A Report on Work: Cardiac MRI CBIR for Pathologies Detetion
Tomasz Michno
1 a
and Michal Jelonek
Kielce University of Technology, Kielce, Poland
Center for Cardiovascular Research and Development, American Heart of Poland, Katowice, Poland
CBIR, Medical Image Retrieval, Pathology Detection, MRI, Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
The early detection of pathologies in the cardiovascular system is very important. One of the most accurate
imaging examinations of human tissues is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is a very precise yet
non-invasive test. In order to process MRI images to detect pathologies, one of the most promising methods is
Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). This paper presents a report on the research on that topic as a result
of the Miniatura 5 Grant. The main contributions of the paper are: a review of the state-of-the-art methods,
a selection of the most promising image features that may be used to identify pathologies, a description of
the proposed system for preparing suggestions for doctors, which takes into consideration also methods for
presenting the results, which are most often omitted in other researches. The next step will be incorporating
full 3D MRI information into the pipeline.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the
most important tools in medical diagnostics. It
is a non-invasive, highly reproducible and accurate
method that incorporates the use of a very strong mag-
netic field which is able to stimulate protons. The
physicians are able to change the imaging character-
istics by changing its parameters. Moreover, it is pos-
sible to obtain images of vessels and arteries using
MR Angiography (MRA) (Situ et al., 2019). Car-
diac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMR) is also able
to produce different types of images, including tis-
sue characterization, thrombus and scar capture which
provide key information for doctors. Patients are not
exposed to ionizing radiation (Peterzan et al., 2016).
There are many heart problems that can be solved
by CMR using different settings and imaging types
(Salerno and Kramer, 2009; Peterzan et al., 2016).
As an example, the presence of coronary artery dis-
ease (CAD) (Chang and Kim, 2016), an acute my-
ocardial infarction (AMI) or chronic myocardial in-
farction (CMI) can be identified with the CMR, which
may help in choosing a type of treatment (Peterzan
et al., 2016; Tahir et al., 2017). Moreover, CMR is
able to capture images for myocardial stress testing
(Peterzan et al., 2016) and is helpful in the evalua-
tion of Microvascular Obstruction (Perazzolo Marra
et al., 2010). Another example of CMR usage in
heart pathology detection may be the detection of Left
Ventricular Thrombus using different types of car-
diac magnetic resonance imaging (Chaosuwannakit
and Makarawate, 2021).
In order to process MRI images to detect patholo-
gies, one of the most promising methods is Content
Based Image Retrieval (CBIR), which is currently
used in many fields, such as photography, social net-
works, databases, but also in medicine. There are re-
searches focused on the diagnosis of various types of
pathologies, such as diabetic retinopathy (Sivakama-
sundari and Natarajan, 2015), breast cancer detection
(Carvalho et al., 2020) or some cardiovascular patho-
logical changes (Bergamasco et al., 2015b).
This paper presents a report on work on the
Miniatura 5 Grant funded by National Science Cen-
ter Poland, which is dedicated only to preparing ini-
tial research on the method for Cardiac MRI CBIR
for pathologies detection. The main contributions of
the paper are: a review of the state-of-the-art methods
related to the topic, a selection of the most promising
image features that may be used to identify patholo-
gies and a description of the proposed system for
preparing suggestions for doctors. The research also
takes into consideration methods for presenting the
results, which are most often omitted.
The next stage of the research will be incorporat-
ing full 3D MRI image information into the pipeline
Michno, T. and Jelonek, M.
A Report on Work: Cardiac MRI CBIR for Pathologies Detetion.
DOI: 10.5220/0012006800003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 667-674
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
in order to improve the results.
The paper is organized as follows: in the next sec-
tion there are described methods in medical CBIR.
The section 2 contains a presentation of the proposed
method. Next, the results of initial experiments are
shown. The last section contains a summary and de-
scription of future work directions.
One of the biggest challenges in medical imaging is
detecting pathologies with high certainty. This could
be very beneficial for choosing appropriate treatment.
Due to the recent advances in computer vision and
image processing, there are more and more possible
usages of computer aided CMR imaging. There is a
great area where a lot of tasks are similar to multime-
dia database retrieval, which in many cases may be
formulated as the problem of Content Based Image
Retrieval (CBIR) (M
unzer et al., 2016).
One of the main challenges in CBIR is proper im-
age segmentation. This is very crucial, especially
in medical image processing, because proper sepa-
ration of, e.g. desired tissues, may highly increase
the precision of a later diagnosis suggestion. For
segmentation different algorithms are used, e.g. for
2D images a fuzzy connectedness image segmenta-
tion with geometric moments (FCISGMs) may be ap-
plied (Atique and Bhagat, 2016). Another idea is to
use a region growing process with OTSU threshold-
ing (Ramos et al., 2014). There are also methods us-
ing U-Net and CNN networks, e.g. (Guo et al., 2020).
Another idea is to first localize and then make seg-
mentation of a 3D Cardiac MRI image using a modi-
fied version of the 3D U-Net network named 3D DR-
UNet (Vesal et al., 2020). As another example of
medical image segmentation, a CXR chest image seg-
mentation using a so called CardioNet may be given
(Jafar et al., 2022). Sometimes, for CMR image seg-
mentation, there is also used Fully Convolutional Net-
work (FCN) for semantic segmentation (Bai et al.,
2018). There are also methods for CRM image acqui-
sition plane recognition using CNN networks (Mar-
geta et al., 2017) or some novel image analysis tech-
niques, like Radiomics, which use information about
shape and tissues characteristics as numerical values
(Raisi et al., 2020). Additionally, autoencoder ap-
proaches for segmentation are also researched (Wi-
bowo et al., 2022), as well as transfer learning usage
(Ankenbrand et al., 2021).
Another problem for medical image CBIR is how
to retrieve results after segmentation. There are CBIR
systems that are universally designed for different
types of medical images, like CT, MRI, PET or X-
Ray. One of the problems here is the computation
time, which can be reduced by dividing an image into
a set of blocks (Atique and Bhagat, 2016). There is
also an affine transformation used for image align-
ment along with different metrics (Ayyachamy and
Manivannan, 2013). As different features mean, stan-
dard deviation, entropy, skewness and energy may be
used (Ayyachamy and Manivannan, 2013). For the
detection of Interstitial Lung Diseases in CT images,
not only the information from images may be used but
also from radiology reports with extracting textual in-
formation (Ramos et al., 2014). Another method may
incorporate information from four types of image pro-
jections, like Perfusion and Tagged MRI, LT-SENC,
HT-SENC and Cine Images. As feature vectors, infor-
mation about the dynamic range of the image, Image
Spectrum Histograms and Image Gradient Projectors
may be used (Wael and Fahmy, 2012).
A huge problem in CMR CBIR is using all 3D
depth information stored in the volumetric image. In
order to overcome this problem, spectral clustering
and as a feature vector the 3D Hough Transform De-
scriptor (3DHTD) have been proposed (Bergamasco
et al., 2015b). Another method for querying for 3D
cardiac models is based on the Local Shape Distance
Descriptor (LSDD) and a bipartite graphs (Bergam-
asco et al., 2015a). To summarize, the most often used
descriptors for cardiac MRI are shape, texture, motion
and clinical-based (Delmondes and Nunes, 2022).
There are also cardiac CBIR systems dedicated to
3D echo images (Doppler images) using dimensions
of cardiac ventricles and texture properties, sucha as
kurtosis, skewness, edge gradient, color histogram as
features (Nandagopalan et al., 2012). There are also
methods that decompose medical image features into
Discrete Latent Codes using GANs (Kobayashi et al.,
2021). For 3D Brain MRI images there are also meth-
ods that incorporate dimensionality reduction using
so called Loc-VAE (Nishimaki et al., 2022). An-
other approach for dimensionality reduction may be
the 3D convolutional autoencoders (3D-CAE) (Arai
et al., 2018). Moreover, there are also SURF, PHOG
and VGG16 network based descriptors used to cre-
ate a one-dimensional vector (Rinaldi and Russo,
2020). For brain images, there are also different fea-
tures used, like pixel, local and global features that
are incorporated together to make one feature vec-
tor (Rizvi, 2020). Another example of a deep learn-
ing based method may be the usage of Convolutional
Siamese Neural Networks for distinguishing between
lung cancer and tuberculosis (Zhang et al., 2022). The
summary of all the aforementioned methods is shown
in Tab. 1.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Comparison of chosen CBIR methods.
Research Supported images Algorithms/Methods Metrics
(Atique and Bhagat, 2016)
2D: general
segmentation: CISGMs,
features/image retrieval: LEBIR,
additional: dividing an image into blocks
no strict information
(Nandagopalan et al., 2012)
2D: cardiac
Doppler image,
segmentation: FKM-SQL algorithm
features/image retrieval: dimensions of cardiac ventricles,
texture properties,
kurtosis, skewness, edge gradient, color histogram, etc.
Euclidean distance
(Ayyachamy and Manivannan, 2013)
2D: brain, chest, liver,
segmentation: no information
registration: aligning images using affine
features/image retrieval:
sum of squared distance, mutual information
7 metrics tested
Squared chord,
chi-squared distances
(Wael and Fahmy, 2012)
2D: cardiac
segmentation: no information
features/image retrieval:
Dynamic Range, Image Spectrum Histogram,
Image Gradient Projectors
additional: detecting the image type
(Cine images, LT-SENC, HT-SENC, Tagged MRI
and Perfusion MRI)
Euclidean distance
(Ramos et al., 2014)
3D: interstitial lung diseases
segmentation: region growing process + OTSU,
extracting VOIs
features/image retrieval: text distance calculation,
local mean, standard deviation,
skew, kurtosis
additional: supporting CBIR with information
from text reports
Euclidean distance
(Bergamasco et al., 2015b)
3D: cardiac
segmentation: Seg3D + ImageVis3D software
features/image retrieval: 3DHTD used to extract features
additional: method compares 3D models,
Spectral clustering is used
Euclidean distance
(Bergamasco et al., 2015a)
3D: cardiac
segmentation: Seg3D + ImageVis3D software
features/image retrieval: LSDD
additional: a bipartite graph is constructed
form two 3D models
and Manhattan
(Kobayashi et al., 2021)
2D: glioma/brain
segmentation: segmentation decoder
features/image retrieval: autoencoder, decomposing into normal
and abnormal anatomy codes
additional: semantic components decomposition
Euclidean distance
(Nishimaki et al., 2022)
3D: brain
segmentation and features/image retrieval:
localized variational autoencoder (Loc-VAE)
dimensionality reduction method
not applicable
(Rinaldi and Russo, 2020)
2D: general
segmentation: no information
features/image retrieval: descriptors: SURF, PHOG,
cosine distance
(Rizvi, 2020)
2D: brain
segmentation: no strict information
features/image retrieval: pixel, local and global features
no information
(Arai et al., 2018)
3D: brain
segmentation and features/image retrieval:
3D convolutional autoencoder
additional: dimensionality reduction method
not applicable
(Zhang et al., 2022)
2D: lungs
segmentation and features/image retrieval: CSNN
L2 norm distance
Most of the research on Medical CBIR does not
consider the issue of preparing efficient visualizations
for doctors. However, this is a very crucial part of
the system because it helps in a faster and more pre-
cise understanding of the obtained results. One of the
methods that can be used for a medical diagnosis re-
port is a Venn-style diagram (Huang et al., 2020). Es-
pecially in cardiac reports, there are used Bull’s Eye
A Report on Work: Cardiac MRI CBIR for Pathologies Detetion
Plots as well as 2D and 3D maps (Kreiser et al., 2018).
There are also some reports where there is a need to
annotate uncertainties on images, e.g. using different
colors or grayscale areas (Gillmann et al., 2021).
The main goal of the research is to prepare an ini-
tial method for efficient and precise providing sugges-
tions for doctors with graphical, easy to understand
results presentation. Due to the fact that this task is
very complex, as the first stage making a review of
the state-of-the-art methods and preparing an initial
2D method was chosen, which has been presented in
this paper. The next step will be preparing research
on the 3D method.
The proposed system consists of the following
logical modules: preprocessing and segmentation,
feature extraction, the CBIR suggestion module and
visualization module. All of the modules are de-
scribed in more detail in the following subsections.
3.1 Preprocessing and Segmentation
In Computer Vision and Image Processing one of the
most important steps is the proper preparation of the
image for further processing and analysis. One of
the types of segmentation that has been considered
is neural network based. For such an approach, the
U-Net architecture has been chosen, which is one
of the most efficient image segmentation methods in
medical imaging (Siddique et al., 2021),(Tong et al.,
2018). Additionally for higher performance, it can be
supported by other network architectures like R-CNN
(Xu et al., 2018).
One of the problems that may occur during U-Net
usage is the complexity of the input data. In order to
reduce it but also to leave different pixel values in tis-
sues, the Mean shift segmentation has been proposed
as an initial image preprocessing step before using it
as an input for the U-Net. The idea of heart extraction
and example result is shown in Fig. 1.
During the research, we also noticed the problem
of image alignment and registration. Images captured
during acquisition may have different orientations and
scalings. For more precise work with different algo-
rithms from the pipeline, there may be at least some
rotation needed. There are many researches dedicated
to image registration using more classical approaches
(Hill et al., 2001) or Deep Learning (Fu et al., 2020).
During this initial research, that topic was not taken
into consideration and was left for further develop-
ment - all images were rotated manually by a human.
Another idea that has been considered during the
research is the MRI image type detection. It has
been proved that such an additional step can improve
the overall precision of obtained results (Wael and
Fahmy, 2012), thus it was added to the pipeline. A
pre-trained CNN neural network is used in order to
detect image type, which may be e.g. a cine-SSFP or
TSE image. This step is important because it helps to
separate the pipeline for more precise training models
for heart extraction from an MRI image.
3.2 Features Extraction
Extracting features from the image is one of the most
crucial parts of Content Based Image Retrieval sys-
tems. Choosing proper features may greatly improve
the precision of returned results. After analysis of the
aforementioned state-of-the-art methods, described in
Section 2, the most promising ones were chosen.
Statistical and global features are able to represent
information about some features that describes the
image globally like the mean pixel value or the char-
acteristic of the image histogram. Additionally, with
e.g. Gabor filters, they are able to compare different
textures present in images (Barbu, 2009). Global fea-
tures are commonly and successfully used in CBIR
methods (Varish and Pal, 2015).
Another types of features which are very promis-
ing are heart-based. Some diseases are characterized
by e.g. overgrowth of one of the cardiac ventricles
and such information may be crucial for precise diag-
nosis. Due to that fact, we propose to use two types
of features: proportions of heart width and height and
proportions of heart ventricles. There are some al-
gorithms for automatic heart ventricles segmentation
(Peng et al., 2016) and measurement (Wang et al.,
2019). Extracting these features automatically from
images will be researched in the future and at this
stage has been done manually.
It has been proven that Scale-Invariant Feature
Transform (SIFT), Orientated FAST and Robust
BRIEF (ORB) or Speeded Up Robust Feature (SURF)
descriptors are able to provide precise results for
CBIR (Chhabra et al., 2020). Due to that fact, they are
also promising for their usage in the medical CBIR.
The last type of considered feature descriptors
are neural network-based descriptors. Recently Deep
Learning methods are becoming more and more pop-
ular in many areas, including Content Based Image
Retrieval systems (Staszewski et al., 2021; Rinaldi
and Russo, 2020). For extracting deep features, most
often VGG-16 and VGG-19 are used.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Heart mask generation and extraction from the MRI image. Images represent actual trained U-Net results. Original
MRI image source: (Campello et al., 2021).
Choosing proper descriptors is not the only prob-
lem in feature extraction. Another crucial thing is the
selection of the area of the image from which these
features should be extracted. During the initial re-
search, it was discovered that higher precision could
be obtained using an extracted heart image. More-
over, because the neighboring area to the extracted
heart may contain some important data for image pro-
cessing and classification, we propose to use them
together with the heart features, creating a ”ring”
around the extracted heart.
3.3 Making Recommendations for
Preparing recommendations for doctors is a very
complex task. When CBIR is used, one of the
main problems is: storing features together with im-
ages and querying the database in an efficient way
(Deniziak and Michno, 2019). In this research, we
focused only on the querying part, with a simple
database structure based on a vector. A more thor-
ough investigation on how to efficiently store infor-
mation about images will be done in future research.
The CBIR suggestions module works as follows:
firstly, as an input retrieve MRI type and feature vec-
tor. Next, all images of the same MRI type are se-
lected. After that, for each image and feature set
s (heart, ring):
a) find the L2 norm distance between input fea-
ture vector |a| and feature vector of the image from
database |b| using following equation:
(|a|, |b|) =
, (1)
b) compute the total distance:
= 0.75 · dist
(|a|, |b|) (2)
= 0.25 · dist
(|a|, |b|) (3)
dist(|a|, |b|) = val
+ val
, (4)
c) store id of the image from database together with
total distance.
Next all stored distances are sorted and top 5 of them
are selected and returned as a main disease sugges-
The metadata connected with the images contains
the main cardiac disease and a list of other problems
that a patient may have, like thick adipose tissue or a
past myocardial infarction.
What was not covered by most of the researches is
data visualization for doctors. This is done by the last
system’s module, Visualization Module, which as an
input receives data about the five most similar images
together with their metadata.
The module generates charts that contains recom-
mendation for doctors. Because some diagrams may
show information more clearly, three types of charts
are generated: pie chart, words cloud, bar chart.
The idea of showing more than one diagram is to
choose the most efficient one after consultations with
different doctors, which should be covered in future
research. During the research it occurred that it may
be helpful to not only show suggestions about the
main disease that is present on the MRI image, but
also some additional information that may be con-
nected to the patient. Thus, there are generated two
sets of charts: one containing the main disease and
the other showing all stored additional information.
Due to the main idea of the Miniatura 5 grant, which
is gathering knowledge and performing some initial
research that is designated to be highly extended by
future research, more theoretical considerations have
been made and only initial experiments have been per-
formed using the dataset (Campello et al., 2021).
One set of tests was dedicated to checking which
type of segmentation would be most suitable for
initially preprocessing the image in order to make
the heart more significant than the background and
other tissues. For initial preprocessing, the follow-
ing segmentation algorithms have been considered:
K-Means, DBSCAN, OTSU, Mean shift, Watershed
(with OTSU thresholding applied before to the im-
age), U-Net. The example segmentation results for
the unsupervised methods are shown in Fig. 2. As
can be seen, each algorithm, except DBSCAN, was
able to segment the heart from other tissues. Another
type of test was made in order to check the U-Net
A Report on Work: Cardiac MRI CBIR for Pathologies Detetion
based segmentation, which proved the high efficiency
of that method.
Figure 2: The results of different segmentation algorithms.
Original MRI image source: (Campello et al., 2021).
In order to test the idea of MRI image type detec-
tion, a CNN neural network has been implemented
using Python and Keras library. Cine and LV im-
ages from (Campello et al., 2021) has been chosen
for training and testing the network. The average pre-
cision for LV images was 0.87 and for Cine images
was 0.83. This results should be improved by tuning
the parameters and architecture of the network.
Another experiments were made in order to ini-
tially test module for generating suggestions for doc-
tors. As features mean, variance, median, kurtosis,
skewness has been chosen. During the tests, it has
been seen that the variance values are not able to be
used for differentiating classes of images on its own.
The results for kurtosis were much better, but for Con-
genital Arrhythmogenesis class the differences were
still high. This should be investigated more during
future research together with using Gabor filters.
The next tests were performed to create sugges-
tions using CBIR. Four types of queries have been
made in order to check if the system proposes the cor-
rect disease. For the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,
Tetralogy of Fallot and Dilated Left Ventricle the sys-
tem proposed correct suggestions. The problematic
one was Calcaneal insufficiency avulsion, where the
system was not certain about the disease and proposed
all classes with the same probability. This may be the
result of an insufficient number of features - as a fur-
ther research direction it should be investigated which
ones should be the most suitable.
The last set of experiments has been made to test
the correction of chart generation. For that purpose,
the Matplotlib was used to generate bar and pie charts
and WordCloud for generating word clouds. The
module was tested to see if it generates correct charts
for specified data - for each query it was successful.
In this paper, a report on work on Cardiac MRI CBIR
Retrieval for pathology detection has been presented.
During the research, a review of different methods
that are applied to medical CBIR has been made.
Next, all of them were analyzed for used segmenta-
tion, features and metrics for comparisons. Addition-
ally, an initial method for CBIR has been proposed
that includes: a selection of the most promising image
features that can be extracted from MRI images with
the proposition of using the closest heart’s neighbor-
ing pixels, a description of the comparison and sug-
gestion method together with results visualization and
an overview of the architecture of the proposed sys-
Moreover, some initial experiments were per-
formed in order to check the main assumptions of the
proposed method. The results showed that for image
segmentation and heart extraction, the U-Net based
method should be sufficient. However, the feature set
should be investigated more thoughtfully in order to
find the features that have the best performance when
comparing images connected to different diseases.
When analyzing existing methods and working on
the research, there appeared many further directions
and ideas. Not only improving the performance of
the feature set should be made, but also some efficient
metrics for comparing them during CBIR comparison
phase. More work should also be done in order to
check if an additional feature set for the heart’s neigh-
boring area may improve the precision of suggestions
or not. Another way of improving the results may be
by adding information extracted from e.g. ECG anal-
ysis or patient information, like e.g. age. Moreover,
because at this stage only 2D images were used, an-
other future research direction will be using whole 3D
MRI image data together with the time series.
For T. Michno this research was funded by ”Miniatura
5” grant from the Polish National Science Centre (ID
533304; No. 2021/05/X/ST6/01794).
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