A Review on Cryptocurrency Transaction Methods for Money
Hugo Almeida
1,2 a
, Pedro Pinto
2,3,4 b
and Ana Fern
andez Vilas
1 c
University of Vigo and AtlanTTic Research Center, Spain
Instituto Polit
ecnico de Viana do Castelo, 4900-347 Viana do Castelo, Portugal
INESC TEC, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Universidade da Maia, 4475-690 Maia, Portugal
Money Laundering, Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, Transactions, Methods.
Cryptocurrencies are considered relevant assets and they are currently used as an investment or to carry
out transactions. However, specific characteristics commonly associated with the cryptocurrencies such as
irreversibility, immutability, decentralized architecture, absence of control authority, mobility, and pseudo-
anonymity make them appealing for money laundering activities. Thus, the collection and characterization
of current cryptocurrency-based methods used for money laundering are paramount to understanding the cir-
culation flows of physical and digital money and preventing this illegal activity. In this paper, a collection of
cryptocurrency transaction methods is presented and distributed through the money laundering life cycle. Each
method is analyzed and classified according to the phase of money laundering it corresponds to. The result of
this article may in the future help design efficient strategies to prevent illegal money laundering activities.
A cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that allows
transactions, typically without the control of a cen-
tral authority (Ryan Farell, 2015). Cryptocurrencies
are based on cryptographic algorithms to secure and
legitimize transactions. They are currently highly re-
garded assets and can be used for transactions and
as an investment. The cryptocurrency transactions
take place online and, as highlighted in (Blockchain,
2021), the number of these confirmed transactions in-
creased between 2010 and 2020 by more than 300,000
transactions per day. The success of cryptocurren-
cies can be related to their specific characteristics
namely their irreversibility, immutability, decentral-
ization, absence of control authority, mobility, and
As cryptocurrencies can be used to make pur-
chases in any location, they have their specific value
and their transactions are not directly linked to an
identity, they can be attractive to be used in illicit
activities. According to (Foley et al., 2019) approx-
imately 46% of Bitcoin transactions and approxi-
mately 26% of all users were associated with ille-
gal activities. According to (EU, 2022), criminals
have become more sophisticated when using cryp-
tocurrencies and these currencies are used to trade
illicit goods and services, for fraud or extortion, as
part of exchanges within for-profit schemes (such as
child sexual abuse material), or Money Laundering
(ML). Considering this latter and according to the
2022 Chain Analysis Report in (Crypto, 2022), there
were $8.6 Billion laundered through crypto transac-
tions, representing a 30% increase in one year and,
since 2017, there were laundered around $33 Billion
worth in cryptocurrencies.
The cryptocurrency-based ML activity compre-
hends diverse methods along the different stages of
the money laundering (ML) process. The collection
and characterization of these methods should be de-
tailed and classified, in order to understand the as-
sociated cryptocurrency flows better and, as a conse-
quence, to design the most effective anti-money laun-
dering strategies.
This paper presents the methods involving cryp-
tocurrency transactions in the money laundering life
cycle. These methods are classified according to the
Almeida, H., Pinto, P. and Fernández Vilas, A.
A Review on Cryptocurrency Transaction Methods for Money Laundering.
DOI: 10.5220/0011993300003494
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2023), pages 114-121
ISBN: 978-989-758-646-0; ISSN: 2184-5891
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
main stages in a ML life-cycle, i.e. placement, lay-
ering, and integration, and include the description
and analysis. The placement stage addresses the ex-
change of monetary value into cryptocurrency for fu-
ture transactions. The layering stage includes transac-
tions, splitting, and other operations with cryptocur-
rency values to avoid tracing them from their illicit
origins. The integration stage occurs when the laun-
dered value is restored back to its original owner,
without suspicion of its origin.
The remainder of this document is organized as
Section 2 describes the related work. Section 3
addresses cryptocurrency transactions. Section 4
presents the cryptocurrency-based ML. Section 5 de-
tails and discusses the proposed method distribution
through each money laundering phase. Section 6
presents the conclusions.
As a digital currency, cryptocurrencies are part of a
digital monetary system that allows transactions of
any amount of value in that format. The control of
a given cryptocurrency can be centralized or decen-
tralized. In case the control of the cryptocurrency is
decentralized, it may use Blockchain as the founda-
tional technology. Blockchain can be deployed us-
ing a public registry, distributed on an extensive net-
work of computers that verifies in real time all trans-
actions involving cryptocurrencies (Nakamoto, 2008;
Hayes, 2022; Albrecht et al., 2019). Each transac-
tion is recorded anonymously, and depending on the
cryptocurrency profile used, it can be more or less dif-
ficult to trace. Each block is timestamped when it
is included in the blockchain which is structured in
chronological order.
Since transaction codes are recorded on the
blockchain using a cryptographic algorithm, changing
the elements of a previous transaction is not feasible.
Cryptocurrencies using blockchain inherit the
property of pseudo-anonymization, allowing one to
check the address of the wallet, but not the user iden-
tity (Yuan and Wang, 2018; Dupuis and Gleason,
2020). This property along with being decentralized
without central control, but secure at the same time,
enables blockchain cryptocurrencies to be used for il-
licit actions, such as Money laundering.
As stated in (Suratkar et al., 2020), cryptocur-
rency wallets are used by any person or entity wish-
ing to transact cryptocurrencies. They are useful to
store data related to the cryptocurrency transactions of
their holder. Unlike a normal wallet, cryptocurrency
wallets do not store physical currency, they store the
keys that allow you to access your cryptocurrencies
and perform the transactions you intend with them.
There are different types of cryptocurrency wallets:
- Desktop wallets: Software that can be installed on
a computer; - Online wallets: Software that works
via the internet, hosted in such a way that it can
be accessed from anywhere; - Mobile wallets: Soft-
ware that works on mobile devices; Hardware wallets:
Physical wallets that can be carried and stored outside
the digital world, they usually have a look similar to a
pen drive;
According to (Han et al., 2020) Money Launder-
ing can be defined as ”transferring illegally obtained
money through legitimate persons, accounts, or ser-
vices so that its original source cannot be discovered”.
Money laundering constitutes a set of behavioral pat-
terns. In (Faccia et al., 2020) it is implied that money
in this process, is associated with a group of behav-
ioral patterns, namely, replacement behavior (where
any relationship with the source of the money is elim-
inated), transfer behavior (through the use of illicit
value transaction instruments for different purposes),
and the undertaking of other operations aimed at recy-
cling this money, outside the scope of the legislation
in place. Money laundering through cryptocurren-
cies refers to the process of converting, through trans-
actions of cryptocurrencies and other assets, illicitly
obtained financial resources, into legitimate currency
and integrating them into the financial system.
In (Teichmann and Falker, 2020) authors explore
how cryptocurrencies can be used in money launder-
ing. The authors claim that unregulated cryptocur-
rencies pose a threat to lawmakers and law enforce-
ment. These cryptocurrencies are considered high
risk due to the pseudo-anonymity characteristic, and
despite the fact that their usage requires some techno-
logical knowledge, there are ample resources to over-
come this problem. The authors argue that to avoid
money laundering with cryptocurrencies, institutions
and people dealing with this asset should avoid con-
ducting transactions if they have any doubts.
According to Chainanalisys (Team, 2022)
cryptocurrency-related crimes broke records in 2021.
The amounts moved to illicit wallets reached 14
billion that year, up from 7.8 billion the previous
year. These measures are important for restricting
access and creating mechanisms to enable further
and more thorough investigation of cryptocurrency
transactions and profits. In (Foley et al., 2019) the
authors quantify and characterize the illegal bitcoin
trade; and also state that cryptocurrencies are among
the largest unregulated markets in the world. It is
found that approximately one-quarter of bitcoin users
A Review on Cryptocurrency Transaction Methods for Money Laundering
are involved in illegal activity and that bitcoin is
related to around 76 billion of illegal activity per year,
which is near the volume of the U.S. and European
markets for illegal drugs. Their findings suggest that
cryptocurrencies are transforming the black markets
by enabling “black e-commerce.
