dles NIID data much better than FedAvg. Also, the
CNN model performs better than MLP in this simula-
tion arrangement. It is found that FedProx with strag-
gling clients outperformed FedAvg, likely due to the
inherent randomness of the client’s selection.
The work opens the area for future research where
such algorithms could be analysed in more complex
environments with multiple probabilities of stragglers
and different data distributions. The results obtained
in this work show promise about the suitability of
Federated Learning approaches in the SLICES re-
search infrastructure, where heterogeneous devices
with their private data distribution may participate
in a (common) experiment to achieve the benefits
of programmable environments with many participat-
ing clients without relinquishing privacy concerns and
unique site requirements.
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Empirical Analysis of Federated Learning Algorithms: A Federated Research Infrastructure Use Case