A STEM Virtual Lab to Improve Girls’ Attitude Towards Technology
Katherine Vergara
ıcia Universidad Cat
olica de Chile, Chile
STEM, Online Learning, Virtual Lab, Girls, Computer Science.
The persistent gender gap in technology has prompted initiatives to attract girls to this area. While virtual
labs are useful tools for facilitating STEM education, most approaches focus on specific STEM areas, such
as chemistry or physics. This study proposes an integrated STEM approach to improve girls’ attitudes
towards technology careers. The study involved the development and testing of a STEM virtual laboratory
that allowed girls to experiment with technology components, apply engineering concepts, and use math to
solve science-based exercises in one place. Pre- and post-intervention questionnaires were used to assess
attitudes towards different STEM areas. The results indicated that girls had a more positive attitude towards
science compared to other STEM areas before the intervention. However, after the intervention, the girls in the
intervention group had a significantly better attitude towards technology than the control group, and were also
more inclined towards a technology career. These findings suggest that an integrated STEM approach could be
beneficial for improving girls’ attitudes towards technology, while also improving perceptions towards other
STEM topics. Although the study’s sample size was small, the findings provide preliminary evidence of the
potential benefits of an integrated STEM approach for improving gender diversity in technology.
The underrepresentation of women in technology
fields has led to a widening gender gap. Notably,
the percentage of women pursuing technology studies
in the United States has declined from 37% in the
1980s to 20% in 2020 (Lynkova, 2021). Similarly,
in Chile, women constitute only 20% of those
pursuing technology careers 2020 (CTCI, 2020). This
underrepresentation is problematic, not only due to
the lack of diversity that stunts creativity (Franklin,
2013), but also because of the missed opportunity
for economic development for women and their
respective countries (Berlien et al., 2016; Fern
et al., 2021).
In response to the widening gender gap in
technology, a number of initiatives have emerged
in Chile’s non-formal education sector aimed at
encouraging school-aged girls to pursue careers in
this field (BHP Foundation, 2021; UNESCO, 2021).
These initiatives are geared towards the development
of technical skills, such as programming, circuits or
robotics as a means of promoting gender diversity in
the technology sector, i.e. Laboratoria, Ni
nas Pro,
Kodea, Technovation, Educar Chile, among others.
However, in computer science education, may be
a predominant emphasis on technical, conceptual,
and epistemological knowledge, with an underlying
assumption that this knowledge is neutral in nature
(Patitsas, 2013). Nonetheless, the meaningfulness of
such knowledge is contingent upon its adaptation to
the characteristics of the learners and their approaches
to learning (Herrenkohl et al., 2019).
An approach to adapt computer science learning
to girls is integrating their technical learning with
more accessible subjects (Jain et al., 2022). This
study presents a virtual laboratory that aims to reduce
the gender gap by using science as a hook to attract
girls in middle school toward technology, math, and
engineering, based in previous research about virtual
laboratories and girls (Braswell et al., 2021). The aim
of the study is to understand whether there will be
an enhancement in girls’ attitudes toward technology,
engineering, and math if we include a science-based
This study proposes three hypotheses:
(1) Girls will have a better attitude toward
science than engineering, math, and technology in the
(2) In the post-survey, an enhancement in attitude
towards technology, engineering, and math will be
Vergara, K.
A STEM Virtual Lab to Improve Girls’ Attitude Towards Technology.
DOI: 10.5220/0012038200003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 128-134
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
seen in the group that uses the virtual laboratory.
(3) Girls will be more willing to choose a career
in STEM post-intervention.
Numerous initiatives are in place to increase the
number of girls pursuing careers in computer science.
However, numbers remains low as technical skills
are not always appalling for girls. Girls are
subject to a ”collective programming” (Hofstede,
2011), which comprises psychosocially constructed
and learned beliefs. Through interactions with
others, biases, stereotypes, and negative affective
responses towards computer science are internalized,
which in turn generates a negative affective state
towards technology and related careers for many girls
(Charters et al., 2014).
These gender stereotypes typically become
established between the ages of 7 and 11 (Banse
et al., 2010). The optimal time for positive
intervention may be around 12-13 years old; at this
age, stereotypes can still be challenged (Robnett and
Leaper, 2013), while opportunities to do so decrease
from 14 years old onwards (Khan and Rodrigues,
2016). As individuals age, the regulation of gender
bias becomes more difficult, even when they are
aware of the stereotype (Radvansky et al., 2010).
One approach to changing the attitudes of girls
towards computer science may involve incorporating
more engaging subject matter, as there is evidence to
suggest that combining different areas of STEM for
educational purposes can be advantageous (Strobel,
2011; Flynn, 2011), e.g. combining math and science
has positive effects ((Kurt and Pehlivan, 2013; Hurley,
2001; Pang and Good, 2010). In this scenario, there
is an opportunity to study how science can enhance
the learning of the other three areas of STEM, as
there is evidence that girls feel closer to science.
For instance, Chile has no difference in standard
science tests among girls and boys (ACE, 2019). This
situation can be encounter in most countries (Stoet
and Geary, 2018).
However, the incorporation of science
experiments in education can be costly due to the
nature of science education being highly reliant on
experimentation. Hands-on activities are expensive,
which has given rise to the development of virtual
laboratories (Steidley and Bachnak, 2005).
A virtual lab is a type of online platform that
allows students to simulate laboratory experiments
and conduct scientific investigations in a virtual
environment (Kfir, 2001). It typically consists of
a suite of computer-based tools and resources that
enable learners to explore scientific concepts, carry
out experiments, and analyze data in real-time.
Virtual laboratories also reduce hazard risks, allow
autonomous experimentation, and are an option
for students in rural areas (Aljuhani et al., 2018).
Additionally, virtual education were critical for
STEM education during the pandemic (Radhamani
et al., 2021)
Virtual laboratories have been used for
engineering (Perales et al., 2019), electronics
(Evstatiev et al., 2019), and mechatronics (Vitliemov
et al., 2020). Also other organizations have a
wide range of laboratories, e.g. PhET interactive
simulations, Labster o Laband in Physics, Chemistry,
Math, Earth Science, and Biology.
However, all of these virtual laboratories focus on
only one subject at a time, while this project combines
the four STEM areas into one single laboratory.
3.1 STEM Virtual Laboratory
In 2021, the Chilean Foundation Ingeniosas
developed the STEM virtual laboratory, which
was created with three crucial principles in mind:
(1) It was designed to comply with the laws of
physics and nature.
(2) It was created with an intuitive interface that
is accessible to students with varying levels of digital
(3) It allows students to combine science,
technology, engineering, and math in a single
This Spanish-language, open-access tool offers
a blank workspace and a palette of elements on
the left-hand side, accompanied by step-by-step
instructional videos, providing a user-friendly
interface. The STEM virtual lab was designed
similarly to other virtual laboratories that were
analyzed during the preliminary design phase.
The STEM virtual laboratory is a comprehensive
tool that offers a wide range of components, including
resistors, batteries, LEDs, and materials like water,
vinegar, and ice. This feature allows students to
experiment with technology and apply mathematical
and engineering concepts to solve science-based
problems. In addition, students can create prototypes
using a protoboard or a white canvas within the virtual
space and connect them with jumpers, allowing for
a hands-on experience in a simulated environment
(Figure 1).
A STEM Virtual Lab to Improve Girls’ Attitude Towards Technology
Figure 1: The lab’s interface with a zoom to show the
boiling water.
Also, the student can change the orientation of
the pieces or change the colors of the LED and the
jumpers, zoom in and out and erase and save the work
in progress, as in other virtual labs.
The STEM lab provides students with the
opportunity to learn and explore scientific concepts
and principles in a virtual environment. Through
the platform, teachers can access instructions and
class plans, which outline specific experiments and
exercises to conduct in the classroom. These include
astronomy and earth sciences problems that require
the use of engineering, math, and technology to be
In addition to following the teachers
instructions, students can also engage in self-guided
experimentation by accessing videos that offer
exercises to guide their experimentation. This allows
them to work autonomously and at their own pace,
while still receiving the support and guidance needed
to conduct experiments successfully.
Furthermore, the STEM lab also allow for
student-led experimentation, giving them the freedom
to propose their own experiments and problems to
solve. This provides a unique opportunity for students
to develop critical thinking skills and to explore their
own interests within the field of STEM. (Figure 2).
3.2 Experimental Setup
This study used a STEM attitude scale designed for
school-age children, evaluating attitude and effect on
a future career choice at a particular moment (Benek
and Akcay, 2019). Assistance to the intervention was
not mandatory by the school. The participants were
students at an all-girls middle school in a low-income
context in Chile. A class of 38 students was invited
and subsequently divided into two random groups: a
control and an intervention group.
Figure 2: STEM virtual laboratory in use.
Table 1 shows the number of participants and
survey responses obtained for both groups; On the day
of the intervention, 15 students from the control group
and 13 from the intervention group participated. In
the control group, 13 filled the pre-survey, 8 filled the
post-survey, and 8 girls filled both surveys. In the
intervention group, 11 filled the pre-survey, 9 filled
the post-survey, and 8 girls filled both surveys. Only
the responses of the girls who filled out both surveys
were used for the analyses.
The experimental design involved the random
assignment of participants to either a control
or intervention group. The topic of circuits
was chosen because it is a fundamental concept
covered in the Technology curriculum, which aligns
with the academic curricula of Chile for this
particular age group. Understanding circuits is
crucial for students to comprehend the fundamental
principles of technology and engineering, as it
provides the foundation for the design and function
of various electronic devices. By focusing on
circuits, students can develop critical thinking and
problem-solving skills while exploring the principles
of electrical circuits, such as voltage, current, and
resistance, which are essential to modern technology.
Furthermore, understanding circuits is beneficial to
students as it can lead to a greater appreciation of the
impact of technology on society and the world around
The control group attended a conventional
workshop that focused solely on the technical aspects
of circuits, using a virtual circuits lab. This workshop
followed a traditional epistemic education approach,
without integrating any science content.
In contrast, the intervention group participated
in a STEM workshop that integrated the concept
of circuits with a science subject, using the STEM
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Responses to survey questions.
Group Total Participants Pre-survey Post-survey Responses to both surveys
Control 15 13 8 8
Intervention 13 11 9 8
virtual lab. The goal was to foster interdisciplinary
learning and connect circuits with scientific concepts.
Both workshops followed a similar instructional
format, beginning with an introduction to the task at
hand and a discussion of how technology can support
education. The existence and benefits of virtual
labs were also explained, as some students had not
previously used them. The instructor then delivered a
didactic presentation, encompassing an introduction
to circuits, a demonstration of how to navigate the
interface, and an explanation of the fundamental
properties of various components, including LED,
jumpers, battery, resistance, and button. Also,
the STEM workshop incorporated a Bunsen burner
among its components. Moreover, both workshops
were facilitated by the same female instructor, and
relied on identical graphical design for on-screen
After the initial introduction, students in the
control group were challenged to build a circuit to
turn on an LED by pressing a button. Students in the
STEM workshop were challenged to create a circuit
to demonstrate how changes in states of matter from
liquid to gas happen using an LED and a Button.
In the control group, students turned on an LED
by connecting a resistance and a button to a battery.
Every time they pushed the button, the light would
turn on, indicating that the experiment was successful.
At the intervention group the students needed
to develop a prototype that would increase the
temperature of a beaker with water to reach the
boiling point, applying engineering, electronics, and
math concepts to assemble the prototype. Students
press a button each time they want to turn on the
LED, which increases the temperature of the water by
10ºC. The students must apply engineering concepts
to decide how to build the prototype and electronics
knowledge to turn on the Bunsen burner. Moreover,
students use math to answer questions such as How
many grades more do we need to get to 100ºC? How
many times do we have to push the button if every time
we push it, the temperature increases by 10ºC?
Both classes culminated with the same brief
presentation on career paths within STEM,
including information on the corresponding academic
Prior to conducting the experiment, a pre-survey
was administered, and the results showed that both
the intervention and control groups had a similar
attitude toward science, which was higher than
their attitude toward other STEM areas, as depicted
in Figure 3. While the control group had a
slightly better attitude toward math and technology,
and the intervention group had a slightly worse
attitude toward engineering, these differences were
not statistically significant.
Figure 3: Pre-survey attitudes of control and intervention
Following the intervention, another survey was
administered to both groups, and the data was
compared. The results indicated a significant
improvement in the intervention group’s attitude
toward math, engineering, and technology, as
depicted in Figure 4. In contrast, the control group
showed no significant change in their attitude toward
math or engineering, as illustrated in Figure 5.
However, a slightly more positive attitude towards
technology was observed, which could potentially
be attributed to the use of the virtual laboratory or
computer, as well as the application of circuits in the
It is noteworthy that the intervention group
demonstrated a slight improvement in their attitude
towards math after the intervention, which was not
observed in the control group. This finding is
A STEM Virtual Lab to Improve Girls’ Attitude Towards Technology
Figure 4: Change of attitude from pre to post survey in the
intervention group.
Figure 5: Change of attitude from pre to post survey in the
control group.
particularly interesting as math is often viewed as
a challenging subject, and any positive change in
attitude towards it is a significant achievement.
One of the final questions in the survey
asked participants about their future career choices,
specifically whether they would like to pursue a career
in science, engineering, or technology. The results
showed that participants in the intervention group
had a more positive disposition towards pursuing a
career in engineering, science, and technology after
the intervention, as depicted in Figure 6. In contrast,
the control group only exhibited a more positive
disposition towards pursuing a career in technology,
as illustrated in Figure 7.
Finally the study found that students lacked
knowledge about how STEM areas can work together.
In the pre-survey, many of the girls responded with ”I
am not sure” when asked about this topic. However,
after the intervention, we observed an improvement
in this area, but only for the intervention group.
This finding may suggests that the STEM
intervention was effective not only in improving
students’ attitudes and career aspirations but also
in enhancing their understanding of how STEM
areas can work together. This is an essential
aspect of STEM education, as it encourages students
to develop a more holistic and interdisciplinary
approach to problem-solving. By demonstrating the
interconnectedness of STEM areas, students are more
likely to appreciate the importance of these fields and
the significant role they play in shaping our world
inspiring them to pursue a career in these areas.
Figure 6: Change of attitude in the intervention group
regarding future career.
Figure 7: Change of attitude in the control group regarding
future career.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
This study proposes and assesses the efficacy of a
science-based STEM virtual laboratory designed to
encourage girls to explore STEM fields and narrow
the gender gap in technology.
Overall, the STEM virtual lab offers a flexible,
engaging, and interactive learning experience that
empowers students to gain a deeper understanding of
scientific concepts and principles. Through hands-on
experimentation and problem-solving, students can
develop the skills and knowledge necessary for future
careers in technology.
The results of this study suggest that girls have a
better attitude towards science than in other STEM
areas before the intervention in both control an
intervention group, which is consistent with the
literature and confirm hypothesis (1). Girl’s attitude
towards engineering, math, and tech improved after
the intervention, consistently with hypothesis (2).
They also were more inclined towards a STEM career
after the intervention, cording hypothesis (3).
The intervention of the STEM virtual lab
resulted in a notable improvement in the students’
understanding of how different STEM areas work
together. Prior to the intervention, it was identified
that there was a lack of knowledge in this area, which
was subsequently addressed through the use of the
virtual lab.
It’s important to note that the STEM virtual lab is
a valuable educational tool for both boys and girls.
However, studies have shown that virtual labs can
be particularly engaging for girls, as they provide a
safe and supportive environment for them to explore
STEM concepts and develop their skills.
The science based approach of this lab may help
to break down gender stereotypes and encourage girls
to pursue STEM careers by providing opportunities
for them to engage in hands-on experimentation and
problem-solving. However boys can use it and
experiment its benefits as well, and further research
is needed it.
We would like to acknowledge the limitations of this
work. The sample size was small and therefore results
are not generalizable to other contexts. More research
will be needed with a bigger cohort. We also used
self-report as a measure of attitude towards STEM
topics, while objective long-term data (such as actual
career choices) would be preferable to draw solid
Currently, the development of the STEM virtual
lab is focused on incorporating coding capabilities,
which will allow students of all genders to program
and manage experiments using the platform. A
longitudinal study with a larger sample of students is
planned for the future to investigate the persistence
of the observed change in attitude over time. In
addition, to better understand the impact of novelty on
students’ attitudes, further research will be conducted
to minimize its effect in future assessments. The
novelty of using a virtual lab may be influencing
students’ attitudes, and this factor will be taken into
account in the analysis of results.
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Chile, Fundaci
on Ingeniosas and Agencia Nacional
de Investigaci
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education