properties (regarding the object of the contract). To
help users checking their SCs by referencing existing
SCs created and saved in a blockchain platform, the
search engine in (Tran et al., 2019) treats SCs as tex-
tual documents applying Information Retrieval tech-
niques on contracts code to compute a similarity score
between the SC being created and already deployed
SCs. Description and invocation of SCs, in a way that
is independent of the specific blockchain platform, is
discussed in (Falazi et al., 2020). This work defines
a protocol for the integration of heterogeneous smart
contracts into application. In their approach, SC de-
scriptions are provided by a dedicated registry.
From a general point of view, our approach shares
some issues with (Guida and Daniel, 2019; He et al.,
2020; Souei et al., 2021; Falazi et al., 2020). How-
ever, with respect to (Guida and Daniel, 2019; Falazi
et al., 2020; Souei et al., 2021), the multi-perspective
framework presented in this paper also includes a se-
mantic and social characterisation of SCs and DApps,
and it provides examples of possible applications in
real search contexts. Additionally, we conceive sev-
eral search scenarios with different types and modali-
ties of search, to cope with developers needs and sup-
porting them in finding candidate SCs to be used for
DApps development.
In this paper, we proposed a framework to search
for smart contracts to develop distributed applications
(DApps). The considered context is the one of col-
laborative processes where a subject, like a regula-
tory subject, has an interest in stimulating the use
of blockchain to increase transparency and account-
ability among participants, while reducing the burden
of the regulator in controlling trustworthiness among
participants and the compliance with the process stan-
dards. To the scope, the regulator provides a reg-
istry of basic smart contracts that can be used and ex-
tended by stakeholders to set up DApps. The frame-
work, in addition to classification and technical char-
acteristics of smart contracts, takes into account the
experience of developers who have used smart con-
tracts to develop DApps. A preliminary implemen-
tation and evaluation of the proposed framework is
in progress. Future research efforts regard the en-
richment of the SCs model, including also additional
features and statistics related to DApps (for instance,
inclusion of KPIs suitable for evaluating the trans-
action volume about a specific DApp or other usage
statistics). Moreover, experiments will be conducted,
comparing the performance of different variants of
the searching procedure, including other sense disam-
biguation systems (for instance, DBPedia or Babelfy)
for tags.
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems