COVID-19 Impact on the Laboratory Practices of the Automation
Subjects at the University of La Laguna
Silvia Alayón
and Marta Sigut
Department of Computing Engineering and Systems, University of La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain
Keywords: Automation, COVID-19, Virtual Laboratory.
Abstract: Our practice programs have changed drastically after the appearance of COVID-19. The practical sessions
designed for all Automation subjects until 2019 were face-to-face. But the arrival of the pandemic and health
restrictions resulted in the closure of our university facilities, which forced us to redo the laboratory
experiences. It is in this context that simulation and gamification helped us to move forward, since the solution
we followed was the virtualization of the laboratory. Although the degree of satisfaction of the students with
the new practical sessions is quite good, the purpose of this paper is not to present a detailed analysis of all
the simulation and gamification tools we studied, but to explain what our situation was like before COVID-
19, how we faced the change, what we learned in the process, what the new practice programs we are currently
following are like, what tools have helped us, and what goals we still have to achieve. We hope that our
experience can be useful to other teachers.
It is well known that practical sessions in engineering
are essential for the acquisition of the discipline's
competences. For this reason, all educational plans in
university schools include them in their subjects.
Automation is no exception; in fact, it is probably one
of the fields where laboratory practice is the most
enriching for students.
The authors of this work are teachers at the
School of Engineering and Technology of the
University of La Laguna. Part of their teaching is in
the area of Automation. Depending on the course,
they teach Automation subjects with different levels
of complexity. This requires the design of practice
programs differentiated in methodology and learning
objectives. Planning automation laboratories is not a
trivial task, since usually the schools do not have
enough space or budget to incorporate real industrial
plants to their practice programs. This is where
simulation comes into play, providing important
advantages from an educational point of view. There
are many studies that demonstrate the benefits of
simulation in the field of Education. In particular, the
last decade has seen a remarkable increase in the use
of simulators in the teaching of automation: PLCSIM
(Calderon et al., 2018), Codesys (Kaneps et al.,
2016), CIROS (Freund et al. 2000), OpenPLC (Alves
et al., 2014), Factory I/O (Vargas et al., 2022), etc.
These simulators allow users to model an industrial
plant, predict the behavior of a process,
simultaneously analyze different cases by modifying
variables in real time, optimize operating conditions
in existing or new plants, and monitor a plant
throughout its useful life. Although many of these
simulation tools are not free, the cost of the licenses
is much lower than that of any real industrial plant,
making it a very interesting alternative, and
sometimes the only possible one, when resources are
On the other hand, the use of gamification as a
tool to increase students’ interest and motivation in
subjects has spread to cover all educational levels,
from early childhood to higher education. There are
numerous works that highlight the multiple
advantages of gamification in classroom and distance
education, such as (Seaborn et al., 2015; Hamari et
al., 2016; Sousa et al., 2022, Manzano et al., 2020,
Ycekaya et al., 2021). The idea of learning by playing
is very attractive in all fields, but in the field of
Alayón, S. and Sigut, M.
COVID-19 Impact on the Laboratory Practices of the Automation Subjects at the University of La Laguna.
DOI: 10.5220/0011994100003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 566-573
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
automation it is also relatively easy to carry out with
the help of the simulators mentioned above.
Our practice programs have changed drastically
after the appearance of COVID-19. The practical
sessions designed for all Automation subjects until
2019 were face-to-face. But the arrival of the
pandemic and health restrictions resulted in the
closure of our university facilities, which forced us to
redo the laboratory experiences. It is in this context
that simulation and gamification helped us to move
forward. The purpose of this paper is not to present a
detailed analysis of all the simulation and
gamification tools we studied, but to explain what our
situation was like before COVID-19, how we faced
the change, what we learned in the process, what the
new practice programs we are currently following are
like, what tools have helped us, and what goals we
still have to achieve. We hope that our experience can
be useful to other teachers.
Practical sessions in Automation subjects, until the
advent of COVID-19, took place in the laboratory on
a face-to-face basis. The following is a brief
description of these pre-COVID-19 practice
2.1 Introductory Automation Courses
The automation practices for the introductory
automation courses consisted of simulating very basic
processes on the Programmable Logic Controllers
(PLC) present in the laboratory. These PLCs are
Siemens S7-1200. Each PLC had an external board
with switches connected to its input interface, to
manually activate and deactivate the system inputs,
and thus simulate the activation and deactivation of
hypothetical sensors connected to the PLC. The
students proposed a KOP code of the proposed
problem, loaded it into the PLC, and checked its
proper functioning by activating and deactivating
these switches, simulating the occurrence of events in
the system.
The practice program consisted of several
sessions where the students tackled the programming
of simple problems:
Session 1: introduction to Tia Portal and to
PLC S7-1200.
Session 2: automation of a garage door.
Session 3: control of the capacity of a public
Session 4: automation of a traffic light.
Session 5: control of a chemical process, a
mixer or a precise weighing system.
2.2 Advanced Automation Courses
Advanced automation students tackle the
programming of the Festo educational plant available
in our laboratory (Festo, 2023). This plant has five
stations controlled with Siemens S7-1200 and S7-
1500 PLCs. The students, divided in groups, perform
the programming of one station and the
communication with the remaining stations. Figure 1
shows the five Festo stations:
Station 1: Storage and distribution of parts.
Station 2: Parts size measurement and
Station 3: Parallel processing of parts.
Station 4: Pneumatic arm for parts
Station 5: Parts sorting and storage.
Figure 1: FESTO educational plant.
The arrival of the pandemic and health restrictions led
to the closure of our university facilities. The teaching
activity was resumed in a non-presential way, through
videoconferences and audiovisual material, which
each professor carried out as best he could at home
with the personal means at his disposal. Evidently, we
were not prepared to face such an abrupt change, and
this negatively affected the quality of teaching in the
first months of the pandemic.
The practical activities of the subjects were the
most affected by the lack of face-to-face attendance.
COVID-19 Impact on the Laboratory Practices of the Automation Subjects at the University of La Laguna
In our case, the most immediate solution was to
convert the Automation practices of all the subjects
into simulated practices. For this purpose, the
Siemens simulator included in the Tia Portal (Tia
Portal, 2023), the S7-PLCSIM program, was used.
This emergency solution presented several major
1. We were forced to explain the operation of the
Tia Portal and the simulator through videos.
2. From a pedagogical point of view, especially for
the students who had to simulate the
programming of the Festo plant, it was difficult
to imagine what the system they had to control
looked like without being able to see it
physically. They were provided with
explanatory videos of the operation of each
station, but even so, the task of debugging the
code without working with the real plant was not
3. The Tia Portal and its PLCSIM simulator are
proprietary programs. Although temporary
licenses were purchased for all students, some
had problems installing and running the
software on their personal PCs, because it is a
very computationally demanding program.
These circumstances pushed us to look for new
technological solutions that would allow us to teach
practical sessions remotely in a more efficient way,
and that could also be used in face-to-face sessions,
when they were resumed. We clearly saw that there
was a need to virtualize the Automation laboratory in
order to make teaching more flexible and make the
practical sessions more accessible to students, and to
do so quickly, since at that time there was great
uncertainty about how the health situation would
evolve. The use of virtual laboratories for the
practical teaching of Automation is not a new idea
(Potkonjak et al., 2016), but in our case, we had not
had the need to implement it until this moment.
Therefore, we started to study and analyze the
applicability of different simulation and gamification
tools for the virtualization of our laboratory.
Our efforts were focused on designing a virtual tool
for practical laboratory teaching, with the objective of
developing new practical teaching in various
In the context of confinement or reduced
presence, as we have experienced during the
years 2019-2022: this virtual laboratory would
allow students to perform practical sessions
from home, on realistic 3D virtual industrial
plants, and with the automation tools that they
would use in person in the laboratory. This
practical teaching could be more flexible and
adapted to the student's schedule and
In the context of normality: the virtualization of
the laboratory could be used to create new
stations, so that more people could attend the
practical sessions simultaneously, and to make
practical sessions of longer duration and higher
quality. These new stations would be virtual,
since adding more physical stations to the
Automation Laboratory would be very
expensive, and would also cause difficulties due
to the physical limitations of the available space.
Being able to work with simulated virtual
stations would allow the use of a computer
classroom as an automation laboratory, where
the student can learn to program automation in
the same way as on the actual physical
laboratory floor. In the same way, students
could practice on the 3D model in their personal
study time, in order to be able to take advantage
of the classroom sessions on the real physical
plant in a more optimal way.
For this purpose, we studied several software
packages. On the one hand, PLC simulators: Codesys
(Codesys, 2023), PLCSIM (PLCSIM, 2023) and
OpenPLC (OpenPLC, 2023), and on the other hand,
3D modeling and simulation software for industrial
plants: (, 2023), Factory
I/O (Factory I/O, 2023), Emulate3D (Emulate3D,
2023), and Ciros (Ciros, 2023).
These programs present different advantages
and disadvantages. With respect to the PLC
simulators, we decided to continue using the Siemens
Tia Portal integrated simulator, PLCSIM, because we
wanted the students to continue learning the use and
management of Tia Portal, software that is widely
used in the working world. It is a commercial
software, but we had already purchased temporary
licenses for the students, so the investment was made.
With respect to modeling packages, the decision was
more complicated. Finally, the two software packages
that we liked the most were Factory I/O and, because of their benefit-cost ratio, and
because they allow us to introduce gamification
strategies in the experiences designed with them.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Both programs are specifically oriented to 3D
modeling and simulation of industrial plants,
allowing the control of these simulated plants with a
real PLC and/or a PLC simulator. This aspect was
convenient for us, because it allowed us to reuse the
models in the two contexts mentioned above (in
confinement and adapted presence, the PLC
simulator could be used, and in normality, the real
PLC could be used directly). The big difference
between the two packages is that Factory I/O has been
designed to model some of the most common
scenarios that can be found in an industrial facility,
and the elements and scenes it presents are not
editable, while is an open framework
for visualization and simulation, based on the Unity
game engine, which allows the user to create fully
customized elements and plants. Finally, we opted to
purchase Factory I/O floating licenses because it is a
simpler program, the plants are pre-designed, and it is
not necessary to know Unity programming to use it.
The next step was the selection, design and
implementation of the industrial plants to be modeled,
analyzing which were the most appropriate for each
subject. The following section will show some of the
new practices designed with this tool. While
designing these new experiences, we analyzed the
feasibility of installing them on a virtual desktop, so
that students could access them remotely from home.
In the end, it was not necessary to implement this
point, because at that moment we went from the
confinement state to the adapted face-to-face state
(presence in small groups). So we quickly had to
install the models of the new practices in the physical
laboratory, and connect them to the real PLCs
available to us. But it is important to note that the
plants are perfectly controllable with the PLC
simulator, we had it initially working in this way.
Finally, we evaluated the new practice
methodology implemented in the laboratory, a
combination of simulated 3D plants controlled by real
PLCs. For this purpose, we conducted a usability
study, and analyzed the improvement in student
learning, taking into account students’ feedback. This
point will be discussed in detail later.
The practice programs have changed a lot since the
introduction of Factory I/O models. In the following
subsections we will show some examples of
practices, depending on the level of the subject.
5.1 Introductory Automation Courses
The automation practices designed for students
starting in the discipline propose the automation of
simple plants. The complexity of the practices
gradually increases from one practice to the next, and
different learning objectives are pursued in each of
them. Basically, with these practices, it is intended
that the student is able to handle the Tia Portal, make
a program, load it into the PLC, run it and debug it.
The designed practices are the following ones:
Session 1: Introduction to Tia Portal,
Factory IO and PLC S7-1200.
Session 2: Automation of a conveyor belt.
Session 3: Control of a lift.
Session 4: Control of traffic lights.
Session 5: Automation of a sorting system
for large and small boxes.
Some of these practices are shown in Figures 2-4.
Figure 2: Automation of a conveyor belt.
Figure 3: Automation of a sorting system for large and
small boxes.
5.2 Advanced Automation Courses
For advanced automation students, the complexity of
the models to be automated increases considerably.
We assume that the students already know the PLC
environment, know how to program it and handle the
software tools properly. They are not only required to
program the basic operation of the model, but it is also
important that they design and implement a GEMMA
guide for each plant, and that they test the different
COVID-19 Impact on the Laboratory Practices of the Automation Subjects at the University of La Laguna
Figure 4: Control of a lift.
states included in the guide on the model. The
designed practices are the following ones:
Automation of a box weighing and color
sorting system.
Automation of a parts assembly system and
subsequent classification according to the
color of the parts.
Automation of a box sorting system based
on the height of the box.
Automation of a system for the removal of
boxes on pallets and sorting by weight.
Automation of a parallel parts processing
and storage system.
Automation of a parallel parts processing
and color sorting system.
Some of these practices are shown in Figures 5-7.
It is important to clarify that nowadays, with the
return of the students to the laboratory, these practices
are combined with those performed in the real
physical Festo plant. We tried to model the Festo
plant workstations with Factory I/O, but it was really
difficult to achieve. The Factory I/O program offers
non-editable elements (from individual parts to
complete stations), which can be combined as the user
wishes to build the plants. But in the Festo plant there
are stations that are composed of parts not contained
in the program libraries. Only stations 2 and 5 could
be modeled properly. Figure 8 shows the actual
station 5 and its Factory I/O model.
Figure 5: Automation of a box weighing and colour sorting
Figure 6: Automation of a parts assembly system and
subsequent classification according to the color of the parts.
Figure 7: Automation of a box sorting system based on the
height of the box.
As an example of an unsuccessfully modeled
plant, we can look at station 3, which consists of a
circular rotary table that allows parallel processing of
four parts at a time. As nothing similar exists in
Factory I/O, we tried to realize a model that would at
least allow parallelization of the process (Figure 9).
Our goal was to achieve a model that, at the
programming level, would be as close as possible to
the programming of the real station. However, it can
be seen that the visual aspect of the real station and
its corresponding model is quite different, and we
considered that it was not going to be of great help to
the student.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 8: Station 5 of the FESTO plant (up) and its Factory
I/O model (down).
Therefore, we have discarded the use of Factory
I/O to model the stations of the Festo plant. But we
think it is very important to achieve it, so we are
currently starting to analyze the
program, in order to accurately model each station,
since this software allows the user to define their own
elements and create a customized industrial plant, as
if it were the design of a video game, under the Unity
After almost two courses using this new educational
strategy, based on simulation and gamification, we
have observed notable improvements in the
acquisition of knowledge and practical skills by
students. Specifically, we have found that our effort
Figure 9: Station 3 of the FESTO plant (up) and its Factory
I/O model (down).
has been worthwhile, since with the new practical
Learning is transformed and dynamized: the
practical experience is carried out in a different
way, through a fun interactive experience.
A gamification component is included in the
teaching process, which generates a more
motivating learning experience.
The simulated experiences are almost real, with
no risk of accidents and environmentally
responsible, which are important aspects in the
industrial environment.
Simulated industrial plants can be immersive
scenarios of great realism, which brings the
student closer to a realistic and professional
Monitoring and evaluation of learning can be a
simpler and more transparent process.
The range of industrial plants to be automated is
expanded: generating 3D models of new plants is
COVID-19 Impact on the Laboratory Practices of the Automation Subjects at the University of La Laguna
always less costly than acquiring these industrial
plants physically (which is often unfeasible, and
not only for economic reasons).
Active student learning is encouraged with
interactive simulations and their motivation is
We received feedback from the students, through
the completion of a satisfaction questionnaire. This
questionnaire consisted of the following ten
The Factory I/O software made it easier for me to
interact with a real PLC.
The Factory I/O software has allowed me to
apply the KOP programming knowledge
acquired in the theory classes.
The information provided in the 3D model is
effective and helps me to complete the
programming of the industrial plant.
The Factory I/O 3D models are simple,
educational and easy to use.
Factory I/O system interface is user-friendly and
The Factory IO models help to understand how
the KOP elements (timers, counters, etc) work.
I am able to easily check the validity of my KOP
programs on the Factory I/O 3D model.
The tool allows me to detect and correct my
programming errors quickly.
Figure 10: Mean value and standard deviation of the score
given by the 39 students who answered the 10 questions
The progressive difficulty of the 3D models
during the internships seemed to me to be correct
and facilitated my learning process.
I am satisfied with the use of Factory I/O during
the practices.
The questionnaire has been answered by 39
students and the results are shown on a five-point
Likert scale. Figure 10 shows the mean value and the
standard deviation of the score given by the students
for each question. It can be seen that the degree of
satisfaction of the students with the new practical
sessions is quite good.
The health crisis that occurred with the appearance of
COVID-19 affected all areas of our society,
including, of course, Education. Traditionally face-
to-face teaching suffered especially from the effects
of this "hiatus" in our normality. We teachers were
forced to change our teaching habits and
methodologies to adapt to the new situation. In our
experience, the hardest thing was to realize that we
could not continue to develop the practical part of our
subjects as we had been doing up to that moment. We
had to update and make the practical experiences
more flexible and accessible remotely, and we had to
do it quickly. Therefore, we started working on the
virtualization of the laboratory.
The virtual practices must meet the same
objectives as the traditional practices taught in the
physical laboratory, and be able to transmit the
didactic concepts of Automation, such as: knowledge
of industrial processes and the elements that integrate
them, the design and optimization of the assemblies
that make up the process, the programming and
control of automatons and, finally, the use of specific
software for industrial activities. We believe that the
solution we finally arrived at, based on the use of
simulation and gamification tools, allowed us to
virtualize the laboratory in an adequate way, not only
for extreme situations of confinement, but also for
normal contexts. Furthermore, the degree of
satisfaction of the students with the new practical
sessions is quite good.
As mentioned in the introduction, the purpose of
this article is not to present a detailed analysis of all
the simulation and gamification tools we studied, but
to explain what our situation was like before COVID
19, how we faced the change, what we learned in the
process, what the new practice programs we are
currently following are like, what tools have helped
us, and what goals we still have to achieve.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
On this last point, our future work is the
virtualization of the Festo plant with the software. Although we are no longer in
a situation of confinement or adapted face-to-face
context, we have seen the benefits of introducing this
type of practice also in a context of normality, and we
believe that having representative models of the
stations could greatly enrich the experimentation with
this educational plant.
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COVID-19 Impact on the Laboratory Practices of the Automation Subjects at the University of La Laguna