other nodes. The probability of a successful attack is
proportional to the number of miners that are in the
same mining zone at the same time, since in our sys-
tem the mining zone is generated randomly. There-
fore, the probability of an attack is greater the greater
the number of miners in valid zones from which they
cannot be predicted. We propose to decrease the size
of the mining area to decrease the probability of an
attack, however we consider it important to keep in
mind that if the size of the mining areas is too small,
the block will take longer to be distributed.
We conclude that adding geographical validations to
the PoW algorithm can add a 51% layer of protec-
tion against attacks. Despite not prioritizing the most
optimal configurations, 29% protection was achieved
with our consensus algorithm compared to PoW us-
ing our metric of the average percentage of the last
100 blocks mined by attacking nodes.
We have analyzed the 51% attack on a blockchain
network and its possible countermeasures. The attack
is a serious problem in the world of cryptocurrencies,
as it allows the attacker to manipulate transactions and
even block them, which could lead to double spend-
ing. This shows how important it is to have protection
against this type of attack and the advantages that the
use of geographical validations offers. Considering
that the verification of locations was simulated due
to the complexity of its implementation, it is possible
to develop a system that, through a network, allows
knowing the geographical location of a node with so-
lutions such as Octant. A framework with which the
geographical position of a node can be determined
with great confidence, simply by measuring its la-
tency with reference points (Wong et al., 2007).
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ographic location validator, since our consensus algo-
rithm continues with PoW as there are no valid nodes
in the mining zones, and try it with different kinds of
data such as healthcare data (Arroyo-Mari
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2021) or Wood supply chain (Cueva-S
anchez et al.,
2020). With this validator it is possible to prioritize
the distance from a node to a mining area, which pro-
motes lower energy expenditure.
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