V2X Tolling System for C-ITS Environments
Emanuel Vieira
1 a
, Tiago Dias
2 b
, Jo
ao Almeida
3 c
, Ana V. Silva
2 d
, Joaquim Ferreira
4 e
and Lara Moura
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Departamento de Eletr
onica, Telecomunicac¸
oes e Inform
atica, Universidade de Aveiro,
Campus Universit
ario de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
A-to-Be Mobility Technology S.A., Lagoas Park, Ed. 15, Piso 4, 2740-267 Porto Salvo, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Universidade de Aveiro, Campus Universit
ario de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gest
ao de
Agueda, Universidade de Aveiro,
Campus Universit
ario de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
V2X Tolling, Electronic Toll Collection, Vehicular Communications, Connected Vehicles, Cooperative
Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) has several decades of history worldwide. Vehicle-to-everything (V2X)
communication technology is a more recent innovation but has been a central topic in the ITS community for
more than a decade now. However, V2X technology adoption in vehicles has been limited and applications are
mostly related to safety use cases. In this paper, V2X-based tolling applications are studied, as well as their
feasibility, and how these applications could be enablers of a more massive V2X adoption in vehicles. V2X
Tolling standards and solutions from SAE and ETSI are explored. A novel solution is presented, followed by
a comparison with previous proposals and standards. Finally, preliminary results from the proposed system
are presented and analyzed.
Tolling is an industry with several decades of history
worldwide. It is used mostly to finance infrastructure
investment. The ease of use for customers provided
through the employment of different types of wire-
less communications, together with visual recognition
technology, has been the main driver for its modern-
In 2012, the European Union had a 72 000 km
toll road network with 60% covered by ETC at the
time (Council of the European Union, 2017). Most
of the ETC solutions were using microwave Ded-
icated Short Range Communication (DSRC) tech-
nology (Oh et al., 1999). Automatic Number Plate
Recognition (ANPR) (Patel et al., 2013), and, more
recently, satellite (GNSS) (Sal
os et al., 2013) and mo-
bile communications (GSM) (Lee et al., 2004) based
solutions also emerged.
V2X communication technology has enabled
communications between vehicles and with the in-
frastructure. It is a more recent innovation relative to
tolling but it has been a central topic in the ITS com-
munity for more than a decade now. However, V2X
technology adoption in vehicles has been limited and
the usage is mostly linked with safety use cases. Cur-
rent safety use cases may not be enough motivation
for the public that is more used to getting live traf-
fic information and routing through mobile applica-
tions in smartphones. V2X Tolling positions itself as
a convenience use case, avoiding stops, cumbersome
manual payment systems, or simply the need to pur-
chase additional devices that operate on batteries that
need to be replaced from time to time. With V2X,
tolling may well be the right motivation for the public
to see value in such convenience use cases and trigger
the uptake of V2X in vehicles. ETC solutions have
proved very successful in European markets (Coun-
cil of the European Union, 2017), even though they
require the acquisition of dedicated On-Board Units
(OBUs) that typically need to be placed on the wind-
shield and require periodic battery replacement. V2X
Vieira, E., Dias, T., Almeida, J., Silva, A., Ferreira, J. and Moura, L.
V2X Tolling System for C-ITS Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0011994000003479
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2023), pages 103-112
ISBN: 978-989-758-652-1; ISSN: 2184-495X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Tolling would provide the advantage of already com-
ing in the vehicle and not requiring any battery re-
V2X Tolling can also take advantage of its secu-
rity mechanisms to provide and ensure correct vehi-
cle characteristics for the transactions, eliminating the
need for vehicle classification on the infrastructure
side. Similar mechanisms could be used for the ve-
hicle to assess and report its passenger occupancy as
part of High-Occupancy Tolling (HOT) scenarios.
Furthermore, the use of V2X communications
could enable a more flexible tolling framework, with
the implementation of virtual tolling plazas that can
be dynamically moved inside the wireless range of
Roadside Units’ (RSUs) coverage areas according to
the needs of road operators or city managers. Simi-
larly, dynamic pricing could be easily implemented,
by varying the cost of tolling payments for the same
plaza throughout the day, e.g. based on road conges-
tion levels or other time-varying metrics, and adver-
tising this pricing information via nearby RSUs.
More recently, there has been a movement towards
the adoption of V2X devices for Vulnerable Road
Users (VRUs) (ETSI, 2020b), namely for those us-
ing lighter modes of transport such as bicycles. This
could pave the way for even more widespread adop-
tion of V2X fee collection or even V2X payments,
with the added benefit of supporting a distance from
the payment receiver devices that NFC is not capable
of supporting.
In this paper, tolling applications using V2X com-
munications and their feasibility are explored. An
overview of the standardization efforts in the USA
by SAE (SAE International, 2022), and in Europe
by ETSI (ETSI, 2020a) is provided, complementing
these with a newly proposed solution based on the
ETSI ITS communication protocol stack for vehicular
communications. The proposed system includes two
distinct variants, one relying on TLS and TCP session
establishment (TLS-V2XT) and another one based on
the Geonetworking protocol and security framework
The rest of the paper is divided as follows. Sec-
tion 2 provides an overview of V2X Tolling stan-
dards and related work and implementations. Section
3 presents the proposed solution for V2X Tolling, its
architecture and describes the implementation options
taken in each protocol layer of the solution. In Sec-
tion 4, this solution is compared and contextualized
with standards and other implementations. Section 5
presents preliminary results of field trials using the
proposed V2X Tolling solution. Finally, Section 6
concludes this paper by providing conclusions and an
outlook of the next steps.
V2X Tolling has been identified as a feasible use case
since the beginning of V2X communication systems
development (Li et al., 2011).
In 2020, ETSI published a pre-standardization
study on payment applications for Cooperative ITS
(C-ITS) using Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) com-
munications (ETSI, 2020a) based on the works of
(Randriamasy et al., 2019a) and (Randriamasy et al.,
2019b). This study presents different tolling and fee
collection scenarios such as plaza systems, free flow
tolling, and other payment applications such as park-
ing, energy charging, ferries, and even drive-ins. It
then proposes a proof-of-concept V2X Tolling solu-
tion that fits into the C-ITS stack and focuses on two
main aspects: high-accuracy vehicle location using
GNSS; and communication security. This is moti-
vated by the intrinsic differences between the typical
DSRC communications used for ETC and V2X com-
munications. DSRC communications for ETC use a
single device (antenna) for each lane, which is opti-
mized to communicate with only a single vehicle on
that lane at a time, while V2X has a much wider range
of up to 1 km. This means that, with DSRC, the lane
the vehicle is passing through is directly identified by
the receiving antenna and there is less chance for the
communication between the vehicle device and the
DSRC antenna to be interfered with. With V2X, the
location of the vehicle can be anywhere within the
large communication radius covered by the V2X de-
vice, and anyone within that radius can interfere with
those communications.
This proof-of-concept was implemented over
DSRC ITS-G5 V2X communications using IPv6,
TCP, and TLS to establish secure channels between
RSUs and OBUs. While the secure TLS channel
is used for the fee collection transaction itself, prior
to its establishment, RSUs broadcast open Service
Announcement Essential Messages (SAEM) (ETSI,
2019) which OBUs use to get information about the
RSU tolling functionality and to initiate the secure
This solution was trialed in France by the motor-
way operator SANEF on more than one hundred pas-
sages in Taissy and Senlis toll lanes, with 100% accu-
racy in detecting the correct toll lane of passage and
100% success in charging the transaction using V2X.
(ETSI, 2020a) positions V2X Tolling as a Value-
Added Service (VAS) within the V2X ecosystem, as a
standard solution adaptable to other standards such as
IEEE 1609.11 (IEEE, 2011) and identifies it as having
the potential to provide a much more cost-effective
solution for ETC, with much simpler maintenance
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
requirements than existing ETC infrastructures and
with the ability to expand into numerous other ser-
vices such as parking or drive-in purchases.
In parallel, in the United States, SAE published in
2022 the J3217 standard for V2X-Based Fee Collec-
tion (SAE International, 2022). It is a complete stan-
dard for V2X fee collection, implemented over the
WAVE protocol using either DSRC or C-V2X (PC5
interface) communications. J3217 focuses on V2X
Tolling use cases by dividing them into three main
Road segment pricing covering current main
road toll booth payment points, Multi-Lane Free
Flow (MLFF) / Open Road Tolling (ORT), and
High-Occupancy Tolling (HOT) scenarios.
Closed network pricing covering entry and exit
toll systems.
Object pricing covering the use of specific ob-
jects like tunnels, ferries, passes, or parks.
The standard moves from a high-level definition
of the entities involved in V2X Tolling and the rela-
tions between them to the definition of the actual com-
munications protocol using ASN.1 notation to define
three main message types:
Toll Advertisement Message (TAM) – is transmit-
ted by RSUs to announce tolling point data in-
cluding toll zone geometry and fees.
Toll Usage Message (TUM) is transmitted by
the OBU in each vehicle to which a toll fee ap-
plies. It includes the necessary data for the Tolling
system to charge the road user.
Toll Usage Message acknowledgment (TUMack)
is transmitted by the RSU directed at a specific
vehicle / OBU to confirm the TUM has been cor-
rectly received.
The protocol is designed to guarantee privacy and
security in TUM messages through the use of encryp-
tion, and has a general concern for privacy, through
the use of a rolling certificate mechanism for the OBU
encryption and signing of the messages.
The fee model supports different types of tariffs:
Fixed fee by vehicle class/type, weight, or the
number of axles.
Distance-based fees according to ori-
gin/destination also supporting different vehicle
classes/types, weights, or the number of axles.
Time-based fees (like the ones used in car parks).
Vehicle occupancy-based variations for the fees to
support High-Occupancy Tolling.
IEEE 1609.2 (IEEE, 2016) certificates are used for
signing TAM and TUMack messages, and for the sig-
nature and encryption of TUM messages, using 256-
bit or 384-bit Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).
While ECDSA is used for signing, ECIES is used for
encryption purposes.
This standard also explores possible enforcement
techniques in a short appendix.
The last V2X Tolling scenario proposed in (SAE
International, 2022), referred to as ”object pricing”,
can be generalized from tolling to fee collection to in-
clude in-vehicle payments for on-street and off-street
parking, drive-through restaurants, pharmacies, fu-
elling, carwash, shopping pickup, and several other
types of in-vehicle provided services that can be paid
using V2X. This can easily become a mass conve-
nience service if the supporting infrastructure costs
are low and the vehicle uptake is high.
Recently, some works have introduced the use of
more emergent forms of cryptography to V2X-based
ETC systems like Distributed Ledger Technologies
(DLT), including blockchains, and Zero-Knowledge
Proofs (ZKPs) to enhance the security and privacy
of ETC systems. Assuring the position accuracy of
the vehicle is important to ensure that only the ones
passing through specified zones are charged. (Di-
douh et al., 2020) expands on this issue by propos-
ing a localization system based on distance estimation
through Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI)
values analysis, and the recording of related Proof-
of-Location (PoL) data in a blockchain, where it is
further processed. (McEntyre and Kihei, 2022) pro-
poses a ZKP-based system to enhance user privacy
by preventing exploitation of vehicle location through
the use of continuous challenges issued by the RSU
to nearby OBUs that do not provide location data for
ETC purposes. Focusing on authentication and client
privacy, (Bartolomeu et al., 2020) uses the concepts
of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and cryptocurrency
payments to provide mutual authentication between
OBU and RSU using ZKP, and then actually pay the
value of the toll due using a DLT, so that both pro-
cesses (authentication and payment) take place within
the tolling zone.
While these latter works can greatly enhance user
privacy by employing popular emergent technolo-
gies and techniques, the proposed solution focuses
on the OBU-RSU communications protocol using es-
tablished and faster cryptography schemes, similar to
what is being proposed within standardization bodies.
V2X Tolling System for C-ITS Environments
In this paper, a new V2X Tolling system is pro-
posed. It is based on (ETSI, 2020a) but with cus-
tom Facilities-layer Tolling messages, named Tolling
Payment Messages (TPM), handled and generated by
a new Facilities sub-service named Tolling Payment
(TP). This TP service executes the tolling transac-
tions and transmits them over a secure channel based
on ITS-G5 V2X communications. It also employs
SAEMs for RSUs to announce the tolling service
and provide the necessary information for in-vehicle
OBUs to establish secure channels with the RSUs.
One of the protocol variants of this solution is
closer to (ETSI, 2020a) and uses TLS as a secure
channel for the exchange of TPM. This protocol vari-
ant is named TLS-V2XT.
Establishing a TLS channel over ITS-G5 involves
two additional network layers with TCP on top of
IPv6 (see Figure 1), which can add a significant
amount of overhead traffic, in some scenarios, to es-
tablish and maintain the channel (e.g., TLS nego-
tiation, TCP acknowledge messages, etc.). Taking
this into account and the fact that ITS-G5 already
has a powerful encryption feature usable within the
GeoNetworking protocol, a different approach is pro-
posed to V2X Tolling altogether. In this second ap-
proach, the same SAEM message is used but the
TLS channel is not established, being the TPM mes-
sages directly sent over BTP and GeoNetworking
with GeoNetworking’s native encryption and signing
features and implementing a retransmission mecha-
nism for messages that get no reply. This other proto-
col variant is called GN-V2XT.
While TLS-V2XT was implemented essentially to
assess the feasibility of (ETSI, 2020a) and study its
viability for free flow scenarios, GN-V2XT was de-
signed as a novel approach, closer to the options taken
in other ITS-G5 protocols such as CAM, DENM or
Figure 1 shows the protocol stack for SAEM, GN-
V2XT, and TLS-V2XT in a single image. SAEM
are Facilities layer messages, using BTP and GeoNet-
working for the Transport and Networking layer, re-
spectively, and ETSI TS 103 097 in the Security part,
specifically for signing the messages at the network-
ing level. GN-V2XT uses the same stack options as
SAEM but also uses ETSI TS 103 097 Security for
encryption of TPM Facilities layer messages. TLS-
V2XT uses TLS for Security, TCP for Transport, and
IPv6 for Networking layers with the same TPM Fa-
cilities layer messages. All messages in both these
protocols use the ITS-G5 LLC for the Access layer
but could be adapted to employ C-V2X technology.
ETSI EN 302 890-1
ETSI EN 302 637-2
this work
ETSI EN 302 636-5-1
RFC 9293
ETSI EN 302 636-4-1
ETSI EN 302 663
IEEE/ISO/IEC 8802-2-1998
MQTT-based comms.
this work
this work
103 097
ETSI EN 302 636-6-1
RFC 8200
Encrypted tolling data
exchange modes
SA Mgmt.
302 890-1
Figure 1: Protocol stack comparison between the two pro-
posed V2X Tolling schemes.
Both solutions (TLS-V2XT and GN-V2XT) are
examined in the following subsections for each proto-
col layer, identifying the differences between the two
protocols as well as their similarities.
3.1 Facilities
The Facilities layer handles and generates the
messages related to the toll service advertisement
(SAEMs) and the messages related to the toll transac-
tion (TPMs), which are common to both TLS-V2XT
and GN-V2XT.
3.1.1 Service Announcement
In order to make OBUs aware of nearby tolls, SAEMs
are continuously broadcasted by RSUs at a rate of 1
Hz, advertising an ETC service (ITS-AID = 1, as de-
fined in ISO 17419). The radio channel used is ETSI
ITS-G5 SCH ( 5.9 GHz).
Tolling zones are included in SAEMs, encoded in
a new structure named Tolling Payment Info (TPI). A
TPI is composed by the ID of the tolling zone, the
tolling zone itself as a sequence of coordinates defin-
ing a polygonal area, the traffic flowing angle, and the
toll type, which can be either entry, exit, or single.
RSUs in the vicinity of the tolling zones broadcast
the TPIs in their SAEM.
3.1.2 Tolling Payment Message (TPM)
A new ITS message type named Tolling Payment
Message (TPM) is introduced to enable V2X Tolling
services. It is based on a request-reply mechanism,
being initiated by the OBU which issues a TPM re-
quest when it enters a tolling zone, followed by a
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
TPM REQ Single
TPM REP Single
- Transaction nonce
- Client ID
- Client signature (optional)
- Confirmation code
- Transaction nonce
- Client ID
- Receipt (toll value)
- RSU signature (optional)
Figure 2: Single tolling system protocol.
TPM reply issued by the RSU. The protocol is im-
plemented at the ETSI ITS Facilities layer. All TPM
messages received and transmitted by the RSU and
OBUs are published in an MQTT broker, by a module
running in the Application layer, for mobile app and
cloud integration purposes. TPMs support both single
toll (ORT or plazas) and closed tolling systems.
In a single tolling system (see Figure 2), when the
OBU detects it is inside a tolling zone, it broadcasts
a single encrypted TPM request that can only be de-
crypted by the local RSU. This message includes the
TPI identification number, a nonce that identifies that
specific request, the client identification number asso-
ciated with the tolling company, and an optional client
signature, which may or may not be mandatory de-
pending on the communication mechanism used, as
described in the next subsection.
The RSU replies with a single encrypted TPM
reply that can only be decrypted by the OBU. This
message includes a confirmation code, depending on
whether the RSU accepted the request or not, the
nonce of the request, the client identification number,
a receipt with the monetary value of the toll due, and
an optional RSU signature.
In a closed toll system (see Figure 3), upon enter-
ing the motorway, if the OBU detects that it is inside a
toll entry zone, it broadcasts an encrypted TPM entry
request that can only be decrypted by the local RSU.
This message includes the TPI identification number,
a nonce that identifies this specific request, the client
identification number associated with the tolling com-
pany, and optionally, a client signature.
The RSU replies with an encrypted TPM entry re-
ply only decryptable by the OBU. This message in-
cludes a confirmation code, depending on whether the
RSU accepted the request or not, the nonce of the re-
quest, the client identification number, and a manda-
tory RSU signature. This TPM must be signed as it
will be used by the OBU as proof of entry.
(Entry proof)
- Transaction nonce
- Client ID
- Client signature (optional)
- Confirmation code
- Transaction nonce
- Client ID
- Receipt (toll value)
- RSU signature
- Transaction nonce
- Client ID
- Client signature (optional)
- Entry proof
- Confirmation code
- Transaction nonce
- Client ID
- Receipt (toll value)
- RSU signature (optional)
Figure 3: Closed tolling system protocol.
Upon exiting the motorway, if the OBU detected
it is inside a toll exit zone, it broadcasts an encrypted
TPM exit request that can only be decrypted by the
local RSU. This message includes the TPI identifica-
tion number, a nonce that identifies this specific re-
quest, the client identification number associated with
the tolling company, the entry proof and, lastly, an op-
tional client signature.
The RSU replies with an encrypted TPM exit re-
ply, only decryptable by the OBU. This message in-
cludes a confirmation code associated with the RSU
having accepted or not the request, the nonce of the
request, the client identification number, a receipt
with the monetary value of the toll due value, and an
optional RSU signature.
The entry proof acts as a way for the RSU to ver-
ify in which place the OBU has entered the motor-
way. All TPMs contains a timestamp which can also
be analyzed for entry/exit analysis to avoid malicious
behavior. In case the entry proof is not provided by
the OBU at the exit, the toll value due is to be defined
in accordance with the tolling company’s policy.
V2X Tolling System for C-ITS Environments
3.2 Security
To safeguard client privacy, communication between
the OBU and the RSU must be encrypted. Authenti-
cation is also required to ensure that the RSU belongs
to a trusted tolling company and that the OBU belongs
to an authorized client.
At the security level, the two proposed schemes
(TLS-V2XT and GN-V2XT) follow different ap-
proaches with the same goal of providing secure TPM
3.2.1 TLS (TLS-V2XT)
In TLS-V2XT, two different sets of certificates are
used. In the ETSI ITS protocol stack, vehicles and
RSUs must have by default a set of temporary cer-
tificates (set A) named Authorizations Tickets (ATs),
which act as pseudonyms. ATs provide authentica-
tion in the vehicular network, privacy, and unlinka-
bility through their short-lived timespan and rotatory
mechanism. These certificates are used for signing
SAEMs. A tolling company should, in principle, not
be able to link an AT with a user’s identity, there-
fore it must be able to authenticate users and RSUs
using a PKI of its own. This is achieved by using
another set of certificates, issued by the tolling com-
pany or tolling agency. This other set of certificates
(set B) is based on X.509 and is used to set up the
TLS channel. TLS provides encryption and authenti-
cation based on the tolling company’s PKI to secure
the TPM exchange. Both the client (OBU) and RSU
are mutually authenticated. The TLS channel is im-
plemented using OpenSSL.
3.2.2 GeoNetworking Security (GN-V2XT)
In GN-V2XT, as in TLS-V2XT, GeoNetworking pro-
vides authentication on the local vehicular network
by signing SAEM messages (ECDSA 256-bit) using
ATs (set A). For encryption and user authentication
of TPM messages, GN-V2XT employs a second set
of certificates (set C), inspired by the ETSI ITS PKI
and based on the ETSI TS 103 097 standard, as a sub-
stitute for set B. Set C is also produced by the PKI of
the tolling company or agency. The ECIES encryp-
tion scheme, implemented using OpenSSL, is used in
GN-V2XT to secure the TPM exchange.
3.3 Transport
The Transport Layer protocol used in each V2X
tolling system approach is different.
3.3.1 TCP (TLS-V2XT)
In TLS-V2XT, TCP provides a reliable communica-
tion channel. It is implemented using an adapted ver-
sion of an open-source TCP implementation. The
adapted version provides additional functionality as
well as support for IPv6 instead of IPv4.
To protect against packet loss, in TLS-V2XT the
TCP retransmission mechanism ensures the arrival of
timed-out packets when the transmitter does not re-
ceive an acknowledgment from the receiver. In this
implementation, the TCP timeout is set to 200 mil-
3.3.2 BTP (TLS-V2XT & GN-V2XT)
The Basic Transport Protocol (BTP) is used in
the Transport layer, to encapsulate SAEMs in both
schemes and to encapsulate TPMs in the GN-V2XT
approach. Since BTP does not have any retransmis-
sion features, in GN-V2XT a retransmission mecha-
nism of the TPM messages was implemented. The
OBU retransmits the TPM request after a timeout is
reached and until it receives the TPM reply from the
RSU. In this implementation, the timeout is set to 400
milliseconds. This retransmission mechanism is im-
plemented in the Facilities layer by the TP service,
and not in the Transport layer.
3.4 Network
The Network Layer protocol employed is distinct for
each V2X tolling system approach.
3.4.1 IPv6 (TLS-V2XT)
In TLS-V2XT, IPv6 provides addressing. A raw im-
plementation is used, capable of encapsulating and
decapsulating IPv6 packets with simple addressing
capabilities. Packet hopping is currently not imple-
3.4.2 GeoNetworking (GN-V2XT)
GN-V2XT uses GeoNetworking for the Networking
layer, as it is done for SAEMs. The encryption and
decryption of secure TPM packets happen in this layer
through requests to the Security service. Both the
TPM and the BTP header are encrypted.
A comparison between the V2X Tolling solutions
TLS - ETSI TR (ETSI, 2020a), SAE (SAE Interna-
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Table 1: Overall comparison among the different V2X Tolling solutions.
Feature TLS-ETSI TR TLS-V2XT (this work) SAE GN-V2XT (this work)
Complexity (# messages)
13 7 3 3
Authentication TLS w/ ECC TLS w/ ECC ECDSA ECDSA
ETC application
103 097-based
X509-based IEEE WAVE-based
103 097-based
Retransmission TCP TCP
On timeout after
TUM transmission
On timeout after TPM
request transmission
IEEE 1609.4
IEEE/ISO/IEC 8802-2-1998
IEEE 1609.2
IEEE 1609.3
SAE 3217
IEEE 1609.3
RFC 8200
Network & Transport
RFC 9293
SAE J2735
Encrypted tolling data
exchange mode
ETSI EN 302 890-1
ETSI EN 302 637-2
this work
ETSI EN 302 636-5-1
RFC 9293
ETSI EN 302 636-4-1
ETSI EN 302 663
IEEE/ISO/IEC 8802-2-1998
MQTT-based comms.
this work
this work
103 097
ETSI EN 302 636-6-1
RFC 8200
Encrypted tolling data
exchange modes
SA Mgmt.
302 890-1
Figure 4: Protocol stacks and supporting standards for SAE V2X Tolling vs. GN-V2XT + TLS-V2XT.
tional, 2022), and the two newly proposed variant
schemes is given in Table 1. The protocol stacks used
are also detailed in Figure 4. All designs follow the
same approach to communication logic: nearby RSUs
continuously broadcast the tolling service via SAEMs
or TAMs, and vehicles initiate P2P encrypted com-
munications with the advertising RSU when entering
a tolling zone. A small exception is a design in the
TLS-ETSI TR, where the RSU, after mutual authen-
tication, and when the vehicle enters the paying zone
(detected through trajectory analysis from Coopera-
tive Awareness Messages - CAMs - emitted by the
OBU), initiates the toll transaction by issuing a re-
quest for the client information.
Due to the multi-step message exchange in
TLS–ETSI TR, first for the SAEM announcement
message (1 message), then the establishment of the
TCP (2 messages) and TLS (2 messages) sessions,
i.e., the handshakes, then for the authentication of the
vehicle for eligibility for the ETC service (2 mes-
sages), and finally for the actual exchange of the
payer information (5 messages and 1 final confirma-
tion message), this solution has the highest commu-
nication complexity, totalling 13 distinct messages.
The proposed TLS-V2XT implementation reduces
the communication complexity as only the TPM re-
quest and TPM reply are exchanged after the TCP
and TLS handshakes. Using ECIES, both in SAE and
in the GN-V2XT design, only two messages are ex-
changed, the TUM and TUMack, or the TPM request
and TPM reply, respectively. Communication com-
plexity is not related to the performance of the com-
munication scheme, as TLS has lower computational
requirements than ECIES due to lighter cryptogra-
phy. However, in scenarios with significant packet
loss, communication performance can be severely de-
graded in designs with higher communication com-
plexity due to the higher probability of the need for
(more) packet retransmissions.
Authentication is provided by TLS using elliptic
curve cryptography (ECC) in TLS-ETSI TR and TLS-
V2XT or by ECDSA in the other implementations,
typically using 256 or 384 -bit curves. Separate sets
of certificates are used by the ITS-Station (ITS-S) for
authentication in the vehicular network during normal
operation and for authentication with the tolling sys-
tem. These sets are different in order to separate the
tolling service provider information from the user’s
vehicular data, thereby increasing user privacy.
User privacy is also enhanced by the encryption
V2X Tolling System for C-ITS Environments
used in the communication protocol, as personally
identifiable information must be communicated be-
tween the vehicle and the RSU to perform the toll
transaction. The general logic for establishing a pri-
vate and secure channel between ITS-Ss is similar
in both TLS and ECIES schemes: using the public
keys (asymmetric cryptography, slower) present in the
ITS-S certificates, the ITS-S derives an encryption
key (symmetric cryptography, faster) that is used to
encrypt the communication channel.
Given the possibility of packet loss, messages
must be retransmitted after a timeout. In the case of
the TLS designs, TCP safeguards packet delivery by
retransmitting packets if respective acknowledgments
are not received before a timeout. In SAE and on the
GN-V2XT design, the OBU retransmits the TUM and
TPM request, respectively, if the corresponding re-
sponses, the TUMack and TPM reply, are not received
before a timeout.
Although the SAE V2X Tolling standard rests on
top of IEEE WAVE protocol stack and both GN-
V2XT and TLS-V2XT (as well as the originating
TLS-ETSI TR) rely on a different one (ETSI ITS-G5),
there are more architectural similarities between SAE
V2X Tolling and GN-V2XT than between GN-V2XT
and TLS-V2XT. In both SAE V2X Tolling and GN-
V2XT, authentication, and encryption are handled in
the Network layer (using ECIES for encryption and
ECDSA for authentication in both cases) and retrans-
mission is the responsibility of the Application or Fa-
cilities layer.
As for the tolling protocol itself, TLS-ETSI TR
uses a more complex protocol than SAE V2X Tolling
or the newly proposed schemes. TLS-ETSI TR in-
cludes intermediate phases (vehicle tracking, etc.)
other than the transaction itself. It would be desir-
able to avoid the need for such phases and still be
able to use the tracking information from vehicles in
the vicinity of the tolling areas to distinguish between
passages in different lanes. This could be achieved
by having the RSU or the central system tracking ve-
hicles in the vicinity of the tolls using CAM or Basic
Safety Messages (BSM) and, once a transaction is ini-
tiated, fetch this information for a use or discard it if
it’s not used within a specified time interval.
It is important to note that the SAE V2X Tolling
standard is prepared for more payment scenarios than
the implementations proposed in this work, including
even features for HOT or other scenarios such as an
object or time-based fee collection.
Given the provided comparison, GN-V2XT and
SAE V2X Tolling are more lightweight than TLS-
V2XT and the original protocol used in (ETSI,
2020a), in respect to network usage, while providing
a higher degree of security. Meanwhile, both GN-
V2XT and SAE V2X Tolling have a higher process-
ing demand from RSUs for the encryption algorithm
than TLS used in TLS-V2XT and the original pro-
tocol used in (ETSI, 2020a). The main differences
between GN-V2XT and SAE V2X Tolling are the us-
age of different V2X stacks (ITS-G5 and WAVE re-
spectively) and the fact that the authorization scheme
in GN-V2XT is detached from the vehicular security
system running at lower levels of the communication
stack, which does not happen in SAE V2X Tolling.
This means that GN-V2XT is able to offer greater
control over authorized customers to tolling author-
ities, agencies and enterprises. This decoupling of
the vehicular security system and payment protocols
could potentially enhance the security and privacy of
the tolling system by reducing the likelihood of unau-
thorized access and protecting sensitive user informa-
The proposed solution was first validated in labora-
tory tests, followed by three sets of road tests in Portu-
gal, two in the Aveiro region, and one in Lisbon. Both
GN-V2XT and TLS-V2XT variants were tested in the
laboratory and the first Aveiro region trials, where
some preliminary results were obtained. Regarding
these first Aveiro road tests, Figure 5 depicts the
tolling zone and RSU locations. The OBU and RSU
are both composed of a PC Engines APU3D4 featur-
ing an AMD GX-412TC 4-core CPU @ 1.4 GHz with
4 GB RAM and a Qualcomm Atheros AR928X Wi-Fi
module adapted for ITS-G5. The OBU and RSU used
in the tests were the only ITS-G5 transmitting stations
in the vicinity, surrounded by mild traffic character-
ized in its majority by legacy (non-connected) vehi-
cles. The RSU was installed at a high point, decreas-
ing the probability of packet loss due to vehicles act-
ing as obstacles.
The results of three runs are provided in Table 2,
two for GN-V2XT (the average is provided) and one
for TLS-V2XT. During each run, the OBU passed
through the open system first and then through the
closed system. The results are respective only to the
open system. The open system tests were successful
in this first trial, but the closed system tests failed be-
cause the entry toll zone was set too far away from
the RSU that should be covering it, so there was no
adequate ITS-G5 coverage on the exit Toll. Only
the entry toll was adequately covered. This resulted
in the OBU being unable to initiate communication
with the RSU that should cover the exit toll. Follow-
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
up tests with the closed system scenario in Lisbon
were successfully conducted, however, those results
are not presented in this work since TLS-V2XT was
not tested and the hardware used in those trials was
significantly different in computational power, hin-
dering any fair comparison.
Table 2 presents the obtained results for both im-
plementations (GN-V2XT and TLS-V2XT), using an
OBU and an RSU in a single tolling system scenario
for the first road trial. The delays presented are mea-
sured from the time the OBU detects it is inside a
tolling zone up until the instant it receives and finishes
analyzing the TPM reply.
The results show the feasibility of the employed
communication mechanisms and the proposed tolling
system based on TPM messages. The measured de-
lays are all below 200 ms, which is sufficient for a
non-safety vehicular service such as tolling.
The proposed GN-V2XT variant is on par with
the TLS-V2XT scheme in terms of communication
However, the TLS option lacks some security fea-
tures related to authentication during both the TCP
and TLS handshakes, i.e., handshake messages are
not authenticated, potentially enabling some types
of denial-of-service attacks. This scheme also has
a higher communication complexity as 7 messages
are exchanged (1 for SAEM announcement, 2 for the
TCP handshake, 2 for the TLS handshake, and 2 for
the secured TPMs).
In the GN-V2XT scheme, which uses heavier
cryptography (ECIES), only 1 SAEM announcement
message and 2 TPM messages are exchanged (the se-
cured pair of TPM request and reply), which can be
beneficial in higher packet loss scenarios. The use of
ECIES is also more in line with the ETSI ITS stan-
dards which are employed in other V2X applications
(i.e., certificate requests to CAs). Ultimately, ECIES
is much more widely deployed in commercial ETSI
ITS OBUs/RSUs than TLS is.
More systematic testing with hundreds of repeti-
tions in both schemes is required for a more thorough
Figure 5: Single tolling scenario used for the first road trial.
Table 2: V2X Tolling delay in a single zone scenario.
Transaction delay (ms)
GN-V2XT 94.991
TLS-V2XT 79.197
This paper has shown that V2X Tolling is not only
possible but also can be the enabler for mass mar-
ket adoption of V2X technology. Meanwhile, ETC
DSRC technology still shows interoperability issues.
V2X could position itself as a fully interoperable
tolling solution to overcome these barriers and make
V2X Tolling as universal as credit card payments are
today. V2X Tolling could also have the added benefit
of being able to provide proof of vehicle classification
and other data elements such as passenger occupancy.
This work analysed the US Standard from SAE
(SAE International, 2022) (for IEEE WAVE and C-
V2X) and several working prototypes (using ETSI
ITS-G5) documented in (ETSI, 2020a) and in this pa-
per. All of these have adopted strong security mech-
anisms and use retransmission mechanisms to ensure
message delivery over unreliable vehicular communi-
cations channels.
In this paper, two main V2X Tolling approaches
using ITS-G5 were presented: TLS-V2XT and GN-
V2XT. TLS-V2XT is based on TLS-ETSI TR (ETSI,
2020a) and uses a TLS channel setup over ITS-G5
using TCP and IPv6. GN-V2XT uses a custom re-
transmission mechanism over the existing ITS-G5
stack with BTP for Transport and GeoNetworking
for Networking and Security. Both use TPM, a cus-
tom set of Facilities-layer messages, for the tolling
transactions. GN-V2XT shares with SAE (SAE In-
ternational, 2022) the options for Security protocols
(ECDSA and ECIES), the custom retransmission of
messages, and the reduced number of messages ex-
changed in a tolling transaction (only three packets
are transmitted when there is no packet loss).
Initial trials have been carried out with the pro-
posed schemes, but these are not yet sufficient to
benchmark the two protocols and validate the success
rate on large volumes of traffic. Setting up bench-
marking and larger-scale trials are the next mile-
stones. For now, it was possible to show the trans-
action times are below 100 milliseconds and how a
RSU with a slower CPU will take longer to process
GN-V2XT than TLS-V2XT due to the higher CPU
demand of the encryption used in GN-V2XT.
After extended tests of both GN-V2X and TLS-
V2XT over ITS-G5, it is also planned to implement
V2X Tolling System for C-ITS Environments
and test both over C-V2X and NR-V2X, in order to
benchmark the results against ITS-G5 technology.
With a solid standard in the US, the next natural
steps for V2X Tolling would be to develop and adopt
a standard in Europe, to progress with larger field tri-
als, and to gather momentum with automotive manu-
facturers and infrastructure operators, paving way for
a wider adoption.
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VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems