Table 5: Validation Performance of IDM, IDM-T
, ACC and human drivers.
Speed Mean
Speed. Std
Gap Mean
Gap. Std
Accl. Mean
Accl. Std
Fuel Std
12.52 1.85 20.25 3.32 0.92 1.24 44.54 14.97
12.52 1.64 19.41 2.66 0.84 1.03 39.11 14.84
IDM 12.46 1.63 20.32 3.28 0.36 0.42 24.55 9.97
ACC 12.48 1.73 14.82 2.39 0.43 0.52 26.67 11.58
based IDM improves the evaluation of mixed traffic
interacting with human-driven vehicles and connected
automated vehicles (Chen and Park, 2020).
In this study, safe time headway is the only param-
eter we adjusted to represent human drivers. While
the other parameters in the IDM were less influen-
tial, they should be considered to be adjusted for more
accurate human driver modeling. The dynamic time
headway is based on the normal distribution and the
change is constrained based on real-world data. How-
ever, the value and the direction of time headway
change have not been well-investigated, which will be
investigated in future research. Besides, vehicle stop
and vehicle catch-up behaviors are not considered in
this study. Given these behaviors are also essential to
human driver behavior modeling in microscopic sim-
ulation, these behaviors should be investigated for hu-
man driver modeling.
This research is supported by the National Science
Foundation under Grant CMMI-2009342.
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VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems