Investigating Collaborative Problem Solving Temporal Dynamics Using
Interactions Within a Digital Whiteboard
Hua Leong Fwa
School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University My, 80 Stamford Road, Singapore
Collaborative Problem Solving, Unsupervised, Machine Learning, Temporal, Digital Whiteboard, Education
Data Mining.
Collaborative Problem Solving, the resolution of complex problems with the collaboration of multiple peo-
ple pooling their knowledge, skills and effort is postulated as an essential 21st century skills for the future
workforce. Collaborative Problem Solving has been embraced in schools where both online and face-to-face
collaboration are afforded through the proliferation of educational technology tools. Assessing the amount
of collaboration that has taken place among the students has however been challenging. In this research, we
seek to identify the collaboration patterns of our students by mining the temporal sequence of their actions
logs captured within a digital whiteboard tool. With the use of Hidden Markov Model, we have uncovered
three collaboration states of students (Low Activity, Solitary Contributor, Cognitive Collaboration) from the
temporal sequences of their actions within the digital whiteboard. Contrary to common belief, the level of
collaboration was also found to have no influence on the quality of the final artifact produced by a student
team. Collaborative behaviour was also discovered to persist within the team which suggests opportunities for
implementing interventions at an early phase of the learning activity for a longer-lasting team collaboration.
The modern workspace is becoming increasingly
global. Modern technology has afforded businesses
to build global teams located in different parts of the
world to work together and navigate the business to-
wards continual growth. It is thus paramount that
modern and future workers learn to collaborate in
distributed and diverse settings for the attainment of
common business goals. To stay ahead of their com-
petition and achieve higher profitability, businesses
realize the need to create new products and services
or uncover new innovative ways of doing things. The
discovery of new innovations however necessitates
the transcending of disciplinary boundaries as well
as the effective collaboration among experts from the
different disciplines. Collaborative Problem Solving
(CPS), a process where multiple people pool their
knowledge, skills and efforts to solve complex prob-
lems is thus postulated as an essential skill not only in
work but also in education (OECD, 2017). It has in
fact been identified as an essential 21st century skill
for the future workforce (Care et al., 2012; Graesser
et al., 2018).
CPS is conceptualized as a complex skill en-
compassing critical thinking, problem solving, deci-
sion making and collaboration (Care et al., 2016).
It has been embraced in many contexts including
schools (James and Johnston, 1996; Hennessy and
Murphy, 1999; Scoular and Care, 2020), online learn-
ing (Rosen et al., 2020) and military tasks (Swiecki
et al., 2020). It entails individuals working to-
gether responsively to solve a problem. Assessing
the amount of collaboration that has taken place is
however a challenging endeavour (Hao et al., 2017).
Within the educational context, students interact with
and influence each other in CPS. From the teacher’s
perspective, it is essential to have a gauge of the level
of collaboration taking place within a learning activ-
ity so that interventions to enhance collaboration can
be implemented if necessary. Some studies (Rabbany
et al., 2014) have since used interactions and partici-
pation of students in a collaborative setting as a mea-
sure of collaboration. In addition, the proliferation of
educational digital tools in teaching and learning has
also made it easier to capture and store students’ in-
teractions and actions performed within the tool itself.
These interaction logs in turn offer a treasure trove
Fwa, H.
Investigating Collaborative Problem Solving Temporal Dynamics Using Interactions Within a Digital Whiteboard.
DOI: 10.5220/0012011500003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 367-373
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
for mining or uncovering the collaborative activities
of students.
Educational technology tools are prevalent in the
modern classroom and the use of some of these tools
are further accelerated during the Covid-19 pandemic
when many educational institutions had to transform
from synchronous to asynchronous form of teaching.
To ensure that the learning outcomes are not com-
promised when they pivot to online teaching, educa-
tors leveraged on tools such as Zoom for delivery of
lessons and Learning Management System (LMS) for
dissemination of teaching materials. Messaging plat-
forms are also used to maintain communications with,
foster collaboration and enhance engagement of their
students. The compendium of educational technol-
ogy tools helps in replicating to a certain extent, the
learning experience and engagement of face-to-face
teaching in an online environment.
