The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 presents related works. Section 3 presents
the methodology. Section 4 presents the results, while
section 5 concludes the paper.
This section provides an overview of several previous
research papers on DDoS detection using machine
learning methods.
Ashi et al. (2020) investigated DDoS attacks
detection with an emphasis on cloud computing
architecture. After collecting 256 Uniform Resource
Locators, the authors used four different systems to
simulate a DDoS attack simultaneously (URLs). A
dataset comprising the simulation's network traffic
flow was created, and Random Forest (RF) was
utilized for model testing.
Rahman et al. (2019) created an SDN framework
to identify and defend against DDoS attacks on the
controller and the switch. To predict DDoS attacks,
this framework requires training a machine learning
model with recorded data. The mitigation script then
uses the prediction to make decisions on the SDN
network. With an open-source DDoS dataset, they
tested and compared the results for Support Vector
Machine (SVM), K-Nearest neighbours (K-NN), J48,
and RF. The results of their experiment revealed that
J48 is the best classifier with accuracy, F-1, and recall
rate of 100%.
Reddy and Thilagam (2020) applied Naive Bayes
(NB) classifier to detect DDoS attack traffic by
considering the five most influential DDoS attack
network factors. Based on the probability of the
DDoS attack value, the proposed DDoS attack
classifier is applied on all monitor nodes to process
valid traffic and remove DDoS attack traffic.
According to simulation results, the proposed strategy
reduces the intensity of DDoS attacks and allows
network nodes to handle up to 80% of legal traffic.
Misbahuddin and Zaidi (2021) classified DDoS
attacks by using a semi-supervised machine learning
approach on the CICDS2017 dataset. They began
with unlabelled traffic information collected against
three aspects for victim-end defence, namely the
webserver. Two distinct clustering methods were
used to group unlabelled data, and a voting procedure
determines the final classification of traffic flows. To
detect DDoS attacks, the supervised learning
algorithms K-NN, SVM and RF are applied to
labelled data, with accuracy achieved of 95%, 92%,
and 96.66%, respectively.
Rios et al. (2021) tested and compared the Multi-
Layer Perceptron (MLP), K-NN, SVM, and
Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) machine learning
methods for detecting reduction of quality (RoQ)
attacks. They also suggested a method for detecting
RoQ attacks that combines three models: Fuzzy Logic
(FL), MLP, and Euclidean Distance (ED). They
tested these methods using both simulated and real-
world traffic patterns. They demonstrated that using
three parameters, namely the number of packets,
entropy, and average inter-arrival time, results in the
better categorization of the four machine learning
algorithms than using only entropy. MLP
outperformed the other four machine learning
algorithms when it comes to detecting RoQ attacks.
Doshi, et al. (2018) investigated multiple machine
learning algorithms K-NN, Linear SVM, Decision
Tree (DT), RF and Neural Network (NN) for DDoS
detection for consumer IoT. Their classification
algorithm was based on the idea that system traffic
conditions from these IoT nodes differ from those
from well-studied non-IoT network nodes. They used
data from a consumer IoT device that included both
normal and DoS attack traffic to test five different
machine learning classifiers. The results show
variations in accuracy, F1, recall, and precision across
the models. With K-NN, DT, RF, and NN having
99.9% accuracy while LSVM 99.1%.
Mishra et al (2021) investigated DDoS attacks
detection in cloud computing. The machine learning
algorithms adopted for classification were K-NN, NB
and RF. They generated a long feature vector by
merging all feature vectors of interest. Their focus
was more on supervised learning with the Random
Forest having the best accuracy of 99.58%.
Hekmati et al. (2021) proposed a simple Feed-
forward Neural Network for DDoS detection
employing 20 nodes out of 4060 in the original
dataset for the Urban IoT DDoS dataset. They also
provide a script for creating a benign dataset from the
original dataset to eliminate bias toward nodes with
higher activity. The authors used attack emulation to
generate an artificial DDoS attack for the attack ratio
of 1 on the 20 selected IoT nodes. The simple FNN
achieved a mean accuracy of 94% and 88% on the
train and test data, respectively.
Shaaban et al. (2019) proposed the use of a
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for DDoS
detection. For their research, the authors used two
datasets: a generated dataset and the NSL-KDD
dataset. The results showed that CNN achieved 99%
accuracy, and outperformed other algorithms like DT,
SVM, K-NN and NN.