dition, MCQs that ask to complete a sentence or fill-
in a blank appear to be handled much more suc-
cessfully (87.1%) compared to other types of ques-
tions (60.1%). Therefore, GPT models’ capabili-
ties seem limited when it comes to handling MCQs
about computer code requiring reasoning beyond
mere completion (56.6%).
While our study of GPT models’ performance on
diverse types of MCQs yielded numerous valuable in-
sights, it is subject to countless limitations and leaves
much room for improvement. Hence, we suggest sev-
eral directions for future work: (i) further analyze the
effects of prompt-tuning (ii) and/or iterative prompt-
construction; (iii) examine the performance of GPT
models on other domains, e.g., competitive mathe-
matics; (iv) develop a systematic framework to com-
prehensively assess the capabilities and limitations
of GPT models; and (v) study possibilities of effec-
tive integration of GPT-based tools, e.g., ChatGPT or
Copilot, into programming education.
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Large Language Models (GPT) Struggle to Answer Multiple-Choice Questions About Code