BPM in the Era of Industry 4.0: A Bibliometric Analysis
Hadjer Khider
1,2 a
, Slimane Hammoudi
, Abdelkrim Meziane
and Alfredo Cuzzocrea
Information Systems and Multimedia Systems Department, CERIST, Algiers, Algeria
Computer Science Department, Faculty of Exact Sciences,University of Bejaia, Bejaia 06000, Algeria
ERIS Team, Computer Science Department – ESEO, Angers, France
iDEA Lab, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
Keywords: Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation, BPM, Bibliometric Analysis.
Abstracts: In the age of today's technological development, with the advancement of the digitization of organizations,
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) has evolved as a consequence of the fourth industrial revolution, leading industry to face
a digital transformation (DT). This transformation is based on the use of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and
information and communication technologies (ICT), in particular artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet
of Things (IoT). This new paradigm has brought changes in various areas of the functioning of the
organization through a DT that holistically affects business processes, products, relationships and
competencies which is a major challenge for organizations. This paper is dedicated to analyze the literature
on BPM in the digital industry era through a bibliometric analysis, in order to analyze the impact of the I4.0
concepts and their associated technologies on the BPM, which will allow to determine the main BPM issues.
Business Process Management (BPM) is at present
one of the most often implemented methods of
management within organizations (Szelagowski et
al., 2020). According to Gartner in (Gartner, 2018),
BPM software is a technology solution that enables
organizations to design, analyze, execute, monitor
and optimize important processes. It aims at
providing techniques and software to design, enact,
control, and analyze business processes involving
humans, organizations, papers and other sources of
information (Di Ciccio et al., 2015) . BPM presents a
valuable and an advantageous tool through cost
reduction, process excellence, and continuous
process improvement. This important revolution has
been stirred-up by recent advancements in the big
data research area (Leung et al., 2018; Leung, Braun,
et al., 2019; Leung, Chen, Hoi, Shang, & Cuzzocrea,
2020; Leung, Chen, Hoi, Shang, Wen, et al., 2020;
Leung, Cuzzocrea, et al., 2019). In the age of today's
technological development, with the advancement of
the digitization of organizations, Industry 4.0 (I4.0)
has evolved as a consequence of the fourth industrial
revolution (Mohanta et al., 2020). The Fourth
Industrial Revolution is being realized through the
combination of various technologies, such as artificial
intelligence, cloud computing, adaptive robotics,
augmented reality, additive manufacturing and the
Internet of Things (IoT) (Queiroz et al., 2022). This
new paradigm has brought changes in various areas
of the functioning of the organization through a
digital transformation (DT) that holistically affects
business models, processes, products, relationships
and competencies, which is a major challenge for
organizations (Flechsig et al., 2022), and which
requires a fail fast culture due to the current business
environment and competitive factors (Szelągowski et
al., 2022). In line with the aforementioned concepts,
this paper presents a bibliometric analysis on BPM in
the era of I4.0 and DT. This study has three main
objectives: (i) to analyze the nature and evolution of
the literature related to BPM in the era of digital
industry and (ii) to identify the thematic areas related
to I4.0 and its impact on BPM, and (iii) to identify the
challenges of BPM in the era of DT. To achieve this,
a bibliometric analysis of 231 papers listed in the
Scopus was conducted.
Structurally, this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 shows a summarized background on I4.0
Khider, H., Hammoudi, S., Meziane, A. and Cuzzocrea, A.
BPM in the Era of Industry 4.0: A Bibliometric Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0011995200003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 651-659
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and DT, Section 3 presents a bibliometric analysis on
the BPM in the era of I4.0 and DT, Section 4
discusses the results and findings on the Knowledge
base of BPM in the digital Age. Section 5 presents
discussion, synthesis and positioning. Finally, in
Section 6, we conclude with a summary of the
findings, limitations of the study, and some directions
of the future research.
In this Section, we provide an overview of
backgrounds that are relevant to our research:
Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation. These will
represent the relevant scientific humus for the
remaining part of the paper.
2.1 Industry 4.0
The term Industry 4.0 refers to a new model of
organization and control of the value chain through
the product life cycle supported by information
technologies that is, it is the application to the model
industry (Okano, 2017). Various technologies or
techniques can be used for implementing Industry
4.0. These technologies include Cyber Physical
Systems, IoT, cloud computing, blockchain,
industrial information integration and other related
technologies (Xu et al., 2018).
2.2 Digital Transformation
The ongoing worldwide digital transformation,
triggered by the Industry 4.0 initiative, has brought
new concepts and emerging technologies to the
surface (Pires et al., 2019). This new paradigm has
historically been defined as the use of technology to
profoundly and rapidly transform business activities,
processes, competencies, and models to fully
leverage the changes and opportunities brought by
digital technologies and their impact across society in
a strategic and prioritized way, to meet changing
business and market requirements, and to lead an
organization into the digital future (Albert, 2020).
The digital transformation of an organization is much
more than just digitalization, as defined by (Schwab,
2016), it is the result of an organizational change
where people, processes and the entire business
model understand technology as a tool to generate
value among its consumers and collaborators.
One of the most important methods of discovering
knowledge is by synthesizing the results of previous
studies. We conduct a bibliometric analytic approach
to investigate the knowledge base on BPM and
analyzing the impact of the I4.0 concepts and their
associated technologies in the management of
organizations and their business processes (BPs).
Recourse to bibliometric analysis has become
increasingly popular. It facilitates the identification of
frequently referenced authors and related
publications, and the keywords most commonly used
in a given study field (Zehra et al., 2022). It also
facilitates the review of the literature by bringing the
researcher to influential research works or
publications, in a given study field (Zupic et al.,
2015). (Donthu et al., 2021) discussed in detail the
methodology to conduct bibliometric analysis.
3.1 Evaluative Techniques
Evaluation techniques are used to analyze the relative
influence and academic impact of a topic. These
include various measures of productivity, such as
evaluation of the historical evolution of the number
of publications, the distribution of papers by field,
journal and author, and the analysis of the most cited
papers (Hall, 2011). These analyses have been carried
out by means of the VOSviewer (van Eck et al., 2010)
software, as well as by means of the information that
Scopus itself has generated.
3.2 Visualization Software
The use of bibliometric analysis often involves using
network visualization software (Donthu et al., 2021),
ranging from software based entirely on graphical
user interfaces, such as VOSviewer (van Eck et al.,
2010), to software based on commands, such as the
Bibliometrix package in R (Aria et al., 2017). For our
bibliometric analysis we used the VOSviewer
3.3 Study Design: Methodology
The goal of this study was to achieve two purposes.
The first was the analysis of the BPM literature in the
era of I4.0 and DT. This, will help BPM researchers
determine BPM issues, and the second was to
determine research trends over time. To achieve our
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
goals, we combined both bibliometric methodologies;
performance analysis and science mapping. The
techniques for bibliometric analysis manifest across
two categories: (1) performance analysis and (2)
science mapping. (Donthu et al., 2021). As
mentioned in (Donthu et al., 2021), performance
analysis examines the contributions of research
constituents to a given field (Cobo et al., 2011), while
science mapping focuses(Baker et al., 2021) on the
relationships between research constituents.
Table 1: Data Collection.
Features Values
Database Scopus
Search Criterion Topic
Kind of Paper Article, conference book chapter
(published or early access)
Time Range 2016-2023
Keywords ("business process management" OR
"BPM") AND (“Industry 4.0” OR
“Digital transformation”)
Number of Initial
Filter Criterion Duplicated papers. Paper not in
English, Papers not related with the
Number of final
In accordance with the general guidelines for the
conduct of a bibliometric analysis presented in(Baker
et al., 2021), the next five key steps have been
Research Design: Various types of
methodologies have been developed to
construct a bibliometric analysis, we have
considered citation and co-citation analysis
(by author and journal) (Appio et al., 2014),
co-word analysis, and network analysis .
Bibliometric Data Collection: we have
browsed the Scopus database accessed via our
portal, which gives us access to rich
and diverse international electronic
documentation. which has offered a total of
231 papers for examination. The search terms
("business process management" OR "BPM")
AND (“Industry 4.0” OR “Digital
transformation”) were used to extract
bibliometric data as mentioned in Table 1.
Inclusion Criteria: There were three
inclusion rules that were followed: Journal
articles, conference papers, and book chapters
in which one of the keywords appears in the
article title, abstract, or keywords. The
publication date ranges from 2016 to 2023. If
they met all inclusion criteria, English
language abstracts were included in the
bibliometric review.
Exclusion Criteria: All papers with a core
subject of industry 4.0 or DT but not relevant
to the field of BPM were left out of the
analysis. After filtering the data based on the
inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 231
papers were gathered (see Table 1). We have
excluded the paper that are not in English.
which has limited to a total of 222.
Methodology and Software: We have used
the Scopus data set in the analysis and the
approaches listed above, in addition to the
(van Eck et al., 2010) as a
software for visual and quantitative analysis.
4.1 Productivity Assessment
Figure 1 presents the annual scientific production in
I4.0 and DT fields related to BPM. A fundamental
jump in the number of works occurred in 2017 and
2018, while the number of works extremely increased
in 2022. Table 2 shows the top productive nations.
Figure 1: Annual scientific output on BPM and industry 4.0:
A Scopus database analysis (2016–2023).
As shown in Figure 2, Germany is one of the
countries that has played an important and crucial role
in the ongoing progress of the field, followed by
Russian Federation. Austria, Portugal and Italy.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Year of publication
Document per year
Annual scientific output
BPM in the Era of Industry 4.0: A Bibliometric Analysis
Table 2: Distribution of papers per country.
Country Num. of
Country Num. of
Germany 45 Australia 3
21 Liechtenstein 3
Austria 18 Denmark 2
Portugal 17 Hungary 2
Italy 17 Japan 2
United States 14 Latvia 2
Brazil 11 Sweden 2
Belgium 9 Turkey 2
India 7 Azerbaijan 2
U. Kingdom 7 Finland 2
South Africa 6 Slovenia 1
France 6 Tunisia 1
South Africa 6 Colombia 1
Czech 5 Cyprus 1
Netherlands 5 Ecuador 1
Switzerland 5 Greece 1
Croatia 4 Ireland 1
Lithuania 4 Mexico 1
Peru 2 Namibia 1
Romania 2 Norway 1
South Korea 2 Saudi A. 1
Thailand 3 Bangladesh 1
Ukraine 3 Argentina 1
Cambodia 2 U.A.E. 1
Canada 2 Slovakia 1
China 2
Figure 2: Ranking of countries based on scientific output on
BPM in the era of industry 4.0 and digital transformation
4.1.1 Most Productive Authors
The most productive authors working on the topic of
I4.0 and the DT in relation to BPM are shown in
Figure 3. As we can see in Figure 3, German
researchers such as Flechsig and Schmidt W. are the
most active contributors (see Figure 3), Schmidt W.,
which emphasizes the agility required by business
processes to support process execution for the digital
transformation of organizations (Fleischmann et al.,
2021), followed by Imgrund, F. (Marcus Fischer et
al., 2020; Rehse et al., 2021), and Fischer, M.
followed by Janiesch C. in (M Fischer et al., 2019;
Marcus Fischer et al., 2020, 2021; Imgrund et al.,
2018, 2019) and Fettke, P. (Niesen et al., 2016; Rehse
et al., 2021) who focused on the great potential of
BPM techniques to meet I4.0 challenges.
Figure 3: An overview of the most productive authors.
4.1.2 Most Influential Publications
Table 3: Most cited authors.
Author Paper per
Fettke P. 4 91
Imgrund F. 5 85
Janiesch C. 5 85
Fischer M. 4 82
Winkelmann A. 4 82
Lederer M. 4 53
Van looy A. 4 44
Santoro F.M. 4 34
Kirchmer M. 4 28
Stary C. 5 24
Telukdarie A. 4 24
Teixeira L. 4 18
Schmidt W. 6 17
Barata J. 4 8
Schmidt, W.
Lederer, M.
Massaroni, C.
Abasova, S.
Erasmus, J.
Herbig, N.
Mendes, M.
Pogolski, C.
Schimak, M.
Vidgof, M.
Al Sawadi, O.
Analide, C.
Astapenko, E.O.
Barbosa, C.E.
Belo, O.
Bondarenko, M.
Butt, J.
Cipriani, V.
Number of Paper bublished
Most productive authors
Distribution of papers per Author
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3 shows the most cited among the 222 papers,
for example, the most cited paper is Industry 4.0:
State of the art and future trends, by (Xu et al., 2018)
with 1428 local citations and 2398 global citations,
followed by the paper, Blockchain
based business process management framework for
service composition in industry 4.0 by
(Viriyasitavat et al., 2020) with 115 and 264 local and
global citations, respectively.
Intriguingly, although (Baiyere et al., 2020)
receives 89 local citations, this work has 209 global
citations followed by Imgrund F. et al. (2020).
Strategy archetypes for digital transformation:
Defining meta objectives using business process
management, with 58 local citations and 179 global
citations. It examines how the large companies use
BPM to implement digital transformation.
Table 4: Distribution of paper by type of publication.
Publication type Papers Frequency (%)
Conference Paper 132 59.45
Article 63 28.37
Conference Review 14 6.30
Book Chapter 6 2.70
Review 4 1.80
Book 2 0.90
Editorial 1 0.45
Table 4 shows that the 222 selected papers were
included in 2752 publications. Specifically, the
distribution according to the type of publication is as
follows: 132 (59,45%) were published in conference
papers, 63 (28,37%) in journals, 14 in conference
reviews (6.30%), 6 (2.70%) in book chapters, 4
(1.80%) in reviews, 2 (0.90%) in books and 1 paper
in editorial (0,45%). The distribution of papers by
type of publication is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Distribution of papers by type of publication.
Figure 5 presents the distribution of papers according
to the source. Of the 222 selected papers, 63 are
published in journals. It can be seen from Table 5,
that the Business Process Management Journal has
the highest number of publications on the subject of
I4.0 and DT related to BPM in the Scopus index,
followed by Sustainability Switzerland , Applied
Sciences Switzerland, Business And Information
Systems Engineering, Business And Information ,
Business And Information Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering, IEEE Access, Information And
Management, Information Systems, International
Journal of Engineering And Advanced Technology
and Journal On Data Semantics.
Figure 5: Most Relevant Papers Sources.
Table 5: Most Relevant Journal Sources. (Total of 63).
Journal Name Nub. of
Business Process
Management Journal
10 Q1
Sustainability Switzerland 4 Q2
Applied Sciences
2 Q2
Business And Information
stems En
2 Q1
IEEE Access 2 Q1
Information And
Information Systems 2 Q1
International Journal of
Engineering and Advanced
2 No yet
Journal On Data Semantics 2 Q3
As Table 6 reflects, most of the papers of this
selection (31.9%) have been published in the
computer science area, followed by Some other
relevant areas as Engineering (17,0%), Business,
Management and Accounting (14,5%), Decision
Sciences (11,2%), Mathematics (11,0%), and Other
Science Technology Topics. Thus, there appear to be
four perspectives from which to approach I4.0 and
DT: Technology, Engineering, Management and
1,80% 0,90%
Distribution of papers by type
Conference Paper Article
Conference Review Book Chapter
Review Book
Editorial Erratum
Journal Of…
Revista De…
Distribution of papers according to
BPM in the Era of Industry 4.0: A Bibliometric Analysis
Science. The distribution of papers by research area
is presented in the Figure 6 below.
Figure 6: Distribution of papers by research area.
Table 6: Distribution of papers by research area.
Research areas Papers
uter Science 165 31,9
88 17,0
Business, Management and
75 14,5
Decision Sciences 58 11,2
Mathematics 57 11,0
16 3,1
Physics and Astronomy 11 2,1
Social Sciences 10 1,9
Economics, Econometrics
and Finance
9 1,7
Figure 7: Distribution of papers by affiliation.
4.2 Network Analysis
The use of bibliometric analysis often involves using
network visualization software (Donthu et al., 2021),
ranging from fully graphical user interface-based
software such as VOSviewer (van Eck & Waltman,
2010) to command-based software such as the
Bibliometrix package in R (Aria et al., 2017). We
have used the VOSviewer software to carry out our
bibliometric analysis. Each node in a network
represents an entity (e.g. article, author, country,
institution, keyword, journal). The nodes and links in
this cluster can be used to explain the coverage of the
theme (cluster) by the topics (nodes) and the
relationships (links) between the topics (nodes)
manifested under this theme (cluster).
4.2.1 Collaboration Network Analysis
Figure 8 shows the collaboration matrix. Among the
total of 57 countries in the original dataset, the
collaboration of the researchers by country showed
that the authors have collaborated with researchers
from the same country as well as with researchers
from other countries. As shown in Figure 8, the sizes
of most nodes in the yellow cluster (Germany node),
the green cluster (Russian Federation), the sea green
cluster (Austria and Portugal nodes), and the orange
cluster (Italy node) are larger than in other clusters.
This visualization indicates that most of the selected
researchers in these clusters have published more
articles than other researchers (as we can see in Figure
8, Germany is the country with more publications).
The distance between the nodes shows the
partnerships between the yellow, green, sea green and
the orange clusters. Of all these clusters, the dark
orange cluster is in the center.
Figure 8: Collaboration among researchers from different
countries (visualized by VOSviewer).
Distribution of papers by research area
Computer Science
Business, Management and
Decision Sciences
Physics and Astronomy
Social Sciences
Economics, Econometrics
and Finance
University of Johannesburg
Instituto de Engenharia…
Chulalongkorn University
Hochschule Aalen University of…
Peter the Great St. Petersburg…
Universität Wien
Vilniaus Universitetas
Center for Research &…
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Södra Skog
Supply Chain development and
Talpasolutions GmbH
Dr. Albert Fleischmann & Partner
IIC University of Technology
Lusófona University
National Technical University of…
Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik…
Pusan National University
Number of paper
Distribution of documents per
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.2.2 Keyword Co-Occurrence Network
Figure 9. shows the co-occurrence matrix. Each node
in a network represents a keyword, in which: The size
of the node is an indication of the occurrence of the
keyword (i.e. the number of occurrences of the
keyword), The link between nodes represents
keyword co-occurrence (i.e. keywords that occur
together), The thickness of the link signals the
occurrence of keyword co-occurrences (i.e. the
number of times the keywords occur together), Larger
nodes indicate more occurrences of the keyword, The
thicker the link between the nodes, the greater the
number of co-occurrences between keywords. Each
color represents a thematic cluster. As seen in Figure
9, the main keywords in the research topic are:
“business process management (117 occurrences and
554 total link strength), “enterprise resource
management” (116 occurrences and 634 total link
strength), “digital transformation” (84 occurrences
and 395 total link strength), “industry 4.0” (76
occurrences and 317 total link strength), “business
process” (46 occurrences and 266 total link strength),
“Internet Of Things “(17 occurrences and 101 total
link strength) and digitalization” (13 occurrences
and 79 total link strength).
Figure 9: Keyword co-occurrence network using
Research trends and hot topics emerge from the co-
word analysis of the most frequent keywords (Li et
al., 2016), As can be seen in Figure 10, in our sample
of 222 papers, we detected 1,501 keywords. We only
considered the 19 keywords that appear in at least 12
publications. The nodes illustrate the occurrence of
the keywords, while the links between the nodes
represent the number of times that the words appear
Figure 10: The main keywords in the research topic of BPM
and I4.0 and DT.
Figure 11: Co-authorship network in the I4.0 and DT
related to BPM field.
The co-authorship analysis included researchers
with at least one publication (fractional counting)
regarding I4.0 and DT related to BPM. 603
researchers met this threshold and were selected for
network analysis. The co-authorship network in I4.0
and DT related to BPM is mapped in Figure 11, and
this map can be used to focus on research areas that
are shared by many currently active authors. As can
be seen in Figure 11, the co-authorship network can
be divided into seven groups. Of all these clusters, the
red cluster is at the center. 603 met this threshold and
were selected for network analysis. Among these 603
researchers, only 48 of them collaborated directly or
indirectly. The authors separated these 48 researchers
into seven clusters to form a network of co-
authorship. As shown in Figure 11, the sizes of most
nodes in the red cluster yellow cluster and green
cluster are bigger than in other clusters. This
visualization indicates that most of the selected
researchers in these clusters have published more
articles than other researchers. The distance between
the nodes shows partnerships among the red, yellow,
green blue, orange light blue and purple clusters. Of
all these clusters, the red cluster is at the center. This
represents the frequent collaboration between authors
who are interested in the same research area.
BPM in the Era of Industry 4.0: A Bibliometric Analysis
This paper presents a bibliometric analysis study on
BPM in the I4.0 era. In this study, we analyzed a total
of 231 papers published in 63 journals, 8 books, and
132 conference titles from 2016 to 2023. We have
explored some interesting results concerning the
BPM-related publications. The results of this study
confirm the important role of BPM in the success of
the I4.0 and DT. The growing number of publications
shows that many research centers and universities are
starting to explore this topic. Many countries, such as
Germany, followed by the Russian Federation,
Austria, Portugal and Italy, have played a crucial role
in the ongoing progress of the field which proves the
importance of this discipline. However, the number
of papers is still very low compared to the importance
and novelty of Industry 4.0, and most of the papers do
not propose technologies and methods for BPM
implementation that can support the implementation
of the I4.0 concept. New research opportunities and
challenges arise from the concept of I4.0. One of
these key challenges is the future of the BPM and how
it can be implemented for the I4.0 and the DT.
The aim of the bibliographic analysis was to
investigate the current research trends and challenges
in the field of BPM in the era of the new digital
industry and the challenges it faces. According to the
study’s findings, the research on the topic of I4.0 and
DT is growing at a rapid pace. Researchers have
published their findings in different types of
publications: research papers, books, book chapters
and conference papers, increasingly collaborating to
improve their quality. Germany, followed by the
Russian Federation, Austria, Portugal and Italy, are
among the countries that have played an important
and decisive role in the ongoing progress of the field.
The keywords most frequently used by researchers
(e.g. Industry 4.0, BPM, Digital Transformation,
Digitalization and Internet of Things) indicate the
hotspots in BPM research. The main purpose of
adopting different bibliometric analysis methods was
to reveal research trends and published papers. The
bibliometric analysis we have presented is limited as
we have only used Scopus as a knowledge base. In
the future we intend to extend the bibliometric
analysis to another knowledge base such as Web of
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