Interaction Room for Cloud Migration (IR:CM): A Systematic Approach
Murad Huseynli
1 a
, Attila Papp
2 b
, Udo Bub
1,2 c
and Michael Chima Ogbuachi
1 d
Faculty of Informatics, E
os Lor
and University (ELTE), P
azmany P
eter S
any 1/C, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
Adesso Hungary, Infopark I, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
Cloud Migration, Interaction Room, Method Engineering, Design Thinking, Design Science Research,
Information Systems.
Cloud migration is by now an established discipline that is dominated by different methods and frameworks
from vendors of commercial offerings. However, it may be hard for teams to discern the inherent risks of such
offerings, which may appear as biased tool support, and design processes that cannot be tailored to the needs
of the enterprise (and rather have to fit the requirements of the cloud provider). We analyzed these solutions
and propose a new method that combines the strong points of the existing designs while overcoming their
weaknesses. Our method design results in adaptation of the proven interaction room method to the field of
cloud migration (IR:CM). We focus on communication among all stakeholders, identifying risks and chal-
lenges, defining scope, and prioritizing requirements, to guide teams while designing cloud-native solutions
that are flexible to the changing needs of the business. The new method itself has been developed following
the Design Science Research paradigm.
Cloud is one of the most progressively growing and
demanded technologies. It has the ability to trans-
form conventional business models and accelerate
businesses to greater extents towards becoming agile,
cost-efficient, and innovative. Thus, cloud migration
is now at the center of attention for most organiza-
tions that still rely on inefficient legacy systems, have
high infrastructure costs, face end-of-life concerns,
etc. However, it is a complex process with consid-
erable challenges, that requires mindful analysis and
planning to ensure that the process itself adheres to
the original requirements and goes in line with de-
fined objectives. Therefore, while cloud migration
brings benefits, it comes with challenges that orga-
nizations must overcome. Migrating to the cloud is a
complex process if to-be-migrated systems have ac-
cumulated a large amount of data over time and have
been in operation for many years, possibly with differ-
ent integrated components and dependencies, which
could also be resource-intensive. Cloud migration can
also be disruptive for business operations, potentially
requiring temporary system downtime, which can im-
pact productivity.
For these reasons, the migration process requires
a methodical approach, as suggested by notable pre-
vious research (Babar, 2013; Zhao and Zhou, 2014;
Mohagheghi and Sæther, 2011). A well-defined ap-
proach assists organizations to perform an effective
and safe migration to the cloud, instead of an ad-hoc
migration effort which may cause troubles and have
poor results and undesired effects on the business.
Without methodical guidance, organizations run the
risk of poor outcomes and errors which could oth-
erwise be avoided. A well-structured approach con-
siders the specific needs of the organization and can
include steps such as: assessing the current state of
the legacy systems, identifying the specific data and
functionality that needs to be migrated, evaluating the
available cloud platform options, and developing a de-
tailed migration plan.
The Interaction Room Method (Book et al., 2012)
is a way to effectively manage complex software de-
velopment projects by identifying key value drivers,
risks, and obstacles early on, and by facilitating co-
operation among project stakeholders. It allows for
achieving quick progress in planning and analysis
through the use of workshop-based concepts. The
method is based on the idea that understanding and
Huseynli, M., Papp, A., Bub, U. and Ogbuachi, M.
Interaction Room for Cloud Migration (IR:CM): A Systematic Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0011993000003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 203-210
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
communication are crucial for successful projects,
and it can be used in a variety of situations, includ-
ing emergencies, general process improvement, and
digitalization efforts.
In this paper, we introduce a method of this kind,
namely the Interaction Room for Cloud Migration
(IR:CM). We follow the Tool for Developing and
Evaluating Methods (TDEM) proposed in (Huseynli
et al., 2022) to develop the IR:CM method scientifi-
cally, following method design theories. This method
allows smooth analysis and planning of cloud migra-
tion activities by putting emphasis on communica-
tion among all stakeholders, to promote the fulfilment
of critical aspects, such as providing intuitive early
identification of risks and challenges, defining goals
and scopes, and concretizing and prioritizing require-
(Grapenthin et al., 2013) applies the Interaction Room
in a large systems evolution project at a German in-
surance company to foster stakeholders’ understand-
ing of the risks and dependencies that the project
may have, by specifically addressing the issue of ex-
pert knowledge lacking methodical experience, and
method experts lacking business experience.
(Jamshidi et al., 2013) identifies and systemati-
cally compares existing research on cloud migra-
tion and states that there is a need for migration
frameworks and tool support to improve the matu-
rity level and trust for the cloud, as well as the
need for architectural adaptation and possibly self-
adaptive cloud-enabled systems. Therefore, Jamshidi
et al. (2013) develop the Cloud Reference Migra-
tion Model (Cloud-RMM). Cloud-RMM consists of
four migration phases, which are planning, execution,
evaluation, and crosscutting concerns. In particular,
the migration planning phase involves tasks such as
feasibility study, requirements analysis, selection of
providers and services, and migration strategies. The
output artefact of this phase is a migration plan.
(Bazi et al., 2017) introduces a comprehensive cloud
migration framework for managers to facilitate the
migration process and ensure effective migration to
a cloud computing environment.
(Fahmideh et al., 2016) notices that there is no
existing overarching view of cloud migration pro-
cesses and proposes a platform-independent meta-
model, which encompasses phases and activities for
cloud migration. (Grapenthin et al., 2015) introduces
the Interaction Room method to an agile team in a
medium-sized software development company, and
it results in better communication among all project
stakeholders with a more reliable identification of the
(Jamshidi et al., 2017) develops V-PAM (Variability-
based, Pattern-driven Architecture Migration), a mi-
gration method meant for multi-cloud environments,
that involves cloud architecture migration patterns
and situational context. This method helps select rel-
evant migration patterns and build a migration plan
using them.
During our research, we also profoundly studied
commercial cloud migration methods from different
cloud vendors, and we found that existing methods
have room for improvement on the following fronts:
1. Customization: compared to similar methods
from hyperscalers, we saw several areas where those
methods needed to be improved jointly. In all cases, a
cloud migration journey for each customer is unique;
thus, a method should have real-life interaction,
making the journey tailored for each given customer.
Using frameworks by hyperscalers can help define
an ideal target picture and a good set of baseline
capabilities to achieve; however, we firmly believe
that the cloud journey should be customized in all
cases. Each customer has different opportunities,
challenges, and goals, and a cloud migration method
must consider them through real-life interaction.
Real-life interaction is important because it brings up
information otherwise unobtainable through formal
2. Not endorsing cloud vendor-agnostic ap-
proaches: in some cases, it is worth making a
cloud provider-agnostic architectural decision, but
understandably options leading to that direction are
not always highlighted or endorsed in the frameworks
prepared by said cloud vendors. Therefore, we sought
a method that leaves room for finding a balanced
approach between being fully vendor-native and
completely vendor-agnostic in such decisions. This
is achieved on a per-application basis (incl. run-time,
integration layers, etc.).
3. Support both traditional and agile approaches:
despite the proven good reputation of agile ap-
proaches, not all organizations are open to such mod-
ernization. However, an agile environment should be
cultivated to truly achieve the benefits of the cloud.
When a method only works well in an already agile
environment, it excludes those customers who are not
yet there. Thus, a method supporting traditional (e.g.,
waterfall-based) organizations must exist and allow
them to gradually convert.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4. Providing value quickly: the method shall
produce an output that can be used immediately as
a starting point for the next steps. Therefore, we
implemented Microsofts approach of the ‘power of
10’: at the end of the interaction, several applications
ideal for cloud migration are selected, and their
modernization paths are paved on a high level. Thus,
the first migration can be achieved in weeks, and
there is always an ordered backlog of migration tasks
to focus on. In combination with a roadmap, this
work item serves as a compass during the migration.
5. Deferring cloud vendor selection: Our method
can defer the cloud provider selection, as long as it
is advised. This is useful because some providers
are better suited than others for specific profiles.
Capabilities do not always match, but best practices
align amongst cloud vendors. Thus, we can defer
selection as long as it is recommended (however, we
realize that, in most cases, the cloud vendor is already
selected well before starting the migration process).
These five principles were the main goals when
designing the Interaction Room for Cloud Migration.
We developed our method using the Design Science
Research (DSR) paradigm (Hevner et al., 2004; Pef-
fers et al., 2007; Offermann et al., 2009). DSR
involves developing new artefacts, constructs, mod-
els, methods, or instantiations to address organiza-
tional information systems/technology problems. In
our research, we follow the DSR process proposed
by (Offermann et al., 2009), which defines the three
main phases “problem identification”, “solution de-
sign”, and “evaluation”. We conducted said phases in
one iteration. Problem Identification the proposed
method is addressing an important and timely prob-
lem related to cloud migration projects. There is a
lack of method and tool support for the preparation
stage of cloud migration, and our proposed method
helps properly analyze and plan the project, resulting
in a process map and summary/backlog of the first
set of to-be-migrated applications. Solution Design
we design our artefact using concepts based on the
interaction room method (Book et al., 2012) and de-
sign thinking exercises. To describe the method, we
use the TDEM (Huseynli et al., 2022) to see if the
proposed method is relevant from the perspective of
method design theories. Evaluation the proposed
method has been evaluated in the context of a real-
world project within an organization, with indepen-
dent components in mind. The complete integration
of such components, as suggested in this paper, will
be further evaluated in future research. The method
we introduce herein fulfils all the seven guidelines for
Design Science Research as formulated by (Hevner
et al., 2004).
In the solution design phase as pointed out earlier,
the central artefact in this research is a method and
we are constructing it using the scientific approach
known as Method Engineering. Method Engineer-
ing has been first introduced by (Brinkkemper, 1996)
and described as the engineering discipline of design-
ing, constructing, and adapting methods, techniques,
and tools for the development of information systems.
(Bucher and Winter, 2008) also further complemented
that a method is a solution that consists of design ac-
tivities executed by specific roles in a specific order,
applying specific techniques, and producing design
outcomes as results. We conduct method engineer-
ing by first looking into existing methods in the lit-
erature and discovering, selecting, tailoring, and in-
tegrating method components. Looking further into
existing literature, we find several existing methods
encompassing various purposes which we outlined in
the section 2.
As seen from section 2, none of the previous re-
search efforts introduces a method for cloud migra-
tion projects that specifically considers ease of com-
munication among stakeholders, brainstorming with
design thinking exercises, illustrating the creation of
migration plans with the power of design thinking
exercises, and encourages idea sharing and identify-
ing activities with the help of an Interaction Room
Method, even before the execution of the cloud mi-
gration. All of these designs such as (Amazon, 2022;
Google, 2023; Microsoft, 2019) have advantages and
disadvantages. We analyzed the designs and proposed
a synthesized design that combines the strong points
of the existing designs while overcoming their weak-
nesses. Furthermore, the concepts and theories used
in the state-of-the-art have been adopted in our re-
search to construct the method. The method com-
ponents we considered for the construction of our
method are: the Interaction Room Method, the AWS
(Amazon, 2022) 7R migration strategy, the Microsoft
(Microsoft, 2019) guide for selecting the first N to-be-
migrated applications and design thinking exercises.
Interaction Room for Cloud Migration (IR:CM): A Systematic Approach
Abstract for the
Interaction Room
Interaction with
the Stakeholders
Hopes and
Figure 1: Interaction Room for Cloud Migration (IR:CM).
(Book et al., 2012) states that an “Interaction Room
is a physical room that is outfitted to visualize and
facilitate discussion of key aspects of an information
system” so that it facilitates communication and
allows analyzing and planning, focusing on important
aspects and producing constructive results. We
use the same concept and build a method, IR:CM,
specifically for cloud migration. The method com-
prises steps and activities, including design thinking
exercises which should be conducted in a workshop
environment for the duration of 2-3 days depending
on the scope and size of the cloud migration project.
This would allow understanding of the existing IT
strategy, creating an initial cloud strategy by adhering
to a hyperscaler’s best practices, and focusing on
the first N applications to be migrated. As a result,
IR:CM helps outline an initial cloud strategy, prepare
the migration and modernization path for the first
N applications, and establish a cloud adoption
framework. Furthermore, to facilitate further com-
munication and discussion in the interaction room,
pre-workshop questions were developed to get a
high-level overview of the status and situation. These
questions can be used as interview questions.
1. What do you consider the main business motiva-
tion for the cloud migration?
2. Please outline your role and your responsibili-
ties/interests in your cloud journey.
3. What benefits could the cloud bring to your
4. What potential challenges do you foresee?
5. What are some of your company’s strengths, when
it comes to starting the cloud journey?
6. What is the current landscape for the cloud, and
can you share this overview and data?
7. What are the first projects you think would be
good candidates for a migration to the cloud?
8. What are your reflections in terms of creating
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
teams to support your cloud adoption? For instance,
in creating dedicated cloud teams, or a Cloud Center
of Excellence.
9. Partners: Who will operate and drive cloud
adoption? Will you involve partners? If so, what is
the plan for partner selection and management?
Based on the answers from the preliminary ques-
tionnaire, a high-level understanding can be devel-
oped of the customer’s characteristics. This would
then be used in combination with a set of focus ar-
eas during the workshop to guide the conversation
whenever needed. This initial understanding serves
as the main aid for the facilitator when preparing for
the workshop.
The workshop participants shall include relevant
stakeholders such as Business (CDO) and IT leads
(CIO, Dev, Ops), Process/product owners, and Cloud
expert. Process/product owners may bring one or
more technical experts from their team, if doing so
is justified. However, the customer shall not delegate
more than 12 participants to the workshop. On top of
this, a facilitator will be included, who shall be skilled
in cloud technologies or aided by a cloud expert. The
stakeholders shall come together and brainstorm by
using canvases such as Hopes and Fears, the Prioriti-
zation Matrix, Rose-Thorn-Bud, the Process canvas,
and the 7R. The focus areas shall be business motiva-
tion, benefits of the cloud, challenges, strengths, and
the first set of projects to migrate. The method is de-
picted in Figure 1.
The Hopes and Fears canvas is a tool which is
used in design thinking to assist teams to understand
their needs and goals. It is divided into two sections
which are the Hopes, where teams brainstorm and list
their aspirations, aims, and desires for the product or
service being designed, and the Fears section, where
teams list their concerns, doubts, and worries about
using the product or service. This canvas is intended
as a warm-up exercise to release the burden of com-
municating with each other and the workshop facili-
tator. Hopes can be framed as Fears and vice versa,
therefore the chosen category may also show the gen-
eral sentiment of the individual towards cloud migra-
tion. This exercise can also highlight the well-known
blockers or challenges in the organization (which may
not be so apparent to the facilitator): these points shall
be brought up in further exercises to enrich the con-
versation. Clustering can be applied on similar items
to reduce complexity and identify goals for the cloud
migration process.
The Prioritization Matrix is a tool that helps pri-
oritize tasks and opportunities based on a set of crite-
ria. As the name implies, it is represented visually in
the form of a matrix, with the items to be prioritized
listed along one axis and the criteria for evaluation
listed along the other, so that then each item is scored
based on how well it meets the criteria. The scores are
used to rank the items in order of priority. This canvas
is useful for identifying quick wins (items in the top
right corner of the Value/Feasibility axes). The layout
of the items also highlights the relative effort com-
pared to other tasks and opportunities. It is important
to note that in most cases feasibility and value are rel-
ative, thus it is advised to document participants’ re-
actions. The facilitator can later use these reactions in
further argumentations.
Rose-Thorn-Bud (RTB) is a tool for continuous
improvement and team feedback. It is used in team
meetings to identify areas of success, challenges, and
opportunities for improvement. In RTB, team mem-
bers share one Rose which is something that went
well or that they are proud of, one Thorn which is
something that was challenging or frustrating, and
one Bud which is an opportunity for growth or im-
provement. RTB helps discuss emerging common
themes, explore ways to address challenges, and take
opportunities into account for further development
and growth. This exercise covers organizational ap-
titude and uncovers common blockers, and is used to
understand strengths, challenges and opportunities.
After the first three exercises, the participants
should have a process in mind which can benefit the
most from cloud migration. Examples include e-
commerce (customer frontend), banking (loan origi-
nation), service providers (disaster recovery, backup
strategy), etc.
The Process Canvas is a visual representation tool
that maps out the steps involved in a process, the in-
puts and outputs at each step, as well as the people or
teams who are responsible for completing each step.
This helps teams understand how a process works,
identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies, and design im-
provements to the process. The Process canvas is used
to optimize processes that were selected in the previ-
ous step.
The 7R Canvas is a tool for selecting the first set
of N applications that shall be migrated or, similarly
to Microsoft’s naming, the ”power of N”. During the
exercise, the participants argue and agree on a set of
these migration candidates and decide on a high-level
path for the application. This means categorization
according to AWSs 7Rs, which includes seven
migration strategies for moving applications to the
cloud. These strategies are as follows:
Refactor/re-architect – Change architecture by taking
full advantage of cloud-native features for better
Interaction Room for Cloud Migration (IR:CM): A Systematic Approach
agility, performance, and scalability.
Re-platform (lift-tinker-and-shift) Make a few
optimizations without touching the core architecture,
just like moving from self-managed Kubernetes to
Amazon EKS.
Repurchase (drop and shop) Replace your current
environment by moving to a newer version of the
software or purchasing an entirely new solution.
Rehost (lift and shift) Move applications to the
cloud without changing them.
Relocate (hypervisor-level lift and shift) Move
infrastructure to the cloud without making any
modifications, just like using VMware Cloud on AWS
to relocate virtualized applications from vSphere to
AWS Cloud.
Retain (revisit) Keep applications in the current
environment since these applications might require
major refactoring and need to be postponed for the
time being.
Retire Identify unused applications and decommis-
sion or remove them to strengthen the business case
and focus on widely used resources.
It is crucial to note that the categorization shall
be by no means considered final since unknown tech-
nical limitations and capabilities could influence the
decision after the workshop. However, in most cases,
the path selected for the application should be correct,
since the categorization is done by product/process
Based on the above canvases, we can depict a
summary of the foreseen outcomes as in Table 1.
The canvases serve as a tool for extracting infor-
mation from the customer, needed to prepare the cus-
tomized cloud migration roadmap. Such a roadmap
takes all the requirements, opportunities, challenges,
and goals into consideration, together with hyper
scalers’ best practices, to form an adequate roadmap.
The workshop also produces the first N applications
to be migrated and their high-level migration path,
which serves as a foundation for an ordered backlog
of tasks during the migration. This backlog is reg-
ularly refreshed jointly with the experts, keeping the
original capabilities in mind. Adopting the cloud can
be a long-running process and a forever-evolving ac-
tivity. So the efforts do not just stop at migrating: The
workshop should be conducted regularly at least
yearly to reflect the changes and continuously re-
view the roadmap.
In order to add knowledge to method design
theories, we present the constructed method using
the TDEM tool from (Huseynli et al., 2022), which
was developed based on (Gregor and Jones, 2007),
with the method-specific refinements proposed by
(Offermann et al., 2010) and answers to the related
evaluation criteria formulated there. We illustrate this
Purpose and Scope
- Project type: a method to analyze and plan cloud
migration projects.
- Project context: organizations that want to migrate
their assets to a cloud environment.
- Lifecycle coverage: analyzing and planning cloud
migration projects.
- Role coverage: Business (CDO) and IT leads
(CIO, Dev, Ops), Process/product owners, and Cloud
- Activity coverage: Analysis and Planning.
- Canvases for 5 different purposes: Hopes and fears,
Prioritization Matrix, Rose-Thorn-Bud, Process
canvas, and 7R canvas.
- Interaction Room method as in (Book et al., 2012).
Principles of Form and Function
- Conducting exercises based on the 5 canvases for
analysis and planning of cloud migration projects in
a collaborative and interactive environment.
- The activities or exercises must be done in sequen-
tial order, as depicted in Figure 1, since the output of
a previous exercise/activity shall be the input of the
next one.
Artifact Mutability
- Participants in the interaction room can be different
from the ones pointed out above.
- Depending on the number of applications, the
number of those to be migrated can be adjusted and
can be more or less than N.
Testable Propositions
- Utility statement: The method allows for better
vendor-independent migration designs.
Justificatory Knowledge
- The Interaction Room method.
- 5 different exercises.
- Utilization in the setting of an organization, to
perform cloud migration.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Interaction room for cloud migration outcome/summary.
Hopes and Fears Prioritization Rose-Thorn-Bud Process canvas 7R canvas /
Input Hopes and Fears
regarding Cloud &
IT strategy
Goals, initiatives,
Anything A chosen pro-
Set of applica-
Output Business motiva-
Goals and priori-
Strengths, Weak-
nesses, and Op-
Process map Set of N appli-
cations to mi-
Value Serves as a warm-
up to initiate col-
Find goals and
align priorities.
Set of quick wins
can be found
Practitioners get to
highlight and rea-
Discover appli-
cations and de-
pendencies in a
given process
Serve as a foun-
dation for an or-
dered backlog
Principles of Implementation
- Activities have to be conducted, and in the end, the
result should be a constructive summary where aims
and desires have been considered and there is a clear
path forward, illustrated through a Process Canvas
and 7R summary.
- The method usage requires the initiation of a cloud
migration project.
Expository Instantiation
- The individual exercises and their facilitation have
been used in adesso Hungary before, however, the
combination of them with the aim of cloud migration
has not been tested yet. This is up for further evalua-
tion, research and documentation from the authors.
Cloud migration is an essential process for organiza-
tions that want to improve their efficiency and reduce
costs associated with their existing systems. The In-
teraction Room Method for Cloud Migration (IR:CM)
is a methodical approach that can assist organizations
in performing an effective and safe migration. The
IR:CM method emphasizes communication between
all stakeholders, considers key aspects, and priori-
tizes requirements for a smooth analysis and planning
of cloud migration tasks. The method has been con-
structed using a Design Science Research process and
method engineering. This systematic approach is de-
signed to address the limitations of current methods
and tools for cloud migration and provides a clear and
structured process for identifying critical aspects and
developing a migration plan. This research highlights
the importance of a methodical approach to cloud mi-
gration and the potential benefits that can be achieved
by using a well-defined approach such as IR:CM. By
utilizing this method, organizations can increase their
chances of success and reduce the risk of faults and
poor results.
Future work could include evaluating the IR:CM
method with applying it in several real-world scenar-
ios to further improve its effectiveness. Further re-
search should also involve exploring ways to integrate
the IR:CM method with other project management
and planning methods. It could be used to study the
long-term benefits and drawbacks of cloud migration
and how IR:CM can assist in maintaining and sup-
porting the cloud infrastructure.
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems