Design of a Blended Learning ICT Education Program for
Undergraduate Students in Asia-Pacific
Based on Communities of Practice
Shun Arima
, Marcos Sadao Maekawa
, Noriatsu Kudo
and Keiko Okawa
Cyber Civilization Research Center, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
APNIC Foundation, Brisbane, Australia
Communities of Practice, ICT Education, ICT Careers.
This position paper reports on the design of the Asia Pacific Internet Engineering (APIE) Program: an ICT
education program for undergraduate students in the Asia-Pacific region that utilize multiple resources and
learning content from existing ICT-related Communities of Practice (CoP). APIE program consists of four
components: self-paced online courses, synchronous online sessions, an onsite camp, and an internship. The
program structure has been strategically designed to position APIE not only as an online courseware for
knowledge acquirement but anticipating its potential to become a new CoP that fulfills the gaps between the
current ICT education and the expectation from academia and industry. This study first introduces the program
concept and describes the design of components and the implementation plans. It also presents preliminary
results from the first pilot runs of the program.
In May 2011, in a report by Frank La Rue, the United
Nations Human Rights Council expressed the view
that Internet access should be recognized as a human
right (United Nations, 2011). The Internet is the cor-
nerstone of our lives today. Therefore, the education
and training of engineers who develop and support the
Internet are essential for all countries and regions. In
particular, innovations in information and communi-
cation technology (ICT) and other industries and ser-
vices that utilize ICT are making an increasingly sig-
nificant contribution to the economic growth of devel-
oped and developing countries (Ani
c et al., 2016).
According to the OECD, people with the high-end
skills needed to invent and apply ICT are in demand
worldwide (OECD, 2016). On the other hand, IMF
predicts that by 2030 there will be a global shortage of
more than 85 million technical workers (IMF, 2019).
To overcome the current shortage of ICT profes-
sionals, higher education institutions in each coun-
try need to design ICT higher education program that
leads to ICT careers for young people (Ani
c et al.,
2016). In contrast, researchers on ICT education and
ICT careers reported that conventional engineering
education has a gap between the skills learned in edu-
cation and the skills required in the industry (Garousi
et al., 2019; Freitas et al., 2018). There is also a
lack of triggers for students to think about ICT ca-
reers (Calitz et al., 2011; Ani
c et al., 2016).
Communities of Practice (CoP) is one of the con-
cepts to solve such educational problems (Glaze-
Crampes, 2020; Carrino and Gerace, 2016; Gilbuena
et al., 2015). Wenger proposed the concept of CoP as
“groups of people who share a concern or a passion
for something they do and learn how to do it better
as they interact regularly” (Wenger, 1999). He states
that the school is not a self-contained closed world
for students to acquire knowledge to apply outside,
but rather a part of a broader learning system. He ar-
gues that connecting the student’s experience to actual
practice through a wider community that crosses the
school wall is essential when applying CoP to the ed-
ucational field (Wenger, 1999). In other words, learn-
ing is not simply imparting knowledge but is a process
of social interaction with “masters” who have more
knowledge and know-how and peers in a specific con-
text. Hence in communities, we can learn a lot.
However, it is not easy to design a CoP for ICT ed-
ucation in collaboration with multiple universities and
industries beyond the boundaries of an educational in-
stitution or area, or nation. Also, attempts to design a
Arima, S., Maekawa, M., Kudo, N. and Okawa, K.
Design of a Blended Learning ICT Education Program for Undergraduate Students in Asia-Pacific Based on Communities of Practice.
DOI: 10.5220/0011997700003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 581-588
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
CoP intentionally can miss the spontaneous nature of
CoP (Pyrko et al., 2017).
CoP is often overlooked, but it’s all around
us (Wenger, 1999). Rather than designing a new CoP
from scratch, we can expect to overcome these prob-
lems by designing an educational program that uti-
lizes the existing multiple CoP and their resource. In
addition, the educational program can be expected to
be sustainable through collaboration among multiple
universities and educational institutions. But as far
as we know, there is no research on the design of edu-
cational programs or communities of practice that uti-
lize existing multiple communities and their resources
in a wide area that transcends national borders.
Our research team has been implementing the
School on Internet Asia (SOI Asia) Project
2001 with the aim of establishing a wide-area Internet
education platform in Asia. As of 2022, this project
has 28 university and research institute partners in 13
countries in Asia-Pacific and continues to carry out
practical activities. In 2022, we started a new initia-
tive: Asia Pacific Internet Engineering (APIE) pro-
, starting from this and related communities.
Developed by a multi-stakeholder partnership led
by SOI Asia project that includes APNIC
and WIDE project
, APIE was inspired by the con-
cepts of CoP (Fig.1). The program utilizes resources
from existing Internet engineering communities in the
multi-regions. The initial idea was to curate best prac-
tices of ICT education rather than creating new learn-
ing content from the ground up.
This paper describes the design and first imple-
mentation stages of the APIE program, an ICT ed-
ucation initiative for higher education students that
aims to foster the next generation of IT professionals.
APIE looks at the need to enhance roles and capac-
ity for ICT-related careers in academia, industry, and
Research and Educational Networks (RENs) in Asia
Pacific. The program structure comprises four com-
ponents: self-paced online courses (APIE Online),
10 synchronous online sessions (APIE e-Workshop),
a one-week onsite camp (APIE Camp), and an in-
ternship (APIE Internship). Each component will be
described in Chapter 3. They aim to bring together
students from different backgrounds, ICT education-
related scholars, and IT professionals to collaborate
for learning and practice actively.
This paper will contribute to ICT education and
CoP domains with knowledge about educational
5\ e.html
methods that utilize existing CoP in ICT education
and ICT career education.
Figure 1: Multi-stakeholders involved in APIE design.
2.1 Communities of Practice
The concept of Communities of Practice (CoP) was
first mentioned in Lave and Wenger’s book about Sit-
uated learning (Lave and Wenger, 1991). They coined
the term in their study of apprenticeship as a learn-
ing model. Apprenticeships are usually thought of
as student-teacher relationships, but they are actu-
ally CoPs of a more complex set of social relation-
ships (Wenger, 1999).
CoP can happen in online communities as well as
onsite communities (Johnson, 2001). New technolog-
ical developments have increased the benefits enjoyed
by CoP members by facilitating long-distance com-
munication. Voskoglou argues that web-based virtual
CoP is a very promising tool, especially in developing
countries (Voskoglou, 2019).
It has been reported that the use of CoP and com-
munity learning has a positive effect not only on ICT
but also on STEM learning. STEM Learning Commu-
nities research aimed at recruiting, developing, and
retaining students in STEM fields and increasing stu-
dent achievement, graduation rates, and participation
in STEM fields after graduation (Dagley et al., 2016;
Inkelas, 2011). Carrino and Gerace reported that stu-
dent participation in a STEM-based learning com-
munity improved aspects comprising academic self-
regulation, STEM identity, metacognition, and self-
efficacy (Carrino and Gerace, 2016). A paper exam-
ining four national CoPs developed to expand STEM
pedagogy reform efforts in the U.S. found that phi-
losophy and personal interactions (e.g., peer-to-peer
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
learning) were most important in the design of CoPs
for engagement and outcomes (Kezar et al., 2017).
There are Professional Learning Communities
(PLC) with a concept similar to CoP. Communi-
ties of practice are not necessarily aimed at learn-
ing (Wenger, 1999). In contrast, PLC are similar to
communities of practice in that they are groups of
professionals who share a common goal. but have a
positive impact on students learning, and outcomes
are differentiated mainly by their specific goal of pro-
viding (Glaze-Crampes, 2020; Stoll et al., 2006). In
particular, most PLC studies are set in teachers and
schools (Stoll et al., 2006), and they deal with more
limited situations than the concept of CoP.
Glaze-Crampes argues that communities of prac-
tice are generally oriented towards sharing culture
and knowledge within the community, but by shifting
their focus to student learning, they become profes-
sional learning communities, which could be a vehi-
cle for change in STEM education (Glaze-Crampes,
2020). She also stresses the need to share existing
discipline cultures in new ways and to build interdis-
ciplinary communities for the benefit and growth of
students joining the discipline. Our research also at-
tempts to design APIE as an actual learning program.
According to Leiner, the Internet is as much a col-
lection of technologies as it is a collection of commu-
nities (Leiner et al., 2009). Furthermore, the Internet’s
success is mainly due to meeting the community’s ba-
sic needs and leveraging it effectively to advance the
infrastructure. This community spirit has a long his-
tory, beginning with the early days of Advanced Re-
search Projects Agency NETwork (ARPANET). Even
today, engineering communities like Internet Archi-
tecture Board (IAB) and Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) contribute to developing and maintain-
ing the Internet.
Taking advantage of the characteristics and the di-
versity of ICT communities as CoP, the APIE team
aimed to design an educational program that curates
and adapts resources from existing communities of
practice rather than creating new and original ones.
2.2 ICT Education
The rapidly changing ICT landscape in recent years
has meant that educators are under constant pressure
to update their curriculum and course materials, and
it has been suggested that because degree programs
are updated so frequently. students (potential stu-
dents) may enter ICT degrees without a clear under-
standing of what it means to study ICT, resulting in
unsatisfactory educational experiences for some stu-
dents (Sheard and Carbone, 2007).
According to Green et al.s report, ICT profession-
als are no longer just technical experts and the ICT
industry now needs workers with multidisciplinary
skills (Green et al., 2013). Regarding the skills re-
quired by the ICT industry, many studies investigate
the gap between the skills taught in university edu-
cation and that skills (Gilbuena et al., 2015; Garousi
et al., 2019; Freitas et al., 2018). A review paper
investigating the gap between the skills learned in
university education and those needed in the indus-
try in the field of software engineering showed that
hard skills (domain knowledge and technical skills)
are not enough, and soft skills (team and interper-
sonal skills) have become even more critical in recent
years (Garousi et al., 2019).
Studies by software developers working in com-
panies highlight the need for undergraduates to gain
real software development experience developing so-
lutions to real problems in a team software develop-
ment environment (Craig et al., 2018; Sherriff and
Heckman, 2018).
2.3 ICT Careers
Not limited to ICT, as a general story about careers,
unlike the stable employment and stable organizations
of the 20th century, the digital revolution of the 21st
century has led to a new social placement of work in
which temporary staff and temporary projects replace
permanent employees (Kalleberg et al., 2000).
These changes have also prompted university ca-
reer centers to change their approach to students and
have strengthened the movement to shift career cen-
ters from job placement agencies to conduits that pro-
mote connections (build human relationships) (Dey
and Cruzvergara, 2014). Such career trends in recent
years suggest that the importance of communities and
human networks is increasing in career development.
For example, Hughes et al. point to networking as one
of the hallmarks of effective career education prac-
tices (Hughes et al., 2016).
The meta-analysis of ICT careers research by
c et al. anticipate that it will be possible to sup-
port further the preparation of graduates for the transi-
tion into society. Furthermore, these activities should
be carried out in collaboration with all stakeholders,
including faculty and non-faculty, industry, profes-
sional bodies, and other supporting agencies (Ani
et al., 2016). ICT undergraduates are generally un-
familiar with and lack information about current ICT
careers and job descriptions, and lack awareness of
ICT careers (Calitz et al., 2011). Calitz et al. state that
universities must encourage students to explore new
ICT careers opportunities and that ICT professionals
Design of a Blended Learning ICT Education Program for Undergraduate Students in Asia-Pacific Based on Communities of Practice
in industry should provide valuable information, such
as giving guest lectures.
A study of ICT professionals in Malaysia found
that high career adaptability is one of the critical as-
pects of survival, especially in the ICT industry (Omar
and Noordin, 2013). Career adaptability here means
“the attitudes, competencies, and behaviors that in-
dividuals use in fitting themselves to work that suits
them” (Savickas, 2005), the ability to respond to
change and plan for contingencies. The paper also ar-
gues that such career adaptability cannot be acquired
overnight and that it is necessary to develop it consis-
tently from the early stages of higher education insti-
tutions (Omar and Noordin, 2013).
The APIE program design is led by SOI Asia project
core members from Keio University in Japan. The
program has been developed in a multi-stakeholder
partnership with institutions in the Asia Pacific and
utilizes resources from existing Internet engineering
communities in the region. AITAC is an IT human
resource development organization based in Japan.
WIDE project is a Japan-based international IT con-
sortium responsible for the development and spread
of the Internet. APNIC is the internet registry orga-
nization for the Asia Pacific that supports and pro-
vides capacity-building initiatives for IT profession-
als in the region.
Initial discussions about the course concept started
in 2021. APIE was inspired by the concepts of com-
munities of practice (CoP); it curates best practices
and resources of ICT education and adapts them to
a blended learning environment. The design team
explored different learning environments to provide
learners with a sense of community through a blended
learning experience online and onsite.
The program structure comprises four compo-
nents: self-paced online courses (APIE Online), 10
synchronous online sessions (APIE e-Workshop), a
one-week onsite camp (APIE Camp), and an intern-
ship (APIE Internship). Each component described
below was designed to stimulate collaboration be-
tween learners, ICT education-related scholars, and
IT professionals.
The timeline for one cycle of this program starts
with the self-paced online courses and the syn-
chronous online sessions held fortnightly.
After completing those components, participants
can apply for APIE Camp. It is a week-long onsite
training program to deploy enterprise-level networks
by themselves to make their knowledge more practi-
cal and valuable. APIE Internship will be provided in
collaboration with stakeholders in related communi-
ties for those who completed all other components.
The first run of components, pilot versions of
APIE Online and APIE Workshop, started in May
2022. Although the last session of the APIE e-
Workshop was held in September 2022, APIE Online
is still being produced and ongoing. Therefore, in this
paper, we report on the design plan of the entire pro-
gram and the progress of part of the pilot program that
has been implemented until September 2022.
3.1 Self-Paced Online Courses
The self-paced online courses consisted of two 4- to
5-week courses at different levels described below
The first course, named “Understanding the Inter-
net, is an introductory course of 4 weeks, partially
based on the online course “The Internet,
in 2014 on Gacco
. Targeting a wider audience, the
main aim was to broaden learners’ thoughts towards
the Internet and create opportunities for reflection on
how they can contribute to the future of the Internet
regardless of their academic background.
Learners are guided through the foundations of the
Internet, its history, the design philosophy behind the
technology, and global governance, among other top-
ics, so they can acquire a clear vision of everyone’s
role in cyberspace and the importance of engineering
for improving Internet infrastructure. The course in-
cludes theory, videos, readings, and introductory ex-
ercises so students can learn how to evaluate inter-
net connectivity, investigate simple network problems
and even debate security-related issues (Tab.1).
The second one, “Operating the internet, was
structured as a 5-week course focusing on practical
skills. The content comprises network technology-
related topics from the physical layer (layer 2) to the
application layers (layer 3), such as Ethernet, rout-
ing, DNS operation, and network design. Through
theory and hands-on exercises, learners can experi-
ence situations like designing and deploying small
networks and equipment configuration. By the end of
this course, learners are expected to be able to iden-
tify and solve problems in network operation and de-
bate network security risks (Tab.1). The course mate-
rial was developed based on existing training courses
for network engineers created by AITAC and APNIC.
The hands-on practices run in virtual laboratories pro-
vided by the same organizations.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Self-paced online courses’ each weeks syllabus (Left: Course1, Right: Course2).
Table 1: Learning outcomes of self-paced online course.
Course 1: Understanding the Internet
Explain what is the Internet
Explain how the Internet is running
Describe the technology behind the Internet
Discuss the importance of global collaboration to make
the Internet
Discuss the individual responsibility for the future Inter-
Discuss the future of the Internet
Evaluate your internet connectivity
Investigate the network problem in your house
Debate privacy and security issues related to the Internet
Explore your career in the Internet industry
Course 2: Operating the Internet
Design and deploy a small network
Identify problems and fix them in daily network opera-
Apply configuration on network devices for network de-
Debate network security risk and protection on daily net-
work operation
Apply basic configuration on services running on the
Linux server for network operation
A significant design improvement added to the
original courses is the introduction of a navigator who
guides learners through different topics and content.
For this role, an actual graduate student was chosen to
shorten the distance and create more connections with
young learners. In addition to explaining concepts re-
lated to the main topics, the navigator also interviews
professionals and invites learners to the exercises.
The courses were structured following Future-
platform guidelines (Fig.2). The content is
divided into chapters called “weeks, and each week
has sub-chapters denominated “steps. The steps can
accommodate content in different formats (articles,
photos, illustrations, animations, and videos, among
others) depending on the needs of the learning objec-
tives. A summary closes each week with a relevant
article or an online discussion to stimulate communi-
cation among learners.
As previously mentioned, the course content was
developed based on redesigning existing materials
from other courses. Although online courses tend to
keep learners attached to a single platform to avoid
dispersion, this program stimulates learners to go to
different platforms in several moments. By doing
so, they can take advantage of the diversity of learn-
ing tools and environments online. The main learn-
ing journey starts on FutureLearn. For virtual labs
exercises, learners are guided to go to the APNIC
Academy platform
and come back to share and con-
tinue their learning. The course also has a dedicated
for sharing online discussions, in addition to
the comment fields on FutureLearn. Links to materi-
als and readings from different sources are also intro-
duced throughout the courses to complement learn-
ing. After completing their tasks, learners return to
FutureLearn to continue their learning path.
3.2 Synchronous Online Sessions
The second component of the APIE program blended
learning model is a series of synchronous online ses-
sions called e-Workshop (Fig.3). Conducted every
two weeks, these sessions offer learners a variety of
content that complements what students learned in
the self-paced course. This component works as a
community-building opportunity where learners can
learn directly from IT professionals and expand their
vision about different careers in ICT fields.
The e-Workshop series was designed to match the
content provided by the self-paced courses. The first
four sessions correspond to the first self-paced course
(Understanding the Internet), and guests are profes-
sionals from different fields such as internet service
Design of a Blended Learning ICT Education Program for Undergraduate Students in Asia-Pacific Based on Communities of Practice
Figure 3: Scenes from the e-Workshop (Left: Guest keynote, Right: real-time lecture for the virtual lab).
providers, internet governance, telecoms, and mem-
bers of RENs, among others. Guests shared their
personal experiences and knowledge and challenged
learners to reflect on what they expect and how they
can contribute to the future of the Internet.
Sessions 5 to 10 were synchronized with the sec-
ond course (Operating the Internet). Although it fo-
cused on hands-on activities with IT professionals,
the syllabus included mobile networking, which was
not in the original course curriculum.
3.3 Onsite Camp
The onsite camp component has been designed as a
project-based intensive activity to allow learners to
consolidate their learning outcomes from the online
courses and strengthen the community-building as-
pect of the program. Learners who have completed
both self-paced and synchronous session components
are eligible to participate in the activity.
The full 5-day program’s syllabus (Tab.2) was de-
signed as a series of daily mission cards—from vir-
tualization and DNS to cloud computing—aiming to
help learners put their network design and implemen-
tation skills into practice. In addition to practical
and theoretical skills leverage, the camp design aims
to provide learners with opportunities to collaborate
with others, meet and interact with professionals (lec-
tures from AITAC and APNIC and mentors), and visit
relevant local companies and organizations such as
data centers and internet service providers.
3.4 Internship
One of the program’s objectives is to build connec-
tions between academia, the network and Internet in-
dustry, and RENs in the region. Although faculties
and professionals understand the need to improve and
strengthen those paths, they agree that students should
be more exposed to practical skills before graduating.
According to initial discussions, learners who com-
pleted all other three components are eligible to be a
Table 2: Content of APIE Camp.
Day Content
Kick-off and ice-breaking session
Network Deployment
Network design and configuration for
new campus (L2 and L3)
Work with rack-mount servers
Deploy hypervisor on the server
Install Linux on a virtual machine
Set up Web/DNS servers
Authoritative DNS for campus subdo-
Full-service resolver
Cloud computing
Site visit (Datacenter, SOC, etc.)
Summary of the course
candidate for the internship program. Internship pro-
grams are expected to play a crucial role in helping
students broaden their views about their careers and
reflect on the contributions they can make to build the
future of the Internet. Internship component design is
in the early stages of conceptualization.
APIE program started calling for participants among
SOI Asia partner universities in February 2022. The
first run was conducted beginning in May to Septem-
ber. However, due to changes in the self-paced course
component, Course 2 - Operating the Internet is still
ongoing and scheduled to end by late March 2023.
A group of 35 students from Japan, Indonesia, and
Bangladesh attended the first run of online courses.
The preliminary results described below were col-
lected from three different sources: an online survey
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
with students after the end of APIE Course 1, obser-
vations from the design team, and feedback from the
advisory and curriculum committees during a review
session held in November 2022, between the end of
the APIE e-Workshop and the APIE Camp.
4.1 Feedback from Learners
An online survey was conducted with learners who
finished Course 1, but only six responded. Despite
the limited sampling, the results revealed interest-
ing feedback from participants. Regarding the course
content, respondents considered the volume and con-
tent of Course 1 favorable, in contrast with the second
half of the course (Weeks 3 and 4) described as “long
and challenging to complete. The program promptly
set up office hours to support students’ progress. Ac-
cording to the staffs observation, a considerable part
of the learning was facilitated by a team of teaching
assistants (TAs) formed by graduate students.
Some respondents mentioned that their English
communication skills were at the beginner level, in-
dicating that they likely faced challenges in absorbing
the content provided. The APIE core team observed
that learners prefer text-based communication for ask-
ing questions. Some used direct messages, making it
challenging for other mentors to track all questions.
This indicates that learners needed language support
or even wished to study in their native language.
The team of TAs played an essential role in sup-
porting both asynchronous and synchronous learn-
ing. TAs communicated with learners using different
channels such as Slack and FutureLearn and helped
them keep track of their learning activities. Since
most learners were originally from Indonesia, an In-
donesian TA was hired to reduce language barriers.
Respondents also expressed approval for the so-
cial learning aspect of the APIE program. One men-
tioned, “This (program) is the best online learning ex-
perience of my life because I have never studied with
people outside my country. Others highlighted the
talk by a guest speaker about his carrier, saying that
“it gives me motivation.
4.2 APIE Review Session
In addition to the feedback from participants, an
APIE Review Session was held in November 2022 in
Manila, and attendees were members of the APIE ad-
visory committee, APIE curriculum committee, APIE
core team, and other related staff.
The course’s overall concept, program structure,
content curation and production, and the first imple-
mentation run got positive feedback from committee
members. Attendees also extended special approval
for Course 1 for its potential to invite all internet users
to learn about the fundamentals of the Internet.
Several points for course improvement were also
raised. The first was the need to define a more
straightforward methodology to assess students’ skill
levels after completing the program to ensure the pro-
gram meets the industry’s requirements.
Another point emphasized was the necessity to
strengthen connections and collaboration with the pri-
vate sector. Attendees mentioned that this could fill
the gap between the program content and the required
skills for the IT industry. The third point raised was
the importance of supporting students to access the
workplace into network jobs through this program.
Finally, all learners who successfully finished both
online courses are male students from two Indone-
sian universities. This shows that improvements can
be done to the program’s visibility to attract a wider
range of students and increase cultural diversity and
gender balance among learners.
The results from the first run of APIE Courses and
APIE e-Workshop indicated that the program has the
potential to achieve its initial goals. However, it also
revealed room for improvements that have already
started to take place. The online courses are being
reviewed to shrink the gap between courses 1 and 2
and overcome language barriers. The program cur-
riculum will adopt a problem-based approach that will
give more substance to learning outcomes. A more
detailed course evaluation is on planning and is ex-
pected to be conducted after the first implementation
of the camp and internship components.
The onsite camp component is expected to allow
learners to consolidate their learning outcomes and
strengthen the community-building aspect of the pro-
gram. The pilot version of the camp has been planned
to start in February 2023, and 13 learners have already
confirmed their participation.
Regarding the internship component, the APIE
team is in conversations with potential sponsors (or-
ganizations, enterprises, etc.), which will welcome
learners to the last phase of the APIE program. The
internship is expected to start in mid-2023.
The APIE Program and this research are supported
by the APNIC Foundation. The authors express their
Design of a Blended Learning ICT Education Program for Undergraduate Students in Asia-Pacific Based on Communities of Practice
deepest gratitude to the organization, all other institu-
tions and individuals who contributed to this research.
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