so there is no defect, and it is reasonable to judge the
car to be T in the proposed test. However, in the sec-
ond example, the system is not able to detect a vihicle
at a position where it should stop due to a sho rt dis-
tance between own vehicle and the vehicle, and this
is a defect that reduces the saf e ty of ADS. Thus, there
are cases in which the inferred result is outside the
scope of the specification even if the image is su b-
ject to the specification and the expe cted value can
be defined, and it was not possible to clarify how to
give aHEREHEREHEREaccurate judgment to th ese
cases. Therefore, the pr oposed test gives priority to
safety and defines both cases to be judged as F.
Figure 16: Example of a test case corresponding to
Figure 8.
Based on the above discussion, the proposed test
returns a valid decision result as a test of safety and
reliability based on the specification. This is clearly
different from th e test method used to evaluate the
performance of object detectio n systems su ch as IoU.
Furthermore, it is an important test when incorporat-
ing an object detection system into a large piece of
software that requires high reliability and high safety,
such as an ADS.
By using the proposed test method, the object detec-
tion system of an ADS can be tested based on the
specifications. Since the test is based on the degree
to wh ic h th e object detection system under test meets
the specification when it is incorporated into an ADS
with the relevant specification, the test is able to detect
cases of impair safety or reliability defects that are not
detected by conventional testing methods. For th ese
reasons, our test is an important and innovative test
for incorpora ting object detection systems into com-
plex and safety critical software such as ADS.
Finally, we show three future works. The first is to
formally verify spe c ifica tions written in BBSL o n the-
orem proving. Since BBSL has not yet been formal-
ized in a th eorem proving system, and no pa rser has
been prepared, this study was programmed in python
so that the implementation would be equivalent to the
specification used in the experiments.This work is im-
portant for testing in larger, mor e realistic environ-
ments and will contribute to the development of real-
time monito ring tools for object detection systems.
The second is to extend specification-based testing
with mo re complex ADS specifications described in
BBSL.The tests exper imented with in our study used
only a simple specification for the relatio nship be-
tween a single object in the image and the own vihi-
cle. However, the description capability of BBSL dis-
cussed in this paper is only part of th e picture, and in
practice it can describe the positional relationships of
multiple objects and objects of complex shapes. We
think that testing extensions to handle these specifica-
tions will contr ibute to the d evelopment of even more
secure ADS. T he third is to propose and evaluate cov-
erage that correlates to the quality of the specification-
based tests proposed in our study. It is not known how
many and what kind of test cases are needed to suf-
ficiently test the specification-based test proposed in
our study. To incre ase the utility o f this test, we be-
lieve it is necessary to pro pose validity index for test,
for example, coverage on the position on the image
and coverage on the conditions of the specification
written in BBSL.
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