Table 6: Training time comparison between DeepMatcher and Ditto (hh:mm:ss format).
technique/dataset Amazon-Google Beer DBLP-ACM DBLP-Google Walmart-Amazon Total
DeepMatcher 0:07:08 00:00:28 00:12:12 00:27:08 00:10:30 0:57:26
Ditto 0:19:17 0:02:14 0:41:02 1:08:02 0:25:57 2:36:32
(a) Structured data.
technique/dataset Abt-Buy
DeepMatcher 00:09:11
Ditto 00:38:07
(b) Textual data.
DBLP-ACM DBLP-Google iTunes-Amazon Walmart-Amazon Total
0:14:28 0:30:41 0:01:22 0:11:04 0:57:35
0:41:36 1:08:34 0:03:53 0:24:29 2:18:32
(c) Dirty data.
This work was partially supported by CNPq/Brazil.
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