Digital whiteboard is one such tool that affords
both teachers and students to collaborate and com-
plete tasks online without the need to meet face to
face. Digital whiteboards are cloud-based and pro-
vides a virtual space for teams to brainstorm and or-
ganize ideas. A physical whiteboard or pen and pa-
per have traditionally been used for groups of learners
to work on collaborative tasks constrained to a collo-
cated face-to-face setting though. In comparison, a
digital whiteboard offers the possibility for multiple
learners to work collaboratively and simultaneously
in an asynchronous fashion. With digital whiteboards,
learners are also not confined by the physical limits of
a physical whiteboard or paper. With a digital white-
board, the produced artifact and action traces of learn-
ers are also automatically captured and stored.
Emerging research has investigated collaborative
behaviour in problem-solving tasks using the “coding
and counting” method where the interaction logs are
classified into category and various statistical mea-
sures are then computed (Andrews-Todd and Forsyth,
2020; Tausczik et al., 2014) for each category. The
computed statistical measures are then compared for
conclusions on the effects of the manipulated vari-
ables on group behaviour (Suthers, 2006). CPS is
however an interactive and temporal process where
the actions are produced as a series of inter-connected
steps. By aggregating counts over a fixed period of
time, the “coding and counting” technique loses the
valuable temporal information embedded within the
interactions (Kapur, 2011).
In this study, we thus seek to identify the collab-
oration patterns of students by mining the temporal
sequence of their actions logs captured within a digi-
tal whiteboard tool.
In the study by Perera et al. (2008), the authors tasked
their students to work collaboratively to develop soft-
ware solutions for clients. The entire software de-
velopment process activities from ticket issuance and
tracking, documentation to source code version con-
trol were tracked through an open-source professional
software development tracking system. Clustering
was first applied to identify patterns characterising the
behaviour of groups and individual students. Sequen-
tial pattern mining techniques were next applied to re-
veal temporal patterns or sequence of events charac-
terising the work of stronger versus weaker students
and groups. The results also indicated the value of
analysis on the resource and individual level rather
than just the group level. The authors postulated that
the results can be used to both educate the students
on aspects of group work and as a form of formative
feedback to the students to nudge them towards good
collaborative practices.
The research by Martinez et al. (2011) was mo-
tivated by the goal of mining large amounts of data
generated from learners’ interactions with interac-
tive tabletop. The authors captured the raw interac-
tion logs from 6 groups of 3 students and compacted
them into sequences of actions before clustering the
sequences based on edit distance between the clus-
ters. Their findings revealed that the high performing
groups tended to discuss their thoughts and work in
parallel with different objects while the low perform-
ing groups tended to work sequentially with objects.
More recently, Zhou et al. (2022) transcribed and
coded zoom video recordings of college students
solving exercises within an online physics game.
They applied a temporal analysis technique, Multi-
level Vector Autoregression (mIVAR) on transcribed
video sequences of 10-seconds windows for the in-
vestigation of CPS processes. The models were ap-
plied separately on successful and unsuccessful CPS
sequences. The findings revealed six temporal rela-
tionships common to both groups (successful and un-
successful CPS sequences), six unique to only suc-
cessful attempts and another eight unique to only un-
successful attempts.
The above three studies applied and demonstrated
the feasibility of temporal mining techniques for re-
vealing differences in collaboration patterns between
high and low performing groups in CPS. In the cur-
rent study, we continue this line of research by utiliz-
ing action logs from students collaborating on a digi-
tal whiteboard. The first two studies discussed above
compiled the raw interactions logs into frequent se-
quences of coded actions before the application of
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
clustering techniques to cluster the sequences into
groups for analysis of collaboration behaviour. The
sequences of coded actions are however specific to a
unique learning activity and would not be applicable
to a different learning activity. To illustrate, the action
sequences in the study by Martinez et al. (2011) com-
prises of frequently occurring actions such as mov-
ing, enlarging and shrinking of objects. The enlarg-
ing and shrinking of objects is however specific to a
tabletop scenario where the objects are first displayed
in a minimized form due to space constraint on the
tabletop and may not recur in another learning sce-
nario. Thus, in our study, we investigate into the use
of more generalizable features that can apply to most
CPS scenarios.
This leads to our research question: Can we iden-
tify collaboration patterns of students from their se-
quence of actions working on a digital whiteboard
over a specified time-period in a CPS scenario using
generic features?
