To determine the degree to which an available
position and its user are similar, the current research
on recommender systems in the hiring industry looks
at what abilities are necessary for each job. On the
other hand, the entertainment industry's recommender
system relies on user input. A user rates a particular
item, and this rating is used to produce an item
recommendation to a user. But this concept of
forecasting the likelihood of a user to choose an item
would be inaccurate when viewed from the
perspective of a job seeker.
In this study, it was employed a content-based
filtering to recommend a job that is similar to the
user's provided information which is automatically
analysed. Instead of applying to all the jobs in the
system, this procedure of recommendation would
help the user focus on the ones that he is most likely
to succeed at. A recruiter's workload would be
reduced with the help of this recommendation system
because it reduces the number of unsuitable
candidates. Currently, there is no such similar
solution in Romania and Iraq. Students from the IT
domain will be encouraged to find a job easily and
even work remotely, as more and more such offers
appeared available after the COVID-19 pandemic
emergence. Nevertheless, students can find part-time
job offers on their faculty premises. This is essential
for the students who need to support themselves
during their studies. Women will also be helped to
find a job and adapt in a progressive world, based on
their religious and cultural constraints.
Concerning the recommendation system, for
future work we will construct a data skill vocabulary
(e.g., IT knowledge, vocabulary, and industry jargon)
by exploring job descriptions rather than using a pre-
defined collection of words. Also, there will be a need
to undertake additional research on content-based
filtering and other filtering techniques from the point
of view of a job seeker.
Concerning the web application, additional
functions that can optimize the flow may be included
as part of subsequent enhancements to the platform.
These functions might include a detailed User Profile,
in which the user is able to view the job
advertisements that he has marked as favorites; a
Company Profile, in which a possible recruiter is able
to view the User Profile of a potential candidate, and
real-time private chat rooms.
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