commented: “The only thing that matters in the long
run is the leveraging of computation” (Sutton, 2019).
Certainly, as this project has progressed, we have only
found better hardware and new improved language
models very helpful.
This study demonstrates that NLP transformers have
the capability to do semantic analysis of Danish job
ad texts. Optimization led to labeling precision in the
95% range compared to human beings labeling com-
petences in demand in the same ads. The inter-coder
reliability for two people manually categorizing the
same job ads competences yielded a kappa statistic
of k = .75. Therefore, the findings of this paper sup-
port the claim that NLP transformers can do semantic
analysis at a precision level comparable to humans.
The demonstration of semantic text analysis done by
NLP transformers used on Danish job ad texts en-
ables the possibility to automate the monitorization
of demanded competences at the Danish labor mar-
ket. Such monitorization will benefit adaption of edu-
cational programs and guidance of employed towards
We are now able to fully analyze smaller batches
of preselected job ads. However, further improve-
ments to our current prototype are needed before we
can realisticly approach full-scale monitorization of
the Danish labor market. Where a future system needs
to analyze approximately 500,000 yearly Danish job
ads, each to be compared with skill sets described in
educational course materials, and categorized accord-
ing to the approximately 14,000 competences pro-
vided by the project ”European Skills, Competences,
Qualifications and Occupations” (ESCO, 2023).
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A Transformer Based Semantic Analysis of (non-English) Danish Jobads