AI and Big Data research has been at the forefront
of the COVID-19 battle, especially in the detection
and forecasting of the disease spread. Time series–
based forecasting methods, such as Auto-Regressive
Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Fb-Prophet,
Nonlinear Autoregression Neural Network
(NARNN), and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)
approaches, have recently been popular in AI
predictive analysis (Wang et al., 2020). Therefore,
this study is focused on time series analysis and
forecasting of the COVID-19 cases in the UK using
ARIMA and Fb-Prophet predictive models. We have
chosen these models as they are most suitable for
time-series forecasting. They capture different
aspects of underlying patterns, which is the main
requirement of COVID-19 data to predict the trend
based on data. This will help improve our
understanding of how COVID-19 spreads and allow
us to plan ahead to mitigate the crisis. Furthermore, a
comparison between these models is conducted to
determine which performs better.
Starting in December 2019, every country has been
dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks; as a result,
forecasting future instances using different time
series forecasting models or algorithms based on
historical data is now a focus of recent research.
Gecili et al. (2021) implemented four models on
COVID-19 data from USA and Italy: 1) the Holt
model, which uses dual exponential smoothing; 2) the
ARIMA model; 3) the TBATS model (Trigonometric
Exponential smoothing state space model with Box-
Cox transformation, ARIMA errors, Trend and
Seasonal component), and 4) the Cubic Smoothing
Spline model based on a stochastic state space model
that permits the use of a possible strategy for
predicting the smoothing parameter. The result
showed that ARIMA and Cubic Smoothing Spline
Models performed better than TBATS and Holt-
Winter models, with smaller prediction errors and
narrower prediction intervals. Similar results were
obtained by (Sharma et al., 2021). by applying
ARIMA with a further decomposition of the time
series to test for unit roots and validate against data
from multiple countries. They employed the root-
mean-square error (RMSE) to evaluate the prediction
performance; (Benvenuto et al., 2019) further
justified ARIMA's prediction properties through
descriptive analysis.
Based on the COVID-19 dataset of confirmed
cases in China (Ye and Yang, 2021) proposed an
uncertain time series detection model. The aim of this
model is to analyze the evolution of the confirmed
cases. They compared their model with other classical
methods to deal with time series datasets and found
that the proposed method outperformed other
methods in describing the COVID-19 epidemic by
reducing the estimated variance of the disturbance
term to an acceptable value.
In the work of Rasjid et al. (2021), LSTM and
Savitzky-Golay Smoothing methods were employed
to create prediction models for predicting the death
and infected COVID-19. They applied the prediction
models to the dataset from Indonesia and compared
their performance. The results showed that the LSTM
forecast has a clear upward trend and is consistent
with the Time Series data.
In a COVID-19 dataset gathered from the Kaggle
website for Indonesia (Satrio et al., 2021) investigate
the application of ARIMA and Fb-Prophet models to
forecast the confirmed deaths and recovered cases.
The performance and accuracy of these models'
outputs were compared using R
, Mean Squared Error
(MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Mean
Forecast Error (MFE). The results of the error
measurements indicated that the Prophet model
outscored the ARIMA model with minimal
differences between the actual data.
Dwivedi et al. (2021) examined the efficacy and
suitability of the Fb-Prophet and the ARIMA
prediction models to the Indian COVID-19 dataset
with confirmed deaths and recovered cases, which
was collected from the COVID-19 India site.
Comparing these two models showed that ARIMA
surpasses Prophet in terms of its prediction accuracy.
In order to forecast future COVID-19 infections
and mortalities in Bangladesh, (Sarkar et al., 2020)
used ARIMA and machine learning algorithms in
their research and evaluated them by RMSE. The Fb-
Prophet model delivered the best forecasting result
with exceptional precision among other forecasting
models, including Holt's Linear Regression, Support
Vector Regression, and Holt's Winter Additive
As the COVID-19 pandemic is becoming a
prevalent danger for humankind worldwide (Arora et
al., 2021) investigated the COVID-19 data from a
source at Johns Hopkins University for five months
in 2020 and predicted the trend in weeks using
ARIMA and regression models. The evaluation
results from error measurement by Root Mean
Squared Logarithmic Error (RMSLE) showed that
ARIMA outperformed regression models.
By examining the most recent literature relating to
the prediction of COVID-19 confirmations and