using these Fog resources. We implement the ap-
proach on an existing use case (Reachy) which could
also have industrial vocation. The validation of the
simulator on which the approach is based consisted
mainly on the validation of the machine learning mod-
els used (accurate on average at 95 % with a predic-
tion margin of 23 s for each request, not really im-
pacting the global life-cycle duration of the applica-
tion) to estimate the request completion time. This
approach can therefore, also greatly help industrial
companies (and/or those who base their activities on
the use of robots) to have an approximate idea of the
budget required for the activities of their robots on
Fog resources. This approach also saves the finan-
cial budget and the use of the robot’s battery, allow-
ing it to perform more tasks. However, a similar ap-
proach should be implemented in the generic case of
platform, where Fog resources are heterogeneous and
dynamic and robots are mobile. The study indeed de-
serves reflection because it is not just an implementa-
tion of the knapsack problem as in the case of static
heterogeneous resources.
We are deeply grateful to all those who played a
role in the success of this project. We would like
to thank Interreg AiBLE and REACT-EU UV-Bot for
their support throughout the research process.
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