Exploring Spectral Data, Change Detection Information and
Trajectories for Land Cover Monitoring over a Fire-Prone Area
of Portugal
André Alves
, Daniel Moraes
2,3 b
, Bruno Barbosa
, Hugo Costa
2,3 d
, Francisco D. Moreira
Pedro Benevides
, Mário Caetano
2,3 g
Manuel Campagnolo
Forest Research Centre, Associate Laboratory TERRA, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon,
Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal
NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade NOVA de Lisboa,
Campus de Campolide, 1070-312 Lisboa, Portugal
Direção-Geral do Território, Rua Artilharia Um, 107, 1099-052 Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Land Cover Change Classification, Thematic Map, Spectral Composites, NDVI, CCDC, COSc, Earth Observation.
Abstract: Land use/land cover (LULC) change detection and classification in maps based on automated data processing
are becoming increasingly sophisticated in Earth Observation (EO). There is a growing number of annual
maps available, with diverse but related production structures consisting primarily of classification and post-
classification phases, the latter of which deals with inaccuracies of the first. The methodology production of
the Carta de Ocupação do Solo conjuntural(COSc), a thematic land cover map of continental Portugal
produced by the Directorate-General for Territory (DGT) mostly based on Sentinel-2 images classification,
includes a semi-automatic phase of correction that combines expert knowledge and ancillary data in if-then-
else rules validated by photointerpretation. Although this approach reduces misclassifications from an initial
Random Forest (RF) prediction map, improving consistency between years and compliance with ecological
succession, requires a lot of time-consuming semi-automatic procedures. This work evaluates the relevance
of exploring an additional set of variables for automatic classification over disturbance-prone areas. A
multitemporal dataset with 124 variables was analysed using data dimensionality reduction techniques,
resulting in the identification of 35 major explanatory indicators, which were then used as inputs for RF
classification with cross-validation. The estimated importance of the explanatory variables shows that
composites of spectral bands, which are already included in the current COSc workflow, in conjunction with
the inclusion of additional data namely, historical land cover information and change detection coefficients,
from the Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) algorithm, are relevant for predicting land
cover classes after disturbance. Since map updating is a more challenging task for disturbed pixels, we focused
our analysis on locations where COSc indicated potential land cover change. Nonetheless, the overall
classification accuracy for our experiments was 72.34 % which is similar to the accuracy of COSc for this
region of Portugal. The findings suggest new variables that could improve future COSc maps.
Land use/land cover (LULC) products by remote
sensing and satellite image classification are
becoming increasingly accurate in land
representation. Earth observation (EO) has seen
significant practical and theoretical advances as data
and machine-learning tools have become more
Alves, A., Moraes, D., Barbosa, B., Costa, H., Moreira, F., Benevides, P., Caetano, M. and Campagnolo, M.
Exploring Spectral Data, Change Detection Information and Trajectories for Land Cover Monitoring over a Fire-Prone Area of Portugal.
DOI: 10.5220/0011993100003473
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2023), pages 87-97
ISBN: 978-989-758-649-1; ISSN: 2184-500X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
accessible (Wulder et al., 2018). In the age of big data,
these map products are becoming more refined in
terms of both thematic and spatial detail, with
increased class heterogeneity. Simultaneously, with
the growing number of multi-annual maps (Brown et
al., 2020; Buchhorn et al., 2020; Hermosilla et al.,
2018) and near-real-time products (Brown et al.,
2022), the temporal aspect has also received attention.
However, measuring vegetation recovery and
predicting post-disturbance classes in line with
ecological succession principles, as well as other
concerns of temporal consistency of land cover
change direction, remains a challenge in time series
of land cover (Bartels et al., 2016; White et al., 2022;
Wulder et al., 2018).
Land succession processes are complex since they
can be of high or low magnitude, abrupt or subtle, and
completed in months or take several years (Zhu et al.,
2022). Also, misclassifications can be numerous
because of spectral confusion, land cover
heterogeneity within the pixel resolution, different
phases of vegetation growth and the broad conceptual
definition of classes (e.g., bushland, scrubland,
moorland, shrub-steppe, etc., are normally classified
in the same class). Several examples of works
presenting methodological contributions to post-
classification error reduction, improving annual
consistency and better-predicting land cover change
trajectories, can be found in the literature. Annual
filters limiting LULC misclassifications (Franklin et
al., 2015), spatial-temporal joint classifications (Cai
et al., 2014) and time-series post-classification
(Hermosilla et al., 2018), are a few examples that
illustrate how diverse the proposed methodologies
are. Those examples used several dimensions of data
for consistency refinement. Ranging from transition
rules based on prior knowledge, spectral and change
detection information, historical land cover and class
membership data, to contextual information of
adjacent pixels, a wide range of potential features can
be contemplated to more accurately predict the land
cover class in a context of ecological succession.
This study intends to explore an approach to
improve the Carta de Ocupação do Solo
conjuntural” (COSc). The COSc is a 10-meter raster
thematic annual map of land cover for continental
Portugal with 15 classes. As the outcome of a
supervised classification of satellite images and
ancillary data, its production settles on a multi-stage
workflow with preliminary maps being produced
along the way (Costa et al., 2022b). The first phase is
the COScA, a step of automatic data processing that
consists of a supervised classification with the
Random Forest (RF) algorithm to classify land cover
classes based on stratified point samples.
Subsequently, a semi-automatic phase takes place,
COScR, minimizing misclassifications through
expert knowledge implemented by if-then-else rules.
It is estimated that COScR map is at least 13 % more
accurate than COScA (Costa et al., 2022b).
Subsequently, the intra-annual vegetation losses,
such as wildfires during summer, are assessed in the
COScP phase. Finally, a harmonization process over
landscape units concludes the COSc workflow
The inputs for the automatic steps of the COSc
workflow are partly derived from the time series of
Sentinel-2 imagery. COScA uses as inputs monthly
composites and COScP relies on detected temporal
breaks of a vegetation index to identify potential
intra-annual vegetation losses. The COSc map has
been made available to users since 2018 and the
release of successive yearly products follows a “map
updating” strategy, where only pixels with evidence
of change are possibly reclassified. More precisely,
successive updates focus only on pixels expected to
change (e.g., fire scars) or identified as disturbed
according to a temporal analysis of the spectral
profile and assume that the rest of the map remains
unchanged (Costa et al., 2022a). COSc has been
updated to 2020, 2021 and the 2022 version is under
The current work explores the suitability of a
broad range of variables as new input data for the
COSc workflow. Towards that end, a dataset was
created with a set of variables for land cover
classification, which includes spectral data, historical
land cover information, Markov chain transition
probabilities, and change detection information from
the Continuous Change Detection and Classification
(CCDC) algorithm, which also models the temporal
pattern of the land cover signal between transitions.
At the time of writing, none of the existing versions
of the COSc map were created using CCDC or past
land cover and their transitions, thus their potential
for classification is unknown. Since our set of
variables is very large and exhibits some high
correlations, data was processed to identify
intercorrelated groups of variables, reduce the dataset
dimensionality, and minimise multicollinearity when
assessing for variables' importance.
Our experiments were made using a reference
dataset for a forest fire-prone region in the Center of
Portugal (tile 29TNE), where high-intensity large
fires occurred in 2017. Our reference data included
300 plots, distributed over fire-affected and non-fire-
affected areas, and was created through
photointerpretation of a temporal series of Sentinel-2
GISTAM 2023 - 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
false colour (RGB 843) composites from September
2018 to September 2021 and orthophotos from the
summer of 2018 and 2021.
The objectives of the paper are twofold: (i) assess
the accuracy of fully automatic land cover
classification; (ii) identify the relevance of new
candidate variables to be included in the COSc
workflow. The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 Data and Methods, Section 3
Results, Section 4 Discussion and Section 5
The methodological approach was supported in
Python environment. First, a hierarchical clustering
analysis identified groups of highly correlated
explanatory variables, that were subsequently
generalised by a principal component analysis (PCA)
to obtain a parsimonious dataset. The supervised
classification was performed using RF. Spectral,
thematic, transition probabilities and change
detection information were considered as inputs to
predict the 2021 class given by photointerpretation.
The accuracy of the model was evaluated using
traditional metrics and the calculation of Receiver
Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. Feature
importance was assessed, and the results were
2.1 Case Study Area
This research was conducted on the Sentinel-2 tile
29TNE, which covers a ~100 km wide swath along
the West coast of Central Portugal (Figure 1). This
area of continental Portugal landscape is
characterized by the coexistence of dense forest,
agricultural areas and urban land use bordering
wilderness (urban-rural interface areas). According to
Alves et al. (2022), there have been significant
changes in forest ecosystems in this area over the past
few decades. One of the most notable changes has
been the decline of maritime pine forests, as the result
of the expansion of eucalyptus plantations which now
dominate the region (Alves et al., 2022). Furthermore,
the study area was affected by large forest fires in
2017 (San-Miguel-Ayanz et al., 2020). As a result, it
is a dynamic area with the potential for land change
due to vegetation gains.
To run classification tests, the study area was
sampled with 300 circular plots with a 200-meter
radius. Those plots were randomly located over tile
29TNE, according to a stratification that separated the
sample into 150 plots that exhibited a spectral change
in the agricultural years from 2018 to 2021 and 150
that did not. The occurrence of change was identified
with the CCDC algorithm applied to the full
Sentinel-2 Level-2A time series, which initiates in
early 2017.
After the 300 plots were chosen as described
above, a team of photointerpreters relied on a series
of monthly Sentinel-2 temporal composites from
September 2018 to September 2021 as well as 25 cm
orthophotos from the summer of 2018 and 2021 to
segment those plots based on land cover and actual
occurrence of change. When a change was identified
by the photointerpreter, the thematic class for the
polygon pre-change and post-change was registered
according to the COSc legend. Therefore, the
reference dataset includes the class (minimum
mapping unit of 0.5 ha) for polygons that registered
changes from September 2018 to September 2021.
From these polygons originally 380,951 pixels were
derived (10-meter spatial resolution). The official
COSc2021 was used to label the polygons identified
Figure 1: Definition of the study area: a) Plots in tile
29TNE; b) Change/No-change polygons; c) Disturbed
pixels under study; d) COSc map land cover classes
Exploring Spectral Data, Change Detection Information and Trajectories for Land Cover Monitoring over a Fire-Prone Area of Portugal
as “no change” when the dominant class remained
equal to 2020 and covered more than 80 % of the
polygon area. “No change” polygons not meeting that
threshold were not included in our study area. In
addition, only pixels with potential vegetation gains
were kept (COScA i.e., areas where a disturbance
occurred in the last years (2015-2020) and COScP
i.e., losses (clear-cuts and fires) in the 2021
agricultural year). From the 15 classes of the COSc
legend, only 6 classes were relevant over the study
area: bare soil, natural grassland, shrubland,
eucalyptus, other broadleaves and maritime pine. As
a result, the analysis focused on those 6 land cover
classes (see Figure 1).
After these conditions were imposed, 147,060
pixels remained for the classification experiments
which covered about 14,7 km
. From 2020 to 2021,
according to the photointerpreters, 73945 pixels
changed land cover class, of which 20688 registered
a loss of vegetation while 53257 had some type of
2.2 Data
The multidimensional dataset (Table 1) was based on
a literature review of studies that address
multitemporal map production, annual consistency
refinement and ecological succession (Abercrombie
& Friedl, 2016; Franklin et al., 2015; Hermosilla et
al., 2018; Liu et al., 2021; Xian et al., 2022; Xie et al.,
2022). The 124 selected variables arose from a
compromise between information that is not
considered for the current COSc classification and
that could be easily generated without disrupting the
existing workflow. Furthermore, the new variables
were supposed to inform about the ecological
succession trajectory and the type of land cover
change. All information was resampled to the 10-m
spatial resolution of Sentinel-2 visible and near-
infrared (NIR) bands.
Table 1: Per-pixel raw data.
Dimension Variable
Historical land
COSc2018 and 2020 land cover
Class transition
Markovian Conditional
Probabilities 2018-2020
Spectral images
B2, B3, B4, B8, B11, B12 and
Normalized Difference
Vegetation Index (NDVI)
monthly composites
Change detection
Annual Cosine term of B2, B3,
B4, B8, B11, B12 and NDVI
Annual Sine term of mentioned
ands and NDVI
Magnitude change (mentioned
ands and NDVI
Time trend slope (mentioned
ands and NDVI)
Time trend intercept (mentioned
ands and NDVI
Time duration of the last
Number of detected breaks
e in the
ear 2021
2.2.1 Historical Land Cover Information
The incorporation of prior land cover classes
constitutes information relevant for predicting the
next class and its inclusion in classification and post-
classification processes is not atypical (Cai et al.,
2014; Reis et al., 2020). The inclusion of previous
classes can be informative for two main reasons. On
the one hand because if a specific tree species class
has already occurred in a determined location, it is
more likely to occur in the future than other tree
species. On the other hand, the model can learn what
were the most common transitions to occur in the
past, giving it greater confidence in predicting the
future class. In this sense, the COSc2018 and 2020
classes were used as inputs for classification.
2.2.2 Class Transition Likelihood
In research aimed at enhancing the consistency of
annual maps, transition probabilities are typically
used as input variables in post-classification schemes
(Gong et al., 2017). In our approach transition
probabilities were derived using Markov Chains
based on the Markovian transition estimator in
IDRISI Selva. The reference images used were the
2018 and 2020 COSc maps of the study area, but
since our objective was to predict the land cover class
in 2021 it was defined that the period to project
forward from the second image was only one year.
The probability calculation assumed that the existing
thematic error in COSc did not propagate over time.
2.2.3 Spectral Images
The spectral variables used correspond to the
Sentinel-2 bands 2 (blue), 3 (green), 4 (red), 8 (near-
infrared), 11 and 12 (short-wave infrared). In
addition, the Normalized Difference Vegetation
Index (NDVI), with a known strong capacity for
discriminating phenological profiles of different land
covers (Balata et al., 2022; García et al., 2019), was
calculated. These spectral data consisted of monthly
composites computed using the median value of
observations covering the 2021 agricultural year
GISTAM 2023 - 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
(October 2020 until September 2021), with the
Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance image collection from
Earth Engine Datasets. The s2cloudless was used as
the cloud filter and gaps due to missing data were
filled based on interpolation using a harmonic model.
2.2.4 Change Detection Information
The inclusion of change information in land cover
classification can enable a result with a lower degree
of misclassifications when considering areas
experiencing changes since it is informative about the
trajectory of each pixel. Change information was
calculated using the CCDC algorithm (Zhu &
Woodcock, 2014) in Google Earth Engine. CCDC
uses linear harmonic models to detect breaks in time
series based on EO data. In particular, the harmonic
terms are modelled by periodic functions of sine and
cosine for varying periods, although we only use the
annual terms (see Table 1). The algorithm was
executed on the Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance image
collection and its parameterization is exhibited in
Table 2.
The CCDC algorithm was not used to detect new
areas with disturbance, since the study area mask was
already defined based on the current COSc
framework, but for deriving relevant information for
classification. Although CCDC is designed to detect
more than one change per pixel, and model all
temporal segments between detected breaks in the
time series, we restricted our analysis just to the most
recent segment.
Table 2: Parameters used to run the CCDC algorithm.
Lambda 50
uare 0.995
Minimum number of
ears facto
Minimum observations 6
Maximum iterations 25000
Breakpoint bands B3, B12, NDVI
TMask bands B3, B12
The CCDC estimated coefficients (intercept,
trend, and annual periodicity fitted with sine and
cosine terms) model the pattern of the time series after
the most recent disturbance and are suitable to land
cover classification processes (Xian et al., 2022). The
coefficients represent a temporal segment between
two breaks. If no disturbance is detected by the
algorithm since the beginning of the time series
(which is early 2017 for Sentinel-2 surface
reflectance data) the full series corresponds to the
most recent segment. However, we used the total
number of detected breaks for the whole time series
as a proxy for the overall frequency of disturbance at
the pixel location.
2.3 Data Dimensionality Reduction
To obtain a parsimonious model, avoiding data
redundancy and multicollinearity when measuring
the feature importance, a double-step dimensionality
reduction approach was used. First, a hierarchical
cluster analysis was performed using all variables'
correlation as the distance matrix, applying Ward’s
aggregation rule. This allowed us to identify groups
of highly intercorrelated variables. The variable that
represents each group was defined as its principal
component according to a PCA. Due to their scales,
the prior land cover class (2 variables), Markovian
probabilities (6 variables, 1 for each class), and the
binary variable of change in 2021 were set aside and
added later to the representative variables determined
as described above. This approach resulted in a total
of 26 new variables (derived from clustering and
PCA) plus the 9 ones that had been set aside (see
Table 1).
2.4 Random Forest Classification and
Accuracy Assessment
We used the sklearn library in Python (Pedregosa et
al., 2011) to run RF classifications with stratified 10-
fold cross-validation. Data were partitioned into
training and testing polygons stratified by the 2021
class, ensuring that polygons used for training would
not be used for testing, and vice versa.
Parametrization ensured a maximum number of 300
trees and
as the number of features available at
each split.
The measurement of variable importance was
obtained by the feature permutation algorithm,
determining the mean decrease in accuracy for each
variable. The permutation method to estimate
variable importance takes an explanatory variable x
and randomly shuffles its values in the dataset before
re-fitting the model. Then, it measures the increase in
prediction error regarding the model fitted to the
original dataset. Repeating this procedure for each
variable 𝑥 at a time estimates its importance and
compares it to the remaining variables.
Exploring Spectral Data, Change Detection Information and Trajectories for Land Cover Monitoring over a Fire-Prone Area of Portugal
Results highlight that some variables, due to their
significance, have the potential for inclusion in future
COSc map production, specifically, by aiding in the
integration of land cover trajectory-related
parameters into the classification.
3.1 Accuracy
Table 3 shows the cross-validation accuracy
assessment with the RF classifier. The parsimonious
model achieved an accuracy of 72.34 % (± 1.86 % at
the 95 % confidence level). Pixels that were identified
by the photointerpreters as “change” exhibited a
slightly lower accuracy, particularly in the case of
vegetation gains.
Table 3: Model accuracy.
Type of pixels
Correctly classified
ixels (%)
Global 72.34
No chan
e in 2018-2021 77.30
e in 2018-2021 67.61
ains 2020-2021 65.31
Vegetation losses 2020-2021 73.52
Land cover changes leading to loss of vegetation
(e.g., eucalyptus to bare soil; shrubland to natural
grassland, etc.) had higher accuracy than vegetation
gains. However, the model’s capacity to correctly
classify vegetation gains seems to have been
influenced by the type of occurrence that caused the
disturbance. According to Table 4, a greater
percentage of incorrectly classified pixels was related
to wildfires (60 %), whereas polygons with clear-cuts
had lower misclassification occurrences. Even though
these proportions apply to all pixels and not only
those with vegetation gains, it appears that the
classification outcome was influenced by the fact that
burned scars recover more slowly than areas that had
tree cutting.
Table 4: Error distribution by disturbance processes.
Type of disturbance
Incorrectly classified
No disturbance detected in
Fire in 2018-2021 59.89
-cut in 2018-2021 37.96
The land cover classes with the greatest accuracy
were shrubland and eucalyptus (Figure 2). The
classification of maritime pine and other broadleaves,
which are not abundant in the study area, were more
prone to errors.
Figure 2: Classification ROC curves.
3.2 Dimensionality Reduction and
Feature Importance
The data dimensionality reduction approach led to the
reduction of the original dataset of 124 variables to
meaningful groups of just 35 variables, which are
listed in Figure 3. For instance, the first group
includes monthly vegetation indices (NDVI) for all
spring and summer months, while the "Visible
summer” group contains all Sentinel-2 visible bands
for the summer months. Considering the variable
selection approach, our results show that NDVI
during spring and summer months, prior land cover
classes (particularly COSc2018), the length of the
CCDC's last segment and the number of valid breaks
had the larger importance for classification (Figure
3). Indicators from the CCDC algorithm and spectral
information stand out as those with the greatest
contribution to land cover monitoring.
Generally, the variables corresponding to winter
and fall months were of less importance. Transition
probabilities based on Markov Chains appeared with
low importance and those that seem to have been the
most informative for the model correspond to class
change to other broadleaves and eucalyptus, two
classes with spectral similarity issues.
GISTAM 2023 - 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Figure 3: Permutation importance given by the mean
decrease in cross-validation estimated accuracy.
3.3 Spatial Error Distribution
The spatial distribution of classification errors
highlights the predominance of misclassifications
related to smaller polygons (Figure 4) and pixels near
polygon boundaries (Figure 5). In other words, the
model performed better on larger polygons and in
pixels distant from borders (i.e., less heterogeneous).
Despite the error rates being lower in non-forest
classes (Figure 2), their higher prevalence in the study
area caused the most misclassifications. More
specifically, the absolute number of mis-
classifications occurred predominantly in the classes
of natural grassland (23.69 %), shrubland (34.90 %),
and bare soil (29.78 %).
Polygons with high land cover heterogeneity and
diverse types of forest species at distinct stages of
evolution appear to have penalized the model since
several plots with error patches have been observed
as in Figure 6. This figure includes several polygons
that were misclassified as shrubland, suggesting that
our model tended to select that class over other
classes with a similar spectral signal. It also illustrates
an error type that may arise from the fact that
photointerpretation sampling had a minimum
mapping unit, which resulted in the inclusion of
multiple land covers inside the same polygon. In the
example in Figure 6, a eucalyptus stand is dominant
in a polygon but it is mixed with shrubland leading to
incorrect classification. The same explanation is valid
for other classes that exhibit a large enough degree of
Figure 4: Small polygons error pattern (green correctly
classified; brown classification error). The base map is a
DGT Orthophoto for 2021.
We stress that the validation partitioning approach
that was followed to obtain the results described
above ensured that pixels in the same polygon could
not be used for both training and testing, mitigating
spatial autocorrelation and potential overestimation
of classification accuracy.
Figure 5: Boundary error pattern (green correctly
classified; brown classification error). The base map is a
DGT Orthophoto for 2021.
Exploring Spectral Data, Change Detection Information and Trajectories for Land Cover Monitoring over a Fire-Prone Area of Portugal
Figure 6: Mixed polygons error pattern (green correctly
classified; brown classification error; S sample; P -
prediction). The base map is a DGT Orthophoto for 2021.
In this research, we have explored a set of variables
that can potentially improve the COSc annual map
classification and also reduce the manual work in the
post-classification stage. A multidimensional dataset
including time-series spectral and change detection
information, historical land cover, and transition
probabilities was created for this purpose. We
demonstrated how this methodological approach
yielded insights about information useful for a better
land cover change prediction.
4.1 Major Findings
Costa et al. (2022b) concluded that the accuracy of
the semi-automatic COSc thematic map for 2018 for
our study area (tile 29TNE) is close to 75 %. Even if
the results are not fully comparable (Costa et al.,
2022a), our findings suggest that it is possible to
obtain a similar accuracy using an automatic
approach by adding new variables to the COSc
We showed (see Table 3) that for pixels where no
recent changes had been identified the accuracy is
highest (77 %) even if we restricted our analysis to
areas where evidence of change exists for the period
2015-2021 according to the COSc workflow. This
points out that automatic classification tends to have
higher accuracy when no recent change occurs, which
is expectable for change detection methods like
CCDC that perform better with a sufficiently long
series of observations to model the land cover signal
after a change. Since classification tends to be more
accurate for stable land covers, the obtained accuracy
results are likely to underestimate overall accuracy
since our reference dataset has a proportion of
changed land cover (50.3 %, according to the
photointerpreters) much higher than the average
proportion of changed pixels for Portugal over 2018-
2020 which is 5.4 % according to Costa et al. (2022a).
Change information, which Wulder et al. (2018)
stated as an essential component of modern land
cover monitoring, was especially pertinent to
discriminate the classes under study. CCDC
variables’ high importance confirms the potential of
this change detection technique to generate pertinent
data for land cover classification. The relevance of
CCDC outputs for classification has already been
demonstrated in LCMAP production (Xian et al.,
2022). However, the major novelty of our work in this
domain is the use of a short time series of Sentinel-2
images, while most work implementing CCDC relied
on long series of Landsat data (Franklin et al., 2015;
Xian et al., 2022; Xie et al., 2022). The importance of
the temporal component in the classification process,
considered by Gómez et al. (2016) as indispensable in
the current state of EO, was confirmed by the CCDC
because the coefficients used were of the last
segment, i.e., information after the last disturbance.
Other variables informed about trajectory parameters
and ecological succession. The historical information
revealed itself to be especially useful for the model to
learn the class that follows, both in terms of
vegetation losses and gains. In terms of spectral
information, the months that mark the biggest
difference in vegetation greenness of the land cover
classes (spring and summer) were the most important.
This outcome is not difficult to comprehend for the
Portuguese Mediterranean climate since the
interannual greenness variability of some classes is
more pronounced at the end of summer, when the
maximum dryness is reached, and at the beginning of
fall, when the growth in greenness resumes.
Transition probabilities were the least important data
dimension. Its limited contribution may be attributed
to its exclusive consideration of the study area's
overall transition probabilities, thereby failing to
distinguish contextual characteristics of pixel sets.
The spatial distribution of misclassifications
reflects essentially three situations: boundary pattern,
small polygon, and heterogeneous polygon.
Boundaries between different geographic features
can cause diverse spatial patterns in the occurrence of
GISTAM 2023 - 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
errors. Since the study samples comprised polygons
with different shapes and sizes, the characteristics of
these polygons (such as their size, shape, and spatial
arrangement) influence the error patterns (Corcoran
et al., 2015; Moraes et al., 2021). In addition, due to
the minimum mapping unit of the polygons, a certain
level of spectral diversity was inevitable, which made
it more difficult to classify polygons with more
intricate land cover patterns.
Regarding the classification errors by land cover
types, the phenological profiles of natural grassland
and shrublands have common behaviours and spectral
similarities. The model overestimated the number of
shrubland pixels however, this class had high
accuracy. Because we are dealing with a dynamic
environment, the transition from herbaceous to
shrubland can be gradual and undetectable. As a
result, the model underperformed in classifying
natural grassland, with more than 40 % of pixels
misclassified as shrubland or bare soil. Since abrupt
changes (losses) were better classified than gains
(slower transitions), there is still a need to investigate
a wider collection of metrics that can assist in
monitoring more subtle changes and longer
succession processes.
4.2 Limitations and Future
The ultimate goal of this research is to improve the
COSc workflow for the whole Portuguese territory.
Our study area was limited to a disturbance-prone
region previously identified by the COSc processing
steps. In future work, we will explore the suitability
of the new candidate variables not only for
classification but also for identifying pixels for map
Also, our approach was limited in describing
long-term ecological succession. The Markovian
transition probabilities, which we had anticipated to
be highly informative due to their importance in
previously cited studies, were found to have relatively
low levels of significance. This is partly because the
Markov Chain processes are memoryless, meaning
that the land cover transition probabilities to 2021
were independent of the previous classes in instances
before the period 2018-2020. Although with residual
importance, Figure 3 shows that the two most
important probabilities from the six variables were
transitions to other broadleaves and eucalyptus. These
two classes are often difficult to distinguish in the
COSc mapping due to their spectral similarities and
the presence of mixed forest patches in the study area,
which suggests that this type of stochastic transition
element could be explored to discriminate forest
species. If these probabilities are complemented by
additional information, such as per-pixel vegetation
growth suitability, their relevance may increase for
dealing with the unique context of some pixel sets.
Future work should focus on extending these
experiments to a larger area and with a higher number
of land cover classes. Additional spectral bands
relevant to land cover monitoring, such as the red-
edge, should be explored. It may also be crucial to
assess potential accuracy gains from the use of a
classifier with spatial dependency or the
incorporation of variables with contextual
information from neighbouring pixels.
The main goal of this work was to identify new
variables to improve the automatic steps of the COSc
workflow. This was accomplished by testing a set of
variables across multiple dimensions, including
previous land cover data, transition probabilities,
spectral and change detection information. The
analysis applied to a fire-prone area showed that some
variables not yet included in the COSc workflow,
specifically land cover classes in previous years and
change detection information produced by the CCDC,
have a high potential for improving the classification.
It was discovered that, when combined with Sentinel-
2 temporal composites, CCDC coefficients have high
importance, particularly the duration of the last
segment post-disturbance and the number of breaks in
the study period. Variable selection combining
hierarchical clustering and PCA effectively resulted
in a more parsimonious model without compromising
classification performance.
We thank the Directorate General for Territory's
young research fellows for their effort in drawing and
identifying the different types of land cover in
This research was conducted under the collaboration
contract DGT-ISA 261/2021 with funding from
Compete2020 (POCI-05-5762-FSE-000368),
supported by the European Social Fund, and Centro
Exploring Spectral Data, Change Detection Information and Trajectories for Land Cover Monitoring over a Fire-Prone Area of Portugal
de Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC),
Project UIDB/00239/2020 (Forest Research Centre),
both supported by the Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology (FCT).
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