Our main objective with this study was to inves-
tigate whether UXNator met its primary objective of
recommending UX evaluation methods. In addition,
we get valuable feedback regarding improvements
that can be implemented in the next version of UX-
Nator. As a main result, we noticed that most partic-
ipants had a positive perception of UXNator useful-
ness, especially in the process of selecting which UX
method to use in a specific evaluation.
In future work, we intend to improve UXNator
and create our repository of UX evaluation methods.
We also intend to carry out a study with different pro-
files of participants.
We thank all the participants in the empirical study.
The present work is the result of the Research and
Development (R&D) project 001/2020, signed with
Federal University of Amazonas and FAEPI, Brazil,
which has funding from Samsung, using resources
from the Informatics Law for the Western Ama-
zon (Federal Law No 8.387/1991), and its disclo-
sure is in accordance with article 39 of Decree No.
10.521/2020. Also supported by CAPES - Financing
Code 001, CNPq process 314174/2020-6, FAPEAM
process 062.00150/2020, and grant #2020/05191-2
ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
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UXNator: A Tool for Recommending UX Evaluation Methods