Toward a Modeling Language Prototype for Modeling the Behavior of
Wireless Body Area Networks Communication Protocols
Bethaina Touijer
LRIT, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco
Wireless Body Area Network, Medium Access Control, Model-Driven Engineering, Domain-Specific
Modeling Language, UPPAAL-SMC, ADOxx.
Modeling and evaluating the behavior of the medium access control (MAC) protocols of wireless body area
networks (WBANs) through the model-checker toolset UPPAAL-SMC necessitate a certain level of expertise.
The thing that is not available for many MAC protocol designers. To facilitate the use of UPPAAL-SMC,
we propose to define a model-driven engineering (MDE) approach that uses a modeling method (MM) as a
start and the UPPAAL-SMC as a target and back. In this paper, we use the ADOxx platform to define the
domain-specific modeling language (DSML) of WBAN that is presented through the name WBAN modeling
language (WBAN-ML) to model the behavior of the WBANs MAC protocols. The prototype implementation
result of the WBAN-ML is presented in this paper.
Throughout the last years, the statistics (Latr
e et al.,
2011; Chen et al., 2011; Movassaghi et al., 2014) have
shown that many people die because of the late diag-
nosis of chronic and fatal diseases, such as cancer,
cardiovascular, asthma, and diabetes. While in recent
times, the development of technologies, such as mi-
croelectronics miniaturization, sensors, and wireless
networks led to the emergence of wireless body area
networks (WBANs) as a solution.
The WBAN (Latr
e et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2011;
Movassaghi et al., 2014) is composed of bio-medical
sensors nodes that can be worn on or placed in the hu-
man body to measure certain physiological parame-
ters of the human body, such as temperature and pres-
sure. These sensors nodes must wirelessly send their
data to a control and monitoring device carried on the
body. This device then delivers its data via a cellular
or Internet network to an emergency center or a doctor
room on the basis of which an action can be taken.
WBANs (Latr
e et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2011;
Movassaghi et al., 2014) have enormous potential
to revolutionize the present and the future of health
care services, they provide a proactive diagnosis of
many deadly diseases, as well as remote and real-
time monitoring. On the other hand, WBANs im-
pose several challenges to the medium access con-
trol (MAC) protocols design concerning the energy-
efficiency, quality-of-service, priority, scalability, re-
liability, and security. The importance of WBAN en-
couraged the researchers to propose new MAC pro-
tocols in order to satisfy the WBAN requirements,
and then, evaluate the performance of these proposed
MAC protocols.
The WBAN is considered as a stochastic envi-
ronment, where the prediction of the time when the
physiological parameters change their values is non-
deterministic. The problem is how to model and
evaluate the behavior of the MAC protocols under
the stochastic nature of the WBAN. As a solution,
we used the statistical model-checking (SMC) toolset
UPPAAL-SMC (David et al., 2015). This toolset can
provide a stochastic interpretation of the stochastic
behavior of complex and real-time systems, such as
Modeling and evaluating the behavior of MAC
protocols through the stochastic timed automata
(STA) and the metric interval temporal logic (MITL)
specifications adopted by UPPAAL-SMC necessitate
a certain level of expertise. The thing that is not avail-
able for many MAC protocol designers. To facili-
tate the use of UPPAAL-SMC powerful analysis al-
gorithms, we propose to define a model-driven engi-
neering (MDE) approach that uses a modeling method
as a start and the UPPAAL-SMC as a target and back.
Touijer, B.
Toward a Modeling Language Prototype for Modeling the Behavior of Wireless Body Area Networks Communication Protocols.
DOI: 10.5220/0011992700003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 672-675
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: The WBAN-MDE global structure.
The stakeholders of this MDE are the WBAN com-
munications protocols designers and researchers for
the purpose of modeling, simulating, and verifying
the behavior of the WBAN communication protocols,
especially, MAC protocols as illustrated in Figure 1.
Our contribution aims to define an MDE approach
that uses the ADOxx platform as a start and
the UPPAAL-SMC toolset as a target. To real-
ize this approach, we should define, at first, our
modeling method in ADOxx through the Meta-
models of our domain-specific modeling language
(DSML), domain-specific query language (DSQL),
and domain-specific representation (DSR): 1) we cre-
ate the DSML Meta-models to model the behavior of
the MAC protocols. 2) We specify the DSQL Meta-
models to check the MAC protocols properties. 3)
We create the DSR Meta-models to express the anal-
ysis results in an understandable way for the MAC
protocols designers. Then, we should introduce the
Meta-models of UPPAAL-SMC’s STA, Queries, and
Traces. Finally, we should model the transformations
from the ADOxx models to UPPAAL-SMC models
and back. The steps involving the construction of our
approach are the follows:
Step 1: Creation of the Meta-models of the DSML
for modeling the behavior of the MAC protocols.
Step 2: Introduction of the Meta-models of the
Step 3: Definition of the transformation rules
from the DSML to UPPAAL-SMC’s STA us-
ing the extensible stylesheet language transforma-
tions (XSLT).
Step 4: Specification of the Meta-models of the
DSQL to check the MAC protocol properties.
Step 5: Introduction of the Meta-models of the
Step 6: Definition of the transformation rules
from the DSQL to UPPAAL-SMC Queries using
a transformation method.
Step 7: Introduction of the Meta-models of the
UPPAAL-SMC Traces that presents the results of
the model checking process. This latter checks if
the stochastic timed automata model satisfies the
property specified by the Query.
Step 8: Creation of the Meta-models of the DSR
to express the analysis results in an understand-
able way by the MAC protocols designers.
Step 9: Definition of the transformation rules
from the UPPAAL-SMC Traces models to DSR
using a transformation method.
ADOxx Meta modeling platform (Karagiannis
et al., 2016) is an open-source experimentation en-
vironment for researchers and practitioners to realize
individual Meta-models and model processing func-
tionalities for domain-specific conceptual modeling
methods as modeling tools. The Meta-model (Kelly
and Tolvanen, 2008) is considered as a specification
language-the word “meta” is used because the spec-
ification language is one level higher than the usual
models. A Meta-model is defined as a conceptual
model of a modeling language. It describes the con-
cepts of a language, their properties, the legal con-
nections between language elements, model hierarchy
structures, and model correctness rules. The Meta-
model is not only important in defining languages
but also it is advantageous in systematizing and for-
malizing weakly defined languages, providing a more
Toward a Modeling Language Prototype for Modeling the Behavior of Wireless Body Area Networks Communication Protocols
“objective” approach to analyzing and comparing lan-
guages and examining linkages between modeling
languages and programming languages. The Meta-
model is also successfully used in building modeling
tools, interfaces between tools (e.g., CDIF, XML),
and repository definitions. According to (Fill and
Karagiannis, 2013; Karagiannis, 2015; Karagian-
nis et al., 2016), the Conceptualization of Modeling
Methods is a process of realizing a Modeling Method.
This process is divided into ve phases forming a life-
cycle (or more specific, the conceptualization Lifecy-
cle). These phases are defined as follows:
Step 1: The Creation phase uses techniques of
knowledge acquisition and requirements elicita-
tion in order to obtain modeling language require-
ments and the modeling functionality require-
Step 2: The Design phase produces specifications
for the Meta-model, the language grammar, and
the recommended graphical representation and
Step 3: The Formalization phase ensures that the
outcome of the previous phase has no ambigu-
ity, either with the purpose of sharing specifica-
tion within a community or in preparation for a
platform-specific implementation.
Step 4: The Development phase will produce a
modeling prototype or proof of concept on the tar-
geted Meta-modeling platform.
Step 5: The Deployment/Validation phase deals
with packaging and installing the modeling proof
of concept and analyzing its user experience and
the conformance to modeling requirements.
Based on the conceptualization phases, we start
realizing our modeling method. We define in the fol-
lowing the DSML of WBAN that is presented through
the name WBAN Modeling Language (WBAN-ML)
to model the behavior of the WBANs MAC protocols.
Our contribution aims to create a simple WBAN-ML
that can be used by the WBANs MAC protocols de-
signers and researchers to model the behavior of their
proposed WBANs MAC protocols. We propose to
use a simple flowchart to model the behavior of MAC
protocols. The realization of WBAN-ML requires
Meta-models, concepts, and notations. We divide our
WBAN-ML into three models of three Meta-models
based on the ADOxx Meta-Metamodel, as depicted in
Figure 2: the WBAN model, the Node model, and the
Hub model.
The WBAN model concepts are the external en-
vironment, where the body can exist, the body, the
nodes and the hub that are placed on the body. The
notations used for the WBAN model concepts are the
same notations adopted by the WBAN community, as
depicted in Figure 3. The Meta-model of the WBAN
model is defined in Figure 5.
The Node model and the Hub model have the
same behavior modeling concepts, except that the
node has three sensors concepts. The notations used
for these concepts are the same notations used for the
ordinary flowchart concepts, as depicted in Figure 4.
The Meta-models of the Node and the Hub models
are defined in Figures 6 and 7, respectively.
We mention that this part is under discussion and
modification, the reason for its short description. The
Figure 8, represents the prototype implementation re-
sult of the WBAN-ML.
Figure 2: Used part of the ADOxx Meta-Meta model.
Figure 3: Concepts and notations of the WBAN model.
Figure 4: Concepts and notations of the Node and the Hub
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 5: Meta-model of the WBAN model.
Figure 6: Meta-model of the Node model.
Figure 7: Meta-model of the Hub model.
This part of my thesis work was supported by the
Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education Scientific
Research and Professional Training and the CNRST
under the project “R
eseaux de capteurs sans fil
edicaux” [grant number PPR/2015/43]. And, it
was achieved during my research visit to the OMi-
LAB laboratory at the University of Vienna, Faculty
for Computer Science, Department of Knowledge En-
Figure 8: Prototype of the WBAN-ML.
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Toward a Modeling Language Prototype for Modeling the Behavior of Wireless Body Area Networks Communication Protocols