as when the person is in bed, a scenario where
communication is important (whether to ask for help
when feeling unwell or for a glass of water). For ex-
ample, existing solutions typically depend on a touch-
based device, which may not be immediately reach-
able or suitable for the user’s fine motor capabilities
and potential level of distress; or rely on technology
that is more cumbersome to use (e.g., brain-machine
interfaces BCI) or that can raise privacy concerns
for the users (e.g., RGB cameras).
Furthermore, among the contributions on assistive
technology, solutions to support a person lying in bed
have not yet been explored, besides some work focus-
Nunes, F., Rocha, A., Valente, A., Silva, S. and Teixeira, A.
Gesture-Based Communication for People with Aphasia While in Bed.
DOI: 10.5220/0011989200003476
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2023), pages 237-244
ISBN: 978-989-758-645-3; ISSN: 2184-4984
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ing mainly on gesture recognition (Guimar
aes et al.,
2021; Guimar
aes, 2021; Santana et al., 2022; San-
tana, 2021). Supporting the bed scenario is impor-
tant even for PWAs without any major motor limita-
tion, since many are afraid to get up, during the night,
in a potentially disoriented state, with fear of falling.
In this regard, we aim to go beyond a simple “emer-
gency” button towards a richer, albeit simple, com-
munication of the PWAs’ needs and concerns.
To accomplish our goals, we adopt an iterative
user-centred design and development methodology to
ground our proposals on the needs and contexts that
might better serve PWAs. In this regard, one of the
major challenges to deal with is the wide spectra of
communication issues that can affect PWAs, as this
works as a barrier towards open discussion and in ob-
taining feedback in the design stage.
When looking into how to tackle this aspect, we
considered that the collection of contributions from
PWAs would profit from an approach that was not
merely conceptual, at first, but grounded on tangible
proposals that could work as a common ground (An-
dersen and Mosleh, 2021). Additionally, these arti-
facts supporting the discussion should be chosen care-
fully, since they should incorporate, as best as possi-
ble, the PWAs potential needs and abilities.
To this end, we started working closely with
Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) with expe-
rience in working with PWAs, as proxies to better un-
derstand PWAs’ abilities, needs and motivations, and
iteratively refine a proposal that would then support
the discussion with PWAs.
In this work, we describe how we applied this ap-
proach to target the in-bed scenario, as the first step
of an ambitious vision of providing support in every
division of the home, while starting from a place of
primacy. We aim at developing a minimally intrusive
system that supports the communication of a PWA,
while in bed, with someone who is not present.
Considering these aims, and regarding how the
PWA would interact with the proposed solution, ges-
tures seemed a potentially viable alternative, having
the advantage of not requiring the user to reach for
a smartphone or buttons/switches next to the bed, or
physically interact with a device while lying down
and possibly in distress.
All things considered, and guided by the syner-
gies with SLTs, this proposal is characterized by: (1)
adopting arm gestures as input for the PWA interac-
tion; (2) assisting the creation of messages to be sent
by the PWA through a sequence of simple questions;
and (3) providing multimodal feedback to the PWA.
To develop the envisioned system, a User Centered
Design (UCD) methodology was adopted. We began
by defining relevant personas and scenarios for sys-
tem usage, allowing us to deepen our understanding
of the target users, including their main motivations
and needs, and consequently propose a concept for
the system. This concept was then iteratively evolved,
by being judged appropriate, refined and validated in
discussions with external SLTs. The outcome of these
steps also consolidated the extraction of requirements
of the system.
Regarding the usage scenarios, we focused on
those where the PWA is lying in bed since this is
an important scenario in their daily life, due to the
fact that they usually acquire Aphasia as a result
of a stroke and tend to belong to an older demo-
graphic (Ellis et al., 2010). The possibility of having
another stroke and not being able to ask for help is
consequently a fear of PWAs. Initial feedback from
SLTs collaborating in this work showed that PWAs
are also often afraid of getting up at night due to
the fear of falling. For these reasons, PWAs are of-
ten afraid of living alone or being left alone, which
greatly reduces their independence.