The participant of this research comprises of 30 year-
one university students (by convenience sampling)
from the faculty of computer science and informa-
tion systems and the faculty of accountancy within
our university. They were part of the 2 classes of
42 students and 34 students undertaking the course of
data management taught by the author in 2 separate
semesters of academic year 2022. The data manage-
ment course spans a total duration of fifteen weeks
and covers the fundamentals of relational database
which includes data modelling, data design (Entity-
Relationship diagram) and database implementation.
This research has been reviewed and approved by the
university’s institutional review board and all 30 stu-
dents have given written consent for their data to be
used in this research.
3.1 Digital Whiteboard
The digital whiteboarding software Miro
( was introduced to the
students in week 2 of the course. In each lesson, the
students were first introduced to the concepts to be
covered in the class. Other than instructor elaboration
on some demonstration exercises, in-class exercises
were dispersed throughout the entire lesson. An
active learning approach was undertaken where
students worked on the in-class exercises on the
digital whiteboard collaboratively in groups of three.
The digital whiteboarding software, Miro facili-
tates discussions and interactions among groups with
a mix of remote and in class students. Miro offers
collaboration features such as chat and zoom inte-
gration and more importantly synchronous interaction
features where participants can see each other’s anno-
tations and drawings on a real time basis. For this
study, we only store and analyse the historical action
logs of the students within the digital whiteboard plat-
form. Although chat and zoom integration were of-
fered by the digital whiteboard, the voice recordings
and chat history were not used for this study.
The students were tasked with a group assignment
to be submitted by week 8 (which involves designing
an ER diagram for a provided scenario). The students
were required to form groups of maximum 3 students
to complete the assignment using Miro. The students
who participated in this research conducted their dis-
cussion both synchronously and asynchronously as
afforded by the online collaboration features of Miro.
Only the action logs for the assignment (and not the
in-class exercises) were stored and used for analysis.
The students were briefed on the aims and details of
the research and we only use the Miro canvases of
students whom have given informed consent to partic-
ipate in the study. This research was also submitted to
and approved by our university’s Institutional Review
Board (IRB).
The board history feature in Miro stores a list of
historical actions performed by the logged in user.
The logged information includes the user who per-
formed the action, the date and time of the action
and details on the specific action performed e.g. add,
edit and delete and the object acted on e.g. text, line,
shape, sticky note e.t.c. Miro offers a Representa-
tional State Transfer (Fielding and Taylor, 2002) Ap-
plication Programming Interface (REST API) inter-
face for developers to extend on the current capabili-
ties of Miro but unfortunately does not provide for the
retrieval of board histories through REST API. Thus,
we developed our own Python program to web scrap
(Mitchell, 2018) the board histories of the 10 groups’
canvases. The scrapped logs are stored as comma de-
limited files.
The raw logs contain details of the user actions
such as the user’s name, date and time of action and
the action type i.e. add, edit or delete. We then ag-
gregated the action details into sessions of 10 minutes
in duration. From the action logs, a session with 10
minutes duration would have accumulated adequate
number of actions with a higher possibility of other
members of the team acting on the whiteboard canvas
within the session and thus the decision on breaking
into 10 minutes session. The action logs were not
continuously in time dimension and there could be
Investigating Collaborative Problem Solving Temporal Dynamics Using Interactions Within a Digital Whiteboard
long breaks (up to a few days) between consecutive
actions. Actions that had a prior long break were con-
sidered as a new session of actions. This also explains
why duration of some sessions may not be exactly 10
We next computed the number of pauses, num-
ber of unique users, number of actions and the length
of duration for each session. These constitute the
features that were passed into our machine learning
model for prediction. To reiterate, these features were
chosen as they are generic across different learning
scenarios. We define pauses as breaks between con-
secutive actions that are more than a minute but less
than 10 minutes in duration. Pauses between ac-
tions are posited as periods of cognitive processing
in a number of research (O’Brien, 2006; Lacruz et al.,
2012; Shrestha et al., 2022). We also consider pauses
as a time period where students stop to think about ei-
ther the past actions or the next action to take which
would very probably lead on to better or ‘more con-
sidered’ future actions. The number of unique users
within a session signifies the amount of collabora-
tion taking place. We consider that a session which
has a number of students acting on the same white-
board canvas would likely be evident of collaboration
and discussion taking place among the students. The
number of actions is the total count of the add, edit
and delete actions within a session while the duration
length is the length of each session in seconds.
3.2 Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
Taking temporality into account is important in the
modelling of collaboration behaviour among groups.
Comparing 2 groups of students collaborating to work
on a common problem, the trajectory of actions (per-
formed by the students) across the time domain would
likely differ for the 2 groups. The Hidden Markov
Model (Rabiner, 1989) lends itself well in the mod-
elling of the temporal sequences of actions for uncov-
ering collaboration sequences.
HMMs consist of stochastic Markov chains based
on a set of hidden states whose values cannot be di-
rectly observed with the relationship between a hid-
den state and the actual observations being modelled
with a probability distribution. HMMs adhere to the
Markov property which states that the state of a model
at time t is only dependent on the state of the model
at time t-1 and not on other prior states such that
) = P(S
, S
) (1)
A HMM is described by the tuple {S, O, A, B, π}
N: Number of hidden states
S: {S
, S
, ..., S
M: Number of observation symbols
O = {O
, O
, ..., O
A = {a
i j
}, where a
i j
= P(S
, S
);i, j = 1, ..., N
B = {b
}, where b
The model parameters are valid probabilities that
must satisfy the following constraints:
i j
= 1,
(k) = 1 (2)
The probability of being in state i at time t
is given
by π = {π
}, where π
= P(S
HMMs can be used in unsupervised learning and
we adopted the unsupervised learning approach in this
research. This allows for the discovery of hidden
patterns without tedious human labelling as is done
in many other studies (Boussemart et al., 2009; Li
and Biswas, 2002; Trabelsi et al., 2013). In unsu-
pervised learning, the model parameters H = (A, B, π)
are learned by maximizing
|H), the sum
of the posterior log-likelihoods of each training se-
quence O
using a form of expectation-maximization
(Dempster et al., 1977) called the Baum-Welch algo-
rithm (Baum et al., 1972).
We model the observations as Gaussian distribu-
tions as the features are continuous valued. We also
took the logarithms of both number of actions and du-
ration length before passing them as features into the
model. Models with a number of hidden states rang-
ing from 2 to 6 were trained multiple times with dif-
ferent randomly assigned initial parameters in order
to avoid convergence to a local optimum. The train-
ing was performed through the unsupervised Baum-
Welch learning technique. We used the Bayesian In-
formation Criterion (BIC) for determining the num-
ber of hidden states for the HMM. BIC allows for the
comparison of models with different number of hid-
den states, trained on the same underlying data. BIC
penalizes the likelihood of the model by a complexity
factor proportional to the number of parameters P in
the model and the number of training observations K.
BIC = 2 log(L (H)) + P log(K) (3)
Table 1: BIC values for the various number of hidden states.
No. of hidden states BIC
2 2075.14
3 1115.91
4 1089.71
5 365.75
6 291.65
From Table 1, although the BIC value for 6 hidden
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
states is the lowest, we chose 3 hidden states model
instead as the results are more interpretable.
The mean values of the features learned by the chosen
3 hidden states HMM is shown in Table 2.
State 1 is characterized by low number of pauses,
one participating user with a low number of actions
within a short duration and thus we labelled it as the
“Low Activity” state.
State 2 is characterized by high number of pauses,
one participating user with a moderate number of ac-
tions within a moderate duration and thus the label of
“Solitary Contributor”.
State 3 has high number of pauses, high number of
participating unique users and high number of actions
within a long duration of time. This suggests a session
with multiple users performing actions on the canvas
but with more pauses or more deliberated actions. We
infer that the users may be discussing and acting after
cognitive processing of the impact of their actions and
thus the label “Cognitive collaboration”.
Table 3 shows the probability of transiting from
the source states in rows to the destination states in
columns. From the table, a user who is in “Low
Activity” state is likely to either stay in this state or
transit to “Solitary Contributor”. A user who is in
the “Solitary Contributor” state is more likely to stay
in the “Solitary Contributor” state and a user who is
in the “Cognitive Contributor” state would likely re-
main in this state. Across the different groups of stu-
dents, we then summed up the predicted hidden states
across the sessions to gauge the difference in collab-
oration patterns across the groups. The proportion of
states aggregated across all the sessions for the differ-
ent groups of students is shown below. Only groups
of students with more than 20 sessions are shown be-
low as we wanted to compare between groups which
were more active i.e. worked substantially more and
longer on their whiteboard canvas. Teams 1, 3, 4, 5
and 8 were identified as the more ‘active’ groups and a
comparison of the collaborative behaviour of the more
‘active’ groups is shown in Figure 1.
