Table 2: Models comparison in variable misuse detection task evaluated at the method level. The base rate of functions with
misuse is exactly 50%.
Dimension of vector
Number of layers Pooling Method
Number of
training epochs
Final Test Test best
RGCN 100 3 Average Pooling 10 72.9 73.53
HGT 100 3 Average Pooling 10 66.12 66.44
HGT 300 5 Average Pooling 20 70.96 71.01
RGCN 300 5 Average Pooling 20 77.36 77.36
RGCN 300 5 U-net Pooling 20 76.83 76.83
RGCN 300 3 Attention Pooling 20 77.88 78.36
RGCN 300 3 U-Net Pooling 20 74.95 76
with fine-tuning
768 8 - 20 95.97 95.97
without fine-tuning
768 8 - 20 58.55 58.55
of graph neural networks, two variations of the prob-
lem of detecting misused variables are considered:
(1) classification of individual variables and (2) clas-
sification of functions (or methods) for the presence
of incorrect variables in their bodies. The classifica-
tion accuracy of functions for the presence of misused
variables was measured. Graph neural network mod-
els achieve significantly lower classification accuracy
than the CodeBERT model. For the future research,
we plan investigating the training process of graph
neural networks in order to improve the performance
by focusing on more recent graph format mainly HGT
with more optimized training parameters. In addition
to tuning HGT architecture for better performance in
variable misuse detection, we are aimed at minimiz-
ing the problem of input graph complexity for HGT
The study was funded by a Russian Science Foun-
dation grant number 22-21-00493 https://rscf.ru/en/
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ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering