floating vegetation class improved and the UA got
lower, when the reference and classification dates
were timely closer. This may be accounted to (i)
floating vegetation formation density/ geometry (in
line with international literature findings), (ii) floating
vegetation formation density/ geometry alterations
due to hydrometeorological disturbance with time,
and/ or (iii) changes in the distribution of floating
vegetation in the estuary through time (for timely
more apart reference and classification dates).
Further experimentation is required, where ground
reference data allow, to enhance the transferability of
the approach. Reference data acquisition across
additional sites may allow testing strict thresholding
performance and possibly evolving adaptive
thresholding techniques; thus, leading to
generalization of the approach. Ground data may also
support augmenting the suggested approach by
encompassing submerged aquatic vegetation
mapping. This is still a challenge for Earth
Observation due to the influence of the water column
on the reflected signal.
This research has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation
Action programme under Grant Agreement
101004157 – WQeMS, and was partially supported
by the GEF-UNEP funded ‘Towards INMS’ project
(www.inms.international). Ground reference data
were acquired within the projects NDR#602 funded
by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
(2020-2022) and ENI CBC BSB PONTOS (Grant
Agreement: BSB 889).
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