VQAs enable meaningful computations on today’s
quantum devices. However, their high complexity
makes their orchestration complicated and error-
prone. To facilitate the orchestration of VQAs, we
introduced the language-independent workflow mod-
eling extension QUANTME4VQA, which provides
custom-tailored modeling constructs for different
tasks of a VQA. It comprises new task types and
data objects, as well as a graphical notation to ease
workflow modeling and understanding. To ensure the
interoperability and portability of workflow models
using our modeling extension, we presented an ap-
proach to transform them into native workflow mod-
els. Finally, we validated the practical feasibility of
QUANTME4VQA by presenting a case study as well
as a system architecture and prototype supporting it.
In future work, we plan to evaluate our approach
for additional use cases and analyze the achieved de-
gree of simplification in a user study. To improve the
performance of circuit cutting in workflows, we plan
to evaluate what conditions need to be fulfilled to
make a parallelized quantum circuit execution using
different quantum devices more efficient than the ex-
ecution on a single quantum device. Based on these
results, we want to analyze how parallelizing the exe-
cution of sub-circuits on different quantum devices af-
fects the performance of VQAs and how it can be ef-
ficiently integrated in the circuit cutting sub-process.
This work was funded by the BMWK projects
EniQmA (01MQ22007B), PlanQK (01MK20005N),
and SeQuenC (01MQ22009B).
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