Another important aspect of our proposal is the
use of gestures by the PWA as input to support com-
munication. We consider this to be a more appro-
priate option for the considered scenario (i.e., PWA
lying in bed), when compared with other methods
used in AAC solutions. For example, gestures can
be performed without the need of moving around in
bed to reach for a device and does not require phys-
ical interaction with a device (e.g., a smartphone or
tablet with touchscreen, buttons/switches). Further-
more, arm gestures can be used even by users lacking
fine motor skills. Nonetheless, the suitability of ges-
ture input was also one of the main aspects discussed
in the validation with STLs.
2.1 Persona and Scenario
Regarding the target users, our work is grounded on
previous contributions by Azevedo (Azevedo, 2022)
proposing a set of Personas for different profiles of
PWAs and their families. From those, we selected and
adapted the ones that we deemed appropriate to rep-
resent the target users of the solution proposed in the
present contribution: one PWA having their speech
affected, but without severe comprehension difficul-
ties, and having a motor impairment on one side of the
body; and the Persona’s mother, as the potential des-
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
tination of the messages sent by the PWA. The adap-
tation mainly targeted the Personas’ motivations, to
align them with the bed scenario, resorting to the liter-
ature and feedback from different professionals with
experience working with PWAs.
In what follows, we present a summary of the
adopted Persona with Aphasia and an illustrative sce-
nario resulting from this process.
2.1.1 Persona – Judite
Judite is a primary school teacher, aged 38, who had a
stroke leading to Broca’s Aphasia (non-fluent, but re-
tains comprehension) and paralysis on the right side
of the body. She has a 11-year old daughter, In
and together they live with Judite’s parents. Judite’s
biggest challenges are related with the communica-
tion with her family and being more independent.
Her main motivation is to make the situation as un-
demanding as possible and ease the burden she feels
she puts on her family.
2.1.2 Scenario – Judite Is Feeling Dizzy
Judite is resting in bed in the afternoon when she feels
dizzy when trying to get up. Her parents went to
the supermarket for groceries and her daughter is at
school. Therefore, she activates the communication
support system using the corresponding pre-defined
gesture. The system asks if she needs immediate as-
sistance, to which Judite answers with the gesture de-
fined for “Yes”. Given the answer, the system sends a
message to her mother saying that Judite needs imme-
diate help. After receiving this message on her smart-
phone, her mother confirms she has been notified and
is on her way.
The system informs Judite that help is coming and
then asks her a few more questions to better under-
stand the context. Judite is asked if she is in pain, and
she answers the question using the gesture associated
with the meaning “No”. She is also asked if she fell,
to which Judite replies again “No”. The following
question is if she is feeling unwell, being answered
using the gesture defined for “Yes”. Meanwhile, all
these answers are being given as context to her mother
through her smartphone application, which helps her
to better understand the situation.
2.2 Concept Refinement with Experts
To help refine our initial concept and validate the
overall approach, we wanted to bring into the discus-
sion feedback and ideas from SLTs internal and ex-
ternal to our research team. While it may be argued
that PWAs might have been involved from the start,
this possibility was dismissed due to the complexity
of the condition, which may hinder the explanation of
our proposal and attainment of feedback, particularly
without a more tangible example. Moreover, the pre-
sentation of a prototype with potential “basic” flaws
regarding, for instance, how to approach the reading
and comprehension aspects, may lead to an increased
sense of frustration for the PWAs, who may admit it
is their fault and not an issue with the system. There-
fore, we wanted to have the best possible proposal
based on the SLTs’ feedback, as proxy, aiming for a
later and more profitable contact with PWAs.
It is important to highlight that the main focus of
our work is assisting communication and we were in-
terested in obtaining feedback with that perspective.
For this reason, SLTs are the ideal source of feedback,
since their focus is on communication and can offer
a greater insight on the best approach and most ap-
propriate strategies for supporting communication in
PWAs’ daily life.
The assessment by STLs was based on the presen-
tation of our initial ideas in the form of a Persona and
a scenario, as well as low fidelity sketches of an as-
sistant for mediating the communication between the
users of the system, which were already the result of
joint work with SLTs working with PWAs, profiting
from their insights. These should work as a common
ground for exchanging ideas in this multidisciplinary
setting, addressing a set of users with a sometimes
complex condition to explain and understand, an ap-
proach that was found useful in other domains (Silva
and Teixeira, 2019).
2.2.1 Method
The evaluation was performed in structured discus-
sions with the SLTs judged adequate for conceptual
refinement and validation. Two different sessions
were carried out with three practicing SLTs with ex-
perience with PWAs, none of them with prior knowl-
edge about our proposal: a first session with two
SLTs, and a second session with another SLT. Both
sessions also included the participation of an human-
computer interaction (HCI) researcher moderating the
discussion and two Computer Scientists involved in
the design and development.
After a general introduction to the proposal, the
following four main topics were discussed: (1) ges-
ture adequateness for PWAs; (2) flow of communi-
cation supported by the assistant; (3) presentation of
questions and feedback to PWAs; and (4) most no-
table motives and situations distressing PWAs in the
bed scenario. These topics were intended as a high-
level structuring of the session but any of the partici-
pants were free to ask further questions, share experi-
Gesture-Based Communication for People with Aphasia While in Bed
ences, or raise other related points.
Concerning the gestures, the SLTs were presented
with three gestures that were simple to perform with
the hand initially resting on the mattress: knock, as
knocking on a table; clean, sliding the hand horizon-
tally; and twist, rotating the wrist as if handling a door
knob. We asked the SLTs to rate using a 5-level
Likert-like scale, from 1 (very easy) to 5 (very dif-
ficult) the three gestures regarding their ease to be
explained to the PWA, by an SLT, as well as to be
understood, remembered, and executed by the PWA,
while lying in bed. We also asked for suggestions
about other possible gestures.
Next, the participants were introduced to the over-
all idea of the assistant and its approach based on sim-
ple questions to establish the message to be sent. To
further illustrate the idea and how the PWAs inter-
action would flow, a diagram representing the com-
munication steps as mediated by the assistant, with
examples of specific questions that might be asked in
each question set, organized into three levels of pri-
ority, was used to support the discussion. We asked
the SLTs about the overall appropriateness of the ap-
proach and if the proposed sequence of questions was
deemed feasible for a PWA to express a need.
They were also asked about the most appropriate
ways to present a specific question to the PWA, con-
sidering that three different output possibilities (text,
graphics, and speech) were available. Finally, the
SLTs were questioned about the needs, fears, and mo-
tivations expressed by PWAs for the in-bed scenario,
to elicit a discussion leading to a first set of mean-
ingful example questions to include and their order.
The actual set of questions on the working system will
be further refined by later validation steps with PWAs
and might be personalized.
2.2.2 Results
There was a consensus that remote communication al-
lows for a higher level of reassurance not only to the
PWA, but also to their caregiver and relatives, reduc-
ing their constant need of checking in with the PWA.
The main takeaway messages resulting from the dis-
cussions with the SLTs are summarized in Table 1 and
a brief account of the rationale behind them is dis-
cussed ahead.
Gestures. Overall, the knock gesture was considered
the best gesture, followed by clean, with twist ranked
as more difficult (see Table 2). One additional ges-
ture that was suggested for requesting help, by one
SLT, was moving the hand back and forth, in the air,
as if asking someone to come. This was, however,
identified as more complicated to do if the person is
covered, particularly if motor limitations are present.
Table 1: Summary of notable conclusions from the concept
discussion with experts.
Gestures Knock and clean gestures approved
Twist gesture might be too complicated
No more than three gestures
Assistant Concise and short questions are essential
Organization of questions by priority makes
Output Multimodality is a must
Complement questions with available answer
Associate the answers to the gestures
Needs and
Providing independence and reassurance would
be the main motivation for PWAs and care-
Even a PWA with good mobility can require
help at night
Specific needs and their priority were identified
Concerning the number of gestures, all SLTs recom-
mended using no more than three gestures, but con-
sidered that two gestures would be the ideal choice
for most users. Nonetheless, even for a reduced num-
ber of simple gestures, the SLTs highlighted the im-
portance of keep the information about what features
are available, at all times, to minimize the need for the
PWA to remember them.
Table 2: Rating (1 - Very Easy to 5 - Very Difficult) at-
tributed by the experts to each gesture, regarding their ease
to be explained, understood, remembered, and executed.
The results are the average of both sessions.
Gesture Explain Understand Remember Execute
Knock 1 2.5 2 1
Clean 1 2.5 2.5 1
Twist 1.5 2.5 3 1.5
Communication Mediated by the Assistant. The
SLTs agreed with the overall idea of how the assistant
obtains the information and how the needs are priori-
tized with the most urgent situation being the easiest
to communicate. The idea of a repeated knock gesture
leading to immediate help was also praised. Regard-
ing the questions, emphasis was given to the need of
using concise and short questions, also bringing to at-
tention the need to minimize the number of questions
that are needed to obtain relevant information on a
given situation.
Multimodal Output. Regarding information presen-
tation to the PWA, the SLTs highlighted that differ-
ent ways of conveying the same message are crucial
to overcome possible comprehension difficulties. In
this regard, text, images, and speech synthesis should
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
be used simultaneously. Additionally, the SLTs sug-
gested presenting the questions available for answer-
ing along with corresponding gesture depictions (e.g.,
video, image).
Motives and Sources of Distress in Bed. The SLTs
highlighted that even a PWA with reasonable mobility
is often afraid of getting up from bed and falling
particularly during the night, affected by sleepiness,
and when help is often less available —, making the
system a potentially good way of dealing with several
needs including: stroke; fall; getting up from bed and
getting dressed; physiological needs (e.g., going to
the bathroom); nutrition (i.e., eating, drinking); medi-
cation; problems concerning the bed (e.g., getting en-
tangled in the bed covers). Some of these needs were
identified as having a higher priority (e.g., fall) while
others as more frequent (e.g., going to the bathroom).
2.3 System Requirements
The iterative work described above allowed the refine-
ment of our initial concept, leading to the definition of
requirements of the system for which a representative
set is presented in what follows. The non-functional
requirements include the following:
Being appropriate for use in the bedroom (namely
when the PWA is lying in bed), at any time of the
Enabling two-way communication between the
PWA and other people (e.g., caregiver, family
member, friend);
Supporting communication on the PWAs side
based on a small set of gestures as input, and dif-
ferent redundant modes of output;
The gestures should be easy to understand, re-
member, and execute;
Being as less intrusive as possible for the PWA.
In terms of functional requirements, the following
were defined:
Providing a gesture input modality to the PWA;
Recognizing the different pre-defined gestures,
relying on sensors worn by the user and/or placed
in the environment, and machine learning;
Enabling the generation of simple messages to be
sent to the other person, aided by a virtual assis-
Providing multiple output modalities to the PWA
(e.g., speech, text, graphics), which rely on speak-
ers and a display for presentating information;
Providing an application that allows the secondary
user (e.g., caregiver) to receive information from
the PWA and send back a message.
Supported by the work carried out in the previous
section, we propose a system that supports people
with communication difficulties, namely PWAs, in
the bedroom scenario, where the user is lying in bed
alone (either resting during the day or awake during
the night). The system can be described as a facili-
tator of communication between the PWA and other
people who can be in the same home (in another divi-
sion) or outside the home.
This proposal profits from previous work where
methods for the use of simple arm gestures as a po-
tential form of interaction for PWAs, making use
of wearable or ambient sensors, were proposed and
tested (Guimar
aes et al., 2021; Guimar
aes, 2021; San-
tana et al., 2022; Santana, 2021).
The current proposal, described in more detail be-
low, introduces several important advances over the
mentioned work, including: (1) addition of an assis-
tant to mediate the communication; (2) multimodal
output for the PWA (addition of text and graphics
modalities); (3) adoption of a multimodal architecture
based on the AM4I framework (Almeida et al., 2019).
Furthermore, since this proposal already incorporates
the feedback obtained in the discussions with SLTs
(section 2.2), it has a greater focus on the needs of the
target primary users (PWAs).
3.1 Bedroom Setup
An overview of the proposed system’s setup for the
bedroom, depicting the required hardware, is shown
in Fig. 1. Sensors, which can be wearables or ambient
sensors installed in the bed or bedroom (e.g., radar),
enable gesture input by the PWA. We chose this type
of sensors because they are less intrusive than other
approaches (e.g., BCI) and can be used without light
(as opposed to RGB cameras).
Figure 1: Overview of the setup of the proposed system for
supporting communication in the in-bed scenario.
The gesture interactions serve the selection of the
messages that are sent to the secondary user’s smart-
phone. This last user is any person the PWA wants to
communicate with, such as a caregiver, family mem-
Gesture-Based Communication for People with Aphasia While in Bed
ber, or friend. For simplicity, this user will be consid-
ered as a caregiver for the remaining of this paper.
After receiving a message, the caregiver can send
a confirmation or question using an application. That
information is presented to the PWA relying on a dis-
play and speakers deployed in the bedroom. The sys-
tem includes a processing unit running most of the
interaction infrastructure and software.
3.2 Overall Architecture
We designed the architecture of the overall proposal
having in mind not only the adoption of a general
principle of modularity and decoupling among the
different components, but also our vision of an as-
sistive communication service that serves the in-bed
scenario but aims to be, as already mentioned, a first
step towards a broader coverage of the home.
In this context, we looked into existing approaches
that might serve the integration of multiple applica-
tions, devices, and interaction options for the home
environment. Among some examples, such as Mu-
dra (Hoste et al., 2011), MIODMIT (Cronel et al.,
2019), and Cue-me™ (Openstream Inc., 2015), the
AM4I architecture and framework (Almeida et al.,
2019) seemed to provide the desired characteris-
tics. This framework, implementing the W3C rec-
ommendations for multimodal interactive architec-
tures (Dahl, 2013), shows a modular and decou-
pled design and defines standard languages and meth-
ods for their communication, fostering easier mod-
ification and extension of the system in the future.
Moreover, this framework has also been explicitly
proposed to tackle interaction with smart environ-
ments (Rocha et al., 2021).
The infrastructure, the different interaction modal-
ities available to the PWA, and the other components
that enable communication support are depicted in
Fig. 2. The Interaction Manager (IM) is the core mod-
ule, part of the adopted multimodal architecture, and
is responsible for managing the exchange of messages
between the different interaction modalities and ap-
plications, ensuring their decoupling. When the IM
receives a Life Cycle Event from a modality or appli-
cation, it forwards it to the destination that is decided
based on the relevant content.
The gesture input modality relies on data provided
by the sensors to recognize the gestures carried out
by the PWA. The decision based on the recognized
gesture is then sent to the assistant (throught the IM),
which decides the next steps, eventually leading to a
message being sent to the caregiver. The latter can use
the smartphone application to send a confirmation or
further questions to the PWA. Since the information
to/from the smartphone is sent through the cloud, the
caregiver can be anywhere (e.g., another division of
the same home or supermarket). All messages that
have the PWA as destination are sent, through the IM,
to three different output modalities (speech, graphics,
and text).
3.3 Assistant
The assistant provides local feedback to the PWA and
gathers information about the reason for communica-
tion before sending any message to the caregiver. This
allows the PWA to know if the gestures are being de-
tected properly. It also helps reducing the burden on
the caregiver, since the assistant is responsible for ob-
taining most of the information from the PWA.
Three main considerations inform the design of
the assistant: (1) the PWA may have different mo-
tives/priorities for communication; (2) long questions
can be difficult to understand by the PWA; and (3)
Yes/No answers are easier to give. Regarding com-
munication mediation through pre-defined questions
with Yes/No answers, this was mentioned by SLTs as
a common approach to communicate with a PWA.
The interaction flow between the PWA and the
assistant is illustrated by the simplified diagram pre-
sented in Fig. 3. When the PWA initiates commu-
nication, the assistant collects information about the
reason, by navigating through a set of pre-defined
Yes/No questions, which are answered by the PWA
using the gestures defined for the Yes/No meaning.
Figure 2: Infrastructure and software components that support communication.
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 3: Simplified diagram representing the approach chosen for the interaction between the person with Aphasia (PWA)
and the assistant. The three colored larger blocks represent different priorities for what the PWA may need to convey. For
each priority section, a set of Yes/No questions helps gather information about the overall topic, with further details being
obtained by a set of more specific questions.
To keep memorization to a minimum, only two
gestures are required to navigate through the possibil-
ities. These gestures are knock and clean (described
in subsection 2.2.1), representing the “Yes” and “No”
answers, respectively. Knock is also used to activate
the system. Hence, a PWA in distress and repeatedly
knocking will be able to ask for help (see Fig. 3).
The questions are organized in a hierarchy accord-
ing to their priority. For each priority level visually
represented by the differently colored larger blocks in
Fig 3 —, the questions look to identify the domain
of the help needed among different topics (e.g., “In
pain?” or “Need food?”), and further options in that
domain aim at pinpointing more specific needs (e.g.,
“Head hurts?”, “Need water?”). To maximize com-
prehensibility, the questions are limited to just a verb
and a noun whenever possible.
We proposed a new system to aid communication be-
tween a person with Aphasia (PWA) and another per-
son (e.g., caregiver, family), for the in-bed scenario.
The design of this system adopted a user-centered de-
sign approach, involving speech and language thera-
pists (SLTs) with experience in working with PWAs.
To support this approach, we defined and itera-
tively refined a Persona and Scenario that served as
grounds for designing the first system concept, which
was then validated by three SLTs. The obtained feed-
back encouraged the approach taken and informed
the evolution of our proposal concerning the gestures,
output modalities, and questions asked by the assis-
tant, as well as the system’s requirements definition.
The resulting system proposal includes an assis-
tant that gathers relevant data from the PWA based on
the answers to Yes/No questions. The latter are pre-
sented to the PWA using multiple redundant output
modalities (speech, text, and graphics). The PWA is
able to answer them using a gesture input modality,
which performs gesture recognition based on a model
trained using machine learning and data from sensors
worn by the user.
Based on the literature and received feedback, we
consider that our proposal provides features that al-
ready go beyond existing work and can potentially
make a difference in assisting PWAs in their commu-
nication. This stems from tackling an important sce-
nario, often disregarded or addressed with more in-
trusive technologies, and by approaching the problem
with design choices that consider the PWAs’ needs
and condition. This is reflected in the assistant’s
mediation, question formulation, gesture choice, and
multimodal output.
The implementation of a prototype of the system
is already under way, including the development of a
gesture recognition model, to be used in the gesture
input modality, based on wearable sensor data col-
lected from subjects while they execute the selected
gestures (knock and clean) with both arms and in dif-
ferent postures while lying in bed. This prototype is
an important step towards allowing PWAs to be in-
volved in the discussion and thus obtaining feedback
from the end users, which will be essential to develop
Gesture-Based Communication for People with Aphasia While in Bed
a solution that is actually usable and useful in their
daily life.
It is important to highlight that the modular ar-
chitecture of the proposed system has the advantage
of allowing changes to a given component without
affecting the other. Therefore, if improvements are
identified during validation with end users, this allows
us to quickly change one or more components before
the next iteration. For instance, if a different pool of
gestures is suggested, we can quickly react with train-
ing new gestures and refining the gesture modality. It
is also worth highlighting that the concept presented
here is applicable to other contexts where gestures
also make sense (e.g., sitting in a sofa), showcasing
a strong potential for evolution to be explored in the
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ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health