Authors in (Dyntu and Dykyi, 2019) analyze com-
pliance risks associated with cryptocurrencies, partic-
ularly investigating how cryptocurrencies can be mis-
appropriated to launder money. It demonstrates how
criminals use cryptocurrencies to circumvent existing
Anti Money Laundering (AML) measures. As regular
cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are not regulated, they
pose immense compliance threats from the perspec-
tives of legislators and law enforcement. The authors
highlight that, to be able to effectively prevent money
laundering, authorities must understand how money
launderers act. Their study provides valuable insight
into criminals’ perspectives, it partially fills the iden-
tified literature gap by illustrating how money laun-
derers operate using cryptocurrencies.
In the financial system, a group of authors such
as (Schneider and Niederl
ander, 2008; Reuter and
Truman, 2004; Brenig et al., 2015) identify a set of
phases for the money laundering process. According
to (Liu et al., 2021; Wronka, 2021a; Wronka, 2021b),
a classical model featuring the following three phases
is highlighted: Placement, Layering, and Integration.
The Placement phase aims to eliminate all links be-
tween the illegal value and its origin or ownership.
The Layering phase is the process of transferring
funds through different applications or accounts so
that the initial origin of the money is difficult to find.
The Integration phase is where the funds are inte-
grated into the legitimate economy.
To perform cryptocurrency transactions it is neces-
sary to use cryptocurrency wallets, depending on their
type. Cryptocurrency wallets can be categorized with
respect to their operation, by the following types:
Hot - wallets that need an internet connection to
Cold - wallets that consist of hardware devices
that do not need internet access to maintain the
In addition to this dependency, cryptocurrency wallets
can also be categorized with respect to their manage-
ment, i.e.:
Custodial - wallets managed by a third entity, i.e.
their private keys are the property of that entity,
which happens in the case of wallets integrated
into exchanges
Non-custodial - wallets where the owner has full
control of the funds and the private key associated
with the wallet.
Crypto wallets can interact with multiple types of
cryptocurrencies and some of these wallets are more
geared toward maintaining anonymity. The Cold and
non-custodial wallets are the ones offering low expo-
sure, however, a higher degree of liability is required,
because if the private key is lost, it will not be re-
coverable. Also, they can have features such as non-
reuse of addresses associated with transactions; use of
route access via TOR and using VPN; use of the Coin-
join protocol; creation of hidden wallets in the appli-
cation interface; automated behavior settings that al-
low automatic sending of funds under certain condi-
tions such as described in (Taylor et al., 2022; Thomp-
son, 2022; Clarke, 2022). However, the characteris-
tics and usefulness with regard to privacy and pseudo-
anonymity of cryptocurrency wallets are constantly
changing. With the increasing government controls
and Know Your Customer (KYC) measures, the type
of the wallets may change or be blocked (Hay, Steven,
In the current study, a set of cryptocurrency transac-
tion methods is reviewed in the context of the money
laundering life cycle. The choice of these methods
was centered on ease of access, computer knowledge
only necessary from the user’s point of view, basic
knowledge in the world of cryptocurrencies, the pos-
sibility of using any computer with only an internet
connection, and the possibility of maintaining a min-
imum level of privacy.
The cryptocurrency methods collected are In-
Person Transaction, Crypto ATM Machines, P2P
Transactions, Prepaid or Gift Cards, Tumblers or
Mixing Services, Chain Hopping, Decentralized Ex-
changes, Cryptocurrencies Online Casinos, and In-
vestments Through Cryptocurrencies. These are de-
scribed in the following sections and mapped in the
three classical phases of the money laundering life cy-
cle, i.e. Placement, Layering, and Integration.
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
4.1 In-Person Transaction
The In-Person Transaction can be a purchase (in the
Placement phase) or a sale (in the Integration phase).
For purchase, this method requires, first, finding
someone that has a given amount of cryptocurrency.
Next, each person should agree on the price of the
coins and make the exchange manually. This implies
a certain degree of trust between the parties involved,
on the other hand, the storage device of the cryptocur-
rencies or the platform where they are to be trans-
ferred must be carefully analyzed and thought through
For the sale, and from the seller’s perspective, this
method implies a degree of trust between the parties
involved. In case the transaction is accomplished and
anonymity is maintained, however, the volume trans-
acted and the insertion of fiat currency in the financial
system can generate alerts for further investigation re-
garding the origin of these values, raising legal and/or
fiscal issues. Another important issue is the cryp-
tocurrency value set for the transaction. A downside
is that the value is not stable, therefore, is important
to check whether it meets the established criteria so
that the deal is carried out profitably (Cointelegraph,
4.2 Cryptocurrency ATM Machines
The Cryptocurrency ATM Machines method can be a
deposit (in the Placement phase) or a withdrawal (in
the Integration phase).
For the deposit, the cryptocurrency ATMs are ter-
minals connected to the internet that allows users to
buy cryptocurrencies. These machines connect to the
bitcoin network and allow users to buy and sell cryp-
tocurrencies. They are generally not related to known
financial entities (e.g. banks). As an advantage, there
is the possibility to perform transactions using any
normal cash ATM. Also, anonymity is still allowed
in this method. Despite the increasing implementa-
tion of KYC measures, there are several operators,
with different models of machines with diverse char-
acteristics and identification requirements, from min-
imal (e.g. Qr code) to demanding systems (e.g. facial
recognition). However, the following aspects should
be taken into account: Cryptocurrency ATMs are not
abundant; their offer in terms of transactions is lim-
ited in number and choice of cryptocurrencies; their
fees are varied (statistics in (News et al., 2021) show
that the average worldwide fees are 8.4% to buy bit-
coins in Cryptocurrency ATM machines, and 5.4% to
sell and exchange for real money).
Regarding withdrawal, the cryptocurrency ATM
machines allow interaction with both types of cur-
rencies, cryptocurrencies and regular. They have a
similar interaction to any other normal ATM machine
and they are accessible in urban environments thus,
cryptocurrency ATM machines can be used to con-
vert cryptocurrencies into physical currency, such as
euros or dollars. As mentioned in (Jurva, Gina, 2022),
it is relatively easy to withdraw money from a cryp-
tocurrency ATM without having strict control. For
instance, if it is needed to withdraw $15000 (USD),
the person needs to use several different cryptocur-
rency ATMs and withdraw the stipulated maximum
limit until the required amount is reached.
4.3 Peer to Peer (P2P) Transactions
The P2P Transaction method can consist of a pur-
chase (in the Placement phase) or a sale (in the In-
tegration phase).
In the purchase, P2P, represents a transaction be-
tween two peers through a communication channel
without the control or monitoring of a regulatory en-
tity. This transaction can be performed by dedicated
platforms, executing the following steps: first, it is
necessary to find the partner to make the transaction,
then it is necessary to define the format for sending the
monetary value in fiat currency, and finally, schedule
and carry out the transaction.
The already available platforms allow you to se-
lect a specific seller for a given transaction. The fol-
lowing preventive measures should be taken into ac-
count: analyze the reputation of the transaction part-
ner; understand the way the platform works, check
the reputation of the platform itself, and finally pre-
pare the way the cryptocurrency is received. How-
ever, this method has some limitations, the value of
the currency is usually higher than the market value
and the quantity is limited.
Regarding the sale in the integration phase, this
means it can be also used to sell or convert the cryp-
tocurrency into real currency. The level of reputation
of a user can be an influential factor even in finding
someone receptive to transact. In some platforms, de-
pending on the choice, it is still possible to proceed
without KYC rules, however, the transaction partner
may ask for identity verification in case of a bank
4.4 Prepaid or Gift Cards
This method is performed when there are means of
housing pre-stipulated amounts of money on a plas-
tic card that allows purchases to be made through a
code. There are two differences between prepaid and
A Review on Cryptocurrency Transaction Methods for Money Laundering
gift cards: the first is that prepaid cards can generally
be loaded indefinitely, while gift cards can only be
used until the amount they contain is used; the second
difference is that prepaid cards are generally associ-
ated with a financial interest entity, banks, or credit
companies, while gift cards are generally associated
with a specific retailer, for instance, clothing shops,
app shops, online games, etc.
Prepaid credit cards are under surveillance by gov-
ernment entities and under anti-money laundering di-
rectives imposed by the European Union (EU) on
member states, attempting to limit the activities of ID-
less prepaid cards.
Alternatively, in the placement phase, the trans-
action can be performed through gift cards from the
most popular platforms, from online shopping to mo-
bile phone operating system app shops. However,
transaction costs are high and the volumes involved
are limited; for the current study, it was tried out the
platform PaxFul (Paxful, Inc., 2021), which allows
Bitcoin (BTC) purchases of up to 4000 euros on pre-
paid cards from a gaming platform, available in any
supermarket or technology shop.
Also, a card sale is also a possibility in the inte-
gration phase. This is a method used also in the inte-
gration phase, as it is possible to buy gift cards with
cryptocurrencies, where these values are already ear-
marked for one or several specific purchases of goods
available on large online trading platforms such as
Amazon, Apple, eBay, etc. Currently, these platforms
do not accept purchases with cryptocurrencies, but it
is possible to buy gift cards for later use without the
need for personal data, since they are not issued to the
bearer, thus guaranteeing anonymity. The purchase
assets are limited to the card and its lifetime may be
limited also, however, its representative value remains
regardless of exchange rates. There are several plat-
forms for the purchase of gift cards with cryptocur-
rencies that have minimum requirements for registra-
tion, although some have specific characteristics, the
variety of products and retailers is vast, which allows
you, at the limit, in some countries, to live anony-
mously using cryptocurrencies via gift cards. (Rees,
Katie, 2022; BitShills, 2022)
4.5 Tumblers or Mixing Services
Tumblers or Mixers are services that, through soft-
ware, aim to reduce the identification of the prove-
nance of cryptocurrencies by mixing several trans-
actions together. Since transaction data is public,
with specific procedures, it is possible to identify
data relating to a particular transaction, such as its
origin, value, and other readable data. The goal of
this method is then to divide the funds to be trans-
acted into smaller sets, which can then be mixed with
other transactions. When the process is over, the re-
ceiver receives the same value but in a new set of
coins. Thus, a tumbler allows breaking the relation-
ship that exists between your ID and the cryptocur-
rency owned, and it can be used in the Layering phase
of the money laundering life cycle.
4.6 Chain Hopping
Chain Hopping is another Layering method, which
can be referred to as a generally fast succession of
transactions between different blockchains and cryp-
tocurrencies, to make it harder to trace the origin
and the destination of the exchanged monetary val-
ues. These transactions are done through different ex-
changes less demanding in terms of regulation (Kelly,
Jemima, 2017; Wilkinson, Monty, 2021), and so they
are used in the Layering phase of the money launder-
ing life cycle.
4.7 Decentralized Exchanges
A decentralized exchange is a peer-to-peer exchange
where cryptocurrency transactions can take place be-
tween two entities, buyers and sellers. This type of
exchange does not have an entity regulating the trans-
action, i.e., it does not have intermediaries with all the
benefits and risks that this entails. To this date, these
types of exchanges only transact between cryptocur-
rencies, they do not use fiat money. Also, they do not
need detailed personal information and there are no
unnecessary transfers of assets, which allegedly de-
creases the risk of theft. Finally, they also have a large
variety of different crypto assets although their liquid-
ity, volume, and supply are not exactly the same as in
centralized exchanges. This is a method used in the
Layering phase of the money laundering life cycle.
4.8 Cryptocurrency Online Casinos
Casinos have always been a possibility for money
laundering. When using cryptocurrencies, crypto on-
line casinos can be a possible method in the con-
text of the Layering phase of the money launder-
ing life cycle. According to (Markoski, 2021), the
cryptocurrency-based gambling market has shown
stable growth in the last few years with an aggregate
value of more than $150 million. These platforms can
be an option if the criminal seeks anonymity and want
to avoid the control of tax authorities.
The advantage of these transactions is that they
depend on the casino’s KYC measures that, when re-
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Table 1: Cryptocurrencies-based Money Laundering Methods.
Methods Placement Layering Integration
In-Person Transactions
Crypto ATM Machines
P2P Transactions
Prepaid or Gift Cards
Tumblers or Mixing Services
Chain Hopping
Decentralized Exchanges
Cryptocurrencies Online Casinos
Investments Through Cryptocurrencies
laxed, help maintain the anonymity of the transactions
made anywhere in the world.
4.9 Investments Through Crypto
There are multiple ways to convert cryptocurrency
into physical cash, e.g. to buy property or goods with
cryptocurrencies and then sell these items for physi-
cal cash. According to (Heaven, Douglas, 2018), in
September 2017, a flat in Kyiv worth $60,000 be-
came the first property to be sold using blockchain.
The transaction took place entirely on the Ethereum
blockchain, through smart contracts and using cryp-
tocurrencies. Also in September 2017, on the 18th,
according to (Realty, Kuper Sotheby’s International,
2018), a house was sold through a cryptocurrency
transaction for the first time in that state. (Idealista.pt,
2022) states that the first house in Portugal involved in
a cryptocurrency transaction was sold on 5 May 2022
for 3 BTC, which, at the time, was worth 110,000 eu-
ros. In this type of transaction, the value of the good
is only factual at the time of the transaction given the
rate of change of virtual currencies. At the time of this
writing, 3 BTC is worth 57,978.91 euros, but those
who bought the house, still have a property with its
value intact on the market, like all others. Thus, this
is a method that can be used in the Placement phase
of the money laundering life cycle.
Table 1 presents the mapping between the analyzed
cryptocurrency transaction methods and the phases of
money laundering where they are used: Placement,
Layering, and Integration. In-Person Transactions,
Crypto ATM Machines, P2P transactions, and Prepaid
or Gift Cards can be used in Placement and Integra-
tion phases. Tumblers or Mixing Services, Decen-
tralized Exchanges, Chain Hopping and Cryptocur-
rencies Online Casinos can be used Layering phase.
Investments Through Cryptocurrencies can be used
in the Integration phase. The selection of the meth-
ods was performed from the standpoint of someone
intending to launder money with cryptocurrencies,
without having specific technical knowledge. In the
case of a presence of a technical expert, the list of
methods presented would be more extensive. The an-
alyzed methods may have a short life span since the
illicit nature of these procedures makes their sources
or sites deactivated, removed, or fall into disuse.
As cryptocurrencies can be used to buy assets in any
location and their transactions are not directly linked
to an identity, they can be attractive to be used in illicit
activities among them, money laundering.
This paper reviews a set of cryptocurrency Trans-
action Methods used in the context of Money Laun-
dering activities. Each method included is detailed
and contextualized in the phases of the Money Laun-
dering life cycle. The review produced the mapping
and categorization of some of the most commonly
used methods in the different stages of cryptocurrency
money laundering. As a result, this work may in the
future aid the design of efficient strategies to prevent
illegal money laundering activities.
As future work, these methods can be tested and
evaluated in multiple strands such as complexity, time
spent, stakeholders, purpose, technological require-
ments, environment, difficulty, etc. Also, there is
a need to survey the current anti-money laundering
measures and regulations for the cryptocurrency mar-
kets, to check their efficacy to counter the money
laundering methods. Money laundering techniques
are constantly evolving and, as a consequence, anti-
money laundering efforts should be developed as a
countermeasure to these illegal activities.
A Review on Cryptocurrency Transaction Methods for Money Laundering
This work has received financial support from the Eu-
ropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the
Galician Regional Government, under the agreement
for funding the Atlantic Research Center for Informa-
tion and Communication Technologies (atlanTTic).
This work was also supported by the Spanish Gov-
ernment under re-search project “Enhancing Commu-
nication Protocols with Machine Learning while Pro-
tecting Sensitive Data (COMPROMISE)” (PID2020-
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