From the results, we have identified collaboration
states of students from their sequence of actions work-
ing on a digital whiteboard. As manifestations of stu-
dents’ interaction patterns, these states provided in-
sight into the collaboration behaviours of the students.
Specifically, we have inferred from the trained HMM,
the 3 states of collaboration Low Activity, Soli-
tary Contributor and Cognitive Collaboration. The
“Low Activity” state denotes a session where students
are not acting on the whiteboard canvas while the
“Solitary Contributor” state denotes a session where
a single student is working on the whiteboard canvas.
The ideal session will be the “Cognitive Collabora-
tion” state where multiple students are working on the
whiteboard canvas and the actions are more deliber-
ated as hinted by the occurrence of pauses within the
We further analysed the temporal evolution of stu-
dents’ collaboration patterns with the state transition
matrix. The state transition matrix in Table 2 indi-
cated that students in the “Solitary Contributor” ses-
sion tend to remain so and this applies for the “Cog-
nitive Contributor” state as well. We thus conclude
from the state transition matrix that a team who is
collaborative and encourages participation from their
members tend to stay collaborative while a team pos-
sibly with a dominant member who makes the most
contribution tend to continue demonstrating solitary
or non-collaborative behaviour. This signifies that if
we can implement interventions to encourage the stu-
dents to collaborate at the initial stage of the project
work, then the collaboration will likely persist.
As shown in Fig 1, teams 1, 3 and 8 had propor-
tionately more sessions that were predicted as “SC”
states while teams 4 and 5 had proportionately more
sessions that were predicted as “CC”. This suggests
that teams 4 and 5 are more collaborative as com-
pared to the other teams. The whiteboard canvas as-
signments of the teams were assessed by a different
instructor and all 5 teams scored at least a B grade
for their assignment. This indicates that the extend
of collaboration within a team as predicted from their
members’ interaction actions on the whiteboard can-
vas seem to have no impact on their work quality.
We surmise that this may possibly be attributed to the
“SC” teams having cognitively capable member who
did most of the work.
We performed mining of students’ raw interactions
within a digital whiteboard using HMM in a CPS sce-
nario. The students were collaborating in groups of
3 to work on an entity-relationship diagram design
assignment. Our objective was to identify collabo-
ration patterns of students from their sequence of ac-
tions working on a digital whiteboard over a specified
time-period in a CPS scenario using generic features.
Investigating Collaborative Problem Solving Temporal Dynamics Using Interactions Within a Digital Whiteboard
Table 2: Mean values of the features learned by 3 hidden states HMM.
No. of pauses No. of
No. of actions Duration in secs Description
1 0.96 1.00 2.62 1.00 Low Activity
2 3.29 1.01 8.59 227.80 Solitary Con-
tributor (SC)
3 4.11 2.37 11.79 353.59 Cognitive
Figure 1: Comparison between collaborative behaviour of more ”active” groups.
Table 3: Transition probabilities between the various states.
Hidden State LA SC CC
LA 0.38 0.47 0.15
SC 0.27 0.58 0.15
CC 0.17 0.27 0.56
From the raw interaction logs extracted from the dig-
ital whiteboard, we collated them into sessions with
each session comprising of generic features such as
number of pauses, number of unique users, number
of actions and the length of duration. These were then
passed into a HMM for unsupervised learning of the
hidden states and the transition probabilities between
the various states.
The results revealed 3 clusters of collaborative be-
haviours namely “Low Activity”, “Solitary Contribu-
tor” and “Cognitive Collaboration” and that early col-
laborative behaviour tend to persist. This suggests op-
portunities for implementing interventions at an early
phase of the learning activity for a longer-lasting col-
laboration among the team members. Comparing the
collaborative behaviour of “active” groups, we con-
clude that the extend of collaboration has no bearing
on the quality of their final artifact though. For future
work, we would like to investigate the generalizabil-
ity of our work by extending it into a different CPS
scenario using digital whiteboards.
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Investigating Collaborative Problem Solving Temporal Dynamics Using Interactions Within a Digital Whiteboard