2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9 10
Effort to reach consensus (E)
Effort without artefact
Effort using artefact
% improvement
% Improvement
Figure 14: (Effort to reach consensus with and without an
artefact. The bands indicate 1-σ, n=500.
4-group needs (on average) 42.8 actions without an
artefact and 60.4 actions with an artefact to reach con-
sensus, a 3-group needs 20.9 and 31.3 actions without
and with an artefact, and a 2-group needs 3.3 actions
without and 12.6 actions with an artefact.
On the other hand, any group with size larger than
5 show significant improvement in time t
when us-
ing an artefact, as can be seen from the % improve-
ment plotted in Figure 13 and Figure 14.
In this paper we described a simulator for studying or-
ganisational structure with the aim to model complex
organisations and the effects of team structure, organ-
isational structure and the use of artefacts to improve
project delivery. We presented theoretical and statisti-
cal models for polyarchical structures. We presented
the simulation results for modelling polyarchical or-
ganisations of various sizes.
Some of the interesting results we found was that
for a given problem size, a team of 6 will need ap-
proximately 10 times longer to reach consensus what
would a team of 2. A team of 10 will need 100 times
the effort to reach consensus compared to a team of
2. The use of artefacts to facilitate consensus discus-
sions greatly improve the time and effort needed to
reach consensus if the group is bigger than 5. Finally,
if the problem has a fixed size, then there is an upper
bound on the time needed to reach consensus, no mat-
ter how many people are involved (on the assumption
that every one is cooperative).
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SIMULTECH 2023 - 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications